Re: IE explorer 6 errors

  • Thread starter Robert Aldwinckle
  • Start date

Robert Aldwinckle

(cross-post added to Win98 Gen Discussion)
"genaugsberg" <> wrote in message
> Hello.
> Can someone explain why I'm receiving the following IE errors?

Crashes in EXPLORER.EXE are not crashes in IE.
(They would be shown as crashes in iexplore.exe instead.)
Try posting in a newsgroup which specializes in your OS.
Cross-posting to one for your convenience.
Click on the second newsgroup name in this reply to enter
the other newsgroup. If you're lucky someone will reply
to you there through this cross-post but since it could end up being
an off-topic discussion for the IE NG that may not be very likely.

IMO there is such a dearth of diagnostic tools for Win9x
that likely you will only be able to resolve this by doing
clean-boot troubleshooting. E.g. remove all unnecessary
add-ons and other likely sources of interference to prove
that IE6 is not the cause. Etc.

Good luck

Robert Aldwinckle

> When I'm
> using the Internet, all of a sudden I receive an error stating that the
> program has perfomed an invalid operation and will be shut down. When I close
> it, another window appears stating that IE will end and if I continue to have
> errors to restart my computer. This has been going on for a few weeks now.
> Here are the errors I received last night and this morning:
> EXPLORER caused an invalid page fault in
> module MSHTML.DLL at 017f:6363f7ad.
> EXPLORER caused an invalid page fault in
> module <unknown> at 0000:05be7de3.
> Registers:
> EAX=00007b00 CS=0167 EIP=05be7de3 EFLGS=00010213
> EBX=00000000 SS=016f ESP=00b0e5a8 EBP=00b0e5e4
> ECX=00000034 DS=016f ESI=6360eced FS=3857
> EDX=818176cc ES=016f EDI=00b0e6cc GS=0000
> Bytes at CS:EIP:
> 00 43 00 75 00 72 00 72 00 65 00 6e 00 74 00 50
> Stack dump:
> 00000001 00000003 00000000 63650465 00000000 00b0e5e0 00000000 00000000
> 00000000 00000001 08f4d390 00000000 05bc0450 00000000 05be7d80 00b0e61c
> EXPLORER caused an invalid page fault in
> module OLEAUT32.DLL at 0167:653aac21.
> Registers:
> EAX=000002e9 CS=0167 EIP=653aac21 EFLGS=00010282
> EBX=35cb91c8 SS=016f ESP=00b0e794 EBP=00b0e7a4
> ECX=00483a08 DS=016f ESI=09088b98 FS=48b7
> EDX=00000000 ES=016f EDI=00000001 GS=0000
> Bytes at CS:EIP:
> 02 00 00 83 6c 24 04 08 e9 d4 00 00 00 83 6c 24
> Stack dump:
> 35cc8b12 09088b94 6536b5e0 35ce7f70 00b0e7e0 35cc8bf2 095d08dc 00000002
> 35cb91b8 09088b98 00000002 00b0e7d0 00b0e800 00000000 00000000 00000000
> Registers:
> EAX=00000000 CS=017f EIP=6363f7ad EFLGS=00010246
> EBX=05c10bf0 SS=0187 ESP=01c2bd80 EBP=01c2bd88
> ECX=637dddac DS=0187 ESI=05b8e480 FS=3e1f
> EDX=6358c268 ES=0187 EDI=06858bb0 GS=0000
> Bytes at CS:EIP:
> 01 00 00 ef 5b c9 c2 20 00 55 8b ec 8b 4d 08 53
> Stack dump:
> 00000003 05c10bf0 08392a00 6b720f99 05c103d0 00000440 00000409 00000003
> 01c2bdd4 01c2c520 01c2bde4 06858bb0 01c2be84 05b8e480 08391440 00000003
> I am running Windows 98(!)
> Any help would be greatly appreciated!!
> Thank-you.


