Constant BSOD, also after new Windows 10 install. Tried Driver Verifier. Can someone help with Debug?


Timde Boer1

Hi all,For a long time I have multiple BSOD's a day. So firstly, I checked my RAM. The timings were not good in the BIOS so I changed them. The BSOD's became less, but still some a day. Then I did a RAM check and the RAM was fine.In the logs it seemed that some faults were happening with the drivers and lots of Windows stuff. So I desided, after a deadline, to do a fresh install of Windows 10 PRO. I installed the drivers from AMD, Gigabyte and Nvidia. Although the bluescreens are almost gone, it still happens sometimes. 1 a day or 1 per a few days.Update: now it is a few times a day again.In t

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