A Look at Kevin Panzke's Posts - Just FYI

  • Thread starter Karyn Jayne Panze
  • Start date

Karyn Jayne Panze

Here is a little summary of the kind of things that Kevin John Panzke posts.
He wants others banned but he posts material that isn't suited for this
forum. Why is it OK for him to abuse the system?

I Have Officially Taken Over Aliases Job As The Unofficial Head Of The
Ubuntu Advertising Department Here In
Microsoft.Public.Windows.Vista.General, And The Unofficial Head Of The
President George Walker Bush GOP.com War Against Terrorism Advertising
Department As Well, Just FYI.

I Suggest That You Can Download Open Source Linux Ubuntu 7.04 Free Of
Charge, Just FYI.

Kevin John Panzke (Former Windows User, I Now Use Open Source Linux
Ubuntu 7.04), Just FYI.

I Simply Discovered How Great It Is To Run An Open Source Operating
System (Free Download) Such As Linux Ubuntu 7.04, Just FYI.

165 GOP Congress Member's Walk Off The Floor Of The U.S. House of Rep's.

I Am Currently Running Windows Vista RTM On My Primary Computer (Due To
The Need For IE 7.0 Due To Website Compatibility Issues With Mozilla
Firefox With Some Of My Websites), And I Am Currently Running
Ubuntu 7.04 Desktop Edition On My Secondary Computer, Just FYI.

P.S. I Am Taking A Break From Testing Windows Server 2008 Due To The
Fact That I Am Not Supposed To Install It On My Primary Computer, Also
Just FYI. I Am Also Currently Trying Out Windows One Care Live 2.0 Beta
On My Windows Vista RTM Computer As Well, Just FYI.

ANN: President Bush Will Soon Have Surgery, Vice President Dick Cheney Will
Take Over Control Temporarily!

Kevin John Panzke (A Right Wing GOP.Com Member).

P.S. Maybe Now We Can Clear The Way To Expand The War Into Iran and Syria,
Just FYI.

My Parents Don't Want Me To Install Windows Server 2008 Beta 3 Public Beta
On Their Computer, Considering The Fact That It Is A Beta Operating System,
And That They Don't Want To Have A Problem With Windows Vista Re-Activation,
When It Comes Time To Remove Windows Server 2008 (When It RTM's), And Return
To Windows Vista RTM, Just FYI.

My Parent's Have One Of Those Motorola Comcast High Definition Boxes, And
Its A Piece Of ****, Just FYI.

Check The Status Of The Following Tracking Number:


This Package Was Supposed To Be Delivered To Me Earlier Today (In Algonquin,
IL), Just FYI.

I Watched The Taste of Chicago Grant Park Fireworks On Channel 50, Two
Nights Ago, Just FYI.

Kevin John Panzke (A Former U.S.P.S. Federal Employee).

P.S. Downtown Chicago Fireworks Occurs On July 3rd Instead Of July 4th, Just

If You Hate Windows Vista RTM, You'll Love Windows Server 2008 Beta 3 Public
Beta, I Am Currently Running The Latest IDS Build Of Windows Server 2008
(Not Available To The General Public), And It's Much Better Than Windows
Vista RTM, Just FYI.

Better Yet, Try Reading The Terms Of Microsoft's Anti-Trust Lawsuit
Settlement With The Department of Justice, And You Will Find That Former
U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft Let Microsoft Of The Hook Pretty
Light And Easy, Considering The Fact That Janet Reno Wanted The Separate
The Company Into Either 2 or 3 Separate Companies, Just FYI

Tell Them To Vote No On Cloture For HR. 800 and S. 1639, Just FYI.

P.S. Now All We Need Is For President Bush To Veto The Democrat's Amnesty
Bill (Which The Majority Of The American People Oppose Due To The Political
Handout It Gives To Mexico), And Hopefully He Will Also Veto The Democrats
Energy Bill (Which Will Cause Our Favorite Vehicles Of Choice, The SUV's,
And The Pick Up Trucks, To Get A Gas Guzzler Tax), While It Will Do Nothing
To Increase Domestic Oil Production (What We Really Need To Do Is Open Up
ANWR And The Outer Continental Shelf, To Domestic Oil Drilling, And Ease
Restrictions On Oil Refineries, So That New Oil Refineries Can Be Built),
Just FYI.

