Ad-Aware SE Personal


On Mar 8, 8:41 am, "David H. Lipman" <DLipman~nosp...@Verizon.Net>
> From: "AAH" <>
> | Try to download the defs file from
> |
> |
> Please don't Multi-Post.
> Please learn to Cross-Post to pertinent, On Topic, News Groups instead.
> Dave
> Multi-AV -

Now that Lavasoft will no longer be supporting Win98SE, I just went to
Super AntiSpyware Free, then went on their forum to verify that they
will continue to support 98SE for some time in the future, here is the
quote from SuperAntiSpy, the forum administrator "Version 4.0 supports
Windows 98SE and definitions in the future always work with previous
versions of the software so there always will be definition updates.
Windows 98 is approaching 11 years old. At some point Windows 98SE
won't makes senses to support as the new technologies only apply to
the NTFS file system, Vista, etc.", then my followup was "So what you
are saying is that even if you stop formally supporting Win98SE, the
definitions will still be available even for version 4.0.1154 that I
am currently using, so SAS will continue to function as it now
functions on my Win98SE computer?", to which their reply was "Yes, it
will continue to function as-is and receive definition updates." After
clearing that up, I gave the software a serious test. Even as a non-
techie, SAS Free seems to function like AdAware, with a very nice
program interface, an excellent replacement. Check it out at "http://
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