Anyone got any ideas how to troubleshoot a STOP 0x1000007e code


Carol Haynes

I am getting daily (sometimes 2 or 3 times daily) random reboots on my
system and it is getting really frustrating.

I used DUMPCHK.EXE to expand the minidump file produced but can't work out
how to stop the problem. I have reproduced the output below.

The things I have tried so far are:

* Looked up the STOP code on MSKB and there are two entries both related to
resuming from hibernation. I do not use hibernation so that can't be the

* The output below suggests that the sound system may be involved in the
problem as KMIXER, DRMKAUD, SPLITTER and DMUSIC are all part of the MS
Kernel for the audio system. I have uninstalled all my audio drivers and
reinstalled from scratch - they are Audigy ZS2 Platinum Pro drivers. I also
have a Hauppauge TV tuner installed which has audio drivers. Finally I have
SoundTaxi which converts ausdio files (but uses some driver technology to do
its job).

* Unlocker is part of a utility that allows files in use to be unlocked when
required (it is a user action so no automated unlocking of files). I have
uninstalled this and left it off my system for a while but it didn't make
any difference so I have now reinstalled it as i find it very useful.

* I have uninstalled and reinstalled all my motherboard and graphics card

* I have removed a second USB disc drive (mentioned in another thread) and
that has removed the probelms with drive page errors appearing in my system

* I have run stress tests on my system which worked flawlessly for hours at
a time (I used nVidia's system stability test and while it was running I
used 4 different AV packages to play DVDs, Video and multiple audio files,
surfed the internet, scanned, printed images etc)

* I have run DOS based utilites to test memory and other onboard hardwear -
no problems were shown up.

Note apart from the SaveDump entry and other entires during recovery from
the STOP condition there are no other errors appearing my system logs. All
my hardware/software seems to work normally and 95% of the time I can do
anything I want with the system without problems.

Any help would be really appreciated


Carol Haynes

DumpChk output follows:

----- 32 bit Kernel Mini Dump Analysis

MajorVersion 0000000f
MinorVersion 00000a28
DirectoryTableBase 0b410020
PfnDataBase 82000000
PsLoadedModuleList 8055c700
PsActiveProcessHead 80562818
MachineImageType 0000014c
NumberProcessors 00000002
BugCheckCode 1000007e
BugCheckParameter1 c0000005
BugCheckParameter2 b92a9a1a
BugCheckParameter3 bad0f528
BugCheckParameter4 bad0f224
PaeEnabled 00000001
KdDebuggerDataBlock 8054c2e0
MiniDumpFields 00000dff

ServicePackBuild 00000200
SizeOfDump 00010000
ValidOffset 0000fffc
ContextOffset 00000320
ExceptionOffset 000007d0
MmOffset 00001068
UnloadedDriversOffset 000010a0
PrcbOffset 00001878
ProcessOffset 000024c8
ThreadOffset 00002728
CallStackOffset 00002980
SizeOfCallStack 00000a74
DriverListOffset 00003688
DriverCount 000000b6
StringPoolOffset 00006c90
StringPoolSize 000019b0
BrokenDriverOffset 00000000
TriageOptions 00000141
TopOfStack bad0f58c
DebuggerDataOffset 000033f8
DebuggerDataSize 00000290
DataBlocksOffset 00008640
DataBlocksCount 00000006

Windows XP Kernel Version 2600 (Service Pack 2) MP (2 procs) Free x86
Kernel base = 0x804d7000 PsLoadedModuleList = 0x8055c700
Debug session time: Fri Mar 21 15:13:23 2008
System Uptime: 0 days 5:49:26
start end module name
804d7000 806e2000 nt Checksum: 001FB950 Timestamp: Wed Feb 28
09:15:54 2007 (45E5484A)

Unloaded modules:
a90d6000 a9101000 kmixer.sys Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
a90d6000 a9101000 kmixer.sys Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
bac60000 bac66000 UnlockerDriv Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
a91a1000 a91cc000 kmixer.sys Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
a92e1000 a930c000 kmixer.sys Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
a934c000 a9352000 UnlockerDriv Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
ad71f000 ad74a000 kmixer.sys Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
b066c000 b0697000 kmixer.sys Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
b06bf000 b06ea000 kmixer.sys Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
b25ce000 b25f9000 kmixer.sys Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
baf3b000 baf3c000 drmkaud.sys Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
b2699000 b26bc000 aec.sys Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
ba0f5000 ba102000 DMusic.sys Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
b2f5f000 b2f6d000 swmidi.sys Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
bae24000 bae26000 splitter.sys Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
baae8000 baaf1000 processr.sys Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
b91c7000 b91cb000 kbdhid.sys Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
bac08000 bac0d000 Cdaudio.SYS Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
b91cb000 b91ce000 Sfloppy.SYS Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)