P.S. The Last Time That We Built A New Oil Refinery Was When President
Ronald Regan Was Still In Office, Since Then All We Have Done Is Closed
Refineries (Under Former President Bill Clinton's Watch), With Out Coming Up
For A Way To Have Existing Refineries Take Their Place, Just FYI.

HBO.COM Will Not Load Up, Just FYI!

Kevin John Panzke (MSDN Operating Systems Level Subscriber and Microsoft
Tech Net Direct Subscriber)

P.S. Our Cable Company Blacked Out The Final 5 Second's Of The Soprano's, So
I Now Have No Way Of Knowing Whether They Get Whacked Or Not At The End Of
The Show, Just FYI.

It Gets Worse: If The Illinois General Assembly Does Not Pass The Budget By
The End Of The Month (Any Bill Taken Up There After 05/31/XXXX, Will Require
a 3/5th Majority Vote From Both Houses), And Then Signed Into Law By The
Governor (The Governor and The General Assembly Are Currently Fighting Like
Cats And Dogs Over The Current State Budget Deficit), We Will Have Partial
Illinois Government Shutdown, Just FYI.

Today President Bush Vetoed S. 5 (The Embryonic Stem Cell Research Bill)
That Would Have Reversed His Summer 2001 Executive Order Outlawing Federal
Funds For Embryonic Stem Cell Research For New Embryonic Stem Cell Lines
Created After His Executive Order Went In To Effect, A Major Victory For
Right Wing Pro Life Gop.Com Member's (Like Myself), Just FYI.

Boycott Both Dell And Nvidia, Just FYI.

Kevin John Panzke (MSDN Operating Systems Level Subscriber and Microsoft
Technet Plus Direct Subscriber)

P.S. Call or Write To Your U.S. Senator's And Tell Them To Vote No On The
Kyl-Bush-Kennedy Amnesty Bill (KBK), Just FYI.