"Robert Aldwinckle" <> wrote in message
| (cross-post added to Win98 Gen Discussion)
| "genaugsberg" <> wrote in message
| > Hello.
| >
| > Can someone explain why I'm receiving the following IE errors?
| Crashes in EXPLORER.EXE are not crashes in IE.
| (They would be shown as crashes in iexplore.exe instead.)
| Try posting in a newsgroup which specializes in your OS.
| Cross-posting to one for your convenience.
| Click on the second newsgroup name in this reply to enter
| the other newsgroup. If you're lucky someone will reply
| to you there through this cross-post but since it could end up being
| an off-topic discussion for the IE NG that may not be very likely.
| IMO there is such a dearth of diagnostic tools for Win9x
| that likely you will only be able to resolve this by doing
| clean-boot troubleshooting. E.g. remove all unnecessary
| add-ons and other likely sources of interference to prove
| that IE6 is not the cause. Etc.
| Good luck
| Robert Aldwinckle
| ---
| > When I'm
| > using the Internet, all of a sudden I receive an error stating that the
| > program has perfomed an invalid operation and will be shut down. When I
| > it, another window appears stating that IE will end and if I continue to
| > errors to restart my computer. This has been going on for a few weeks
| > Here are the errors I received last night and this morning:
| >
| > EXPLORER caused an invalid page fault in
| > module MSHTML.DLL at 017f:6363f7ad.
| >
| > EXPLORER caused an invalid page fault in
| > module <unknown> at 0000:05be7de3.
| > Registers:
| > EAX=00007b00 CS=0167 EIP=05be7de3 EFLGS=00010213
| > EBX=00000000 SS=016f ESP=00b0e5a8 EBP=00b0e5e4
| > ECX=00000034 DS=016f ESI=6360eced FS=3857
| > EDX=818176cc ES=016f EDI=00b0e6cc GS=0000
| > Bytes at CS:EIP:
| > 00 43 00 75 00 72 00 72 00 65 00 6e 00 74 00 50
| > Stack dump:
| > 00000001 00000003 00000000 63650465 00000000 00b0e5e0 00000000 00000000
| > 00000000 00000001 08f4d390 00000000 05bc0450 00000000 05be7d80 00b0e61c
| >
| > EXPLORER caused an invalid page fault in
| > module OLEAUT32.DLL at 0167:653aac21.
| > Registers:
| > EAX=000002e9 CS=0167 EIP=653aac21 EFLGS=00010282
| > EBX=35cb91c8 SS=016f ESP=00b0e794 EBP=00b0e7a4
| > ECX=00483a08 DS=016f ESI=09088b98 FS=48b7
| > EDX=00000000 ES=016f EDI=00000001 GS=0000
| > Bytes at CS:EIP:
| > 02 00 00 83 6c 24 04 08 e9 d4 00 00 00 83 6c 24
| > Stack dump:
| > 35cc8b12 09088b94 6536b5e0 35ce7f70 00b0e7e0 35cc8bf2 095d08dc 00000002
| > 35cb91b8 09088b98 00000002 00b0e7d0 00b0e800 00000000 00000000 00000000
| > Registers:
| > EAX=00000000 CS=017f EIP=6363f7ad EFLGS=00010246
| > EBX=05c10bf0 SS=0187 ESP=01c2bd80 EBP=01c2bd88
| > ECX=637dddac DS=0187 ESI=05b8e480 FS=3e1f
| > EDX=6358c268 ES=0187 EDI=06858bb0 GS=0000
| > Bytes at CS:EIP:
| > 01 00 00 ef 5b c9 c2 20 00 55 8b ec 8b 4d 08 53
| > Stack dump:
| > 00000003 05c10bf0 08392a00 6b720f99 05c103d0 00000440 00000409 00000003
| > 01c2bdd4 01c2c520 01c2bde4 06858bb0 01c2be84 05b8e480 08391440 00000003
| >
| > I am running Windows 98(!)
| >
| > Any help would be greatly appreciated!!
| >
| > Thank-you.
| >
| >
| >
| >

Explorer may use aspects generally associated with IE if segments of Active
Desktop, html viewing, thumbnails, or other aspects, are used within
Explorer, and vice versa [respectively].

