WDS/PXE/TFTP Access Violation Error Message on Windows Server 2008


Ryan Newington


We have installed WDS on several Windows Server 2008 machines, and each
instance has the same fault.

When booting a PXE client, the PXE boot fails with a TFTP: Access Violation

Further testing by running TFTP manually from a command line returns the
same result.

C:\Users\Administrator>tftp -i GET /boot/x86/pxeboot.com
Error on server : Access violation.

turning on advanced logging reveals the following information in the
\windows\tracing log folder

[4064] 12:02:08: [UDPPorts] Allocated dynamic port 64401.
[4064] 12:02:08: CUdpHandler::OpenEndpoint: Dynamic Port=64401
[4064] 12:02:08: [WDSTFTP][UDP][Ep=64401] Registered
[4064] 12:02:08: UpdEndpoint::UdpEndpoint = 0221CF00

[4064] 12:02:08: [WDSTFTP][UDP][Ep=][0x0221CF00] Created
[2532] 12:02:08:
Expression: , Win32 Error=5023
[2532] 12:02:08:
Expression: , Win32 Error=5023
[2532] 12:02:08:
Expression: , Win32 Error=5023
[2740] 12:02:08: [WDSTFTP][UDP][Ep=] Deleted.
[2740] 12:02:08: UpdEndpoint::~UdpEndpoint = 0221CF00

[2740] 12:02:08: [WDSTFTP][UDP][Ep=64401] Closed
[2740] 12:02:08: [UdpPorts] Dynamic Port 64401 freed.
[2108] 12:02:10: BufferPoolSet[Trim]: AllocSize=4096, Min=512, Last=0,
Current=513, Trim=1

Win32 Error 5023 - ERROR_INVALID_STATE - means "The group or resource is not
in the correct state to perform the requested operation."

What resource is this error referring to? Nothing more is logged in the
event log or log files to indicate a problem. It just seems to fail silently.

Any advice would be appreciated.


George Yin


Thank you for posting.

I understand that when you boot a PXE client you receive the error message
saying that TFTP access violation. I built a test environment and performed
intensive research on this issue. Finally, I could reproduce it on my side.
Based on my research, this problem may occur when the outbound ports
between UdpEndPort and UdpEndPort have been blocked.

So, I would like to suggest you check the following configurations and see
if they are configured correctly.

1. Locate at
pcPort" of the Registry. See the data value of UdpStartPort and UdpEndPort.
Usually UdpStartPort is 64001 in decimal and UdpEndPort is 65000 (you can
change them according to your need).

2. Do not block the outbound ports from "UdpStartPort" to "UdpEndPort".

Please let me know how it goes.

If you have any further questions, you can post issues to the Windows
Server 2008 forum:


I hope this helps.

George Yin
Microsoft Online Support
Microsoft Global Technical Support Center

Get Secure! - www.microsoft.com/security
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Ryan Newington

RE: WDS/PXE/TFTP Access Violation Error Message on Windows Server

Hi George,

Thanks for getting back to me.

That was my inital suspicion, but I can confirm that Windows Firewall is
off, and I have tried changing the port ranges to various other values
without success.

Running netstat confirms that none of the ports in the range are currently
in use on the machine.


"George Yin(MSFT)" wrote:

> Hello,
> Thank you for posting.
> I understand that when you boot a PXE client you receive the error message
> saying that TFTP access violation. I built a test environment and performed
> intensive research on this issue. Finally, I could reproduce it on my side.
> Based on my research, this problem may occur when the outbound ports
> between UdpEndPort and UdpEndPort have been blocked.
> So, I would like to suggest you check the following configurations and see
> if they are configured correctly.
> 1. Locate at
> "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\WDSServer\Parameters\R
> pcPort" of the Registry. See the data value of UdpStartPort and UdpEndPort.
> Usually UdpStartPort is 64001 in decimal and UdpEndPort is 65000 (you can
> change them according to your need).
> 2. Do not block the outbound ports from "UdpStartPort" to "UdpEndPort".
> Please let me know how it goes.
> If you have any further questions, you can post issues to the Windows
> Server 2008 forum:
> http://forums.microsoft.com/TechNet/default.aspx?ForumGroupID=161&SiteID=17
> I hope this helps.
> Sincerely,
> George Yin
> Microsoft Online Support
> Microsoft Global Technical Support Center
> Get Secure! - www.microsoft.com/security
> =====================================================
> When responding to posts, please "Reply to Group" via your newsreader so
> that others may learn and benefit from your issue.
> =====================================================
> This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

George Yin

RE: WDS/PXE/TFTP Access Violation Error Message on Windows Server


Thank you for the reply.

Well, based on my experience, if these steps don't work, then this issue
could be much complicated as it's hard to tell what the exact cause is
simply from this log. Let us perform some test so that we can narrow down
this issue.

1. Firstly, please try this command "tftp -i get
boot\x86\pxeboot.com" (I have changed some syntax from your previous
command), see if the error occurs.

2. If the same error remains when you run the previous command, please
locate at the Registry path
STFTP". Check the ReadFilter and RootFolder value.

The ReadFilter should be

The RootFolder should be

3. Check all the file permissions in the RemoteInstall directory, including
NTFS and share permissions. Make sure all of the critical network boot
files are in the correct folder.