Kevin John Panzke

Karyn Jayne Panze wrote:
> Here is a little summary of the kind of things that Kevin John Panzke posts.
> He wants others banned but he posts material that isn't suited for this
> forum. Why is it OK for him to abuse the system?
> I Have Officially Taken Over Aliases Job As The Unofficial Head Of The
> Ubuntu Advertising Department Here In
> Microsoft.Public.Windows.Vista.General, And The Unofficial Head Of The
> President George Walker Bush GOP.com War Against Terrorism Advertising
> Department As Well, Just FYI.
> I Suggest That You Can Download Open Source Linux Ubuntu 7.04 Free Of
> Charge, Just FYI.
> Kevin John Panzke (Former Windows User, I Now Use Open Source Linux
> Ubuntu 7.04), Just FYI.
> I Simply Discovered How Great It Is To Run An Open Source Operating
> System (Free Download) Such As Linux Ubuntu 7.04, Just FYI.
> 165 GOP Congress Member's Walk Off The Floor Of The U.S. House of Rep's.
> I Am Currently Running Windows Vista RTM On My Primary Computer (Due To
> The Need For IE 7.0 Due To Website Compatibility Issues With Mozilla
> Firefox With Some Of My Websites), And I Am Currently Running
> Ubuntu 7.04 Desktop Edition On My Secondary Computer, Just FYI.
> P.S. I Am Taking A Break From Testing Windows Server 2008 Due To The
> Fact That I Am Not Supposed To Install It On My Primary Computer, Also
> Just FYI. I Am Also Currently Trying Out Windows One Care Live 2.0 Beta
> On My Windows Vista RTM Computer As Well, Just FYI.
> ANN: President Bush Will Soon Have Surgery, Vice President Dick Cheney Will
> Take Over Control Temporarily!
> Kevin John Panzke (A Right Wing GOP.Com Member).
> P.S. Maybe Now We Can Clear The Way To Expand The War Into Iran and Syria,
> Just FYI.
> My Parents Don't Want Me To Install Windows Server 2008 Beta 3 Public Beta
> On Their Computer, Considering The Fact That It Is A Beta Operating System,
> And That They Don't Want To Have A Problem With Windows Vista Re-Activation,
> When It Comes Time To Remove Windows Server 2008 (When It RTM's), And Return
> To Windows Vista RTM, Just FYI.
> My Parent's Have One Of Those Motorola Comcast High Definition Boxes, And
> Its A Piece Of ****, Just FYI.
> Check The Status Of The Following Tracking Number:
> 1Z20W7A00307593002
> This Package Was Supposed To Be Delivered To Me Earlier Today (In Algonquin,
> IL), Just FYI.
> I Watched The Taste of Chicago Grant Park Fireworks On Channel 50, Two
> Nights Ago, Just FYI.
> Kevin John Panzke (A Former U.S.P.S. Federal Employee).
> P.S. Downtown Chicago Fireworks Occurs On July 3rd Instead Of July 4th, Just
> FYI.
> If You Hate Windows Vista RTM, You'll Love Windows Server 2008 Beta 3 Public
> Beta, I Am Currently Running The Latest IDS Build Of Windows Server 2008
> (Not Available To The General Public), And It's Much Better Than Windows
> Vista RTM, Just FYI.
> Better Yet, Try Reading The Terms Of Microsoft's Anti-Trust Lawsuit
> Settlement With The Department of Justice, And You Will Find That Former
> U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft Let Microsoft Of The Hook Pretty
> Light And Easy, Considering The Fact That Janet Reno Wanted The Separate
> The Company Into Either 2 or 3 Separate Companies, Just FYI
> Tell Them To Vote No On Cloture For HR. 800 and S. 1639, Just FYI.
> P.S. Now All We Need Is For President Bush To Veto The Democrat's Amnesty
> Bill (Which The Majority Of The American People Oppose Due To The Political
> Handout It Gives To Mexico), And Hopefully He Will Also Veto The Democrats
> Energy Bill (Which Will Cause Our Favorite Vehicles Of Choice, The SUV's,
> And The Pick Up Trucks, To Get A Gas Guzzler Tax), While It Will Do Nothing
> To Increase Domestic Oil Production (What We Really Need To Do Is Open Up
> ANWR And The Outer Continental Shelf, To Domestic Oil Drilling, And Ease
> Restrictions On Oil Refineries, So That New Oil Refineries Can Be Built),
> Just FYI.
> P.S. The Last Time That We Built A New Oil Refinery Was When President
> Ronald Regan Was Still In Office, Since Then All We Have Done Is Closed
> Refineries (Under Former President Bill Clinton's Watch), With Out Coming Up
> For A Way To Have Existing Refineries Take Their Place, Just FYI.
> HBO.COM Will Not Load Up, Just FYI!
> Kevin John Panzke (MSDN Operating Systems Level Subscriber and Microsoft
> Tech Net Direct Subscriber)
> P.S. Our Cable Company Blacked Out The Final 5 Second's Of The Soprano's, So
> I Now Have No Way Of Knowing Whether They Get Whacked Or Not At The End Of
> The Show, Just FYI.
> It Gets Worse: If The Illinois General Assembly Does Not Pass The Budget By
> The End Of The Month (Any Bill Taken Up There After 05/31/XXXX, Will Require
> a 3/5th Majority Vote From Both Houses), And Then Signed Into Law By The
> Governor (The Governor and The General Assembly Are Currently Fighting Like
> Cats And Dogs Over The Current State Budget Deficit), We Will Have Partial
> Illinois Government Shutdown, Just FYI.
> Today President Bush Vetoed S. 5 (The Embryonic Stem Cell Research Bill)
> That Would Have Reversed His Summer 2001 Executive Order Outlawing Federal
> Funds For Embryonic Stem Cell Research For New Embryonic Stem Cell Lines
> Created After His Executive Order Went In To Effect, A Major Victory For
> Right Wing Pro Life Gop.Com Member's (Like Myself), Just FYI.
> Boycott Both Dell And Nvidia, Just FYI.
> Kevin John Panzke (MSDN Operating Systems Level Subscriber and Microsoft
> Technet Plus Direct Subscriber)
> P.S. Call or Write To Your U.S. Senator's And Tell Them To Vote No On The
> Kyl-Bush-Kennedy Amnesty Bill (KBK), Just FYI.

I Am Sure That I Could Come Up With A Whole Lot Of Your Useless Post's
As Well, But I Won't Bother, All Your Different Aliases Speak For Them
Selves, Just FYI.

