Did I have a virus?



Windows 98SE PC was working fine. I had been downloading some files,
e.g. RealPlayer. No apparent problems. Powered down. Later on, started
it up again. There was some kind of error message at the DOS level
where it said Abort, Retry, Fail. I said Abort. Then: Invalid System
Disk etc etc. Drive C buggered. However, I booted up to DOS from a
floppy and most (95%) of the folders and files on C appeared intact.

But here's the important thing, certain key parts of the OS were gone!
The VMM32 folder in Windows\System no longer existed, neither
IOSUBSYS. Also, no MSDOS.SYS in drive C.

But I had a very recent TrueImage image, so I just restored it. Since
then I have been running virus checkers like there's no tomorrow on
both PCs, but all come up clean.

What could totally trash those folders, yet leave most of the hard
drive files intact? My suspicion is a virus.



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