corrupted profiles and much more


Joris Claeys

I have huge issues and I cannot seem to get the right assistance from HP.
Maybe this community can assist me. The below is what I posted on HP forums
for assistance describing all the issues I am facing. If any one here can
assist or advise, I would greatly appreciate. thanks

HP PT corrupted - <ISP> solution - programs blocked
business support forums > Mobile products > notebook - HP Compaq, Armada,
EVO, LTE, Tablet PC
Dear forum,

I'm having a very strange issue with my HP6910p 32-bit running VISTAsp1. It
all started after an automatic download/install from WU/MU (1 Windows
Defender update and 1 Vista update - KB 915597 and KB 947562).

System was running in perfect conditions till before that time after I had
completely rebuild the notebook 4 weeks ago (crashed because of employment of
VISTAsp1 while running Norton360). Funny enough I had Norton360 only
reinstalled 2 days earlier and thought the problem might be again with
Norton, howeveer, I think this time Norton is not the one making the mess
(but I would not be surprised if it is part of the root cause as Norton
settings are so difficult to manipulate and may contradict with Vista's
security settings and HP Protect Tools).

Anyway, one thing I noticed again after trying to recover (actually break
into my PC) and noticed on the event viewer first, was that all my restore
points where deleted but one. so I could not go to a point of several days
earlier for restoring my PC. I still don't know why this is happening. Again
this might be an issue between the different security systems which

Now, after the 2 updates where installed, my computer prompted to be shut
down for restart to apply the updates. All ok, it did 2 of the 3 steps when
shutting down. Then when restarting (automatic) it first did the final step
of the update and then continued to the automated embedded sign-in (I am
using single sign-on). While in that process the following message appeared
in a window (thought it was a virus, but Norton could not trace anything on
my PC). The message:

HEADING: <ISP> solution
BODY: The installation is corrupt. Repair by running setup.

I hit OK as the only choice and windows continues to open as apparently
normal. After a couple of start-up programs initiated, the message appears
again, then the following message:

BODY: application failed to initialize
error code: 0X80010005

Then I notice that all further start-up programs fail to start and computer
becomes unaccessible: no program or process can be started, not even as
simple as the Task Manager or Windows Explorer. I can't access anything,
can't even shut down but the hard way. I try to restart but same issue. I did
a restore to before the 2 updates (the only one available), but still the
same issues.

Then I tried in safe mode but also there seemed to be a lot corrupted or not
working as one would expect, including the MMC tools.

Then I manage to sign into my alternative administrator profile - actually
breaking in (unbelievable with all these security tools that that is
possible). Result: Vista lets me in but creates under the administrator
profile a temporary profile (deletes all settings when exited). Though the
same <ISP> error occures, the system starts further normal. I run Norton
scan, I can access all programs, I access Windows Defender and notice that
all is active and run also a scan from here. Nothing bad reported after the
scans. I check the event viewer and notice that some errors occured but not
critical - no mention about the ISP solution message. I notice in the
eventviewer that shadow copy service did not function, but that still doesn't
explain why it erases all my restore points!!! I also notice that for the
time from installing the update to restart there is no event logging or I am
at least sure things are missing here. Events where logged from the
applications that did not start properly and then I noticed security auditing
issues in the logging. So I tried to access HP Protect Tools and then I
noticed that each of the different modules where all corrupted. It let me
pass through telling me that each of the DLL files have not been approved by
HP - VERY STRANGE indeed!!!! for each error message it says that installation
is corrupt and repair can be done by running setup (almost simular as the
<ISP> solution error message, but at least some more detail of what was going
on. So is the <ISP>solution error message part of the HP Protect Tools (no
clue, but very strange for HP to show an error message like that).

After I run through all these error messages, the system opens an EVALUATION
copy of HP PT. When surfing around I notice that all settings are there -
nothing abnormal, but I can't change anything as it will say with the wizards
that the installation is corrupt.

I am now downloading SP37721 (I believe that is the most recent version)
which I will reinstall. I'm not even sure whether this will install as a
repair or whether I have to uninstall first. In the latter case will I loose
all my settings and certifications? Again HP is letting me in the dark here.

By the way in my temporary profile settings I cannot properly access the HP
support tools, I even had a blue screen crash by enforcing it after it was
running in circles but no diagnostics were run. This may have to do with the
IE settings, the firewall settings and HP PT and all the conflicts this

Is there anyone or maybe HP technicians who can shoot in here and tell me
what is going on. Was this caused by the Microsft Vista and Windows Defender
updates, and why?????

Thanks everyone to shed me some light in this darkness.

Joris Claeys


I need URGENT help on this.
Whatever I try, nothing gets resolved. Re-installed the HP PT suite (2
programs of which the Credential Manager did not install properly, all the
rest ok). Restarted the PC, but still the same problems. It seems that the
profiles (administrator profiles) are all corrupt. HP PT still opens up only
as an evaluation version with all the error messages as before.

I went through all the possible administrative tools to see whether anything
at my level of understanding goes wrong. The only thing I could notice is
that in the Event Viewer a lot of security errors/warnings about - I think -
the root registration files have been reported for the last several weeks
(so not just since the 2 last updates from WU/MU:
MS AUDIT FAILURE (example): Code integrity determined that the image hash of
a file is not valid. The file could be corrupt due to unauthorized
modification or the invalid hash could indicate a potential disk device error.

And then there are the new errors/warnings, like:
- DistributedCOM: The machine-default permission settings do not grant Local
Activation permission for the COM Server application with CLSID
- LSaSrv: The Security System has received an authentication request that
could not be decoded. The request has failed.
- SCM: The Windows Update service hung on starting.

And this error is already appearing for a month (when reinstalled the whole
system) and also seem to have a relation with HP and HP PT (service: HP PT
Device Locking/Auditing ). I could not resolve this problem or occurance (not
on MS and not on HP - no resolutions): FlcdLock service: An error occurred
getting the local computer access settings.

Another one which I have not been able to trace:
LMS: LMS Service cannot connect to HECI driver

Last night I tried to get into my normally used profile (also administrator
role) but same issues still exists there - NOTHING WORKS> I managed to see in
very slow mode some activities on the Task Manager and noticed the following:
- no user assigned to the processes (all says UNKNOWN user) so definitely
the profile is corrupted (who, what and what to do????)
- Checking the <ISP> solution error message on the task manager it is
clearly related to HP PT as it relates to the process: PSDruntime Application
(PSDrt.exe). funny enough all other HP PT processes and services seem to be
running normal in the Task Manager.

Then I did a search on "ÃSP" and got:
- 4 reg.isp files (related to MS windows licensing in \WINSXS)
- ISPmres.dll (related to HP Update service in \swsetup)
isPWDxxx.sys/dll/sig/grd/spn files
- 1 reg.ISP being an ISP file (??) related also to Windows
- several ISProBExxx files being TLB-files (???)

