Missing prgs- files -updates



Pentium 3. win98se. Prgs, data files, Win 98 & 98se updates, just
dissappeared from my hard drive. Ran scandisk, all ok, no bad sectors,
Any ideas how this could happen? Other prgs wont load, get message "error
activeX compone cant create object ". Any help appreciated.


Hmm, not much to work with, but did you run any Anti-virus and SpyWare
testing programs?

Is this computer part of a network [other than the Internet]?

You might try reverting to a previous registry [one that worked] from before
this issue started.

IF the computer starts, can you use Explorer to look at the disk, you must
have Settings > Folder Options > View > Hidden Files - Show all files, and
Hide file extensions for know types UNCHECKED, to view hidden folder and

MEB http://peoplescounsel.orgfree.com

"Tom" <Tom@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
| Pentium 3. win98se. Prgs, data files, Win 98 & 98se updates, just
| dissappeared from my hard drive. Ran scandisk, all ok, no bad sectors,
| nothing.
| Any ideas how this could happen? Other prgs wont load, get message "error
| '429'
| activeX compone cant create object ". Any help appreciated.


"MEB" wrote:

> Hmm, not much to work with, but did you run any Anti-virus and SpyWare
> testing programs?
> Is this computer part of a network [other than the Internet]? No.
> You might try reverting to a previous registry [one that worked] from before
> this issue started. How do I locate a previous registry? I can remember backing up the registry but to where?
> IF the computer starts, can you use Explorer to look at the disk, you must
> have Settings > Folder Options > View > Hidden Files - Show all files, and
> Hide file extensions for know types UNCHECKED, to view hidden folder and
> files.
> MEB You mean to check view hidden folder and files.
> --
> MEB http://peoplescounsel.orgfree.com
> --
> _________
> "Tom" <Tom@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
> news:202A4B66-1116-47FE-AE1A-6A2E43A8E1C7@microsoft.com...
> | Pentium 3. win98se. Prgs, data files, Win 98 & 98se updates, just
> | dissappeared from my hard drive. Ran scandisk, all ok, no bad sectors,
> | nothing.
> | Any ideas how this could happen? Other prgs wont load, get message "error
> | '429'
> | activeX compone cant create object ". Any help appreciated.


Right, I guess I should have made that a bit clearer:

| > IF the computer starts, can you use Explorer to look at the disk, you
| > have Settings > Folder Options > View > Hidden Files - Show all files,

| > Hide file extensions for know types UNCHECKED,

to view hidden folder and
| > files.

MEB http://peoplescounsel.orgfree.com

"Tom" <Tom@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
| "MEB" wrote:
| > Hmm, not much to work with, but did you run any Anti-virus and SpyWare
| > testing programs?
| >
| > Is this computer part of a network [other than the Internet]? No.
| >
| > You might try reverting to a previous registry [one that worked] from
| > this issue started. How do I locate a previous registry? I can
remember backing up the registry but to where?
| >
| > IF the computer starts, can you use Explorer to look at the disk, you
| > have Settings > Folder Options > View > Hidden Files - Show all files,
| > Hide file extensions for know types UNCHECKED, to view hidden folder and
| > files.
| > MEB You mean to check view hidden folder and files.
| >
| > --
| > MEB http://peoplescounsel.orgfree.com
| > --
| > _________
| >
| >
| > "Tom" <Tom@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
| > news:202A4B66-1116-47FE-AE1A-6A2E43A8E1C7@microsoft.com...
| > | Pentium 3. win98se. Prgs, data files, Win 98 & 98se updates, just
| > | dissappeared from my hard drive. Ran scandisk, all ok, no bad sectors,
| > | nothing.
| > | Any ideas how this could happen? Other prgs wont load, get message
| > | '429'
| > | activeX compone cant create object ". Any help appreciated.
| >
| >
| >


Tom wrote:
| Pentium 3. win98se. Prgs, data files, Win 98 & 98se updates, just
| dissappeared from my hard drive. Ran scandisk, all ok, no bad sectors,
| nothing.

(1) Where were these items located before they disappeared--
(a) All over the place?
(b) In discrete folders in C:partition?
(c) On a separate partition?
(d) On a separate computer to which you connect
through file sharing?

(2) If in a discrete location, did everything there disappear,
or did some of it survive?

(3) Did anything happen before they disappeared--
(a) A crash?
(b) A big install or uninstall?
(c) Were you online when it happened?

| Any ideas how this could happen? Other prgs wont load, get message
| "error '429'
| activeX compone cant create object ". Any help appreciated.

ActiveX ususally is involved when accessing remote locations on the NET.
Are you online at the time & trying to access files in a shared folder?

(1) Maybe update your virus defs & run a scan.
(2) Can it be one of these doing it...?...

MS05-026: A vulnerability in HTML Help could allow remote code execution
Certain Web sites and HTML Help features may not work after you install
security update 896358 or security update 890175

(3) Close all open programs, then...
"START button, Run, DXDiag"
That is the DirectX Diagnostic Tool. Does it have a message?

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,


Tom wrote:
| Pentium 3. win98se. Prgs, data files, Win 98 & 98se updates, just
| dissappeared from my hard drive. Ran scandisk, all ok, no bad sectors,
| nothing.
| Any ideas how this could happen? Other prgs wont load, get message
| "error '429'
| activeX compone cant create object ". Any help appreciated.

Here is more on 429 errors. Read through some & get back with any
further questions...

Google has a ton for it. Following is the 1st it came up with.

429 - Errors

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,

Gary S. Terhune

This last post of yours, PCR, should show you that your contention that
"ActiveX usually is involved when accessing remote locations on the NET," is
at best misleading. None of those errors involve the internet. Best do some
reading up. Lots of ActiveX in Office apps and HTML Help.

