MSDOS Prompt problem

  • Thread starter Galen Somerville
  • Start date

Galen Somerville

Getting the dreaded "There is not enough memory to run this program" error message when I try to go
to a DOS Prompt. I have a number of programs that only run in DOS..

I have MaxPhysPage=40000 and MaxFileCache=512000

All I did was move this win98se hard drive to a different computer. Previous comp had 2GB RAM.
Removed the Enum key in registry before running on new computer. It started up fine and found all
the new equipment okay.

This comp has only 1GB of RAM and it shows that in right click on Computer icon

Anyone have any suggestions?


Franc Zabkar

On Tue, 1 Apr 2008 12:53:24 -0800, "Galen Somerville"
<> put finger to keyboard and composed:

>Getting the dreaded "There is not enough memory to run this program" error message when I try to go
>to a DOS Prompt. I have a number of programs that only run in DOS..
>I have MaxPhysPage=40000 and MaxFileCache=512000

Try reducing MaxPhysPage from 40000 (1GB) to 30000 (768MB) or 20000

Specifying Amount of RAM Available to Windows Using MaxPhysPage

>All I did was move this win98se hard drive to a different computer. Previous comp had 2GB RAM.
>Removed the Enum key in registry before running on new computer. It started up fine and found all
>the new equipment okay.
>This comp has only 1GB of RAM and it shows that in right click on Computer icon
>Anyone have any suggestions?

- Franc Zabkar
Please remove one 'i' from my address when replying by email.

Bill Watt

On Tue, 1 Apr 2008 12:53:24 -0800, "Galen Somerville"
<> wrote:

>Getting the dreaded "There is not enough memory to run this program" error message when I try to go
>to a DOS Prompt. I have a number of programs that only run in DOS..
>I have MaxPhysPage=40000 and MaxFileCache=512000
>All I did was move this win98se hard drive to a different computer. Previous comp had 2GB RAM.
>Removed the Enum key in registry before running on new computer. It started up fine and found all
>the new equipment okay.
>This comp has only 1GB of RAM and it shows that in right click on Computer icon
>Anyone have any suggestions?

Try putting these 3 lines at the top of your Config.sys file in the
root. Reboot and try it.



Bill Watt
Win98 Computer Help & Other Information


Galen Somerville wrote:
| Getting the dreaded "There is not enough memory to run this program"
| error message when I try to go to a DOS Prompt. I have a number of
| programs that only run in DOS..

What is your swap file setting at "Control Panel, System, Performance
tab, Virtual Memory button"? I remember a horrible crash trying to get
to a DOS Prompt when I turned off the swap file. Ensure it is not
disabled before you try to get to a Windows DOS Prompt!

Other than that, I've looked real hard at the MSKB & haven't found much
about it yet.

| I have MaxPhysPage=40000 and MaxFileCache=512000
| All I did was move this win98se hard drive to a different computer.
| Previous comp had 2GB RAM. Removed the Enum key in registry before
| running on new computer. It started up fine and found all the new
| equipment okay.
| This comp has only 1GB of RAM and it shows that in right click on
| Computer icon
| Anyone have any suggestions?
| Galen

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,

Galen Somerville

I had already tried MaxPhysPage=30000. Swap file on C: with 500MB minimum, no maximum (over 1GB

Heres the contents of Autoexec.bat and Config.sys:



Have tried with no Config.sys

WOW, I just tried booting into Safe mode. I get an error message "Insufficient memory to initialize
windows", "Delete one or more memory-resident programs etc", then after a few seconds, it shuts down

Any more ideas?