Anyway, I notice failures and errors/warnings everywhere and only gets
worse. I cannot connect to the HP on-line diagnostic system and my system
crashes when I try to go to on-line support....

I need help from the forum.
THANKS so much

PA Bear [MS MVP]

Is the machine still under warranty or service contract, Joris? Have you
contacted HP Support directly about these problems?

Was Norton 360 installed and running when you installed Vista SP1 (assuming
the machine did not come with Vista SP1 preinstalled)?

=> Unlimited installation and *compatibility* support for Vista SP1 is
available at no charge through 18 Mar-09
• US:

• CA:

• UK:

• AU:

• Other: | select Windows
Vista | select Windows Vista Service Pack 1

=> Vista-specific newsgroups include:
~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
MS MVP-IE, Mail, Security, Windows Desktop Experience - since 2002
AumHa VSOP & Admin

Joris Claeys wrote:
> I have huge issues and I cannot seem to get the right assistance from HP.
> Maybe this community can assist me. The below is what I posted on HP
> forums
> for assistance describing all the issues I am facing. If any one here can
> assist or advise, I would greatly appreciate. thanks


PA Bear [MS MVP]


PA Bear [MS MVP] wrote:
> Is the machine still under warranty or service contract, Joris? Have you
> contacted HP Support directly about these problems?
> Was Norton 360 installed and running when you installed Vista SP1
> (assuming
> the machine did not come with Vista SP1 preinstalled)?
> => Unlimited installation and *compatibility* support for Vista SP1 is
> available at no charge through 18 Mar-09
> • US:
> • CA:
> • UK:
> • AU:
> • Other: | select Windows
> Vista | select Windows Vista Service Pack 1
> => Vista-specific newsgroups include:
> Joris Claeys wrote:
>> I have huge issues and I cannot seem to get the right assistance from HP.
>> Maybe this community can assist me. The below is what I posted on HP
>> forums
>> for assistance describing all the issues I am facing. If any one here
>> can
>> assist or advise, I would greatly appreciate. thanks

> <snip>
> cf.

On Jun 2, 2:28 am, "PA Bear [MS MVP]" <> wrote:
> And...?
> PA Bear [MS MVP] wrote:
> > Is the machine still under warranty or service contract, Joris?  Have you
> > contacted HP Support directly about these problems?

> > Was Norton 360 installed and running when you installed Vista SP1
> > (assuming
> > the machine did not come with Vista SP1 preinstalled)?

> > => Unlimited installation and *compatibility* support for Vista SP1 is
> > available at no charge through 18 Mar-09
> > • US:
> >

> > • CA:
> >

> > • UK:
> >

> > • AU:
> >

> > • Other:| select Windows
> > Vista | select Windows Vista Service Pack 1


Hi Robear,

I still haven't find the original thread of this one, so I am replying
via google, just to get moving. Still can you respond with providing
me the URL in Microsoft forum. As I am not a technical person I don't
need to have all this thing set up to communicate. For people like
yourself I see clearly the benefit for that and that it is easier. For
now I am focusing on my issues on my PC. ...which have far from
resolved at this moment.
So here are my responses to your questions/suggestions:

1. at the beginning of my thread I made clear reference to the update
KB 947562 and notice that there must be a relationship as the main
issues started right after installing that update, together with a
Windows Defender Update. That said, I have taken notice in my event
log of errors and warnings going on much earlier already, but I am not
sure even whether those are related to the issues I am facing right
now. KB947562 has caused clearly issues with other users and they seem
to be similar in nature, touching the roots of the profiles and
programs. More I can't say about it as I am just a novice trying to
get the situation resolved

2. Yes my PC is under warranty. But before handing it over to an HP
Business Service Center, I want to resolve this issue for many
reasons: first my data which is blocked and which at least I need to
be able to back up for later restore. I have been able to do so for
the direct available critical files but there is also 8 GB hidden
files in a Personal Secure Drive (HP ProtectTools created a partiion
for that on my C-drive). As that software is corrupted I cannot access
the PSD, nor the programs related to it. My main issue here is -
though I have tried to reinstall over the corrupted version, which
didn't work program still corrupted - if I uninstall, I may loose
all access controls and certifications for that PSD drive. So I have
to be very carefull in the choice / decision I make for next steps.

3. That brings us to my 3rd problem: I cannot access on-line
diagnostics or on-line support with HP. My computer (on the IE screen
of the HP website) keeps on returning to the initiation of the program
(webbased), though the necessary active-x are being installed and UAC
consented when running, but I don't get through. This may have to do
with IE and firewall settings, but I have turned all OFF (NORTON and
Windows) and allowed for most settings in IE security tab, but still
no way I can access the on-line HP tools. And yes I need their advice
on how to best continue. I have been able to open a CASE number with
all the forementionned info with HP in the US/Singapore, but have not
seen any responses. I also have posted my issues on the HP forums, but
no responses as of yet (to be honest, those forums are not as active
as the MS ones). to the core or root of the causes of all of these issues: 6
weeks ago I rebuilt my PC fromn scratch as I had major issues going on
(SvcHosts-DCOM processes were eating all my CPU resources) - probably
caused by Norton360, as I found out later (not having read all the
details fo the installation instuctions of VISTAsp1) not having it
turned off when I installed sp1. As at that moment also I found out
that I had no restorepoints (which were set to be created and had
created myself some), there were none anymore (same as now - something
in my settinggs - and it may be because of the different eand
conflicting security systems (Windows, Norton, HP ProtectTools, GPO
and local policy settings - but having verified every detail of those
I could not find anything and had even simplified it all a week ago by
eliminating various controls and settings - but non crucial to result
in what is going on today. That is also why I need on-line support
from HP to see all the error and warning messages in the eventlog and
make some sence out of it (when verifying some major ones via MS I get
screens that there are no resolutions for the events reported).
So back to rebuilding my PC: I amde sure Norton360 was not reactivated
- actually installed till all my prorams were installed including
VISTA sp1. However I found out that Norton left dirt on my PC after I
had uninstalled it (hidden drivers and a like where still active or
inactive on my PC. So I found out that Norton had a cleanup program,
which I used after WAU had installed VISTAsp1 (so maybe the damage
already occured). But everything was working alright. Then 2 days
before WAU installed KB947562, I had reinstalled Norton360 completely
- everything was working good and no slowdowns, all Svchost processes
and CcSvchost (Norton) were acting proper within their allocated CPU
resources. The rest of my story is in the thread already.

5 your resolutions about uninstalling SP1: It had crossed my mind
already but I cannot do this untill first of all I understand all the
consequences and how to rebuild, but also I cannot start this untill I
have my PSD partition accesssed and backup the data in there. I got
most backedup 3 weeks ago but there is still critical data in there
and no clue what may be missing if I don't obtain it before I do this
major revision of returning back to before SP1.