Gary S. Terhune
MS-MVP Shell/User

"PCR" <pcrrcp@netzero.net> wrote in message
> Tom wrote:
> | Pentium 3. win98se. Prgs, data files, Win 98 & 98se updates, just
> | dissappeared from my hard drive. Ran scandisk, all ok, no bad sectors,
> | nothing.
> | Any ideas how this could happen? Other prgs wont load, get message
> | "error '429'
> | activeX compone cant create object ". Any help appreciated.
> Here is more on 429 errors. Read through some & get back with any
> further questions...
> http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=activex+component+error+429
> Google has a ton for it. Following is the 1st it came up with.
> http://www.colba.net/~hlebo49/er429.htm
> 429 - Errors
> --
> Thanks or Good Luck,
> There may be humor in this post, and,
> Naturally, you will not sue,
> Should things get worse after this,
> pcrrcp@netzero.net


"MEB" wrote:

> Right, I guess I should have made that a bit clearer:
> | > IF the computer starts, can you use Explorer to look at the disk, you
> must
> | > have Settings > Folder Options > View > Hidden Files - Show all files,
> checked/ticked

You might try reverting to a previous registry [one that worked] from
before this issue started.
How do I locate a previous registry? I can
remember backing up the registry but to where?

| >
> | > Hide file extensions for know types UNCHECKED,
> to view hidden folder and
> | > files.
> --
> MEB http://peoplescounsel.orgfree.com
> --
> _________
> "Tom" <Tom@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
> news:44D48AAE-BDC8-4475-9F1E-59D987813304@microsoft.com...
> |
> |
> | "MEB" wrote:
> |
> | > Hmm, not much to work with, but did you run any Anti-virus and SpyWare
> | > testing programs?
> | >
> | > Is this computer part of a network [other than the Internet]? No.
> | >
> | > You might try reverting to a previous registry [one that worked] from
> before
> | > this issue started. How do I locate a previous registry? I can
> remember backing up the registry but to where?
> | >
> | > IF the computer starts, can you use Explorer to look at the disk, you
> must
> | > have Settings > Folder Options > View > Hidden Files - Show all files,
> and
> | > Hide file extensions for know types UNCHECKED, to view hidden folder and
> | > files.
> | > MEB You mean to check view hidden folder and files.
> | >
> | > --
> | > MEB http://peoplescounsel.orgfree.com
> | > --
> | > _________
> | >
> | >
> | > "Tom" <Tom@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
> | > news:202A4B66-1116-47FE-AE1A-6A2E43A8E1C7@microsoft.com...
> | > | Pentium 3. win98se. Prgs, data files, Win 98 & 98se updates, just
> | > | dissappeared from my hard drive. Ran scandisk, all ok, no bad sectors,
> | > | nothing.
> | > | Any ideas how this could happen? Other prgs wont load, get message
> "error
> | > | '429'
> | > | activeX compone cant create object ". Any help appreciated.
> | >
> | >
> | >


"PCR" wrote:

> Tom wrote:
> | Pentium 3. win98se. Prgs, data files, Win 98 & 98se updates, just
> | dissappeared from my hard drive. Ran scandisk, all ok, no bad sectors,
> | nothing.
> (1) Where were these items located before they disappeared--
> (a) All over the place?
> (b) In discrete folders in C:partition?
> (c) On a separate partition?
> (d) On a separate computer to which you connect
> through file sharing?
> (2) If in a discrete location, did everything there disappear,
> or did some of it survive?
> (3) Did anything happen before they disappeared--
> (a) A crash?
> (b) A big install or uninstall?
> (c) Were you online when it happened?

One large physical hard drive, partitioned into three,C:, D:, and E:.
All missing on D:, One prg and all the data for it in about eight different
folders and all of the win98 and win 98se updates in one folder. GONE?

The prg with the activeX thing has been reinstalled and running.

> | Any ideas how this could happen? Other prgs wont load, get message
> | "error '429'
> | activeX compone cant create object ". Any help appreciated.
> ActiveX ususally is involved when accessing remote locations on the NET.
> Are you online at the time & trying to access files in a shared folder?
> (1) Maybe update your virus defs & run a scan.
> (2) Can it be one of these doing it...?...
> http://support.microsoft.com/kb/896358/en-us
> MS05-026: A vulnerability in HTML Help could allow remote code execution
> http://support.microsoft.com/kb/892675/en-us
> Certain Web sites and HTML Help features may not work after you install
> security update 896358 or security update 890175
> (3) Close all open programs, then...
> "START button, Run, DXDiag"
> That is the DirectX Diagnostic Tool. Does it have a message?
> --
> Thanks or Good Luck,
> There may be humor in this post, and,
> Naturally, you will not sue,
> Should things get worse after this,
> pcrrcp@netzero.net

Gary S. Terhune

Doesn't seem to be any rhyme nor reason, then it's probably due to the file
system getting majorly corrupted. Only thing to do is find someone who can
rebuild FATs by hand (I know one such person in South Africa), or run that
disk by some data recovery software. The routine is:

1. Pull the plug on the machine, don't start it again until this is over.
Every moment that machine is on is a moment it could be overwriting your
data with new stuff, making the old stuff hard or impossible to recover.

2a. Take the hard drive out of the machine and take it to a pro to recover
your data.

2b. Spend a couple of hundred dollars or more for DECENT recovery software
(there's a lot of crap out there -- I use RTT), install it on someone else's
machine (or another of your own if you're so fortunate), install the problem
hard drive to that machine, and do the recovery.

2b addendum: Since the problem MIGHT have been caused by a virus (I don't
think so, but you never know), the BEST thing would be to build an entirely
new system to do the above, making sure to load it with good AV software.
Then, when the data recovery is done, destroy that system using a full
reformat, perhaps repartitioning it first and even running a wipe program on
it from a protected floppy boot or CD

3. After putting that hard drive back into the problem machine, you may need
to reinstall/repair some applications and even an OS or two, and the first
thing I'd do is to restore a Registry backup. Has anyone told you how to do
that yet?

