Re: I can not get my modem to connect

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On Tue, 29 Apr 2008 20:15:39 +1000, Steven Saunderson <>

>On Tue, 29 Apr 2008 04:55:38 -0500, wrote:
>> I am using that same modem and same computer right now. I have a
>> barebones installation of Win98se on another small hard drive. I
>> unplugged my regular harddrive and plugged in this one. I could

>> right away without any problems. But, I am still only getting 24K
>> again.
>> Can anyone please tell me what to do to fix this. I have no idea

>> else to do. Needless to say, I am going to begin looking for

>> ISP.

>It could be the ISP but I doubt it. I would suspect a drop in your
>phone line quality. Can you either take your PC to another house and
>try it there or try connecting to another ISP if you know someone with

>dial up account that will let you use their account temporarily. If
>your PC works better at another house then it looks like a line

>If connecting to another ISP works better then maybe it is the ISP.

>neither then it might be a modem problem or perhaps a change in the
>modem settings that restricts its maximum rate.

I will agree that it could be my phone line quality. We have had
considerable rain, several electrical storms, etc. I unplug the phone
line from my modem during lightning, but that protects the modem not
the lines. My ISP *is* my phone company, and the reason I called them
was to get them to check the lines, etc. Instead they insisted I
change my computer, and totally screw it up.

Since I am able to connect with the same computer and modem using
*this* installation of win98, proves that they screwed up my
installation of windows. Now I have to change hard drives to go
online because all my software is on my other drive. My main reason
to post this message is to hopefully find someone who can help me get
Windows to recognise my modem on my regular drive again.

After that, I will try another phone line, and see if I can borrow
another ext. modem too.

What could change in the modem settings? Like I said, *this*
installation is a barebones install of Win98se. The drive is normally
unplugged and stashed away in a box. I only have it for times like
this when I can not get something to work, and I use it for testing.
The test proved that whatever my ISP had me do, really screwed up my
computer on my regular install of Windows. It also proved that the
24K slowdown still exists.

One other question. Where are my dialup settings stored in Win98?
Are they in the registry? Are they in a .INI file? What about those
TCP/IP settings in "Network". If I could manually edit whatever file
that stuff is in, I might fix the problem, using this barebones
install to use as an example. But where are these settings stored?

I will never let my ISP have me change anything on my computer again.

I need help badly.... Please....




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