HELP!!!!! This installation SUCKS!!!



Someone please help me!!

I have to install either Windows 95 or 98 on my clients computer.
This is all hos app will work under.

No matter what, I get a protection error EVERYTIME!!! In 95 it is
some OIS or something and in 98 it is some NDIS.

A bootlog did not help.

I have 4 hours left to get this thing done......someone please help
me. Microsofts site has, as usual, helped....

Thank you so very much!!


PA Bear [MS MVP]

Do we get a cut of what you're being paid to do this?

Please see this page then post back to this
thread with the information we'd need to be able to assist you properly.
~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
MS MVP-IE, Mail, Security, Windows Desktop Experience - since 2002
AumHa VSOP & Admin

Mtek wrote:
> Someone please help me!!
> I have to install either Windows 95 or 98 on my clients computer.
> This is all hos app will work under.
> No matter what, I get a protection error EVERYTIME!!! In 95 it is
> some OIS or something and in 98 it is some NDIS.
> A bootlog did not help.
> I have 4 hours left to get this thing done......someone please help
> me. Microsofts site has, as usual, helped....
> Thank you so very much!!
> John

Don Phillipson

"Mtek" <> wrote in message

> Someone please help me!!
> I have to install either Windows 95 or 98 on my clients computer.
> This is all hos app will work under.
> No matter what, I get a protection error EVERYTIME!!! In 95 it is
> some OIS or something and in 98 it is some NDIS.

1. You did not describe the PC (speed, RAM, etc.)
2. You did not say which OS CDs are at your disposal.
(E.g. Win98SE was updated to avoid the NDIS error
that prevents Win98 installation on CPUs faster than
about 2.3 GHz.)
3. You did not confirm that you have the correct
startup (boot) floppy for each different OS. (These
can be downloaded free from which
lists how many varieties there are.)

Don Phillipson
Carlsbad Springs
(Ottawa, Canada)


"Mtek" <> wrote in message
> Someone please help me!!
> I have to install either Windows 95 or 98 on my clients computer.
> This is all hos app will work under.
> No matter what, I get a protection error EVERYTIME!!! In 95 it is
> some OIS or something and in 98 it is some NDIS.
> A bootlog did not help.
> I have 4 hours left to get this thing done......someone please help
> me. Microsofts site has, as usual, helped....
> Thank you so very much!!
> John

Win95 will require a patch with CPU's over 300 mhz.

I'd go with win98...though

Win98 may also require a patch for some CPU's

Also you might want to use a Virtual machine

Brian A.

"Mtek" <> wrote in message
> Someone please help me!!
> I have to install either Windows 95 or 98 on my clients computer.
> This is all hos app will work under.
> No matter what, I get a protection error EVERYTIME!!! In 95 it is
> some OIS or something and in 98 it is some NDIS.
> A bootlog did not help.
> I have 4 hours left to get this thing done......someone please help
> me. Microsofts site has, as usual, helped....
> Thank you so very much!!
> John

Windows Protection Error in NDIS with a CPU That Is Faster Than 2.1 GHz


Brian A. Sesko { MS MVP_Windows Desktop User Experience }
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