"PCR" <> wrote in message news:uSIncNIlIHA.2304@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
> Galen Somerville wrote:
> | Getting the dreaded "There is not enough memory to run this program"
> | error message when I try to go to a DOS Prompt. I have a number of
> | programs that only run in DOS..
> What is your swap file setting at "Control Panel, System, Performance
> tab, Virtual Memory button"? I remember a horrible crash trying to get
> to a DOS Prompt when I turned off the swap file. Ensure it is not
> disabled before you try to get to a Windows DOS Prompt!
> Other than that, I've looked real hard at the MSKB & haven't found much
> about it yet.
> | I have MaxPhysPage=40000 and MaxFileCache=512000
> |
> | All I did was move this win98se hard drive to a different computer.
> | Previous comp had 2GB RAM. Removed the Enum key in registry before
> | running on new computer. It started up fine and found all the new
> | equipment okay.
> |
> | This comp has only 1GB of RAM and it shows that in right click on
> | Computer icon
> |
> | Anyone have any suggestions?
> |
> | Galen
> --
> Thanks or Good Luck,
> There may be humor in this post, and,
> Naturally, you will not sue,
> Should things get worse after this,


Did the system reset its drivers using the CD rather than Options\CABS?

Did you make a copy or retrieve at any time, the process/startup programs
for this system, before the change?

Did you test the memory?

Is there an old copy of the registry prior to you deleting the Enum key?


"Galen Somerville" <> wrote in message
| I had already tried MaxPhysPage=30000. Swap file on C: with 500MB minimum,
no maximum (over 1GB
| free).
| Heres the contents of Autoexec.bat and Config.sys:
| Have tried with no Config.sys
| WOW, I just tried booting into Safe mode. I get an error message
"Insufficient memory to initialize
| windows", "Delete one or more memory-resident programs etc", then after a
few seconds, it shuts down
| computer.
| Any more ideas?
| Galen
| "PCR" <> wrote in message
| > Galen Somerville wrote:
| > | Getting the dreaded "There is not enough memory to run this program"
| > | error message when I try to go to a DOS Prompt. I have a number of
| > | programs that only run in DOS..
| >
| > What is your swap file setting at "Control Panel, System, Performance
| > tab, Virtual Memory button"? I remember a horrible crash trying to get
| > to a DOS Prompt when I turned off the swap file. Ensure it is not
| > disabled before you try to get to a Windows DOS Prompt!
| >
| > Other than that, I've looked real hard at the MSKB & haven't found much
| > about it yet.
| >
| > | I have MaxPhysPage=40000 and MaxFileCache=512000
| > |
| > | All I did was move this win98se hard drive to a different computer.
| > | Previous comp had 2GB RAM. Removed the Enum key in registry before
| > | running on new computer. It started up fine and found all the new
| > | equipment okay.
| > |
| > | This comp has only 1GB of RAM and it shows that in right click on
| > | Computer icon
| > |
| > | Anyone have any suggestions?
| > |
| > | Galen
| >
| > --
| > Thanks or Good Luck,
| > There may be humor in this post, and,
| > Naturally, you will not sue,
| > Should things get worse after this,
| > PCR
| >
| >
| >

Galen Somerville


"MEB" <meb@not> wrote in message news:OlQAn3NlIHA.1212@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
> Did the system reset its drivers using the CD rather than Options\CABS?

I never use the CD. There's a copy of the Win98 folder on the hard drive which was used for the init
install and any reinstalls

> Did you make a copy or retrieve at any time, the process/startup programs
> for this system, before the change?

When I found that the new MB wouldn't handle Win98, I made an Acronis image of all partitions. This
was used to put it on new hard drive on my test computer (which used to have a working Win98 on it).

> Did you test the memory?

There's three switchable hard drives. WinXP and Vista Home Premium both work okay on this computer
(if you can call Vista okay (g)).

> Is there an old copy of the registry prior to you deleting the Enum key?

I believe I started in Safe mode after creating system from Acronis images. So probably yes.

Incidentally (and curiously) this is the MB it was originally on. I put a new motherboard with Pent
D dual core 3.2G in my working computer (which sadly doesn't handle Win98). Then I used the old MB
to update my test computer with Pent D dual core 3.0G.

I did not want to transfer the hard drive as it's larger and newer than the current hard drive.
Hence the Acronis bit.

Sounds like I should start over and re-create the system again.