Gary S. Terhune
MS-MVP Shell/User

"Tom" <Tom@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
> "PCR" wrote:
>> Tom wrote:
>> | Pentium 3. win98se. Prgs, data files, Win 98 & 98se updates, just
>> | dissappeared from my hard drive. Ran scandisk, all ok, no bad sectors,
>> | nothing.
>> (1) Where were these items located before they disappeared--
>> (a) All over the place?
>> (b) In discrete folders in C:partition?
>> (c) On a separate partition?
>> (d) On a separate computer to which you connect
>> through file sharing?
>> (2) If in a discrete location, did everything there disappear,
>> or did some of it survive?
>> (3) Did anything happen before they disappeared--
>> (a) A crash?
>> (b) A big install or uninstall?
>> (c) Were you online when it happened?

> One large physical hard drive, partitioned into three,C:, D:, and E:.
> All missing on D:, One prg and all the data for it in about eight
> different
> folders and all of the win98 and win 98se updates in one folder. GONE?
> The prg with the activeX thing has been reinstalled and running.
>> | Any ideas how this could happen? Other prgs wont load, get message
>> | "error '429'
>> | activeX compone cant create object ". Any help appreciated.
>> ActiveX ususally is involved when accessing remote locations on the NET.
>> Are you online at the time & trying to access files in a shared folder?
>> (1) Maybe update your virus defs & run a scan.
>> (2) Can it be one of these doing it...?...
>> http://support.microsoft.com/kb/896358/en-us
>> MS05-026: A vulnerability in HTML Help could allow remote code execution
>> http://support.microsoft.com/kb/892675/en-us
>> Certain Web sites and HTML Help features may not work after you install
>> security update 896358 or security update 890175
>> (3) Close all open programs, then...
>> "START button, Run, DXDiag"
>> That is the DirectX Diagnostic Tool. Does it have a message?
>> --
>> Thanks or Good Luck,
>> There may be humor in this post, and,
>> Naturally, you will not sue,
>> Should things get worse after this,
>> PCR
>> pcrrcp@netzero.net


I'm going with you on this one, the new information [which I failed to ask
for, my mistake] indicates apparent corruption of the partition/drive.

No one has indicated how to restore the registry, but that information may
be useless until after the recovery of the partition/drive.

MEB http://peoplescounsel.orgfree.com

"Gary S. Terhune" <none> wrote in message
| Doesn't seem to be any rhyme nor reason, then it's probably due to the
| system getting majorly corrupted. Only thing to do is find someone who can
| rebuild FATs by hand (I know one such person in South Africa), or run that
| disk by some data recovery software. The routine is:
| 1. Pull the plug on the machine, don't start it again until this is over.
| Every moment that machine is on is a moment it could be overwriting your
| data with new stuff, making the old stuff hard or impossible to recover.
| 2a. Take the hard drive out of the machine and take it to a pro to recover
| your data.
| 2b. Spend a couple of hundred dollars or more for DECENT recovery software
| (there's a lot of crap out there -- I use RTT), install it on someone
| machine (or another of your own if you're so fortunate), install the
| hard drive to that machine, and do the recovery.
| 2b addendum: Since the problem MIGHT have been caused by a virus (I don't
| think so, but you never know), the BEST thing would be to build an
| new system to do the above, making sure to load it with good AV software.
| Then, when the data recovery is done, destroy that system using a full
| reformat, perhaps repartitioning it first and even running a wipe program
| it from a protected floppy boot or CD
| 3. After putting that hard drive back into the problem machine, you may
| to reinstall/repair some applications and even an OS or two, and the first
| thing I'd do is to restore a Registry backup. Has anyone told you how to
| that yet?
| --
| Gary S. Terhune
| MS-MVP Shell/User
| www.grystmill.com
| "Tom" <Tom@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
| news:736F4EEF-3A55-4EC0-8491-F6906864B3A8@microsoft.com...
| >
| >
| > "PCR" wrote:
| >
| >> Tom wrote:
| >> | Pentium 3. win98se. Prgs, data files, Win 98 & 98se updates, just
| >> | dissappeared from my hard drive. Ran scandisk, all ok, no bad
| >> | nothing.
| >>
| >> (1) Where were these items located before they disappeared--
| >> (a) All over the place?
| >> (b) In discrete folders in C:partition?
| >> (c) On a separate partition?
| >> (d) On a separate computer to which you connect
| >> through file sharing?
| >>
| >> (2) If in a discrete location, did everything there disappear,
| >> or did some of it survive?
| >>
| >> (3) Did anything happen before they disappeared--
| >> (a) A crash?
| >> (b) A big install or uninstall?
| >> (c) Were you online when it happened?
| >
| > PCR
| > One large physical hard drive, partitioned into three,C:, D:, and E:.
| > All missing on D:, One prg and all the data for it in about eight
| > different
| > folders and all of the win98 and win 98se updates in one folder. GONE?
| >
| > The prg with the activeX thing has been reinstalled and running.
| >
| >>
| >> | Any ideas how this could happen? Other prgs wont load, get message
| >> | "error '429'
| >> | activeX compone cant create object ". Any help appreciated.
| >>
| >> ActiveX ususally is involved when accessing remote locations on the
| >> Are you online at the time & trying to access files in a shared folder?
| >>
| >> (1) Maybe update your virus defs & run a scan.
| >> (2) Can it be one of these doing it...?...
| >>
| >> http://support.microsoft.com/kb/896358/en-us
| >> MS05-026: A vulnerability in HTML Help could allow remote code
| >> http://support.microsoft.com/kb/892675/en-us
| >> Certain Web sites and HTML Help features may not work after you install
| >> security update 896358 or security update 890175
| >>
| >> (3) Close all open programs, then...
| >> "START button, Run, DXDiag"
| >> That is the DirectX Diagnostic Tool. Does it have a message?
| >>
| >>
| >> --
| >> Thanks or Good Luck,
| >> There may be humor in this post, and,
| >> Naturally, you will not sue,
| >> Should things get worse after this,
| >> PCR
| >> pcrrcp@netzero.net
| >>
| >>
| >>

Gary S. Terhune

The need for a Registry Restore is not clear, I'd just do it on GP.

