Re: Nich Name is best


Bill Yanaire

On May 28, 2:56 pm, measekite <> wrote:
> This was posted by a friend of the moron.  He-she is a known imbecile.  
> I wonder if he says proly and goes hehehe...LOL! too.  I will ask Adam
> and Alias.
> Bill Yanaire wrote:
> > On May 28, 1:51 pm, measekite <> wrote:

> >> Here are the choices for the fool.  Vote for you favorite name.

> >> 1. LOL!
> >> 2. hehehe...LOL!
> >> 3. Frankie Crankie
> >> 4. Proly

> > If those don't work then you can use

> > 1) MessyKite
> > 2) LimpKite
> > 3) RetardKite
> > 4) BrainDeadKite
> > 5) PrematureEjac Kite

> > Vote for your favorite one- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

Yea, go run to Adam and Alias. Two retards here in Vista Land. Birds
of a feather!

I did a search of your name on GOOGLE and other groups peg you as a
trouble maker and a troll. What is the problem? Just being a DICK?
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