> --
> --
> _________
> "Galen Somerville" <> wrote in message
> news:eRH3PNNlIHA.3780@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
> | I had already tried MaxPhysPage=30000. Swap file on C: with 500MB minimum,
> no maximum (over 1GB
> | free).
> |
> | Heres the contents of Autoexec.bat and Config.sys:
> |
> |
> |
> |
> | Have tried with no Config.sys
> |
> | WOW, I just tried booting into Safe mode. I get an error message
> "Insufficient memory to initialize
> | windows", "Delete one or more memory-resident programs etc", then after a
> few seconds, it shuts down
> | computer.
> |
> | Any more ideas?
> |
> | Galen
> |
> | "PCR" <> wrote in message
> news:uSIncNIlIHA.2304@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
> | > Galen Somerville wrote:
> | > | Getting the dreaded "There is not enough memory to run this program"
> | > | error message when I try to go to a DOS Prompt. I have a number of
> | > | programs that only run in DOS..
> | >
> | > What is your swap file setting at "Control Panel, System, Performance
> | > tab, Virtual Memory button"? I remember a horrible crash trying to get
> | > to a DOS Prompt when I turned off the swap file. Ensure it is not
> | > disabled before you try to get to a Windows DOS Prompt!
> | >
> | > Other than that, I've looked real hard at the MSKB & haven't found much
> | > about it yet.
> | >
> | > | I have MaxPhysPage=40000 and MaxFileCache=512000
> | > |
> | > | All I did was move this win98se hard drive to a different computer.
> | > | Previous comp had 2GB RAM. Removed the Enum key in registry before
> | > | running on new computer. It started up fine and found all the new
> | > | equipment okay.
> | > |
> | > | This comp has only 1GB of RAM and it shows that in right click on
> | > | Computer icon
> | > |
> | > | Anyone have any suggestions?
> | > |
> | > | Galen
> | >
> | > --
> | > Thanks or Good Luck,
> | > There may be humor in this post, and,
> | > Naturally, you will not sue,
> | > Should things get worse after this,
> | > PCR
> | >
> | >
> | >
> |


Galen Somerville wrote:
| I had already tried MaxPhysPage=30000. Swap file on C: with 500MB
| minimum, no maximum (over 1GB free).
| Heres the contents of Autoexec.bat and Config.sys:

Are you sure you have an E: & an F: partition on the recipient computer?
(But I doubt that is the cause of this memory problem.) Otherwise, I se
no problem there.


I see no problem in there.

| Have tried with no Config.sys
| WOW, I just tried booting into Safe mode. I get an error message
| "Insufficient memory to initialize windows", "Delete one or more
| memory-resident programs etc", then after a few seconds, it shuts
| down computer.

Well, I have these articles...
Error Message: Insufficient Memory to Initialize Windows
....But you already did it!
(MaxPhysPage=30000 into System.ini, [386Enh] section)
Computer Stops Responding After You Install Hewlett Packard Picture
Place 1.0
When you restart your computer after you install Hewlett Packard Picture
Place version 1.0, your computer may stop responding, or you may receive
the following error message:

Insufficient memory to initialize Windows.
Quit one or more memory-resident programs or remove unnecessary
utilities from your config.sys and autoexec.bat files and restart your

This behavior can occur if Win400i.386 and Hpscanr.386 are in the
[386Enh] section of the System.ini file.

To work around this issue, follow these steps to remove the lines from
the System.ini file: 1. Click Start, click Run, type sysedit in the
Open: box, and then click OK.
2. On the Windows menu, click System.ini, and then find the [386Enh]
3. Locate the lines that have Win400i.386 and Hpscanr.386 in them, and
then type a semicolon in front of each line.
4. Click Exit on the File menu. Click Yes when you are prompted to save
the System.ini file, and then restart your computer.
Computer May Reboot Continuously with More Than 1.5 GB of RAM

This is another MaxPhysPage=40000-- which you already did!
"Out of Memory" Error Messages with Large Amounts of RAM Installed
"Out of Memory" Error Messages with Large Amounts of RAM Installed

(1) "START, Run, MSConfig, System.ini tab, [vcache] section".
Don't just open the section click it to highlight.
(2) Click the "New" button
(3) Type in: "MaxFileCache=524288"
(4) Click "Apply" and "OK".
(5) Reboot, IF that much (512 KB) is already available.
OTHERWISE, just shut down & add the RAM

JUST, don't exceed usable RAM, as seen at "START, Run, MSInfo32"...
376MB RAM, it says for me, because Video has grabbed away 8 MB.
(Someone once said that would be fatal!)