P.S. If I Am Not Mistaken, It Was You Who Originally Told Me That I
Should Abandon Windows Server 2008 Public Beta, Re-Format My Computer
And Install Open Source Linux Ubuntu 7.04, Well I Finally Took Your
Advice After I Realized Just How Great A Free Open Source Operating
System Is, Just FYI. They Even Let The General Public Download Their
Daily (Nightly) Dog Food Builds, That Is Something That Only Microsoft
Employee's Get To Do With Windows Vista SP1 Alpha or Beta, Just FYI.

Kevin John Panzke

Kevin John Panzke wrote:
> Karyn Jayne Panze wrote:
>> Here is a little summary of the kind of things that Kevin John Panzke
>> posts. He wants others banned but he posts material that isn't suited
>> for this forum. Why is it OK for him to abuse the system?
>> I Have Officially Taken Over Aliases Job As The Unofficial Head Of The
>> Ubuntu Advertising Department Here In
>> Microsoft.Public.Windows.Vista.General, And The Unofficial Head Of The
>> President George Walker Bush GOP.com War Against Terrorism Advertising
>> Department As Well, Just FYI.
>> I Suggest That You Can Download Open Source Linux Ubuntu 7.04 Free Of
>> Charge, Just FYI.
>> Kevin John Panzke (Former Windows User, I Now Use Open Source Linux
>> Ubuntu 7.04), Just FYI.
>> I Simply Discovered How Great It Is To Run An Open Source Operating
>> System (Free Download) Such As Linux Ubuntu 7.04, Just FYI.
>> 165 GOP Congress Member's Walk Off The Floor Of The U.S. House of Rep's.
>> I Am Currently Running Windows Vista RTM On My Primary Computer (Due To
>> The Need For IE 7.0 Due To Website Compatibility Issues With Mozilla
>> Firefox With Some Of My Websites), And I Am Currently Running
>> Ubuntu 7.04 Desktop Edition On My Secondary Computer, Just FYI.
>> P.S. I Am Taking A Break From Testing Windows Server 2008 Due To The
>> Fact That I Am Not Supposed To Install It On My Primary Computer, Also
>> Just FYI. I Am Also Currently Trying Out Windows One Care Live 2.0 Beta
>> On My Windows Vista RTM Computer As Well, Just FYI.
>> ANN: President Bush Will Soon Have Surgery, Vice President Dick Cheney
>> Will
>> Take Over Control Temporarily!
>> Kevin John Panzke (A Right Wing GOP.Com Member).
>> P.S. Maybe Now We Can Clear The Way To Expand The War Into Iran and
>> Syria,
>> Just FYI.
>> My Parents Don't Want Me To Install Windows Server 2008 Beta 3 Public
>> Beta
>> On Their Computer, Considering The Fact That It Is A Beta Operating
>> System,
>> And That They Don't Want To Have A Problem With Windows Vista
>> Re-Activation,
>> When It Comes Time To Remove Windows Server 2008 (When It RTM's), And
>> Return
>> To Windows Vista RTM, Just FYI.
>> My Parent's Have One Of Those Motorola Comcast High Definition Boxes, And
>> Its A Piece Of ****, Just FYI.
>> Check The Status Of The Following Tracking Number:
>> 1Z20W7A00307593002
>> This Package Was Supposed To Be Delivered To Me Earlier Today (In
>> Algonquin,
>> IL), Just FYI.
>> I Watched The Taste of Chicago Grant Park Fireworks On Channel 50, Two
>> Nights Ago, Just FYI.
>> Kevin John Panzke (A Former U.S.P.S. Federal Employee).
>> P.S. Downtown Chicago Fireworks Occurs On July 3rd Instead Of July
>> 4th, Just
>> FYI.
>> If You Hate Windows Vista RTM, You'll Love Windows Server 2008 Beta 3
>> Public
>> Beta, I Am Currently Running The Latest IDS Build Of Windows Server 2008
>> (Not Available To The General Public), And It's Much Better Than Windows
>> Vista RTM, Just FYI.
>> Better Yet, Try Reading The Terms Of Microsoft's Anti-Trust Lawsuit
>> Settlement With The Department of Justice, And You Will Find That Former
>> U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft Let Microsoft Of The Hook Pretty
>> Light And Easy, Considering The Fact That Janet Reno Wanted The Separate
>> The Company Into Either 2 or 3 Separate Companies, Just FYI
>> Tell Them To Vote No On Cloture For HR. 800 and S. 1639, Just FYI.
>> P.S. Now All We Need Is For President Bush To Veto The Democrat's
>> Amnesty
>> Bill (Which The Majority Of The American People Oppose Due To The
>> Political
>> Handout It Gives To Mexico), And Hopefully He Will Also Veto The
>> Democrats
>> Energy Bill (Which Will Cause Our Favorite Vehicles Of Choice, The SUV's,
>> And The Pick Up Trucks, To Get A Gas Guzzler Tax), While It Will Do
>> Nothing
>> To Increase Domestic Oil Production (What We Really Need To Do Is Open Up
>> ANWR And The Outer Continental Shelf, To Domestic Oil Drilling, And Ease
>> Restrictions On Oil Refineries, So That New Oil Refineries Can Be Built),
>> Just FYI.
>> P.S. The Last Time That We Built A New Oil Refinery Was When President
>> Ronald Regan Was Still In Office, Since Then All We Have Done Is Closed
>> Refineries (Under Former President Bill Clinton's Watch), With Out
>> Coming Up
>> For A Way To Have Existing Refineries Take Their Place, Just FYI.
>> HBO.COM Will Not Load Up, Just FYI!
>> Kevin John Panzke (MSDN Operating Systems Level Subscriber and Microsoft
>> Tech Net Direct Subscriber)
>> P.S. Our Cable Company Blacked Out The Final 5 Second's Of The
>> Soprano's, So
>> I Now Have No Way Of Knowing Whether They Get Whacked Or Not At The
>> End Of
>> The Show, Just FYI.
>> It Gets Worse: If The Illinois General Assembly Does Not Pass The
>> Budget By
>> The End Of The Month (Any Bill Taken Up There After 05/31/XXXX, Will
>> Require
>> a 3/5th Majority Vote From Both Houses), And Then Signed Into Law By The
>> Governor (The Governor and The General Assembly Are Currently Fighting
>> Like
>> Cats And Dogs Over The Current State Budget Deficit), We Will Have
>> Partial
>> Illinois Government Shutdown, Just FYI.
>> Today President Bush Vetoed S. 5 (The Embryonic Stem Cell Research Bill)
>> That Would Have Reversed His Summer 2001 Executive Order Outlawing
>> Federal
>> Funds For Embryonic Stem Cell Research For New Embryonic Stem Cell Lines
>> Created After His Executive Order Went In To Effect, A Major Victory For
>> Right Wing Pro Life Gop.Com Member's (Like Myself), Just FYI.
>> Boycott Both Dell And Nvidia, Just FYI.
>> Kevin John Panzke (MSDN Operating Systems Level Subscriber and Microsoft
>> Technet Plus Direct Subscriber)
>> P.S. Call or Write To Your U.S. Senator's And Tell Them To Vote No On
>> The
>> Kyl-Bush-Kennedy Amnesty Bill (KBK), Just FYI.