1. Was this party directed to check their settings for these types of

2. Was this party asked to confirm present update status?

3. Was this party directed to check registry/registration, and file aspects
[versions conflicts etc.], related to OLE?

4. Was this party directed to repair IE?

5. Was this party queried concerning:

a. applications which might have been installed or removed just prior to
this occurring
b. whether any registry modifications may have been manually or
automatically applied by some program prior to this activity.
c. whether tweakui or a similar program may be or have been installed OR
b. what *helpers* might have been or are being used by the browser.
c. the Knowledge Base articles related towards the indicated issues.

The short is: what has already been used for diagnostics, and for any
attempted fixes?


cquirke (MVP Windows shell/user)

On Sat, 4 Aug 2007 12:10:03 -0400, "MEB" wrote:
>"Robert Aldwinckle" wrote
>| "genaugsberg" wrote

>| IMO there is such a dearth of diagnostic tools for Win9x
>| that likely you will only be able to resolve this by doing
>| clean-boot troubleshooting. E.g. remove all unnecessary
>| add-ons and other likely sources of interference to prove
>| that IE6 is not the cause. Etc.

There are good tools from Nirsoft ( - not the domain
squatter on the .com equivalent). Most of them will let you
reversably disable items. The relevant ones would be codecs, BHOs,
ActiveX, Shell Extension Viewer, IE add-ons etc.

>| > When I'm using the Internet, all of a sudden I receive an error
>| > stating that the program has perfomed an invalid

>| > operation and will be shut down. When I close it, another
>| > window appears stating that IE will end and if I continue to
>| > have errors to restart my computer.

As in, shudown (not the reset button or vulcan salute!)

>| > EXPLORER caused an invalid page fault in
>| > module MSHTML.DLL at 017f:6363f7ad.

MSHTML.DLL is IE's HTML renderer, a richly-exploited surface that is
waved at any HTML that is passed to Windows, e.g.
- IE and web pages
- Windows Explorer's active desktop and "View As Web Page"
- .CHM help files
- .EML files, as "opened" by OE irrespective of current email app
- any email app that uses IE's engine to display "message text"
- OE, Outlook, many 3rd-party email apps

> Explorer may use aspects generally associated with IE if segments of Active
>Desktop, html viewing, thumbnails, or other aspects, are used within
>Explorer, and vice versa [respectively].


>1. Was this party directed to check their settings for these activities?

Strong recommendations:
- ensure IE is at least SP2 of version 5.01 or 5.5
- disable active desktop
- disable View As Web Page

> a. applications which might have been installed or removed just prior to
> this occurring
> b. whether any registry modifications may have been manually or
> automatically applied by some program prior to this activity.
> c. whether tweakui or a similar program may be or have been installed
> OR removed.

TweakUI's generally OK, YMMV with others. Also, suspect registry
cleaners, which may have chopped out stuff that wasn't as redundant as
the cleaner had assumed.

> b. what *helpers* might have been or are being used by the browser.

IE 6, Tools, Advanced UNcheck "allow 3rd-party enhancements"

Beyond that, the Nirsoft tools I mentioned earlier. Be careful, etc.
for example, in Shell Extension Viewer, I'd restrain myself to
disabling only non-MS integrations.

I'd also do formal malware scans (e.g. DOS-based av scanners from
Sophos, F-Prot, NOD32 etc. from DOS mode boot) and Safe Mode scans
using Windows-based scanners for commercial malware, e.g. AdAware,
Spybot, A-Squared, AVG Antispyware, if these work in Win98, and being
careful to avoid the 200+ fake "antispyware" crud that's out there.

Then I'd install Spyware Blaster and apply that tool's passive
protection. I might also seriously consider Firefox, which at least
can be kept patched up to date (until they, too, drop support for OSs
that haven't been current for 5 years)

>------------------------- ---- --- -- - - - -

Let's make a humming sound
>------------------------- ---- --- -- - - - -


Just an FYI:

AdAware 2007 apparently only supports [via the installer] Win2k and up per
my recent attempted installation ...