Finished dump check

R. McCarty

Very impressive diagnostic review. Seems like you've covered most of the
common causes. I would suggest you create an alternate account/profile. It
might be an obscure problem with your NTUser.Dat file. It does sound as
if the Sound drivers may be a factor in the reboots. Have you checked the
forums for both Audigy and Hauppauge ? Sometimes you just end up with
a hardware/driver configuration that doesn't play well together. Are both
Audigy/TV Tuner PCI Cards ? If so which slots are they loaded into ?
( Count downward from the AGP/PCIexpress slot(s). )

"Carol Haynes" <> wrote in message
>I am getting daily (sometimes 2 or 3 times daily) random reboots on my
>system and it is getting really frustrating.
> I used DUMPCHK.EXE to expand the minidump file produced but can't work out
> how to stop the problem. I have reproduced the output below.
> The things I have tried so far are:
> * Looked up the STOP code on MSKB and there are two entries both related
> to resuming from hibernation. I do not use hibernation so that can't be
> the problem.
> * The output below suggests that the sound system may be involved in the
> problem as KMIXER, DRMKAUD, SPLITTER and DMUSIC are all part of the MS
> Kernel for the audio system. I have uninstalled all my audio drivers and
> reinstalled from scratch - they are Audigy ZS2 Platinum Pro drivers. I
> also have a Hauppauge TV tuner installed which has audio drivers. Finally
> I have SoundTaxi which converts ausdio files (but uses some driver
> technology to do its job).
> * Unlocker is part of a utility that allows files in use to be unlocked
> when required (it is a user action so no automated unlocking of files). I
> have uninstalled this and left it off my system for a while but it didn't
> make any difference so I have now reinstalled it as i find it very useful.
> * I have uninstalled and reinstalled all my motherboard and graphics card
> drivers.
> * I have removed a second USB disc drive (mentioned in another thread) and
> that has removed the probelms with drive page errors appearing in my
> system logs.
> * I have run stress tests on my system which worked flawlessly for hours
> at a time (I used nVidia's system stability test and while it was running
> I used 4 different AV packages to play DVDs, Video and multiple audio
> files, surfed the internet, scanned, printed images etc)
> * I have run DOS based utilites to test memory and other onboard
> hardwear - no problems were shown up.
> Note apart from the SaveDump entry and other entires during recovery from
> the STOP condition there are no other errors appearing my system logs. All
> my hardware/software seems to work normally and 95% of the time I can do
> anything I want with the system without problems.
> Any help would be really appreciated
> Carol Haynes
> DumpChk output follows:
> ----- 32 bit Kernel Mini Dump Analysis
> MajorVersion 0000000f
> MinorVersion 00000a28
> DirectoryTableBase 0b410020
> PfnDataBase 82000000
> PsLoadedModuleList 8055c700
> PsActiveProcessHead 80562818
> MachineImageType 0000014c
> NumberProcessors 00000002
> BugCheckCode 1000007e
> BugCheckParameter1 c0000005
> BugCheckParameter2 b92a9a1a
> BugCheckParameter3 bad0f528
> BugCheckParameter4 bad0f224
> PaeEnabled 00000001
> KdDebuggerDataBlock 8054c2e0
> MiniDumpFields 00000dff
> ServicePackBuild 00000200
> SizeOfDump 00010000
> ValidOffset 0000fffc
> ContextOffset 00000320
> ExceptionOffset 000007d0
> MmOffset 00001068
> UnloadedDriversOffset 000010a0
> PrcbOffset 00001878
> ProcessOffset 000024c8
> ThreadOffset 00002728
> CallStackOffset 00002980
> SizeOfCallStack 00000a74
> DriverListOffset 00003688
> DriverCount 000000b6
> StringPoolOffset 00006c90
> StringPoolSize 000019b0
> BrokenDriverOffset 00000000
> TriageOptions 00000141
> TopOfStack bad0f58c
> DebuggerDataOffset 000033f8
> DebuggerDataSize 00000290
> DataBlocksOffset 00008640
> DataBlocksCount 00000006
> Windows XP Kernel Version 2600 (Service Pack 2) MP (2 procs) Free x86
> compatible
> Kernel base = 0x804d7000 PsLoadedModuleList = 0x8055c700
> Debug session time: Fri Mar 21 15:13:23 2008
> System Uptime: 0 days 5:49:26
> start end module name
> 804d7000 806e2000 nt Checksum: 001FB950 Timestamp: Wed Feb
> 28 09:15:54 2007 (45E5484A)
> Unloaded modules:
> a90d6000 a9101000 kmixer.sys Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
> a90d6000 a9101000 kmixer.sys Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
> bac60000 bac66000 UnlockerDriv Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
> a91a1000 a91cc000 kmixer.sys Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
> a92e1000 a930c000 kmixer.sys Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
> a934c000 a9352000 UnlockerDriv Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
> ad71f000 ad74a000 kmixer.sys Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
> b066c000 b0697000 kmixer.sys Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
> b06bf000 b06ea000 kmixer.sys Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
> b25ce000 b25f9000 kmixer.sys Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
> baf3b000 baf3c000 drmkaud.sys Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
> b2699000 b26bc000 aec.sys Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
> ba0f5000 ba102000 DMusic.sys Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
> b2f5f000 b2f6d000 swmidi.sys Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
> bae24000 bae26000 splitter.sys Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
> baae8000 baaf1000 processr.sys Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
> b91c7000 b91cb000 kbdhid.sys Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
> bac08000 bac0d000 Cdaudio.SYS Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
> b91cb000 b91ce000 Sfloppy.SYS Timestamp: unavailable (00000000)
> Finished dump check

