Accessing identical hard drive


Lil' Dave

Promise 133 controller card, 2 WDC 80GB hard drives on removable trays.
Promise bios shows identical drives. First master (alone), second master
w/slave (DVD burner).

Unable to access 2nd hard drive.
Have tried:
Simple boot floppy with ME dos on it, and same with 98SE dos on it at boot
DriveImage 2002 with 98SE dos on it.
XP w/SP2.
WinME window environment.
98SE environment.
Swapping drives in trays and using the unaccessible drive by itself.
Swapping tray insertable locations. Jumpers adjusted accordingly.

During floppy boot (both 98SE and ME), have observed the access LED on the
tray indicating access to that hard drive. PC locks up everytime. Similar
in XP boot, ME and 98SE when I open windows explorer to investigate My
Computer. WDC diagnostic tool on bootable floppy similar results.

How about a tax to support any military conflict/police action over 3 months

An actual war, we can do what's been done in the past.


On Mar 24, 6:41 pm, Fan924 <> wrote:
> Try both drives as master and slave.

On second though, the second drive is probably not partitioned. Is it

Gary S. Terhune

Let me see if I have this right. You have a Primary Master HD (call it HD1)
(with OS installed or not?) You have a Secondary Master (HD2) that you can't
read from several bootable floppy OSes. Is there an OS on HD1? Can it read
HD2? There is a DVD burner on Secondary Slave. (Personally, I'd make HD2 the
Primary Slave and the burner Secondary Master -- better burns.

Whadyamean "PC locks up every time"? EVERY time? Have you tried swapping

Sounds to me like bad hardware somewhere on the secondary channel -- drive,
cables, controller.

Gary S. Terhune
MS-MVP Shell/User

"Lil' Dave" <> wrote in message
> Background:
> Promise 133 controller card, 2 WDC 80GB hard drives on removable trays.
> Promise bios shows identical drives. First master (alone), second master
> w/slave (DVD burner).
> Unable to access 2nd hard drive.
> Have tried:
> Simple boot floppy with ME dos on it, and same with 98SE dos on it at boot
> time.
> DriveImage 2002 with 98SE dos on it.
> XP w/SP2.
> WinME window environment.
> 98SE environment.
> Swapping drives in trays and using the unaccessible drive by itself.
> Swapping tray insertable locations. Jumpers adjusted accordingly.
> During floppy boot (both 98SE and ME), have observed the access LED on the
> tray indicating access to that hard drive. PC locks up everytime.
> Similar in XP boot, ME and 98SE when I open windows explorer to
> investigate My Computer. WDC diagnostic tool on bootable floppy similar
> results.
> --
> Dave
> How about a tax to support any military conflict/police action over 3
> months old?
> An actual war, we can do what's been done in the past.

Lil' Dave

Was using the 2nd identical 80GB as copy of the first. In the past, I could
boot from the 2nd drive. Always did that when the first drive was not
inserted in the removable tray carrier. When my normal copy failed one day
of copying the 1st drive to the 2nd drive, that led to see all the OSes that
would freeze/lockup during access. I don't know why any msdos boot floppy
would access any other drive during boot, but that's exactly what I see per
the removable tray LED. Since I can't get past that, I can't run the WD
tools from the boot media.

To simplify, I moved the inaccessible 80GB drive to the removable tray of
the 1st, set as master alone like the 1st drive. Inserted the tray into the
same location the 1st hard drive normally used. So, I know has nothing to
do with any ide interface chip, cabling, tray enclosure and so forth.

The only thing left I haven't tried was connecting the inaccessible hard
drive to the motherboard ide interface.

How about a tax to support any military conflict/police action over 3 months

An actual war, we can do what's been done in the past.
"Gary S. Terhune" <none> wrote in message
> Let me see if I have this right. You have a Primary Master HD (call it
> HD1) (with OS installed or not?) You have a Secondary Master (HD2) that
> you can't read from several bootable floppy OSes. Is there an OS on HD1?
> Can it read HD2? There is a DVD burner on Secondary Slave. (Personally,
> I'd make HD2 the Primary Slave and the burner Secondary Master -- better
> burns.
> Whadyamean "PC locks up every time"? EVERY time? Have you tried swapping
> drives?
> Sounds to me like bad hardware somewhere on the secondary channel --
> drive, cables, controller.
> --
> Gary S. Terhune
> MS-MVP Shell/User
> "Lil' Dave" <> wrote in message
> news:eo%2377ghjIHA.1052@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
>> Background:
>> Promise 133 controller card, 2 WDC 80GB hard drives on removable trays.
>> Promise bios shows identical drives. First master (alone), second master
>> w/slave (DVD burner).
>> Unable to access 2nd hard drive.
>> Have tried:
>> Simple boot floppy with ME dos on it, and same with 98SE dos on it at
>> boot time.
>> DriveImage 2002 with 98SE dos on it.
>> XP w/SP2.
>> WinME window environment.
>> 98SE environment.
>> Swapping drives in trays and using the unaccessible drive by itself.
>> Swapping tray insertable locations. Jumpers adjusted accordingly.
>> During floppy boot (both 98SE and ME), have observed the access LED on
>> the tray indicating access to that hard drive. PC locks up everytime.
>> Similar in XP boot, ME and 98SE when I open windows explorer to
>> investigate My Computer. WDC diagnostic tool on bootable floppy similar
>> results.
>> --
>> Dave
>> How about a tax to support any military conflict/police action over 3
>> months old?
>> An actual war, we can do what's been done in the past.



