air canada site



for past few weeks after going into the air canada site, i keep getting error
message with numbers 2146823279 indicated, then an error box come up and i
am booted completely back to my screen saver
h e l p

Gary S. Terhune

Do you have Norton Internet Security? Try turning off Ad-Blocking, or better
yet, get rid of Norton and use something more Windows friendly, like Avast!

Otherwise, have you tried emptying the cache? You don't say what browser
you're using, but if it's Internet Explorer, you go to Tools>Internet
Options>Delete Files button.

Gary S. Terhune
MS-MVP Shell/User

"smurr" <> wrote in message
> for past few weeks after going into the air canada site, i keep getting
> error
> message with numbers 2146823279 indicated, then an error box come up
> and i
> am booted completely back to my screen saver
> h e l p
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