WMI 1.5?


Bill in Co.

Anybody installed this (Windows Management Instrumentation 1.5)? And
without any problems? No problems or gotchas were mentioned on the MS
download site that I could see.

Anyways, I found an app that required it I don't know what the base
version is on Windows98SE (assuming there is one, and that its even

Well, I did see a wmi.dll on this system, but the version number makes no
sense (like 5.0).

Don Phillipson

"Bill in Co." <not_really_here@earthlink.net> wrote in message

> Anybody installed this (Windows Management Instrumentation 1.5)? And
> without any problems? No problems or gotchas were mentioned on the MS
> download site that I could see.

On a donated WinXP laptop, WMI (new to me) seemed
(a) corrupted, reported by error messages concerning
(b) networking. I cannot Share laptop drives or complete
NETSETUP. I posted a query on
microsoft.public.windows.server.networking: no answer yet.
Thanks for the pointer to MS KB.
Don Phillipson
Carlsbad Springs
(Ottawa, Canada)

Bill in Co.

Don Phillipson wrote:
> "Bill in Co." <not_really_here@earthlink.net> wrote in message
> news:u2406iBhIHA.5160@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
>> Anybody installed this (Windows Management Instrumentation 1.5)? And
>> without any problems? No problems or gotchas were mentioned on the MS
>> download site that I could see.

> On a donated WinXP laptop, WMI (new to me) seemed
> (a) corrupted, reported by error messages concerning
> (b) networking. I cannot Share laptop drives or complete
> NETSETUP. I posted a query on
> microsoft.public.windows.server.networking: no answer yet.
> Thanks for the pointer to MS KB.

Could you expand on this? Which version did you try? The WMI version
1.5 that I found at the Microsoft site was for Win9x, and not WinXP. Here
is the link:


David H. Lipman


... et al.

Don Phillipson wrote:

> "Bill in Co." <not_really_here@earthlink.net> wrote:
>> Anybody installed this (Windows Management Instrumentation 1.5)? And
>> without any problems? No problems or gotchas were mentioned on the MS
>> download site that I could see.

> On a donated WinXP laptop, WMI (new to me) seemed
> (a) corrupted, reported by error messages concerning

WMI Diagnosis Utility 2.0(2007-01-25)
An unsupported tool supported also under Win98xE so it's perhaps
of broader use, also for Bill and co. :) ( I've only run it
under WinXP. )

Further info on how to repair/reinstall WMI collected by 'Ramesh

> (b) networking. I cannot Share laptop drives or complete
> NETSETUP. I posted a query on
> microsoft.public.windows.server.networking: no answer yet.
> Thanks for the pointer to MS KB.

Nah-ah. I'm staying out of this. ... Now, here's my opinion.

Please followup in the newsgroup.
E-mail address is invalid due to spam-control.

... et al.

Bill in Co. wrote:

> Anybody installed this (Windows Management Instrumentation 1.5)? And
> without any problems? No problems or gotchas were mentioned on the MS
> download site that I could see.

I've installed it and also the version that comes with Win98. I
don't know that i had any problem from having either one
installed, but there are two gotchas .. #1) IIRC, neither version
can be uninstalled. ( WMI is ms implementation of WBEM and )
IIRC, it is present as 'Web-Based Enterprise Management (WBEM)'
under 'Internet Tools' but will disappear from there when you
install it. Again IIRC, WMI 1.5 will warn you about it when you
run the installer.

> Anyways, I found an app that required it.

Well, i don't know that i ever had one, so my logs looked like:

(Wed Oct 25 22:22:48 2006) : Core physically unloaded!
(Thu Oct 26 00:18:46 2006) : Core physically unloaded!
(Thu Oct 26 13:19:07 2006) : Core physically unloaded!
(Thu Oct 26 14:43:08 2006) : Core physically unloaded!
(Fri Oct 27 01:31:17 2006) : Core physically unloaded!
(Fri Oct 27 22:41:02 2006) : Core physically unloaded!
(Sat Oct 28 10:43:45 2006) : Core physically unloaded!