So, I am stuck, unless I can get proper access again to the original
profiles and have been able to restore HP ProtectTools. There are two
things I can think of now that I will have to reconsider when
rebuilding: no more Personal Secure Drives as the vulnerability is
HIGH RISK (whatever HP claims of their unrivaled HP ProtectTools, it
is not waterproof). The second one is NORTON360. I have experienced
and read from many forums that it is all crap (have to claim my +100$
back first). But what is the alternative!!!?

7 MS or MSvista support online: major issue here: my PC was delivered
by HP with OEM reinstalled software (VISTAbusiness32 and
OFFICE2007professional), which I had protested for with HP and its
reseller. OEM is crap and I wished that the industry stops it because
it makes the buyers of those PC very vulnerable and dependable. And as
you can see when things don't work you cannot get help anywhere. So as
I experienced with MS, they don't provide access to there online
support because of OEM installed software. Not sure how they allow for
the VISTAsp1 support! Should I try that one out.

In the meantime I am starting to study the websites related to this
you provided in your recommendations.

Any suggestions are welcome...

And please give me the original URL of this thread so I can trace.

Joris Claeys

Hi Robear,
Finally found this thread again, so no need to provide the URL
Hope to see your recommendation soon. Thanks

"" wrote:

> On Jun 2, 2:28 am, "PA Bear [MS MVP]" <> wrote:
> > And...?
> >
> > PA Bear [MS MVP] wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > > Is the machine still under warranty or service contract, Joris? Have you
> > > contacted HP Support directly about these problems?

> >
> > > Was Norton 360 installed and running when you installed Vista SP1
> > > (assuming
> > > the machine did not come with Vista SP1 preinstalled)?

> >
> > > => Unlimited installation and *compatibility* support for Vista SP1 is
> > > available at no charge through 18 Mar-09
> > > • US:
> > >

> >
> > > • CA:
> > >

> >
> > > • UK:
> > >

> >
> > > • AU:
> > >

> >
> > > • Other:| select Windows
> > > Vista | select Windows Vista Service Pack 1

> >

> Hi Robear,
> I still haven't find the original thread of this one, so I am replying
> via google, just to get moving. Still can you respond with providing
> me the URL in Microsoft forum. As I am not a technical person I don't
> need to have all this thing set up to communicate. For people like
> yourself I see clearly the benefit for that and that it is easier. For
> now I am focusing on my issues on my PC. ...which have far from
> resolved at this moment.
> So here are my responses to your questions/suggestions:
> 1. at the beginning of my thread I made clear reference to the update
> KB 947562 and notice that there must be a relationship as the main
> issues started right after installing that update, together with a
> Windows Defender Update. That said, I have taken notice in my event
> log of errors and warnings going on much earlier already, but I am not
> sure even whether those are related to the issues I am facing right
> now. KB947562 has caused clearly issues with other users and they seem
> to be similar in nature, touching the roots of the profiles and
> programs. More I can't say about it as I am just a novice trying to
> get the situation resolved
> 2. Yes my PC is under warranty. But before handing it over to an HP
> Business Service Center, I want to resolve this issue for many
> reasons: first my data which is blocked and which at least I need to
> be able to back up for later restore. I have been able to do so for
> the direct available critical files but there is also 8 GB hidden
> files in a Personal Secure Drive (HP ProtectTools created a partiion
> for that on my C-drive). As that software is corrupted I cannot access
> the PSD, nor the programs related to it. My main issue here is -
> though I have tried to reinstall over the corrupted version, which
> didn't work program still corrupted - if I uninstall, I may loose
> all access controls and certifications for that PSD drive. So I have
> to be very carefull in the choice / decision I make for next steps.
> 3. That brings us to my 3rd problem: I cannot access on-line
> diagnostics or on-line support with HP. My computer (on the IE screen
> of the HP website) keeps on returning to the initiation of the program
> (webbased), though the necessary active-x are being installed and UAC
> consented when running, but I don't get through. This may have to do
> with IE and firewall settings, but I have turned all OFF (NORTON and
> Windows) and allowed for most settings in IE security tab, but still
> no way I can access the on-line HP tools. And yes I need their advice
> on how to best continue. I have been able to open a CASE number with
> all the forementionned info with HP in the US/Singapore, but have not
> seen any responses. I also have posted my issues on the HP forums, but
> no responses as of yet (to be honest, those forums are not as active
> as the MS ones).
> to the core or root of the causes of all of these issues: 6
> weeks ago I rebuilt my PC fromn scratch as I had major issues going on
> (SvcHosts-DCOM processes were eating all my CPU resources) - probably
> caused by Norton360, as I found out later (not having read all the
> details fo the installation instuctions of VISTAsp1) not having it
> turned off when I installed sp1. As at that moment also I found out
> that I had no restorepoints (which were set to be created and had
> created myself some), there were none anymore (same as now - something
> in my settinggs - and it may be because of the different eand
> conflicting security systems (Windows, Norton, HP ProtectTools, GPO
> and local policy settings - but having verified every detail of those
> I could not find anything and had even simplified it all a week ago by
> eliminating various controls and settings - but non crucial to result
> in what is going on today. That is also why I need on-line support
> from HP to see all the error and warning messages in the eventlog and
> make some sence out of it (when verifying some major ones via MS I get
> screens that there are no resolutions for the events reported).
> So back to rebuilding my PC: I amde sure Norton360 was not reactivated
> - actually installed till all my prorams were installed including
> VISTA sp1. However I found out that Norton left dirt on my PC after I
> had uninstalled it (hidden drivers and a like where still active or
> inactive on my PC. So I found out that Norton had a cleanup program,
> which I used after WAU had installed VISTAsp1 (so maybe the damage
> already occured). But everything was working alright. Then 2 days
> before WAU installed KB947562, I had reinstalled Norton360 completely
> - everything was working good and no slowdowns, all Svchost processes
> and CcSvchost (Norton) were acting proper within their allocated CPU
> resources. The rest of my story is in the thread already.
> 5 your resolutions about uninstalling SP1: It had crossed my mind
> already but I cannot do this untill first of all I understand all the
> consequences and how to rebuild, but also I cannot start this untill I
> have my PSD partition accesssed and backup the data in there. I got
> most backedup 3 weeks ago but there is still critical data in there
> and no clue what may be missing if I don't obtain it before I do this
> major revision of returning back to before SP1.
> So, I am stuck, unless I can get proper access again to the original
> profiles and have been able to restore HP ProtectTools. There are two
> things I can think of now that I will have to reconsider when
> rebuilding: no more Personal Secure Drives as the vulnerability is
> HIGH RISK (whatever HP claims of their unrivaled HP ProtectTools, it
> is not waterproof). The second one is NORTON360. I have experienced
> and read from many forums that it is all crap (have to claim my +100$
> back first). But what is the alternative!!!?
> 7 MS or MSvista support online: major issue here: my PC was delivered
> by HP with OEM reinstalled software (VISTAbusiness32 and
> OFFICE2007professional), which I had protested for with HP and its
> reseller. OEM is crap and I wished that the industry stops it because
> it makes the buyers of those PC very vulnerable and dependable. And as
> you can see when things don't work you cannot get help anywhere. So as
> I experienced with MS, they don't provide access to there online
> support because of OEM installed software. Not sure how they allow for
> the VISTAsp1 support! Should I try that one out.
> In the meantime I am starting to study the websites related to this
> you provided in your recommendations.
> Any suggestions are welcome...
> And please give me the original URL of this thread so I can trace.
> thanks
> regards
> Joris