Another application bites the dust for 9X/ME ...

Also: Autoruns [formerly by Sysinternals/Winternals {Bryce Cogswell and
Mark Russinovich}], now Microsoft - on the TechNet links last time I
checked] is also another great tool for diagnosing and controlling
Startup/Run/AutoRun/extensions in IE and E. Be EXTREMELY careful what you
disable or permanently remove with this program!


Robert Aldwinckle

"cquirke (MVP Windows shell/user)" <> wrote in message
> On Sat, 4 Aug 2007 12:10:03 -0400, "MEB" wrote:
>>"Robert Aldwinckle" wrote
>>| "genaugsberg" wrote

>>| IMO there is such a dearth of diagnostic tools for Win9x
>>| that likely you will only be able to resolve this by doing
>>| clean-boot troubleshooting. E.g. remove all unnecessary
>>| add-ons and other likely sources of interference to prove
>>| that IE6 is not the cause. Etc.

> There are good tools from Nirsoft ( - not the domain
> squatter on the .com equivalent). Most of them will let you
> reversably disable items. The relevant ones would be codecs, BHOs,
> ActiveX, Shell Extension Viewer, IE add-ons etc.

But I don't think that there is anything equivalent to drwtsn32.log
or ProcMon, either of which would expose the Stack Back Trace
of the crashing thread? It's funny because drwatson.log used to
exist and provide similar diagnostics in Windows 3.0 (for 16-bit

>>| > When I'm using the Internet, all of a sudden I receive an error
>>| > stating that the program has perfomed an invalid

> ...illegal...
>>| > operation and will be shut down. When I close it, another
>>| > window appears stating that IE will end and if I continue to
>>| > have errors to restart my computer.

That's where NTx users could capture a snap dump in drwtsn32.log

> As in, shudown (not the reset button or vulcan salute!)
>>| > EXPLORER caused an invalid page fault in
>>| > module MSHTML.DLL at 017f:6363f7ad.

I just realized that this could be a transcription error.
E.g. wouldn't it at least say EXPLORER.EXE if it was Windows crashing?
Perhaps it really said iexplore.exe instead?
Otherwise I don't know why the crash would be in Windows,
especially in that module...

> MSHTML.DLL is IE's HTML renderer, a richly-exploited surface that is
> waved at any HTML that is passed to Windows, e.g.
> - IE and web pages
> - Windows Explorer's active desktop and "View As Web Page"

.... forgot about that too. ) Maybe!

FWIW I just remembered that WDU in NT4sp6a occasionally
crashed in browserui.dll. I can't recollect exactly what I would
have done to try to deal with those instances, probably just
used IE Repair (or the appropriate regsvr32 commands.)

> - .CHM help files
> - .EML files, as "opened" by OE irrespective of current email app
> - any email app that uses IE's engine to display "message text"
> - OE, Outlook, many 3rd-party email apps
>> Explorer may use aspects generally associated with IE if segments of Active
>>Desktop, html viewing, thumbnails, or other aspects, are used within
>>Explorer, and vice versa [respectively].

> True.
>>1. Was this party directed to check their settings for these activities?

> Strong recommendations:
> - ensure IE is at least SP2 of version 5.01 or 5.5
> - disable active desktop
> - disable View As Web Page
>> a. applications which might have been installed or removed just prior to
>> this occurring
>> b. whether any registry modifications may have been manually or
>> automatically applied by some program prior to this activity.
>> c. whether tweakui or a similar program may be or have been installed
>> OR removed.

> TweakUI's generally OK, YMMV with others. Also, suspect registry
> cleaners, which may have chopped out stuff that wasn't as redundant as
> the cleaner had assumed.
>> b. what *helpers* might have been or are being used by the browser.

> IE 6, Tools, Advanced UNcheck "allow 3rd-party enhancements"

That's the old global switch which has been superseded in IE7 by its
No Add-ons mode. For selective enabling or disabling of BHO use
BHODemon (from DefinitiveSolutions). Thanks, I should have mentioned
those options.