4. Besides, will you please let me know the exact environment
configuration? I noticed there are two IP addresses for one WDS server. Try
to remove the external IP address ( and see if the error

If this problem continues, please help us collect some information so that
we can perform further research:

1. Try to PXE boot the client machine, when do you see this error?
2. Please perform the following steps to take a screen shot of the error

- When the error message appears, press Alt + Pr Scrn to capture a screen
shot. The Pr Scrn is a key on the keyboard. It normally locates above the
Insert key.
- From Start, go to Run, enter MSPAINT in the Open box, and then click OK.
- Use Ctrl + V to paste the screen shot to the canvas.
- From the File menu, go to Save and save as a JPG or BMP file. Please send
it to me at your earliest convenience.

You can send it directly to me at v-chayin@microsoft.com <mailto:
v-chayin@microsoft.com>. I am glad to be of assistance.

George Yin
Microsoft Online Support
Microsoft Global Technical Support Center

Get Secure! - www.microsoft.com/security
When responding to posts, please "Reply to Group" via your newsreader so
that others may learn and benefit from your issue.
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

Ryan Newington

RE: WDS/PXE/TFTP Access Violation Error Message on Windows Server

Hi George,

Changing the forward slash to a backslash in the TFTP command allowed the
file to download successfully.

This is a strange, and as far as I know, undocumented change from WDS in
windows server 2003. We have a non-microsoft DHCP server that doesn't take
kindly to backslashes.

Anyway, to fix the problem, you need to change the ReadFilter registry value

To read

It would be wise for MS to make a KB article about this. There are going to
be plenty of non-MS DHCP servers out there that want to serve up forward
slashes in their PXE referrals. It worked with Server 2003, and broke with
Server 2008.

Thanks for your guidance in helping find the cause of this.



"George Yin(MSFT)" wrote:

> Hello,
> Thank you for the reply.
> Well, based on my experience, if these steps don't work, then this issue
> could be much complicated as it's hard to tell what the exact cause is
> simply from this log. Let us perform some test so that we can narrow down
> this issue.
> 1. Firstly, please try this command "tftp -i get
> boot\x86\pxeboot.com" (I have changed some syntax from your previous
> command), see if the error occurs.
> 2. If the same error remains when you run the previous command, please
> locate at the Registry path
> "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\WDSServer\Providers\WD
> STFTP". Check the ReadFilter and RootFolder value.
> The ReadFilter should be
> \boot\*
> \tmp\*
> The RootFolder should be
> C:\RemoteInstalls
> 3. Check all the file permissions in the RemoteInstall directory, including
> NTFS and share permissions. Make sure all of the critical network boot
> files are in the correct folder.
> 4. Besides, will you please let me know the exact environment
> configuration? I noticed there are two IP addresses for one WDS server. Try
> to remove the external IP address ( and see if the error
> remains.
> If this problem continues, please help us collect some information so that
> we can perform further research:
> 1. Try to PXE boot the client machine, when do you see this error?
> 2. Please perform the following steps to take a screen shot of the error
> message:
> - When the error message appears, press Alt + Pr Scrn to capture a screen
> shot. The Pr Scrn is a key on the keyboard. It normally locates above the
> Insert key.
> - From Start, go to Run, enter MSPAINT in the Open box, and then click OK.
> - Use Ctrl + V to paste the screen shot to the canvas.
> - From the File menu, go to Save and save as a JPG or BMP file. Please send
> it to me at your earliest convenience.
> You can send it directly to me at v-chayin@microsoft.com <mailto:
> v-chayin@microsoft.com>. I am glad to be of assistance.
> Sincerely,
> George Yin
> Microsoft Online Support
> Microsoft Global Technical Support Center
> Get Secure! - www.microsoft.com/security
> =====================================================
> When responding to posts, please "Reply to Group" via your newsreader so
> that others may learn and benefit from your issue.
> =====================================================
> This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

George Yin

RE: WDS/PXE/TFTP Access Violation Error Message on Windows Server


Thank you for getting back to me.

It's great to hear that it has been resolved and thank you for your
suggestions. I will create a solution object for this issue so that other
support engineers can resolve similar issues efficiently in the future. In
our content publishing system, solution objects are one source of Knowledge
Base article candidates. if a solution object is quoted by many cases or
support engineers it will be published as a Knowledge Base article.

Thank you again and have a nice day!

George Yin
Microsoft Online Support
Microsoft Global Technical Support Center

Get Secure! - www.microsoft.com/security
When responding to posts, please "Reply to Group" via your newsreader so
that others may learn and benefit from your issue.
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

Stefan Zahnd

WDS/PXE/TFTP Access Violation Error Message on WindowsServer


I have near the same Problem, with the difference that i can connect to the server with tftp from other computers in the network...

I use:
Windows Server 2008 as Deployment Server with
- SCCM 07 (SP1 V: 4.00.6181.1000)
- WDS installed and works fine
- DHCP Server
- SQL Server

Windows Server 2003 R2 as ActiveDirectory

(All Microsoft Software, no 3rd Partie)

What would i do:
I'd like to install a Windows XP Pro SP2 on a client using PXE and SCCM.
I created an computer association in SCCM for the client.

What happens:
When i start the client in PXE mode it recives an IP
And then occurs the familiar error

#PXE-T04: Access Violation
#PXE-E36: Error received from TFTP server
#PXE-M0F: Exiting Broadcom PXE ROM

#Selected boot device not available

What have i tried:
I checked the Registry Keys: They all are ok (RootFolder is in my case C:\RemoteInstallation and not C:\RemoteInstalls but correspond with the Folder where the Images are stored)

Further i tried to get the file "boot\x64\pxeboot.com" with command line tftp client. The command works on the
- SCCM Server
- Domain Controller
- Another client that isnt in the domain

It only don't work on the client which is booted with PXE (Dell Precision 370)

Have anyone a idea what else i can try?

Thanks a lot for your Information

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