Gotcha #2) There is no GUI to stop it from running at each boot,
so when i grow tired of it, (IIRC) i added 'AutostartWin9X=0' at
'HKLM\Software\Microsoft\WBEM\CIMOM' and perhaps the other stuff
mentioned at 'HowTo Automatically Invoking WMI on Win95 and Win98':

> I don't know what the base
> version is on Windows98SE (assuming there is one, and that its even
> installed).

(1998-05-06) WMI 1.00.0450.00xx (with 'Win98FE') (SFC limitation)
(1999-04-23) WMI 1.10.0698.0000 (with 'Win98SE')

> Well, I did see a wmi.dll on this system, but the version number makes no
> sense (like 5.0).

If you have it installed you should have a folder
'%WinDir%\System\WBEM\' with lots of stuff in it.
If you already installed WMI 1.5, look at the date of the 'WBEM'

Nah-ah. I'm staying out of this. ... Now, here's my opinion.

Please followup in the newsgroup.
E-mail address is invalid due to spam-control.

Bill in Co.

Thanks for some of this info. I tried that MS link, but it's apparently
out of date now ("Content Not Found").

Why did you want it to stop running after each boot (you said you grew tired
of it)? Did it noticeably use some extra resources, or what?

I only have three files (all DLLs) in the WBEM folder, but the folder date
is useless, since I had reinstalled Windows. However the DLL file dates
are Sept 2002, yet the DLL file version numbers are 5.2!

I just checked my SFC log, and see it got added when I installed .NET
Framework version 1.1. Interesting.... So I assuming it's WBEM version
1.x, anyways. :)

.... et al. wrote:
> Bill in Co. wrote:
>> Anybody installed this (Windows Management Instrumentation 1.5)? And
>> without any problems? No problems or gotchas were mentioned on the MS
>> download site that I could see.

> I've installed it and also the version that comes with Win98. I
> don't know that i had any problem from having either one
> installed, but there are two gotchas .. #1) IIRC, neither version
> can be uninstalled. ( WMI is ms implementation of WBEM and )
> IIRC, it is present as 'Web-Based Enterprise Management (WBEM)'
> under 'Internet Tools' but will disappear from there when you
> install it. Again IIRC, WMI 1.5 will warn you about it when you
> run the installer.
>> Anyways, I found an app that required it.

> Well, i don't know that i ever had one, so my logs looked like:
> ...
> (Wed Oct 25 22:22:48 2006) : Core physically unloaded!
> (Thu Oct 26 00:18:46 2006) : Core physically unloaded!
> (Thu Oct 26 13:19:07 2006) : Core physically unloaded!
> (Thu Oct 26 14:43:08 2006) : Core physically unloaded!
> (Fri Oct 27 01:31:17 2006) : Core physically unloaded!
> (Fri Oct 27 22:41:02 2006) : Core physically unloaded!
> (Sat Oct 28 10:43:45 2006) : Core physically unloaded!
> ...
> Gotcha #2) There is no GUI to stop it from running at each boot,
> so when i grow tired of it, (IIRC) i added 'AutostartWin9X=0' at
> 'HKLM\Software\Microsoft\WBEM\CIMOM' and perhaps the other stuff
> mentioned at 'HowTo Automatically Invoking WMI on Win95 and Win98':
> <http://windowssdk.msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms737971.aspx>
>> I don't know what the base
>> version is on Windows98SE (assuming there is one, and that its even
>> installed).

> (1998-05-06) WMI 1.00.0450.00xx (with 'Win98FE') (SFC limitation)
> (1999-04-23) WMI 1.10.0698.0000 (with 'Win98SE')
>> Well, I did see a wmi.dll on this system, but the version number makes no
>> sense (like 5.0).

> If you have it installed you should have a folder
> '%WinDir%\System\WBEM\' with lots of stuff in it.
> If you already installed WMI 1.5, look at the date of the 'WBEM' folder.

... et al.