PA Bear [MS MVP]

Well, I *know* I posted another reply to this thread on 01 Jun-08 (and I
crossposted it to Windows Update newsgroup) but it must've gotten lost in
the ether because it hasn't appeared.

I'm sorry, but I cannot make sense of the history here. I can't determine
if the machine came with Vista or Vista SP1 preinstalled. If you did manage
to uninstall and/or reinstall SP1 but you can't tell me if Norton 360 was
enabled (or even installed) at the time, no one can help.

I'd recommend either contacting HP Support or Microsoft Vista SP1 Support,
Joris. Maybe they can make sense of it all.
~PA Bear

Joris Claeys wrote:
> Hi Robear,
> Finally found this thread again, so no need to provide the URL
> Hope to see your recommendation soon. Thanks
>> On Jun 2, 2:28 am, "PA Bear [MS MVP]" <> wrote:
>>> And...?
>>> PA Bear [MS MVP] wrote:
>>>> Is the machine still under warranty or service contract, Joris? Have
>>>> you
>>>> contacted HP Support directly about these problems?
>>>> Was Norton 360 installed and running when you installed Vista SP1
>>>> (assuming
>>>> the machine did not come with Vista SP1 preinstalled)?
>>>> => Unlimited installation and *compatibility* support for Vista SP1 is
>>>> available at no charge through 18 Mar-09
>>>> • US:
>>>> • CA:
>>>> • UK:
>>>> • AU:
>>>> • Other:| select Windows
>>>> Vista | select Windows Vista Service Pack 1

>> Hi Robear,
>> I still haven't find the original thread of this one, so I am replying
>> via google, just to get moving. Still can you respond with providing
>> me the URL in Microsoft forum. As I am not a technical person I don't
>> need to have all this thing set up to communicate. For people like
>> yourself I see clearly the benefit for that and that it is easier. For
>> now I am focusing on my issues on my PC. ...which have far from
>> resolved at this moment.
>> So here are my responses to your questions/suggestions:
>> 1. at the beginning of my thread I made clear reference to the update
>> KB 947562 and notice that there must be a relationship as the main
>> issues started right after installing that update, together with a
>> Windows Defender Update. That said, I have taken notice in my event
>> log of errors and warnings going on much earlier already, but I am not
>> sure even whether those are related to the issues I am facing right
>> now. KB947562 has caused clearly issues with other users and they seem
>> to be similar in nature, touching the roots of the profiles and
>> programs. More I can't say about it as I am just a novice trying to
>> get the situation resolved
>> 2. Yes my PC is under warranty. But before handing it over to an HP
>> Business Service Center, I want to resolve this issue for many
>> reasons: first my data which is blocked and which at least I need to
>> be able to back up for later restore. I have been able to do so for
>> the direct available critical files but there is also 8 GB hidden
>> files in a Personal Secure Drive (HP ProtectTools created a partiion
>> for that on my C-drive). As that software is corrupted I cannot access
>> the PSD, nor the programs related to it. My main issue here is -
>> though I have tried to reinstall over the corrupted version, which
>> didn't work program still corrupted - if I uninstall, I may loose
>> all access controls and certifications for that PSD drive. So I have
>> to be very carefull in the choice / decision I make for next steps.
>> 3. That brings us to my 3rd problem: I cannot access on-line
>> diagnostics or on-line support with HP. My computer (on the IE screen
>> of the HP website) keeps on returning to the initiation of the program
>> (webbased), though the necessary active-x are being installed and UAC
>> consented when running, but I don't get through. This may have to do
>> with IE and firewall settings, but I have turned all OFF (NORTON and
>> Windows) and allowed for most settings in IE security tab, but still
>> no way I can access the on-line HP tools. And yes I need their advice
>> on how to best continue. I have been able to open a CASE number with
>> all the forementionned info with HP in the US/Singapore, but have not
>> seen any responses. I also have posted my issues on the HP forums, but
>> no responses as of yet (to be honest, those forums are not as active
>> as the MS ones).
>> to the core or root of the causes of all of these issues: 6
>> weeks ago I rebuilt my PC fromn scratch as I had major issues going on
>> (SvcHosts-DCOM processes were eating all my CPU resources) - probably
>> caused by Norton360, as I found out later (not having read all the
>> details fo the installation instuctions of VISTAsp1) not having it
>> turned off when I installed sp1. As at that moment also I found out
>> that I had no restorepoints (which were set to be created and had
>> created myself some), there were none anymore (same as now - something
>> in my settinggs - and it may be because of the different eand
>> conflicting security systems (Windows, Norton, HP ProtectTools, GPO
>> and local policy settings - but having verified every detail of those
>> I could not find anything and had even simplified it all a week ago by
>> eliminating various controls and settings - but non crucial to result
>> in what is going on today. That is also why I need on-line support
>> from HP to see all the error and warning messages in the eventlog and
>> make some sence out of it (when verifying some major ones via MS I get
>> screens that there are no resolutions for the events reported).
>> So back to rebuilding my PC: I amde sure Norton360 was not reactivated
>> - actually installed till all my prorams were installed including
>> VISTA sp1. However I found out that Norton left dirt on my PC after I
>> had uninstalled it (hidden drivers and a like where still active or
>> inactive on my PC. So I found out that Norton had a cleanup program,
>> which I used after WAU had installed VISTAsp1 (so maybe the damage
>> already occured). But everything was working alright. Then 2 days
>> before WAU installed KB947562, I had reinstalled Norton360 completely
>> - everything was working good and no slowdowns, all Svchost processes
>> and CcSvchost (Norton) were acting proper within their allocated CPU
>> resources. The rest of my story is in the thread already.
>> 5 your resolutions about uninstalling SP1: It had crossed my mind
>> already but I cannot do this untill first of all I understand all the
>> consequences and how to rebuild, but also I cannot start this untill I
>> have my PSD partition accesssed and backup the data in there. I got
>> most backedup 3 weeks ago but there is still critical data in there
>> and no clue what may be missing if I don't obtain it before I do this
>> major revision of returning back to before SP1.
>> So, I am stuck, unless I can get proper access again to the original
>> profiles and have been able to restore HP ProtectTools. There are two
>> things I can think of now that I will have to reconsider when
>> rebuilding: no more Personal Secure Drives as the vulnerability is
>> HIGH RISK (whatever HP claims of their unrivaled HP ProtectTools, it
>> is not waterproof). The second one is NORTON360. I have experienced
>> and read from many forums that it is all crap (have to claim my +100$
>> back first). But what is the alternative!!!?
>> 7 MS or MSvista support online: major issue here: my PC was delivered
>> by HP with OEM reinstalled software (VISTAbusiness32 and
>> OFFICE2007professional), which I had protested for with HP and its
>> reseller. OEM is crap and I wished that the industry stops it because
>> it makes the buyers of those PC very vulnerable and dependable. And as
>> you can see when things don't work you cannot get help anywhere. So as
>> I experienced with MS, they don't provide access to there online
>> support because of OEM installed software. Not sure how they allow for
>> the VISTAsp1 support! Should I try that one out.
>> In the meantime I am starting to study the websites related to this
>> you provided in your recommendations.
>> Any suggestions are welcome...
>> And please give me the original URL of this thread so I can trace.
>> thanks
>> regards
>> Joris