Carol Haynes

"R. McCarty" <> wrote in message
> Very impressive diagnostic review. Seems like you've covered most of the
> common causes.


> I would suggest you create an alternate account/profile. It
> might be an obscure problem with your NTUser.Dat file.

I hadn't thought of that. Worth a try - but if it is a hardware/driver
problem it probably won't help much.

> It does sound as
> if the Sound drivers may be a factor in the reboots. Have you checked the
> forums for both Audigy and Hauppauge ? Sometimes you just end up with
> a hardware/driver configuration that doesn't play well together. Are both
> the
> Audigy/TV Tuner PCI Cards ? If so which slots are they loaded into ?

The strange thing is I have had this system up and running with the same
hardware and same drivers for nearly a year and the problems have only
emerged in the last couple of weeks. Everything has played together
brilliantly so dar and I have been very happy with the setup.

> ( Count downward from the AGP/PCIexpress slot(s). )

Unfortunately I haven't got much scope for moving stuff around as there are
two video cards installed and I need to keep the airflow clear.



PCI Setup:

Bus/Dev./Func. Type Class Type Manufacturer Device Name Sub System
Device Vendor Sub System Device Name
00 / 00 / 00 PCI RAM Nvidia Corp C51 Host Bridge ASUSTeK Computer Inc
00 / 00 / 01 PCI RAM Nvidia Corp C51 Memory Controller 0 ASUSTeK
Computer Inc
00 / 00 / 02 PCI RAM Nvidia Corp C51 Memory Controller 1 ASUSTeK
Computer Inc
00 / 00 / 03 PCI RAM Nvidia Corp C51 Memory Controller 5 ASUSTeK
Computer Inc
00 / 00 / 04 PCI RAM Nvidia Corp C51 Memory Controller 4 ASUSTeK
Computer Inc
00 / 00 / 05 PCI RAM Nvidia Corp C51 Host Bridge ASUSTeK Computer Inc
00 / 00 / 06 PCI RAM Nvidia Corp C51 Memory Controller 3 ASUSTeK
Computer Inc
00 / 00 / 07 PCI RAM Nvidia Corp C51 Memory Controller 2 ASUSTeK
Computer Inc
00 / 02 / 00 U06 PCI to PCI Bridge Nvidia Corp C51 PCIe Bridge Nvidia
00 / 03 / 00 U06 PCI to PCI Bridge Nvidia Corp C51 PCIe Bridge Nvidia
00 / 04 / 00 U06 PCI to PCI Bridge Nvidia Corp C51 PCIe Bridge Nvidia
00 / 09 / 00 HT Other Memory Device Nvidia Corp nForce4 Memory
Controller ASUSTeK Computer Inc
00 / 10 / 00 PCI PCI to ISA Bridge Nvidia Corp nForce4 PCI to ISA
Bridge ASUSTeK Computer Inc
00 / 10 / 01 PCI SMBus Controller Nvidia Corp nForce4 SMBus ASUSTeK
Computer Inc
00 / 11 / 00 PCI USB (OHCI) Nvidia Corp nForce4 USB Controller ASUSTeK
Computer Inc
00 / 11 / 01 PCI USB 2.0 (EHCI) Nvidia Corp nForce4 USB 2.0 Controller