Bill in Co. wrote:

> Thanks for some of this info. I tried that MS link, but it's apparently
> out of date now ("Content Not Found").

That's why i locally save potentially useful internet-info i
find. Sorry, i didn't try to load the link before posting.
'AutostartWin9X' is (at the time of writing this) mentioned at:

From the other (now defunct) link i posted earlier:

The Windows Management service starts automatically on computers
running Microsoft Windows NT or Windows 2000, but not on
computers running Windows 95 or Windows 98. To set up the Windows
Management service to start automatically on a Windows 95 or
Windows 98 system, you must make the following changes to the
operating system registry.

The following procedure describes how to set up the Windows
Management service to run automatically on a computer running
Windows 95 or Windows 98.

To set up the Windows Management service to run automatically on
a computer running Windows 95 or Windows 98

1. In the registry, navigate to the value named
2. Under the key HKLM\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\OLE, set EnableDCOM?
to "Y" if it is not set to "Y" already. "Y" is the default setting.
3. In the registry under the key HKLM\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\OLE,
set EnableRemoteConnect? to "Y". The default setting for the
EnableRemoteConnect? value is "N" for Windows 95 or Windows 98
4. Place the following entry in the registry to enable the
WMI automatic start feature:

\HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\wbem\cimom - AutostartWin9X
5. Set the AutostartWin9X value to either "1" or "2". The
following table lists possible values for AutostartWin9X and
their meanings.
Value Meaning
"0" Manual

Use this setting when you do not need the service running
continuously. When a local request comes in, WMI starts to
service the request. If you later restart the computer, the
computer will start in manual mode (WMI will not start

Note that remote startup requests are only supported on
Windows NT or Windows 2000. Remote startup requests are not
supported by COM on Windows 95 or Windows 98.
"1" Automatic if the computer system needs to reload

Use this setting if you would normally have active event
consumers. If WMI has active event consumers and the system (any
system that supports WMI) needs to be restarted, WMI starts
automatically after the system starts.
"2" Automatic

Windows Management service always starts automatically.
6. Add the file Winmgmt.exe to the computer's Startup
directory. You can find this file in the \Windows\WBEM directory.


.... so to stop it, check that everything is the opposite way.

> Why did you want it to stop running after each boot (you said you grew tired
> of it)? Did it noticeably use some extra resources, or what?

No, i had no problems whatsoever with it that i know of, and
didn't really keep tabs on my resources. I just tested it, but
don't know that i ever had anything using/needing it. I think you
use SFC in the same unorthodox way i do to monitor installs and
changes .. and mostly i grow tired of seeing a couple of WMI logs
always showing up. I wasn't allowed to uninstall it, but at least
i could try to disable it as much as possible.

> I only have three files (all DLLs) in the WBEM folder, but the folder date
> is useless, since I had reinstalled Windows. However the DLL file dates
> are Sept 2002, yet the DLL file version numbers are 5.2!

Here is a SFC-log from installing the Win98FE WMI optional
component (c.f. [WBEM.inf]):

CIM16NET.DLL Added 1.00.450.00 98-05-06
CIM32NET.DLL Added 1.00.450.00 98-05-06
CIMWIN32.DLL Added 1.00.450.00 98-05-06
FASTPROX.DLL Added 1.00.450.00 98-05-06
FRAMEDYN.DLL Added 1.00.450.00 98-05-06
MOFD.DLL Added 1.00.450.00 98-05-06
STDPROV.DLL Added 1.00.450.00 98-05-06
WBEMCOMN.DLL Added 1.00.450.00 98-05-06
WBEMCORE.DLL Added 1.00.450.00 98-05-06
WBEMDISP.DLL Added 1.00.450.00 98-05-06
WBEMESS.DLL Added 1.00.450.00 98-05-06
WBEMPROX.DLL Added 1.00.450.00 98-05-06
WBEMSVC.DLL Added 1.00.450.00 98-05-06
WMIPROV.DLL Added 1.00.450.00 98-05-06
CIMOM.EXE Added 1.00.450.00 98-05-06
MOFCOMP.EXE Added 1.00.450.00 98-05-06
UNSECAPP.EXE Added 1.00.450.00 98-05-06
WBEMCPL.EXE Added 1.00.450.00 98-05-06
WBEMIHLP.EXE Added 1.00.450.00 98-05-06
WBEMTEST.EXE Added 1.00.450.00 98-05-06
WBEMUSER.EXE Added 1.00.450.00 98-05-06
CIMWIN32.MOF Added 98-05-06
REGEVENT.MOF Added 98-05-06
WMI.MOF Added 98-05-06
WBEMDISP.TLB Added 98-05-06