Joris Claeys

Hi Robear,

Sorry if I wasn't clear.
The following is the order, if I remember well:
- PC was bought Dec 2007 with VISTA Business OEM installed and a pre-version
of NORTON Antivirus.
- I upgraded to Norton360 on VISTA in January 2008
- After a couple of months I was starting to have problems with my PC
(performance, crashing to blue screen, etceteras). I believe the cause was
related to installing VISTA sp1 prerelease on my PC (at least that is the
conclusion now months later)
- Mid April 2008, I rebuilt my PC from scratch as I could not pinpoint to
the issues. However all was not related to SP1rc and Norton. Some were errors
developed by me learning the Windows VISTA system and I know I made several
mistakes along the way which I corrected when rebuilding my PC.
- As I was rebuilding my PC, the updates (WU/MU) came to the automatic
update of VISTA SP1. At that time I still wasn't aware of the consequences
Norton could cause to this update. I remember that I turned off the firewall
and antivirus protection but the add-on package was left on
- For a couple of weeks - while still rebuilding my PC - all was going well,
untill I started noticing slowdowns
- The issue seemed to be with SVCHOST.exe (DCOM) eating up all my CPU
resources and ending up numerous times in blue screen crash - only
explanation to that issue was a conflict with Norton360, so I uninstalled
- The issues came back after a week and after a lot of research I found out
that Symantec had still a lot of processes, services and drivers working on
my system. That is when I found out about the NORTON removal tool (which I
should have used in the first place). So I removed NORTON completly with that
tool and all issues were resolved. I installed all my applications again and
upgrades from HP and MS
- Everything was running great - no issues, great performance in all aspects
and no crashing.
- I had all security tools in place but not having an Antivirus protection.
I tried to run LIVE OneCare but the system crashed on it. So I decided to put
NORTON back on. All was running well, except for the hassle with NORTON's
firewall blocking too many things and not learning from the settings I have
in Windows Local Security Policies and HP PRotectTools. There were some
conflicts but no big errors (later I learned that the system was creating a
lot of event logs of all kinds. Including WU/MU not working...
- On the 27th I got through that issue - actually by shutting down the
NORTON firewall. The update KB947562 was installed and in the reboot process
all the current issues started - no proper access to my profiles, corrupted
profiles, corrupted Windows Defender (is working again) and complete
corrupted HP ProtectTools. The latter keeps me from accessing my critical
informatin as its Credential Manager blocks the access to the profiles as it
is being corrupted. HP PrtoectTools overrides the VISTA security settings and
adds several more features such as encryption and direct access to system
- I have been starting to get in contact with HP but the communication is
delayed because of the fact that I can't access their online support system
(no clue why not but it fails everytime).
- I have been on chat with NORTON yesterday but no resolution came out,
several support engineers gave up and the problem is now at their research

- NORTON seem to be the main root cause of all the issues (even if I made
blunders, it is unbelievable that with their high pride 'best inline'
protection, these errors and complete system failures are happening. I had
problems on one PC 10 years ago due to NORTON and still today NORTON seem to
brake things rather then protecting. How it is possible that NORTON can't
deliver their protection package fit to Windows VISTA is too me unacceptable.
I paid for it, I will either ask for a full refund and install One-Care when
it becomes available out of beta-status for VISTA, or I will ask for
replacing it just to Antivirus and let it only do that and keep it out of all
other root settings. But from what I have see, NORTON leaves a lot of dirt in
its installation and is difficult to get rid of once installed
- My prime focus now is to get HP ProtectTools working again, but I still
have open issues to be clarified with HP before I can do that. So I am going
in my 6th da on this total problem/disaster, willing to rebuild my PC
(uninstalling SP1), but that can only be done after I have been able to
access my Personal Secure Drive (protected by HP ProtectTools)
- I am trying to be in contact with the SP1 support team as well and see
what their conclusions are and recommendations.
- I think both HP and MS should be looking inside (remote on-board) my Pc
and look at the event logs and some of the roots of my PC. I don't have
enough technical knowledge to understand it all.

If you or anyone in the forum has some suggestions at this time, pleas let
me know. Going through the motions with HP, MS and Symantec takes a lot of
time and one needs to be so patient...


"PA Bear [MS MVP]" wrote:

