RE: Problem with computer freezing while using IE 6


The Moose

In case you're interested:

I had posted back in late March that I was having problems with a 7-
year-old IBM Netvista constantly freezing while using Internet
Explorer 6.

I sent the motherboard off to to have the
capacitors replaced at a cost of $65 for 'standard' capacitors.

This has been one of the best decisions that I've ever made. The
computer very rarely freezes now. Usually it's because there's a
problem with a particular website or I've got too many things open.

I just wanted to say that did really good work
for what's turned out to be a very reasonable price. There's no way
that I would have been able to purchase a new computer now.


Mike M

Re: Problem with computer freezing while using IE 6


Thanks for the feedback. Sounds as if you made the right choice given
your financial constraints and now have a functioning PC again.
Mike Maltby

The Moose <> wrote:

> In case you're interested:
> I had posted back in late March that I was having problems with a 7-
> year-old IBM Netvista constantly freezing while using Internet
> Explorer 6.
> I sent the motherboard off to to have the
> capacitors replaced at a cost of $65 for 'standard' capacitors.
> This has been one of the best decisions that I've ever made. The
> computer very rarely freezes now. Usually it's because there's a
> problem with a particular website or I've got too many things open.
> I just wanted to say that did really good work
> for what's turned out to be a very reasonable price. There's no way
> that I would have been able to purchase a new computer now.
> Barb
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