> I just checked my SFC log, and see it got added when I installed .NET
> Framework version 1.1. Interesting.... So I assuming it's WBEM version
> 1.x, anyways. :)
> ... et al. wrote:
>> Bill in Co. wrote:
>>> Anybody installed this (Windows Management Instrumentation 1.5)? And
>>> without any problems? No problems or gotchas were mentioned on the MS
>>> download site that I could see.

>> I've installed it and also the version that comes with Win98. I
>> don't know that i had any problem from having either one
>> installed, but there are two gotchas .. #1) IIRC, neither version
>> can be uninstalled. ( WMI is ms implementation of WBEM and )
>> IIRC, it is present as 'Web-Based Enterprise Management (WBEM)'
>> under 'Internet Tools' but will disappear from there when you
>> install it. Again IIRC, WMI 1.5 will warn you about it when you
>> run the installer.
>>> Anyways, I found an app that required it.

>> Well, i don't know that i ever had one, so my logs looked like:
>> ...
>> (Wed Oct 25 22:22:48 2006) : Core physically unloaded!
>> (Thu Oct 26 00:18:46 2006) : Core physically unloaded!
>> (Thu Oct 26 13:19:07 2006) : Core physically unloaded!
>> (Thu Oct 26 14:43:08 2006) : Core physically unloaded!
>> (Fri Oct 27 01:31:17 2006) : Core physically unloaded!
>> (Fri Oct 27 22:41:02 2006) : Core physically unloaded!
>> (Sat Oct 28 10:43:45 2006) : Core physically unloaded!
>> ...
>> Gotcha #2) There is no GUI to stop it from running at each boot,
>> so when i grow tired of it, (IIRC) i added 'AutostartWin9X=0' at
>> 'HKLM\Software\Microsoft\WBEM\CIMOM' and perhaps the other stuff
>> mentioned at 'HowTo Automatically Invoking WMI on Win95 and Win98':
>> <http://windowssdk.msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms737971.aspx>
>>> I don't know what the base
>>> version is on Windows98SE (assuming there is one, and that its even
>>> installed).

>> (1998-05-06) WMI 1.00.0450.00xx (with 'Win98FE') (SFC limitation)
>> (1999-04-23) WMI 1.10.0698.0000 (with 'Win98SE')
>>> Well, I did see a wmi.dll on this system, but the version number makes no
>>> sense (like 5.0).

>> If you have it installed you should have a folder
>> '%WinDir%\System\WBEM\' with lots of stuff in it.
>> If you already installed WMI 1.5, look at the date of the 'WBEM' folder.


Nah-ah. I'm staying out of this. ... Now, here's my opinion.

Please followup in the newsgroup.
E-mail address is invalid due to spam-control.

Bill in Co.

.... et al. wrote:
> Bill in Co. wrote:
>> Thanks for some of this info. I tried that MS link, but it's apparently
>> out of date now ("Content Not Found").

> That's why i locally save potentially useful internet-info i
> find. Sorry, i didn't try to load the link before posting.
> 'AutostartWin9X' is (at the time of writing this) mentioned at:
> <http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa394522.aspx>

OK, thanks, yeah that works better. :)
(btw, the info you copied in below is quite interesting, TNX)

A bit more below...