Gary S. Terhune
MS-MVP Shell/User

"MEB" <meb@not here@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> I'm going with you on this one, the new information [which I failed to ask
> for, my mistake] indicates apparent corruption of the partition/drive.
> No one has indicated how to restore the registry, but that information may
> be useless until after the recovery of the partition/drive.
> --
> MEB http://peoplescounsel.orgfree.com
> --
> _________
> "Gary S. Terhune" <none> wrote in message
> news:exUsz04sIHA.4912@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
> | Doesn't seem to be any rhyme nor reason, then it's probably due to the
> file
> | system getting majorly corrupted. Only thing to do is find someone who
> can
> | rebuild FATs by hand (I know one such person in South Africa), or run
> that
> | disk by some data recovery software. The routine is:
> |
> | 1. Pull the plug on the machine, don't start it again until this is
> over.
> | Every moment that machine is on is a moment it could be overwriting your
> | data with new stuff, making the old stuff hard or impossible to recover.
> |
> | 2a. Take the hard drive out of the machine and take it to a pro to
> recover
> | your data.
> |
> | 2b. Spend a couple of hundred dollars or more for DECENT recovery
> software
> | (there's a lot of crap out there -- I use RTT), install it on someone
> else's
> | machine (or another of your own if you're so fortunate), install the
> problem
> | hard drive to that machine, and do the recovery.
> |
> | 2b addendum: Since the problem MIGHT have been caused by a virus (I
> don't
> | think so, but you never know), the BEST thing would be to build an
> entirely
> | new system to do the above, making sure to load it with good AV
> software.
> | Then, when the data recovery is done, destroy that system using a full
> | reformat, perhaps repartitioning it first and even running a wipe
> program
> on
> | it from a protected floppy boot or CD
> |
> | 3. After putting that hard drive back into the problem machine, you may
> need
> | to reinstall/repair some applications and even an OS or two, and the
> first
> | thing I'd do is to restore a Registry backup. Has anyone told you how to
> do
> | that yet?
> |
> | --
> | Gary S. Terhune
> | MS-MVP Shell/User
> | www.grystmill.com
> |
> | "Tom" <Tom@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
> | news:736F4EEF-3A55-4EC0-8491-F6906864B3A8@microsoft.com...
> | >
> | >
> | > "PCR" wrote:
> | >
> | >> Tom wrote:
> | >> | Pentium 3. win98se. Prgs, data files, Win 98 & 98se updates,
> just
> | >> | dissappeared from my hard drive. Ran scandisk, all ok, no bad
> sectors,
> | >> | nothing.
> | >>
> | >> (1) Where were these items located before they disappeared--
> | >> (a) All over the place?
> | >> (b) In discrete folders in C:partition?
> | >> (c) On a separate partition?
> | >> (d) On a separate computer to which you connect
> | >> through file sharing?
> | >>
> | >> (2) If in a discrete location, did everything there disappear,
> | >> or did some of it survive?
> | >>
> | >> (3) Did anything happen before they disappeared--
> | >> (a) A crash?
> | >> (b) A big install or uninstall?
> | >> (c) Were you online when it happened?
> | >
> | > PCR
> | > One large physical hard drive, partitioned into three,C:, D:, and E:.
> | > All missing on D:, One prg and all the data for it in about eight
> | > different
> | > folders and all of the win98 and win 98se updates in one folder.
> | >
> | > The prg with the activeX thing has been reinstalled and running.
> | >
> | >>
> | >> | Any ideas how this could happen? Other prgs wont load, get message
> | >> | "error '429'
> | >> | activeX compone cant create object ". Any help appreciated.
> | >>
> | >> ActiveX ususally is involved when accessing remote locations on the
> NET.
> | >> Are you online at the time & trying to access files in a shared
> folder?
> | >>
> | >> (1) Maybe update your virus defs & run a scan.
> | >> (2) Can it be one of these doing it...?...
> | >>
> | >> http://support.microsoft.com/kb/896358/en-us
> | >> MS05-026: A vulnerability in HTML Help could allow remote code
> execution
> | >> http://support.microsoft.com/kb/892675/en-us
> | >> Certain Web sites and HTML Help features may not work after you
> install
> | >> security update 896358 or security update 890175
> | >>
> | >> (3) Close all open programs, then...
> | >> "START button, Run, DXDiag"
> | >> That is the DirectX Diagnostic Tool. Does it have a message?
> | >>
> | >>
> | >> --
> | >> Thanks or Good Luck,
> | >> There may be humor in this post, and,
> | >> Naturally, you will not sue,
> | >> Should things get worse after this,
> | >> PCR
> | >> pcrrcp@netzero.net
> | >>
> | >>
> | >>
> |

Gary S. Terhune

The way I read this, what you lost was partition D:\ and nothing more?
Am I right?
Only data from D:\ and, the way you describe it, ALL of the data from D:\?
Is D:\ visible in Windows Explorer? Is anything in it? Have you put anything
in it since the "Event"?

Suggest you stop trying to fix things (reinstalling programs, etc.) until
you figure out what the problem is. Unless you don't care about any of that
lost data. Best thing to do is leave the machine unplugged. As for data
recovery, that can be done, but it does involve cost and I want to see if I
can't get the attention of a colleague or two who might have sweeter
answers. But first, please answer the above questions.

Gary S. Terhune
MS-MVP Shell/User

"Tom" <Tom@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
> "PCR" wrote:
>> Tom wrote:
>> | Pentium 3. win98se. Prgs, data files, Win 98 & 98se updates, just
>> | dissappeared from my hard drive. Ran scandisk, all ok, no bad sectors,
>> | nothing.
>> (1) Where were these items located before they disappeared--
>> (a) All over the place?
>> (b) In discrete folders in C:partition?
>> (c) On a separate partition?
>> (d) On a separate computer to which you connect
>> through file sharing?
>> (2) If in a discrete location, did everything there disappear,
>> or did some of it survive?
>> (3) Did anything happen before they disappeared--
>> (a) A crash?
>> (b) A big install or uninstall?
>> (c) Were you online when it happened?