> Well, I *know* I posted another reply to this thread on 01 Jun-08 (and I
> crossposted it to Windows Update newsgroup) but it must've gotten lost in
> the ether because it hasn't appeared.
> I'm sorry, but I cannot make sense of the history here. I can't determine
> if the machine came with Vista or Vista SP1 preinstalled. If you did manage
> to uninstall and/or reinstall SP1 but you can't tell me if Norton 360 was
> enabled (or even installed) at the time, no one can help.
> I'd recommend either contacting HP Support or Microsoft Vista SP1 Support,
> Joris. Maybe they can make sense of it all.
> --
> ~PA Bear
> Joris Claeys wrote:
> > Hi Robear,
> > Finally found this thread again, so no need to provide the URL
> > Hope to see your recommendation soon. Thanks
> >
> >> On Jun 2, 2:28 am, "PA Bear [MS MVP]" <> wrote:
> >>> And...?
> >>>
> >>> PA Bear [MS MVP] wrote:
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>> Is the machine still under warranty or service contract, Joris? Have
> >>>> you
> >>>> contacted HP Support directly about these problems?
> >>>
> >>>> Was Norton 360 installed and running when you installed Vista SP1
> >>>> (assuming
> >>>> the machine did not come with Vista SP1 preinstalled)?
> >>>
> >>>> => Unlimited installation and *compatibility* support for Vista SP1 is
> >>>> available at no charge through 18 Mar-09
> >>>> • US:
> >>>>
> >>>
> >>>> • CA:
> >>>>
> >>>
> >>>> • UK:
> >>>>
> >>>
> >>>> • AU:
> >>>>
> >>>
> >>>> • Other:| select Windows
> >>>> Vista | select Windows Vista Service Pack 1
> >>>
> >>
> >>
> >> Hi Robear,
> >>
> >> I still haven't find the original thread of this one, so I am replying
> >> via google, just to get moving. Still can you respond with providing
> >> me the URL in Microsoft forum. As I am not a technical person I don't
> >> need to have all this thing set up to communicate. For people like
> >> yourself I see clearly the benefit for that and that it is easier. For
> >> now I am focusing on my issues on my PC. ...which have far from
> >> resolved at this moment.
> >> So here are my responses to your questions/suggestions:
> >>
> >> 1. at the beginning of my thread I made clear reference to the update
> >> KB 947562 and notice that there must be a relationship as the main
> >> issues started right after installing that update, together with a
> >> Windows Defender Update. That said, I have taken notice in my event
> >> log of errors and warnings going on much earlier already, but I am not
> >> sure even whether those are related to the issues I am facing right
> >> now. KB947562 has caused clearly issues with other users and they seem
> >> to be similar in nature, touching the roots of the profiles and
> >> programs. More I can't say about it as I am just a novice trying to
> >> get the situation resolved
> >>
> >> 2. Yes my PC is under warranty. But before handing it over to an HP
> >> Business Service Center, I want to resolve this issue for many
> >> reasons: first my data which is blocked and which at least I need to
> >> be able to back up for later restore. I have been able to do so for
> >> the direct available critical files but there is also 8 GB hidden
> >> files in a Personal Secure Drive (HP ProtectTools created a partiion
> >> for that on my C-drive). As that software is corrupted I cannot access
> >> the PSD, nor the programs related to it. My main issue here is -
> >> though I have tried to reinstall over the corrupted version, which
> >> didn't work program still corrupted - if I uninstall, I may loose
> >> all access controls and certifications for that PSD drive. So I have
> >> to be very carefull in the choice / decision I make for next steps.
> >>
> >> 3. That brings us to my 3rd problem: I cannot access on-line
> >> diagnostics or on-line support with HP. My computer (on the IE screen
> >> of the HP website) keeps on returning to the initiation of the program
> >> (webbased), though the necessary active-x are being installed and UAC
> >> consented when running, but I don't get through. This may have to do
> >> with IE and firewall settings, but I have turned all OFF (NORTON and
> >> Windows) and allowed for most settings in IE security tab, but still
> >> no way I can access the on-line HP tools. And yes I need their advice
> >> on how to best continue. I have been able to open a CASE number with
> >> all the forementionned info with HP in the US/Singapore, but have not
> >> seen any responses. I also have posted my issues on the HP forums, but
> >> no responses as of yet (to be honest, those forums are not as active
> >> as the MS ones).
> >>
> >> to the core or root of the causes of all of these issues: 6
> >> weeks ago I rebuilt my PC fromn scratch as I had major issues going on
> >> (SvcHosts-DCOM processes were eating all my CPU resources) - probably
> >> caused by Norton360, as I found out later (not having read all the
> >> details fo the installation instuctions of VISTAsp1) not having it
> >> turned off when I installed sp1. As at that moment also I found out
> >> that I had no restorepoints (which were set to be created and had
> >> created myself some), there were none anymore (same as now - something
> >> in my settinggs - and it may be because of the different eand
> >> conflicting security systems (Windows, Norton, HP ProtectTools, GPO
> >> and local policy settings - but having verified every detail of those
> >> I could not find anything and had even simplified it all a week ago by
> >> eliminating various controls and settings - but non crucial to result
> >> in what is going on today. That is also why I need on-line support
> >> from HP to see all the error and warning messages in the eventlog and
> >> make some sence out of it (when verifying some major ones via MS I get
> >> screens that there are no resolutions for the events reported).
> >> So back to rebuilding my PC: I amde sure Norton360 was not reactivated
> >> - actually installed till all my prorams were installed including
> >> VISTA sp1. However I found out that Norton left dirt on my PC after I
> >> had uninstalled it (hidden drivers and a like where still active or
> >> inactive on my PC. So I found out that Norton had a cleanup program,
> >> which I used after WAU had installed VISTAsp1 (so maybe the damage
> >> already occured). But everything was working alright. Then 2 days
> >> before WAU installed KB947562, I had reinstalled Norton360 completely
> >> - everything was working good and no slowdowns, all Svchost processes
> >> and CcSvchost (Norton) were acting proper within their allocated CPU
> >> resources. The rest of my story is in the thread already.
> >>
> >> 5 your resolutions about uninstalling SP1: It had crossed my mind
> >> already but I cannot do this untill first of all I understand all the
> >> consequences and how to rebuild, but also I cannot start this untill I
> >> have my PSD partition accesssed and backup the data in there. I got
> >> most backedup 3 weeks ago but there is still critical data in there
> >> and no clue what may be missing if I don't obtain it before I do this
> >> major revision of returning back to before SP1.
> >>
> >> So, I am stuck, unless I can get proper access again to the original
> >> profiles and have been able to restore HP ProtectTools. There are two
> >> things I can think of now that I will have to reconsider when
> >> rebuilding: no more Personal Secure Drives as the vulnerability is
> >> HIGH RISK (whatever HP claims of their unrivaled HP ProtectTools, it
> >> is not waterproof). The second one is NORTON360. I have experienced
> >> and read from many forums that it is all crap (have to claim my +100$
> >> back first). But what is the alternative!!!?
> >>
> >> 7 MS or MSvista support online: major issue here: my PC was delivered
> >> by HP with OEM reinstalled software (VISTAbusiness32 and
> >> OFFICE2007professional), which I had protested for with HP and its
> >> reseller. OEM is crap and I wished that the industry stops it because
> >> it makes the buyers of those PC very vulnerable and dependable. And as
> >> you can see when things don't work you cannot get help anywhere. So as
> >> I experienced with MS, they don't provide access to there online
> >> support because of OEM installed software. Not sure how they allow for
> >> the VISTAsp1 support! Should I try that one out.
> >>
> >> In the meantime I am starting to study the websites related to this
> >> you provided in your recommendations.
> >>
> >> Any suggestions are welcome...
> >>
> >> And please give me the original URL of this thread so I can trace.
> >> thanks
> >> regards
> >> Joris


Joris Claeys


FYI, HP is now on top of this case and likewise I have reported today the
case with VISTAsp1 support.