> From the other (now defunct) link i posted earlier:
> <quote>
> The Windows Management service starts automatically on computers
> running Microsoft Windows NT or Windows 2000, but not on
> computers running Windows 95 or Windows 98. To set up the Windows
> Management service to start automatically on a Windows 95 or
> Windows 98 system, you must make the following changes to the
> operating system registry.
> The following procedure describes how to set up the Windows
> Management service to run automatically on a computer running
> Windows 95 or Windows 98.
> To set up the Windows Management service to run automatically on
> a computer running Windows 95 or Windows 98
> 1. In the registry, navigate to the value named
> EnableRemoteConnect?.
> 2. Under the key HKLM\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\OLE, set EnableDCOM?
> to "Y" if it is not set to "Y" already. "Y" is the default setting.
> 3. In the registry under the key HKLM\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\OLE,
> set EnableRemoteConnect? to "Y". The default setting for the
> EnableRemoteConnect? value is "N" for Windows 95 or Windows 98
> systems.
> 4. Place the following entry in the registry to enable the
> WMI automatic start feature:
> \HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\wbem\cimom - AutostartWin9X
> 5. Set the AutostartWin9X value to either "1" or "2". The
> following table lists possible values for AutostartWin9X and
> their meanings.
> Value Meaning
> "0" Manual
> Use this setting when you do not need the service running
> continuously. When a local request comes in, WMI starts to
> service the request. If you later restart the computer, the
> computer will start in manual mode (WMI will not start
> automatically).

That's probably the way I'd go, if I install it just for this one small app
(but that's still up in the air at this point)

> Note that remote startup requests are only supported on
> Windows NT or Windows 2000. Remote startup requests are not
> supported by COM on Windows 95 or Windows 98.
> "1" Automatic if the computer system needs to reload
> Use this setting if you would normally have active event
> consumers. If WMI has active event consumers and the system (any
> system that supports WMI) needs to be restarted, WMI starts
> automatically after the system starts.
> "2" Automatic
> Windows Management service always starts automatically.
> 6. Add the file Winmgmt.exe to the computer's Startup
> directory. You can find this file in the \Windows\WBEM directory.
> </quote>
> ... so to stop it, check that everything is the opposite way.
>> Why did you want it to stop running after each boot (you said you grew
>> tired
>> of it)? Did it noticeably use some extra resources, or what?

> No, i had no problems whatsoever with it that i know of, and
> didn't really keep tabs on my resources. I just tested it, but
> don't know that i ever had anything using/needing it. I think you
> use SFC in the same unorthodox way i do to monitor installs and
> changes .. and mostly i grow tired of seeing a couple of WMI logs
> always showing up. I wasn't allowed to uninstall it, but at least
> i could try to disable it as much as possible.

I see. And yeah, I *do* monitor the SFC log before and after program
installs, almost without exception (and in a few cases, it's saved my butt).

>> I only have three files (all DLLs) in the WBEM folder, but the folder
>> date
>> is useless, since I had reinstalled Windows. However the DLL file dates
>> are Sept 2002, yet the DLL file version numbers are 5.2!

> Here is a SFC-log from installing the Win98FE WMI optional
> component (c.f. [WBEM.inf]):
> CIM16NET.DLL Added 1.00.450.00 98-05-06
> CIM32NET.DLL Added 1.00.450.00 98-05-06
> CIMWIN32.DLL Added 1.00.450.00 98-05-06
> FASTPROX.DLL Added 1.00.450.00 98-05-06
> FRAMEDYN.DLL Added 1.00.450.00 98-05-06
> MOFD.DLL Added 1.00.450.00 98-05-06
> STDPROV.DLL Added 1.00.450.00 98-05-06
> WBEMCOMN.DLL Added 1.00.450.00 98-05-06
> WBEMCORE.DLL Added 1.00.450.00 98-05-06
> WBEMDISP.DLL Added 1.00.450.00 98-05-06
> WBEMESS.DLL Added 1.00.450.00 98-05-06
> WBEMPROX.DLL Added 1.00.450.00 98-05-06
> WBEMSVC.DLL Added 1.00.450.00 98-05-06
> WMIPROV.DLL Added 1.00.450.00 98-05-06
> CIMOM.EXE Added 1.00.450.00 98-05-06
> MOFCOMP.EXE Added 1.00.450.00 98-05-06
> UNSECAPP.EXE Added 1.00.450.00 98-05-06
> WBEMCPL.EXE Added 1.00.450.00 98-05-06
> WBEMIHLP.EXE Added 1.00.450.00 98-05-06
> WBEMTEST.EXE Added 1.00.450.00 98-05-06
> WBEMUSER.EXE Added 1.00.450.00 98-05-06
> CIMWIN32.MOF Added 98-05-06
> REGEVENT.MOF Added 98-05-06
> WMI.MOF Added 98-05-06
> WBEMDISP.TLB Added 98-05-06
> (end)