> One large physical hard drive, partitioned into three,C:, D:, and E:.
> All missing on D:, One prg and all the data for it in about eight
> different
> folders and all of the win98 and win 98se updates in one folder. GONE?
> The prg with the activeX thing has been reinstalled and running.
>> | Any ideas how this could happen? Other prgs wont load, get message
>> | "error '429'
>> | activeX compone cant create object ". Any help appreciated.
>> ActiveX ususally is involved when accessing remote locations on the NET.
>> Are you online at the time & trying to access files in a shared folder?
>> (1) Maybe update your virus defs & run a scan.
>> (2) Can it be one of these doing it...?...
>> http://support.microsoft.com/kb/896358/en-us
>> MS05-026: A vulnerability in HTML Help could allow remote code execution
>> http://support.microsoft.com/kb/892675/en-us
>> Certain Web sites and HTML Help features may not work after you install
>> security update 896358 or security update 890175
>> (3) Close all open programs, then...
>> "START button, Run, DXDiag"
>> That is the DirectX Diagnostic Tool. Does it have a message?
>> --
>> Thanks or Good Luck,
>> There may be humor in this post, and,
>> Naturally, you will not sue,
>> Should things get worse after this,
>> PCR
>> pcrrcp@netzero.net


Gary S. Terhune wrote:
| This last post of yours, PCR, should show you that your contention
| that "ActiveX usually is involved when accessing remote locations on
| the NET," is at best misleading. None of those errors involve the
| internet. Best do some reading up. Lots of ActiveX in Office apps and
| HTML Help.

I believe you do have a point there. Thanks. I don't have MS Office
(only MS Works) & failed to immediately think of it. Also, the first
articles I did read did mentioned the NET...

MS05-026: A vulnerability in HTML Help could allow remote code execution
Certain Web sites and HTML Help features may not work after you install
security update 896358 or security update 890175

But you are right about that, Terhune, thanks.

(I'm afraid I don't fully comprehend ActiveX. But I'm willing to study
any specific article of those trillion on the NET-- if Tom can say it
seems to apply to his situation!)

| --
| Gary S. Terhune
| MS-MVP Shell/User
| www.grystmill.com
| "PCR" <pcrrcp@netzero.net> wrote in message
| news:eIA1QfwsIHA.5872@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
|> Tom wrote:
|> | Pentium 3. win98se. Prgs, data files, Win 98 & 98se updates,
|> | just dissappeared from my hard drive. Ran scandisk, all ok, no bad
|> | sectors, nothing.
|> | Any ideas how this could happen? Other prgs wont load, get message
|> | "error '429'
|> | activeX compone cant create object ". Any help appreciated.
|> Here is more on 429 errors. Read through some & get back with any
|> further questions...
|> http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=activex+component+error+429
|> Google has a ton for it. Following is the 1st it came up with.
|> http://www.colba.net/~hlebo49/er429.htm
|> 429 - Errors
|> --
|> Thanks or Good Luck,
|> There may be humor in this post, and,
|> Naturally, you will not sue,
|> Should things get worse after this,
|> PCR
|> pcrrcp@netzero.net

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,


Tom wrote:
| "PCR" wrote:
|> Tom wrote:
|> | Pentium 3. win98se. Prgs, data files, Win 98 & 98se updates,
|> | just dissappeared from my hard drive. Ran scandisk, all ok, no bad
|> | sectors, nothing.
|> (1) Where were these items located before they disappeared--
|> (a) All over the place?
|> (b) In discrete folders in C:partition?
|> (c) On a separate partition?
|> (d) On a separate computer to which you connect
|> through file sharing?
|> (2) If in a discrete location, did everything there disappear,
|> or did some of it survive?
|> (3) Did anything happen before they disappeared--
|> (a) A crash?
|> (b) A big install or uninstall?
|> (c) Were you online when it happened?
| One large physical hard drive, partitioned into three,C:, D:, and E:.
| All missing on D:, One prg and all the data for it in about eight
| different folders and all of the win98 and win 98se updates in one
| folder. GONE?

Was there anything else on D:partition that did survive, or are you left
with an empty partition? Is D:partition a normal one, or was it
compressed? If normal, try one of these to recover a deleted file...

Recover For All
http://hccweb1.bai.ne.jp/~hcj58401/ Undelete
http://www.briggsoft.com/dsnoop.htm DSnoop Undelete
http://www.pcinspector.de/file_recovery/uk/welcome.htm Undelete
http://www.snapfiles.com/get/restoration.html Restoration
http://aumha.org/downloads/restoration.exe Also Restoration

The one I use is Restoration, but the others also have been said to be
good at this NG. The more you write to D:partition, the less likely you
will get a deleted file back. After a file is deleted, the space
occupied by the file can freely be used by the system. As soon as
something overwrites it, the file is truly gone. Also, running a Defrag
(but not a Scandisk) appears to make them truly disappear.

| The prg with the activeX thing has been reinstalled and running.