Whatever comes out I will communicate here. Lets hope this comes to a
resolution, soon.


Were you ever able to resolve this issue? I am now having the exact same
error message whenever I reboot my system. On each reboot, I get three popup
windows with the message. Nothing in the event logs that seem to correlate to
the errors.

I'm running Vista SP 1 x64 on HP/Compaq 8510w

This is a clean install with only the OS, updates from Windows Update, most
recent drivers plus Office 2008.

Thanks for any help.


"Joris Claeys" wrote:

> Hi Robear,
> Sorry if I wasn't clear.
> The following is the order, if I remember well:
> - PC was bought Dec 2007 with VISTA Business OEM installed and a pre-version
> of NORTON Antivirus.
> - I upgraded to Norton360 on VISTA in January 2008
> - After a couple of months I was starting to have problems with my PC
> (performance, crashing to blue screen, etceteras). I believe the cause was
> related to installing VISTA sp1 prerelease on my PC (at least that is the
> conclusion now months later)
> - Mid April 2008, I rebuilt my PC from scratch as I could not pinpoint to
> the issues. However all was not related to SP1rc and Norton. Some were errors
> developed by me learning the Windows VISTA system and I know I made several
> mistakes along the way which I corrected when rebuilding my PC.
> - As I was rebuilding my PC, the updates (WU/MU) came to the automatic
> update of VISTA SP1. At that time I still wasn't aware of the consequences
> Norton could cause to this update. I remember that I turned off the firewall
> and antivirus protection but the add-on package was left on
> - For a couple of weeks - while still rebuilding my PC - all was going well,
> untill I started noticing slowdowns
> - The issue seemed to be with SVCHOST.exe (DCOM) eating up all my CPU
> resources and ending up numerous times in blue screen crash - only
> explanation to that issue was a conflict with Norton360, so I uninstalled
> NORTON360.
> - The issues came back after a week and after a lot of research I found out
> that Symantec had still a lot of processes, services and drivers working on
> my system. That is when I found out about the NORTON removal tool (which I
> should have used in the first place). So I removed NORTON completly with that
> tool and all issues were resolved. I installed all my applications again and
> upgrades from HP and MS
> - Everything was running great - no issues, great performance in all aspects
> and no crashing.
> - I had all security tools in place but not having an Antivirus protection.
> I tried to run LIVE OneCare but the system crashed on it. So I decided to put
> NORTON back on. All was running well, except for the hassle with NORTON's
> firewall blocking too many things and not learning from the settings I have
> in Windows Local Security Policies and HP PRotectTools. There were some
> conflicts but no big errors (later I learned that the system was creating a
> lot of event logs of all kinds. Including WU/MU not working...
> - On the 27th I got through that issue - actually by shutting down the
> NORTON firewall. The update KB947562 was installed and in the reboot process
> all the current issues started - no proper access to my profiles, corrupted
> profiles, corrupted Windows Defender (is working again) and complete
> corrupted HP ProtectTools. The latter keeps me from accessing my critical
> informatin as its Credential Manager blocks the access to the profiles as it
> is being corrupted. HP PrtoectTools overrides the VISTA security settings and
> adds several more features such as encryption and direct access to system
> settings
> - I have been starting to get in contact with HP but the communication is
> delayed because of the fact that I can't access their online support system
> (no clue why not but it fails everytime).
> - I have been on chat with NORTON yesterday but no resolution came out,
> several support engineers gave up and the problem is now at their research
> department.
> - NORTON seem to be the main root cause of all the issues (even if I made
> blunders, it is unbelievable that with their high pride 'best inline'
> protection, these errors and complete system failures are happening. I had
> problems on one PC 10 years ago due to NORTON and still today NORTON seem to
> brake things rather then protecting. How it is possible that NORTON can't
> deliver their protection package fit to Windows VISTA is too me unacceptable.
> I paid for it, I will either ask for a full refund and install One-Care when
> it becomes available out of beta-status for VISTA, or I will ask for
> replacing it just to Antivirus and let it only do that and keep it out of all
> other root settings. But from what I have see, NORTON leaves a lot of dirt in
> its installation and is difficult to get rid of once installed
> - My prime focus now is to get HP ProtectTools working again, but I still
> have open issues to be clarified with HP before I can do that. So I am going
> in my 6th da on this total problem/disaster, willing to rebuild my PC
> (uninstalling SP1), but that can only be done after I have been able to
> access my Personal Secure Drive (protected by HP ProtectTools)
> - I am trying to be in contact with the SP1 support team as well and see
> what their conclusions are and recommendations.
> - I think both HP and MS should be looking inside (remote on-board) my Pc
> and look at the event logs and some of the roots of my PC. I don't have
> enough technical knowledge to understand it all.
> If you or anyone in the forum has some suggestions at this time, pleas let
> me know. Going through the motions with HP, MS and Symantec takes a lot of
> time and one needs to be so patient...
> Thanks
> regards
> Joris
> "PA Bear [MS MVP]" wrote:
> > Well, I *know* I posted another reply to this thread on 01 Jun-08 (and I
> > crossposted it to Windows Update newsgroup) but it must've gotten lost in
> > the ether because it hasn't appeared.
> >
> > I'm sorry, but I cannot make sense of the history here. I can't determine
> > if the machine came with Vista or Vista SP1 preinstalled. If you did manage
> > to uninstall and/or reinstall SP1 but you can't tell me if Norton 360 was
> > enabled (or even installed) at the time, no one can help.
> >
> > I'd recommend either contacting HP Support or Microsoft Vista SP1 Support,
> > Joris. Maybe they can make sense of it all.
> > --
> > ~PA Bear
> >
> >
> > Joris Claeys wrote:
> > > Hi Robear,
> > > Finally found this thread again, so no need to provide the URL
> > > Hope to see your recommendation soon. Thanks
> > >
> > >> On Jun 2, 2:28 am, "PA Bear [MS MVP]" <> wrote:
> > >>> And...?
> > >>>
> > >>> PA Bear [MS MVP] wrote:
> > >>>
> > >>>
> > >>>
> > >>>> Is the machine still under warranty or service contract, Joris? Have
> > >>>> you
> > >>>> contacted HP Support directly about these problems?
> > >>>
> > >>>> Was Norton 360 installed and running when you installed Vista SP1
> > >>>> (assuming
> > >>>> the machine did not come with Vista SP1 preinstalled)?
> > >>>
> > >>>> => Unlimited installation and *compatibility* support for Vista SP1 is
> > >>>> available at no charge through 18 Mar-09
> > >>>> • US:
> > >>>>
> > >>>
> > >>>> • CA:
> > >>>>
> > >>>
> > >>>> • UK:
> > >>>>
> > >>>
> > >>>> • AU:
> > >>>>
> > >>>
> > >>>> • Other:| select Windows
> > >>>> Vista | select Windows Vista Service Pack 1