Sounds like your partition table crashed. Is there any data on the
second drive that you would miss? If not, reformat it and copy the the
first drive again.


Your using a PROMISE IDE Controller Card for this? Have you tried
pulling the card and using the motherboard's IDE connectors?


Lil' Dave wrote:
> Was using the 2nd identical 80GB as copy of the first. In the
> past, I could boot from the 2nd drive. Always did that when the
> first drive was not inserted in the removable tray carrier. When
> my normal copy failed one day of copying the 1st drive to the 2nd
> drive, that led to see all the OSes that would freeze/lockup during
> access. I don't know why any msdos boot floppy would access any
> other drive during boot, but that's exactly what I see per the
> removable tray LED. Since I can't get past that, I can't run the
> WD tools from the boot media.
> To simplify, I moved the inaccessible 80GB drive to the removable
> tray of the 1st, set as master alone like the 1st drive. Inserted
> the tray into the same location the 1st hard drive normally used.
> So, I know has nothing to do with any ide interface chip, cabling,
> tray enclosure and so forth.
> The only thing left I haven't tried was connecting the inaccessible
> hard drive to the motherboard ide interface.

Do try that. Also check the MB BIOS to see what it is set to use for



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Lil' Dave wrote:
| Was using the 2nd identical 80GB as copy of the first. In the past,
| I could boot from the 2nd drive. Always did that when the first
| drive was not inserted in the removable tray carrier. When my normal
| copy failed one day of copying the 1st drive to the 2nd drive, that
| led to see all the OSes that would freeze/lockup during access.

So, you crashed while making a clone? And now nothing seems to boot --
even Startup Diskettes -- without crashing or freezing at some point,
when the 2nd drive drive is connected-- & no matter where the drive is
connected? Was it DriveImage 2002 that you used & from a floppy? And now
even that won't boot?
And even a WD Diagnostic floppy won't boot? That's pretty bad!
Google finds about 690 for "DriveImage 2002 inaccessable hard drive".

Here is one...
Techie'z Toolkit - Version 2 mdf

I don't know-- maybe one of the Hard Disk Erasers listed there will do
it. Then, you can try to make that clone again, but first try that WD
Diagnostic again on the erased drive.

| I
| don't know why any msdos boot floppy would access any other drive
| during boot, but that's exactly what I see per the removable tray
| LED. Since I can't get past that, I can't run the WD tools from the
| boot media.
| To simplify, I moved the inaccessible 80GB drive to the removable
| tray of the 1st, set as master alone like the 1st drive. Inserted
| the tray into the same location the 1st hard drive normally used.
| So, I know has nothing to do with any ide interface chip, cabling,
| tray enclosure and so forth.
| The only thing left I haven't tried was connecting the inaccessible
| hard drive to the motherboard ide interface.
| --
| Dave
| How about a tax to support any military conflict/police action over 3
| months old?
| An actual war, we can do what's been done in the past.
| "Gary S. Terhune" <none> wrote in message
| news:%23koj$7mjIHA.5820@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
|> Let me see if I have this right. You have a Primary Master HD (call
|> it HD1) (with OS installed or not?) You have a Secondary Master
|> (HD2) that you can't read from several bootable floppy OSes. Is
|> there an OS on HD1? Can it read HD2? There is a DVD burner on
|> Secondary Slave. (Personally, I'd make HD2 the Primary Slave and the
|> burner Secondary Master -- better burns.
|> Whadyamean "PC locks up every time"? EVERY time? Have you tried
|> swapping drives?
|> Sounds to me like bad hardware somewhere on the secondary channel --
|> drive, cables, controller.
|> --
|> Gary S. Terhune
|> MS-MVP Shell/User
|> "Lil' Dave" <> wrote in message
|> news:eo%2377ghjIHA.1052@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
|>> Background:
|>> Promise 133 controller card, 2 WDC 80GB hard drives on removable
|>> trays. Promise bios shows identical drives. First master (alone),
|>> second master w/slave (DVD burner).
|>> Unable to access 2nd hard drive.
|>> Have tried:
|>> Simple boot floppy with ME dos on it, and same with 98SE dos on it
|>> at boot time.
|>> DriveImage 2002 with 98SE dos on it.
|>> XP w/SP2.
|>> WinME window environment.
|>> 98SE environment.
|>> Swapping drives in trays and using the unaccessible drive by itself.
|>> Swapping tray insertable locations. Jumpers adjusted accordingly.
|>> During floppy boot (both 98SE and ME), have observed the access LED
|>> on the tray indicating access to that hard drive. PC locks up
|>> everytime. Similar in XP boot, ME and 98SE when I open windows
|>> explorer to investigate My Computer. WDC diagnostic tool on
|>> bootable floppy similar results.
|>> --
|>> Dave
|>> How about a tax to support any military conflict/police action over
|>> 3 months old?
|>> An actual war, we can do what's been done in the past.

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,
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