Was that the program that went missing on D:partition? And the ActiveX
error messages are gone now that you've reinstalled it? If not, click
through some of that Google search I posted for an article that seems
best to describe your circumstance. We may be able to help you decipher
it. What is the program you reinstalled?

|> | Any ideas how this could happen? Other prgs wont load, get message
|> | "error '429'
|> | activeX compone cant create object ". Any help appreciated.
|> ActiveX ususally is involved when accessing remote locations on the
|> NET. Are you online at the time & trying to access files in a shared
|> folder?
|> (1) Maybe update your virus defs & run a scan.
|> (2) Can it be one of these doing it...?...
|> http://support.microsoft.com/kb/896358/en-us
|> MS05-026: A vulnerability in HTML Help could allow remote code
|> execution http://support.microsoft.com/kb/892675/en-us
|> Certain Web sites and HTML Help features may not work after you
|> install security update 896358 or security update 890175
|> (3) Close all open programs, then...
|> "START button, Run, DXDiag"
|> That is the DirectX Diagnostic Tool. Does it have a message?
|> --
|> Thanks or Good Luck,
|> There may be humor in this post, and,
|> Naturally, you will not sue,
|> Should things get worse after this,
|> PCR
|> pcrrcp@netzero.net

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,

Gary S. Terhune

It's a REALLY good idea not to do ANYTHING with that machine until you
understand the full extent of the problem. If it's a case of a whole
partition suddenly disappearing, that's a specific hint that might point to
an easier, simpler solution. If all the missing data was on D:\ but some
remains, and the partition is usable, that's another problem entirely. And
if it involves more than one partition, yet another whole panoply of
possibilities emerges.

I've politely requested the presence of Mr. Quirke, but he'll want the
answers to the questions we've posed.

Gary S. Terhune
MS-MVP Shell/User

"PCR" <pcrrcp@netzero.net> wrote in message
> Tom wrote:
> | "PCR" wrote:
> |
> |> Tom wrote:
> |> | Pentium 3. win98se. Prgs, data files, Win 98 & 98se updates,
> |> | just dissappeared from my hard drive. Ran scandisk, all ok, no bad
> |> | sectors, nothing.
> |>
> |> (1) Where were these items located before they disappeared--
> |> (a) All over the place?
> |> (b) In discrete folders in C:partition?
> |> (c) On a separate partition?
> |> (d) On a separate computer to which you connect
> |> through file sharing?
> |>
> |> (2) If in a discrete location, did everything there disappear,
> |> or did some of it survive?
> |>
> |> (3) Did anything happen before they disappeared--
> |> (a) A crash?
> |> (b) A big install or uninstall?
> |> (c) Were you online when it happened?
> |
> | PCR
> | One large physical hard drive, partitioned into three,C:, D:, and E:.
> | All missing on D:, One prg and all the data for it in about eight
> | different folders and all of the win98 and win 98se updates in one
> | folder. GONE?
> Was there anything else on D:partition that did survive, or are you left
> with an empty partition? Is D:partition a normal one, or was it
> compressed? If normal, try one of these to recover a deleted file...
> http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/Kaus/homepage.htm
> Recover For All
> http://hccweb1.bai.ne.jp/~hcj58401/ Undelete
> http://www.briggsoft.com/dsnoop.htm DSnoop Undelete
> http://www.pcinspector.de/file_recovery/uk/welcome.htm Undelete
> http://www.snapfiles.com/get/restoration.html Restoration
> http://aumha.org/downloads/restoration.exe Also Restoration
> The one I use is Restoration, but the others also have been said to be
> good at this NG. The more you write to D:partition, the less likely you
> will get a deleted file back. After a file is deleted, the space
> occupied by the file can freely be used by the system. As soon as
> something overwrites it, the file is truly gone. Also, running a Defrag
> (but not a Scandisk) appears to make them truly disappear.
> | The prg with the activeX thing has been reinstalled and running.
> Was that the program that went missing on D:partition? And the ActiveX
> error messages are gone now that you've reinstalled it? If not, click
> through some of that Google search I posted for an article that seems
> best to describe your circumstance. We may be able to help you decipher
> it. What is the program you reinstalled?
> |>
> |> | Any ideas how this could happen? Other prgs wont load, get message
> |> | "error '429'
> |> | activeX compone cant create object ". Any help appreciated.
> |>
> |> ActiveX ususally is involved when accessing remote locations on the
> |> NET. Are you online at the time & trying to access files in a shared
> |> folder?
> |>
> |> (1) Maybe update your virus defs & run a scan.
> |> (2) Can it be one of these doing it...?...
> |>
> |> http://support.microsoft.com/kb/896358/en-us
> |> MS05-026: A vulnerability in HTML Help could allow remote code
> |> execution http://support.microsoft.com/kb/892675/en-us
> |> Certain Web sites and HTML Help features may not work after you
> |> install security update 896358 or security update 890175
> |>
> |> (3) Close all open programs, then...
> |> "START button, Run, DXDiag"
> |> That is the DirectX Diagnostic Tool. Does it have a message?
> |>
> |>
> |> --
> |> Thanks or Good Luck,
> |> There may be humor in this post, and,
> |> Naturally, you will not sue,
> |> Should things get worse after this,
> |> PCR
> |> pcrrcp@netzero.net
> --
> Thanks or Good Luck,
> There may be humor in this post, and,
> Naturally, you will not sue,
> Should things get worse after this,
> pcrrcp@netzero.net


Gary S. Terhune wrote:
| It's a REALLY good idea not to do ANYTHING with that machine until you
| understand the full extent of the problem. If it's a case of a whole
| partition suddenly disappearing, that's a specific hint that might
| point to an easier, simpler solution. If all the missing data was on
| D:\ but some remains, and the partition is usable, that's another
| problem entirely. And if it involves more than one partition, yet
| another whole panoply of possibilities emerges.
| I've politely requested the presence of Mr. Quirke, but he'll want the
| answers to the questions we've posed.

