Start-up Disc



I can't create a startup disc (floppy) after a clean ME re-install. When it
gets to 49% a file WINEBDO.400\EBD\IO.SYS won't copy. New disc doesn't help.

Mike M

That's a very odd location, WINEBDO.400 as on most PCs this would be
C:\Windows. Have you perhaps got multiple Win9x operating systems
installed on the same partition?

Given the somewhat unusual location of the required io.sys file and the
error you are seeing it might be easier to download an image of a Win Me
boot floppy and burn that to a floppy. You can download the image of a
Win Me boot disk from (choose Windows Me OEM). Run this
(do NOT simply copy to a floppy) and follow the instructions on how to
make a boot floppy.
Mike Maltby

Corday <> wrote:

> I can't create a startup disc (floppy) after a clean ME re-install.
> When it gets to 49% a file WINEBDO.400\EBD\IO.SYS won't copy. New
> disc doesn't help.


Download worked fine. I'll test it later, but I'm sure it will get me into
DOS. Thanks Mike!

"Mike M" wrote:

> That's a very odd location, WINEBDO.400 as on most PCs this would be
> C:\Windows. Have you perhaps got multiple Win9x operating systems
> installed on the same partition?
> Given the somewhat unusual location of the required io.sys file and the
> error you are seeing it might be easier to download an image of a Win Me
> boot floppy and burn that to a floppy. You can download the image of a
> Win Me boot disk from (choose Windows Me OEM). Run this
> (do NOT simply copy to a floppy) and follow the instructions on how to
> make a boot floppy.
> --
> Mike Maltby
> Corday <> wrote:
> > I can't create a startup disc (floppy) after a clean ME re-install.
> > When it gets to 49% a file WINEBDO.400\EBD\IO.SYS won't copy. New
> > disc doesn't help.

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