> Beyond that, the Nirsoft tools I mentioned earlier. Be careful, etc.
> for example, in Shell Extension Viewer, I'd restrain myself to
> disabling only non-MS integrations.
> I'd also do formal malware scans (e.g. DOS-based av scanners from
> Sophos, F-Prot, NOD32 etc. from DOS mode boot) and Safe Mode scans
> using Windows-based scanners for commercial malware, e.g. AdAware,
> Spybot, A-Squared, AVG Antispyware, if these work in Win98, and being
> careful to avoid the 200+ fake "antispyware" crud that's out there.
> Then I'd install Spyware Blaster and apply that tool's passive
> protection. I might also seriously consider Firefox, which at least
> can be kept patched up to date (until they, too, drop support for OSs
> that haven't been current for 5 years)
>>------------------------- ---- --- -- - - - -

> Let's make a humming sound
>>------------------------- ---- --- -- - - - -

Thanks for the discussion. These days specific procedures for Win9x
have been mostly forgotten in the IE newsgroups, so I'm glad I added
the cross-post to capture your comments.


cquirke (MVP Windows shell/user)

On Mon, 6 Aug 2007 15:39:53 -0400, "Robert Aldwinckle"
>"cquirke (MVP Windows shell/user)" wrote
>> On Sat, 4 Aug 2007 12:10:03 -0400, "MEB" wrote:
>>>"Robert Aldwinckle" wrote
>>>| "genaugsberg" wrote

>>>| IMO there is such a dearth of diagnostic tools for Win9x
>>>| that likely you will only be able to resolve this by doing
>>>| clean-boot troubleshooting.

>> There are good tools from Nirsoft ( - not the domain
>> squatter on the .com equivalent). Most of them will let you
>> reversably disable items. The relevant ones would be codecs, BHOs,
>> ActiveX, Shell Extension Viewer, IE add-ons etc.

>But I don't think that there is anything equivalent to drwtsn32.log
>or ProcMon, either of which would expose the Stack Back Trace
>of the crashing thread? It's funny because drwatson.log used to
>exist in Windows 3.0 (for 16-bit programs.)

Yes, IKWYM, but I've not used that in XP either -)

In fact, it's only lately that I've found Event Viewer useful in XP,
after going back and looking at it again after Vista gave it a better
front-end to expose its usefulness (Reliability).

>FWIW I just remembered that WDU in NT4sp6a occasionally
>crashed in browserui.dll. I can't recollect exactly what I would
>have done to try to deal with those instances, probably just
>used IE Repair (or the appropriate regsvr32 commands.)

BrowserUI.dll is one of the two patched .DLLs that may be responsible
for IE6 stalling the Win9x shell on local file operations, given that
the only fix for this has been reverting these to IE 5.5 SP2 versions
while retaining the rest of the IE6 code base.

>> IE 6, Tools, Advanced UNcheck "allow 3rd-party enhancements"

>That's the old global switch which has been superseded in IE7 by its
>No Add-ons mode. For selective enabling or disabling of BHO use
>BHODemon (from DefinitiveSolutions).

The setting's still there in IE7, AFAIK, and I still apply it. I
never did find a BHO that I'd want to pay for (where the cost is
allowing its snout into my browser traffic... that's a bit more
intimate than I'd want to be with any vendor, thanks)

>Thanks for the discussion. These days specific procedures for Win9x
>have been mostly forgotten in the IE newsgroups, so I'm glad I added
>the cross-post to capture your comments.

It's a pleasure! The tables have turned in the early days I'd use
Win9x-era DOS mode and tools to scan XP, whereas now I'm more likely
to Bart up a Win9x HD (in a 64M+ RAM box, if need be) to fix it.

Mind you, I still work "backwards" as well. By using FATxx volumes
within the first 137G, I can still cross-boot an XP to a Win9x DOS
mode and use interactive-controlled Scandisk to fix file system
errors, do quick "kill that untouchable file" stuff, etc.

>--------------- ----- ---- --- -- - - -

To one who only has a hammer,
everything looks like a nail
>--------------- ----- ---- --- -- - - -
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