You already tried that one too, though-- are you sure you're putting
them in the right sections?

| Any more ideas?

I'll continue to think, but maybe try again with a new copy of the
partition as you said to MEB. Ensure you make those System.ini changes
before you boot for the first time.

| Galen
| "PCR" <> wrote in message
| news:uSIncNIlIHA.2304@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
|> Galen Somerville wrote:
|> | Getting the dreaded "There is not enough memory to run this
|> | program" error message when I try to go to a DOS Prompt. I have a
|> | number of programs that only run in DOS..
|> What is your swap file setting at "Control Panel, System, Performance
|> tab, Virtual Memory button"? I remember a horrible crash trying to
|> get to a DOS Prompt when I turned off the swap file. Ensure it is not
|> disabled before you try to get to a Windows DOS Prompt!
|> Other than that, I've looked real hard at the MSKB & haven't found
|> much about it yet.
|> | I have MaxPhysPage=40000 and MaxFileCache=512000
|> |
|> | All I did was move this win98se hard drive to a different computer.
|> | Previous comp had 2GB RAM. Removed the Enum key in registry before
|> | running on new computer. It started up fine and found all the new
|> | equipment okay.
|> |
|> | This comp has only 1GB of RAM and it shows that in right click on
|> | Computer icon
|> |
|> | Anyone have any suggestions?
|> |
|> | Galen
|> --
|> Thanks or Good Luck,
|> There may be humor in this post, and,
|> Naturally, you will not sue,
|> Should things get worse after this,
|> PCR

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,


Hi Galen,

First, check the obvious.

Be sure there is only one [vcache] heading in the system.ini file, and also that
there is only one MaxPhysPage entry in the through the entire
system.ini file.

You can also try the troubleshooting in this article:
under the section titled "Windows 98 Does Not Start in Safe Mode":


Any of the following conditions can cause Windows 98 not to start in Safe mode:

.. Your computer is infected with a virus.For additional information about computer
viruses, click the article number below to view the article in the Microsoft
Knowledge Base:
129972 Description of Computer Viruses

.. Your computer's CMOS settings are not correct. Check your computer's CMOS settings
to make sure they are correct. Note that you may need to contact the computer
manufacturer to verify these settings.

.. There is a hardware conflict. These conflicts can include, but are not limited to,
PCI BIOS settings, IRQ conflicts, redundant COM ports (for example, two COM1 ports,
or an internal modem set to use the same COM port as an existing serial port), and
defective RAM chips.

.. A setting in the Msdos.sys file needs to be changed (for example, the Logo setting
should be set to zero).For additional information about the Msdos.sys file, click
the article number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
118579 Contents of the Windows Msdos.sys File

.. You have a compressed drive that is unable to mount a compressed volume file
(CVF).For additional information about how to troubleshoot DriveSpace issues, click
the article numbers below to view the articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
130018 Computer Caught in Reboot Loop After Using DriveSpace
133175 Troubleshooting DriveSpace in Windows 95

If you are still unable to start Windows 98 in Safe mode, run the Windows Registry
Checker (Scanreg.exe) tool as there may be a problem with the system registry. To
start Windows Registry Checker, restart your computer, press and hold CTRL, choose
Command Prompt Only, type scanreg, and then press ENTER. For additional information
about Windows Registry Checker, click the article number below to view the article
in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
183887 Description of the Windows Registry Checker Tool (Scanreg.exe)

For additional information about receiving an error message that your registry is
damaged after you run the Scanreg.exe, click the article number below to view the
article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
186909 Registry Checker Continues to Detect Registry Damage

If you are still unable to start Windows 98 in Safe mode after you use Windows
Registry Checker, install Windows 98 into a new, empty folder. This step helps to
establish whether the problem is related to a remnant of the previous operating
system (such as a configuration setting) or a hardware problem.