> > >>>
> > >>
> > >>
> > >> Hi Robear,
> > >>
> > >> I still haven't find the original thread of this one, so I am replying
> > >> via google, just to get moving. Still can you respond with providing
> > >> me the URL in Microsoft forum. As I am not a technical person I don't
> > >> need to have all this thing set up to communicate. For people like
> > >> yourself I see clearly the benefit for that and that it is easier. For
> > >> now I am focusing on my issues on my PC. ...which have far from
> > >> resolved at this moment.
> > >> So here are my responses to your questions/suggestions:
> > >>
> > >> 1. at the beginning of my thread I made clear reference to the update
> > >> KB 947562 and notice that there must be a relationship as the main
> > >> issues started right after installing that update, together with a
> > >> Windows Defender Update. That said, I have taken notice in my event
> > >> log of errors and warnings going on much earlier already, but I am not
> > >> sure even whether those are related to the issues I am facing right
> > >> now. KB947562 has caused clearly issues with other users and they seem
> > >> to be similar in nature, touching the roots of the profiles and
> > >> programs. More I can't say about it as I am just a novice trying to
> > >> get the situation resolved
> > >>
> > >> 2. Yes my PC is under warranty. But before handing it over to an HP
> > >> Business Service Center, I want to resolve this issue for many
> > >> reasons: first my data which is blocked and which at least I need to
> > >> be able to back up for later restore. I have been able to do so for
> > >> the direct available critical files but there is also 8 GB hidden
> > >> files in a Personal Secure Drive (HP ProtectTools created a partiion
> > >> for that on my C-drive). As that software is corrupted I cannot access
> > >> the PSD, nor the programs related to it. My main issue here is -
> > >> though I have tried to reinstall over the corrupted version, which
> > >> didn't work program still corrupted - if I uninstall, I may loose
> > >> all access controls and certifications for that PSD drive. So I have
> > >> to be very carefull in the choice / decision I make for next steps.
> > >>
> > >> 3. That brings us to my 3rd problem: I cannot access on-line
> > >> diagnostics or on-line support with HP. My computer (on the IE screen
> > >> of the HP website) keeps on returning to the initiation of the program
> > >> (webbased), though the necessary active-x are being installed and UAC
> > >> consented when running, but I don't get through. This may have to do
> > >> with IE and firewall settings, but I have turned all OFF (NORTON and
> > >> Windows) and allowed for most settings in IE security tab, but still
> > >> no way I can access the on-line HP tools. And yes I need their advice
> > >> on how to best continue. I have been able to open a CASE number with
> > >> all the forementionned info with HP in the US/Singapore, but have not
> > >> seen any responses. I also have posted my issues on the HP forums, but
> > >> no responses as of yet (to be honest, those forums are not as active
> > >> as the MS ones).
> > >>
> > >> to the core or root of the causes of all of these issues: 6
> > >> weeks ago I rebuilt my PC fromn scratch as I had major issues going on
> > >> (SvcHosts-DCOM processes were eating all my CPU resources) - probably
> > >> caused by Norton360, as I found out later (not having read all the
> > >> details fo the installation instuctions of VISTAsp1) not having it
> > >> turned off when I installed sp1. As at that moment also I found out
> > >> that I had no restorepoints (which were set to be created and had
> > >> created myself some), there were none anymore (same as now - something
> > >> in my settinggs - and it may be because of the different eand
> > >> conflicting security systems (Windows, Norton, HP ProtectTools, GPO
> > >> and local policy settings - but having verified every detail of those
> > >> I could not find anything and had even simplified it all a week ago by
> > >> eliminating various controls and settings - but non crucial to result
> > >> in what is going on today. That is also why I need on-line support
> > >> from HP to see all the error and warning messages in the eventlog and
> > >> make some sence out of it (when verifying some major ones via MS I get
> > >> screens that there are no resolutions for the events reported).
> > >> So back to rebuilding my PC: I amde sure Norton360 was not reactivated
> > >> - actually installed till all my prorams were installed including
> > >> VISTA sp1. However I found out that Norton left dirt on my PC after I
> > >> had uninstalled it (hidden drivers and a like where still active or
> > >> inactive on my PC. So I found out that Norton had a cleanup program,
> > >> which I used after WAU had installed VISTAsp1 (so maybe the damage
> > >> already occured). But everything was working alright. Then 2 days
> > >> before WAU installed KB947562, I had reinstalled Norton360 completely
> > >> - everything was working good and no slowdowns, all Svchost processes
> > >> and CcSvchost (Norton) were acting proper within their allocated CPU
> > >> resources. The rest of my story is in the thread already.
> > >>
> > >> 5 your resolutions about uninstalling SP1: It had crossed my mind
> > >> already but I cannot do this untill first of all I understand all the
> > >> consequences and how to rebuild, but also I cannot start this untill I
> > >> have my PSD partition accesssed and backup the data in there. I got
> > >> most backedup 3 weeks ago but there is still critical data in there
> > >> and no clue what may be missing if I don't obtain it before I do this
> > >> major revision of returning back to before SP1.
> > >>
> > >> So, I am stuck, unless I can get proper access again to the original
> > >> profiles and have been able to restore HP ProtectTools. There are two
> > >> things I can think of now that I will have to reconsider when
> > >> rebuilding: no more Personal Secure Drives as the vulnerability is
> > >> HIGH RISK (whatever HP claims of their unrivaled HP ProtectTools, it
> > >> is not waterproof). The second one is NORTON360. I have experienced
> > >> and read from many forums that it is all crap (have to claim my +100$
> > >> back first). But what is the alternative!!!?
> > >>
> > >> 7 MS or MSvista support online: major issue here: my PC was delivered
> > >> by HP with OEM reinstalled software (VISTAbusiness32 and
> > >> OFFICE2007professional), which I had protested for with HP and its
> > >> reseller. OEM is crap and I wished that the industry stops it because
> > >> it makes the buyers of those PC very vulnerable and dependable. And as
> > >> you can see when things don't work you cannot get help anywhere. So as
> > >> I experienced with MS, they don't provide access to there online
> > >> support because of OEM installed software. Not sure how they allow for
> > >> the VISTAsp1 support! Should I try that one out.
> > >>
> > >> In the meantime I am starting to study the websites related to this
> > >> you provided in your recommendations.
> > >>
> > >> Any suggestions are welcome...
> > >>
> > >> And please give me the original URL of this thread so I can trace.
> > >> thanks
> > >> regards
> > >> Joris

> >
> >
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