ASUSTeK Computer Inc
00 / 15 / 00 PCI Bus Master IDE controller Nvidia Corp nForce4
Parallel ATA Controller ASUSTeK Computer Inc
00 / 16 / 00 PCI IDE (ATA) Nvidia Corp nForce4 Serial ATA Controller
ASUSTeK Computer Inc
00 / 17 / 00 PCI IDE (ATA) Nvidia Corp nForce4 Serial ATA Controller
ASUSTeK Computer Inc
00 / 18 / 00 PCI PCI to PCI Bridge (Subtractive Decode) Nvidia Corp
nForce4 PCI Bridge
00 / 19 / 00 PCI PCI to Other Bridge Nvidia Corp nForce4 Ethernet
Controller ASUSTeK Computer Inc
00 / 22 / 00 U06 PCI to PCI Bridge Nvidia Corp nForce4 PCIe Bridge
00 / 23 / 00 U06 PCI to PCI Bridge Nvidia Corp nForce4 PCIe Bridge
00 / 24 / 00 HT PCI to HOST Bridge Advanced Micro Devices (AMD)
Athlon64/Opteron/Sempron (K8 Family) HyperTransport Technology Configuration
00 / 24 / 01 PCI PCI to HOST Bridge Advanced Micro Devices (AMD)
Athlon64/Opteron/Sempron (K8 Family) Address Map
00 / 24 / 02 PCI PCI to HOST Bridge Advanced Micro Devices (AMD)
Athlon64/Opteron/Sempron (K8 Family) DRAM Controller
00 / 24 / 03 PCI PCI to HOST Bridge Advanced Micro Devices (AMD)
Athlon64/Opteron/Sempron (K8 Family) Miscellaneous Control
02 / 00 / 00 PCI-X Ethernet Marvell Semiconductor (Was: Galileo
Technology Ltd) Yukon 88E8053 PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet Controller (Copper)
ASUSTeK Computer Inc
03 / 00 / 00 PCI-X VGA Controller Nvidia Corp GeForce 7300 GT
04 / 07 / 00 PCI Video Device Conexant Systems CX2388x TV Capture Chip
Hauppauge Computer Works Inc WinTV 88x Video
04 / 07 / 01 PCI Other Multimedia Device Conexant Systems CX2388x TV
Capture Chip Hauppauge Computer Works Inc WinTV 88x Audio
04 / 07 / 02 PCI Other Multimedia Device Conexant Systems CX2388x TV
Capture Chip Hauppauge Computer Works Inc WinTV 88x MPEG Encoder
04 / 07 / 04 PCI Other Multimedia Device Conexant Systems CX2388x TV
Capture Chip Hauppauge Computer Works Inc WinTV 88x IR Decoder
04 / 08 / 00 PCI Audio Device Creative Labs EMU10K2 Audio Chipset (SB
Audigy Series) Creative Labs SB0360 Audigy ZS Platinum Pro 7.1
04 / 08 / 01 PCI Other Creative Labs Audigy Series Gameport Creative
Labs Audigy Series Gameport
04 / 08 / 02 PCI OHCI FireWire Creative Labs Audigy Series Firewire
Controller Creative Labs Audigy 2 Firewire Controller
04 / 11 / 00 PCI OHCI FireWire Texas Instruments (TI) TSB43AB22
1394a-2000 OHCI PHY/Link-Layer Controller ASUSTeK Computer Inc
06 / 00 / 00 PCI-X VGA Controller Nvidia Corp GeForce 7300 GT
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