Glen Ventura, MS MVP Windows, A+

"Galen Somerville" <> wrote in message
> Inline
> "MEB" <meb@not> wrote in message
> news:OlQAn3NlIHA.1212@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
>> Did the system reset its drivers using the CD rather than Options\CABS?

> I never use the CD. There's a copy of the Win98 folder on the hard drive which was
> used for the init
> install and any reinstalls
>> Did you make a copy or retrieve at any time, the process/startup programs
>> for this system, before the change?

> When I found that the new MB wouldn't handle Win98, I made an Acronis image of all
> partitions. This
> was used to put it on new hard drive on my test computer (which used to have a
> working Win98 on it).
>> Did you test the memory?

> There's three switchable hard drives. WinXP and Vista Home Premium both work okay
> on this computer
> (if you can call Vista okay (g)).
>> Is there an old copy of the registry prior to you deleting the Enum key?

> I believe I started in Safe mode after creating system from Acronis images. So
> probably yes.
> Incidentally (and curiously) this is the MB it was originally on. I put a new
> motherboard with Pent
> D dual core 3.2G in my working computer (which sadly doesn't handle Win98). Then I
> used the old MB
> to update my test computer with Pent D dual core 3.0G.
> I did not want to transfer the hard drive as it's larger and newer than the
> current hard drive.
> Hence the Acronis bit.
> Sounds like I should start over and re-create the system again.
> Galen
>> --
>> MEB
>> --
>> _________
>> "Galen Somerville" <> wrote in message
>> news:eRH3PNNlIHA.3780@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
>> | I had already tried MaxPhysPage=30000. Swap file on C: with 500MB minimum,
>> no maximum (over 1GB
>> | free).
>> |
>> | Heres the contents of Autoexec.bat and Config.sys:
>> |
>> | @ECHO OFF
>> | PROMPT $P$G
>> |
>> |
>> | DOS=UMB
>> |
>> | Have tried with no Config.sys
>> |
>> | WOW, I just tried booting into Safe mode. I get an error message
>> "Insufficient memory to initialize
>> | windows", "Delete one or more memory-resident programs etc", then after a
>> few seconds, it shuts down
>> | computer.
>> |
>> | Any more ideas?
>> |
>> | Galen
>> |
>> | "PCR" <> wrote in message
>> news:uSIncNIlIHA.2304@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
>> | > Galen Somerville wrote:
>> | > | Getting the dreaded "There is not enough memory to run this program"
>> | > | error message when I try to go to a DOS Prompt. I have a number of
>> | > | programs that only run in DOS..
>> | >
>> | > What is your swap file setting at "Control Panel, System, Performance
>> | > tab, Virtual Memory button"? I remember a horrible crash trying to get
>> | > to a DOS Prompt when I turned off the swap file. Ensure it is not
>> | > disabled before you try to get to a Windows DOS Prompt!
>> | >
>> | > Other than that, I've looked real hard at the MSKB & haven't found much
>> | > about it yet.
>> | >
>> | > | I have MaxPhysPage=40000 and MaxFileCache=512000
>> | > |
>> | > | All I did was move this win98se hard drive to a different computer.
>> | > | Previous comp had 2GB RAM. Removed the Enum key in registry before
>> | > | running on new computer. It started up fine and found all the new
>> | > | equipment okay.
>> | > |
>> | > | This comp has only 1GB of RAM and it shows that in right click on
>> | > | Computer icon
>> | > |
>> | > | Anyone have any suggestions?
>> | > |
>> | > | Galen
>> | >
>> | > --
>> | > Thanks or Good Luck,
>> | > There may be humor in this post, and,
>> | > Naturally, you will not sue,
>> | > Should things get worse after this,
>> | > PCR
>> | >
>> | >
>> | >
>> |

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