Alright. I agree all of the questions should be answered, before
anything more is done to that partition at least. And Chris Quirke could
be the best to solve it, after the answers are received.

| --
| Gary S. Terhune
| MS-MVP Shell/User
| www.grystmill.com
| "PCR" <pcrrcp@netzero.net> wrote in message
| news:eXspy$8sIHA.4376@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
|> Tom wrote:
|> | "PCR" wrote:
|> |
|> |> Tom wrote:
|> |> | Pentium 3. win98se. Prgs, data files, Win 98 & 98se updates,
|> |> | just dissappeared from my hard drive. Ran scandisk, all ok, no
|> |> | bad sectors, nothing.
|> |>
|> |> (1) Where were these items located before they disappeared--
|> |> (a) All over the place?
|> |> (b) In discrete folders in C:partition?
|> |> (c) On a separate partition?
|> |> (d) On a separate computer to which you connect
|> |> through file sharing?
|> |>
|> |> (2) If in a discrete location, did everything there disappear,
|> |> or did some of it survive?
|> |>
|> |> (3) Did anything happen before they disappeared--
|> |> (a) A crash?
|> |> (b) A big install or uninstall?
|> |> (c) Were you online when it happened?
|> |
|> | PCR
|> | One large physical hard drive, partitioned into three,C:, D:, and
|> | E:. All missing on D:, One prg and all the data for it in about
|> | eight different folders and all of the win98 and win 98se updates
|> | in one folder. GONE?
|> Was there anything else on D:partition that did survive, or are you
|> left with an empty partition? Is D:partition a normal one, or was it
|> compressed? If normal, try one of these to recover a deleted file...
|> http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/Kaus/homepage.htm
|> Recover For All
|> http://hccweb1.bai.ne.jp/~hcj58401/ Undelete
|> http://www.briggsoft.com/dsnoop.htm DSnoop Undelete
|> http://www.pcinspector.de/file_recovery/uk/welcome.htm Undelete
|> http://www.snapfiles.com/get/restoration.html Restoration
|> http://aumha.org/downloads/restoration.exe Also Restoration
|> The one I use is Restoration, but the others also have been said to
|> be good at this NG. The more you write to D:partition, the less
|> likely you will get a deleted file back. After a file is deleted,
|> the space occupied by the file can freely be used by the system. As
|> soon as something overwrites it, the file is truly gone. Also,
|> running a Defrag (but not a Scandisk) appears to make them truly
|> disappear.
|> | The prg with the activeX thing has been reinstalled and running.
|> Was that the program that went missing on D:partition? And the
|> ActiveX error messages are gone now that you've reinstalled it? If
|> not, click through some of that Google search I posted for an
|> article that seems best to describe your circumstance. We may be
|> able to help you decipher it. What is the program you reinstalled?
|> |>
|> |> | Any ideas how this could happen? Other prgs wont load, get
|> |> | message "error '429'
|> |> | activeX compone cant create object ". Any help appreciated.
|> |>
|> |> ActiveX ususally is involved when accessing remote locations on
|> |> the NET. Are you online at the time & trying to access files in a
|> |> shared folder?
|> |>
|> |> (1) Maybe update your virus defs & run a scan.
|> |> (2) Can it be one of these doing it...?...
|> |>
|> |> http://support.microsoft.com/kb/896358/en-us
|> |> MS05-026: A vulnerability in HTML Help could allow remote code
|> |> execution http://support.microsoft.com/kb/892675/en-us
|> |> Certain Web sites and HTML Help features may not work after you
|> |> install security update 896358 or security update 890175
|> |>
|> |> (3) Close all open programs, then...
|> |> "START button, Run, DXDiag"
|> |> That is the DirectX Diagnostic Tool. Does it have a message?
|> |>
|> |>
|> |> --
|> |> Thanks or Good Luck,
|> |> There may be humor in this post, and,
|> |> Naturally, you will not sue,
|> |> Should things get worse after this,
|> |> PCR
|> |> pcrrcp@netzero.net
|> --
|> Thanks or Good Luck,
|> There may be humor in this post, and,
|> Naturally, you will not sue,
|> Should things get worse after this,
|> PCR
|> pcrrcp@netzero.net

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,


Okay, your first post was three days ago, so potentially you now have three
more saved registries to contend with if you shut down and restarted the
target computer during those three days.

The standard way is to use the DOS prompt, which you get to by rapidly
pressing F8 during bootup, immediately after the POST/BIOS readout screen.

From the menu select DOS Prompt only, type ScanReg /restore and choose the
entry from BEFORE the issue. Your problem MAY be that you have no idea which
one to use. IF the computer boots normally [except for being unable to see
the files] AND you have done the file viewing changes, start Explorer, open
the Windows folder and go here and look for these files and their dates:

Choose the one, *by date*, from before the issue appeared, >make note of
the rb00*<, that is the one you will TRY to revert too. HOWEVER, let me
backup here,, new information you posted suggests this:

Did you run scandisk yet? I note in your reply to PCR that one entire
partition is missing {or just one partition is affected}- drive D, Sorry,
that is generally a question I should have asked in the first posting. my
error.. This appears to indicate an issue with the MBR/partition table or
fat corruption issue.
You HAVE run checks on the drives/partitions using Anti-Virus and SpyWare
checking tools in addition to scandisk, is that correct?.IF NOT then do so
now, starting with scandisk [do not let it correct anything, post log
results of any errors found].

From the DOS prompt type > fdisk /status and post the results.