Wow. Clearly I only have a subset (probably ONLY those that would be
needed by a .NET Framework 1.1 app (which, to be perfectly honest, I don't
think I have running anymore). But my memory might be off.

Anyways, thanks for all the info.

>> I just checked my SFC log, and see it got added when I installed .NET
>> Framework version 1.1. Interesting.... So I assuming it's WBEM
>> version
>> 1.x, anyways. :)
>> ... et al. wrote:
>>> Bill in Co. wrote:
>>>> Anybody installed this (Windows Management Instrumentation 1.5)?
>>>> And
>>>> without any problems? No problems or gotchas were mentioned on the
>>>> MS
>>>> download site that I could see.
>>> I've installed it and also the version that comes with Win98. I
>>> don't know that i had any problem from having either one
>>> installed, but there are two gotchas .. #1) IIRC, neither version
>>> can be uninstalled. ( WMI is ms implementation of WBEM and )
>>> IIRC, it is present as 'Web-Based Enterprise Management (WBEM)'
>>> under 'Internet Tools' but will disappear from there when you
>>> install it. Again IIRC, WMI 1.5 will warn you about it when you
>>> run the installer.
>>>> Anyways, I found an app that required it.
>>> Well, i don't know that i ever had one, so my logs looked like:
>>> ...
>>> (Wed Oct 25 22:22:48 2006) : Core physically unloaded!
>>> (Thu Oct 26 00:18:46 2006) : Core physically unloaded!
>>> (Thu Oct 26 13:19:07 2006) : Core physically unloaded!
>>> (Thu Oct 26 14:43:08 2006) : Core physically unloaded!
>>> (Fri Oct 27 01:31:17 2006) : Core physically unloaded!
>>> (Fri Oct 27 22:41:02 2006) : Core physically unloaded!
>>> (Sat Oct 28 10:43:45 2006) : Core physically unloaded!
>>> ...
>>> Gotcha #2) There is no GUI to stop it from running at each boot,
>>> so when i grow tired of it, (IIRC) i added 'AutostartWin9X=0' at
>>> 'HKLM\Software\Microsoft\WBEM\CIMOM' and perhaps the other stuff
>>> mentioned at 'HowTo Automatically Invoking WMI on Win95 and Win98':
>>> <http://windowssdk.msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms737971.aspx>
>>>> I don't know what the base
>>>> version is on Windows98SE (assuming there is one, and that its even
>>>> installed).
>>> (1998-05-06) WMI 1.00.0450.00xx (with 'Win98FE') (SFC limitation)
>>> (1999-04-23) WMI 1.10.0698.0000 (with 'Win98SE')
>>>> Well, I did see a wmi.dll on this system, but the version number makes
>>>> no
>>>> sense (like 5.0).
>>> If you have it installed you should have a folder
>>> '%WinDir%\System\WBEM\' with lots of stuff in it.
>>> If you already installed WMI 1.5, look at the date of the 'WBEM' folder.


> --
> Nah-ah. I'm staying out of this. ... Now, here's my opinion.
> Please followup in the newsgroup.
> E-mail address is invalid due to spam-control.

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