MEB http://peoplescounsel.orgfree.com

"Tom" <Tom@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
| "MEB" wrote:
| > Right, I guess I should have made that a bit clearer:
| >
| > | > IF the computer starts, can you use Explorer to look at the disk,
| > must
| > | > have Settings > Folder Options > View > Hidden Files - Show all
| > checked/ticked
| >
| You might try reverting to a previous registry [one that worked] from
| before this issue started.
| How do I locate a previous registry? I can
| remember backing up the registry but to where?
| | >
| > AND
| > | > Hide file extensions for know types UNCHECKED,
| >
| > to view hidden folder and
| > | > files.
| >
| >
| >
| > --
| > MEB http://peoplescounsel.orgfree.com
| > --
| > _________
| >
| > "Tom" <Tom@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
| > news:44D48AAE-BDC8-4475-9F1E-59D987813304@microsoft.com...
| > |
| > |
| > | "MEB" wrote:
| > |
| > | > Hmm, not much to work with, but did you run any Anti-virus and
| > | > testing programs?
| > | >
| > | > Is this computer part of a network [other than the Internet]? No.
| > | >
| > | > You might try reverting to a previous registry [one that worked]
| > before
| > | > this issue started. How do I locate a previous registry? I can
| > remember backing up the registry but to where?
| > | >
| > | > IF the computer starts, can you use Explorer to look at the disk,
| > must
| > | > have Settings > Folder Options > View > Hidden Files - Show all
| > and
| > | > Hide file extensions for know types UNCHECKED, to view hidden folder
| > | > files.
| > | > MEB You mean to check view hidden folder and files.
| > | >
| > | > --
| > | > MEB http://peoplescounsel.orgfree.com
| > | > --
| > | > _________
| > | >
| > | >
| > | > "Tom" <Tom@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
| > | > news:202A4B66-1116-47FE-AE1A-6A2E43A8E1C7@microsoft.com...
| > | > | Pentium 3. win98se. Prgs, data files, Win 98 & 98se updates,
| > | > | dissappeared from my hard drive. Ran scandisk, all ok, no bad
| > | > | nothing.
| > | > | Any ideas how this could happen? Other prgs wont load, get message
| > "error
| > | > | '429'
| > | > | activeX compone cant create object ". Any help appreciated.
| > | >
| > | >
| > | >
| >
| >
| >

Gary S. Terhune

To repeat from a sub-thread below::

It's a REALLY good idea not to do ANYTHING with that machine until you
understand the full extent of the problem. If it's a case of a whole
partition suddenly disappearing, that's a specific hint that might point to
an easier, simpler solution. If all the missing data was on D:\ but some
remains, and the partition is usable, that's another problem entirely. And
if it involves more than one partition, yet another whole panoply of
possibilities emerges.

I've politely requested the presence of Mr. Quirke, but he'll want the
answers to the questions we've posed.

Gary S. Terhune
MS-MVP Shell/User

"MEB" <meb@not here@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> Okay, your first post was three days ago, so potentially you now have
> three
> more saved registries to contend with if you shut down and restarted the
> target computer during those three days.
> The standard way is to use the DOS prompt, which you get to by rapidly
> pressing F8 during bootup, immediately after the POST/BIOS readout screen.
> From the menu select DOS Prompt only, type ScanReg /restore and choose the
> entry from BEFORE the issue. Your problem MAY be that you have no idea
> which
> one to use. IF the computer boots normally [except for being unable to see
> the files] AND you have done the file viewing changes, start Explorer,
> open
> the Windows folder and go here and look for these files and their dates:
> Choose the one, *by date*, from before the issue appeared, >make note of
> the rb00*<, that is the one you will TRY to revert too. HOWEVER, let me
> backup here,, new information you posted suggests this:
> Did you run scandisk yet? I note in your reply to PCR that one entire
> partition is missing {or just one partition is affected}- drive D, Sorry,
> that is generally a question I should have asked in the first posting. my
> error.. This appears to indicate an issue with the MBR/partition table or
> fat corruption issue.
> You HAVE run checks on the drives/partitions using Anti-Virus and SpyWare
> checking tools in addition to scandisk, is that correct?.IF NOT then do so
> now, starting with scandisk [do not let it correct anything, post log
> results of any errors found].
> From the DOS prompt type > fdisk /status and post the results.
> --
> MEB http://peoplescounsel.orgfree.com
> --
> _________
> "Tom" <Tom@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
> news:037834E3-C41E-4672-90BF-64671D24FB71@microsoft.com...
> |
> |
> | "MEB" wrote:
> |
> | > Right, I guess I should have made that a bit clearer:
> | >
> | > | > IF the computer starts, can you use Explorer to look at the disk,
> you
> | > must
> | > | > have Settings > Folder Options > View > Hidden Files - Show all
> files,
> | > checked/ticked
> | >
> |
> | MEB
> | You might try reverting to a previous registry [one that worked] from
> | before this issue started.
> | How do I locate a previous registry? I can
> | remember backing up the registry but to where?
> |
> |
> |
> |
> |
> | | >
> | > AND
> | > | > Hide file extensions for know types UNCHECKED,
> | >
> | > to view hidden folder and
> | > | > files.
> | >
> | >
> | >
> | > --
> | > MEB http://peoplescounsel.orgfree.com
> | > --
> | > _________
> | >
> | > "Tom" <Tom@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
> | > news:44D48AAE-BDC8-4475-9F1E-59D987813304@microsoft.com...
> | > |
> | > |
> | > | "MEB" wrote:
> | > |
> | > | > Hmm, not much to work with, but did you run any Anti-virus and
> SpyWare
> | > | > testing programs?
> | > | >
> | > | > Is this computer part of a network [other than the Internet]?
> No.
> | > | >
> | > | > You might try reverting to a previous registry [one that worked]
> from
> | > before
> | > | > this issue started. How do I locate a previous registry? I can
> | > remember backing up the registry but to where?
> | > | >
> | > | > IF the computer starts, can you use Explorer to look at the disk,
> you
> | > must
> | > | > have Settings > Folder Options > View > Hidden Files - Show all
> files,
> | > and
> | > | > Hide file extensions for know types UNCHECKED, to view hidden
> folder
> and
> | > | > files.
> | > | > MEB You mean to check view hidden folder and files.
> | > | >
> | > | > --
> | > | > MEB http://peoplescounsel.orgfree.com
> | > | > --
> | > | > _________
> | > | >
> | > | >
> | > | > "Tom" <Tom@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
> | > | > news:202A4B66-1116-47FE-AE1A-6A2E43A8E1C7@microsoft.com...
> | > | > | Pentium 3. win98se. Prgs, data files, Win 98 & 98se updates,
> just
> | > | > | dissappeared from my hard drive. Ran scandisk, all ok, no bad
> sectors,
> | > | > | nothing.
> | > | > | Any ideas how this could happen? Other prgs wont load, get
> message
> | > "error
> | > | > | '429'
> | > | > | activeX compone cant create object ". Any help appreciated.
> | > | >
> | > | >
> | > | >
> | >
> | >
> | >
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