> I Am Sure That I Could Come Up With A Whole Lot Of Your Useless Post's
> As Well, But I Won't Bother, All Your Different Aliases Speak For Them
> Selves, Just FYI.
> P.S. If I Am Not Mistaken, It Was You Who Originally Told Me That I
> Should Abandon Windows Server 2008 Public Beta, Re-Format My Computer
> And Install Open Source Linux Ubuntu 7.04, Well I Finally Took Your
> Advice After I Realized Just How Great A Free Open Source Operating
> System Is, Just FYI. They Even Let The General Public Download Their
> Daily (Nightly) Dog Food Builds, That Is Something That Only Microsoft
> Employee's Get To Do With Windows Vista SP1 Alpha or Beta, Just FYI.

P.S. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/testing Just FYI.


Someone has too much free time on their hands. Probably some 300lb
pimple faced 15 yr old. Glad life is treating you well.



Could you post me a couple of very very very good Linclux forums please ?

I am sure that you will allow me to publish an anthology of your very very
best contibutions in this Windows forum. You are, ain't you ?
I am also convinced that your bosomfriends will understand why it takes us
(= the rest of the world) so long to become interested in Linclux.

"Kevin John Panzke" wrote:

> Karyn Jayne Panze wrote:
> > Here is a little summary of the kind of things that Kevin John Panzke posts.
> > He wants others banned but he posts material that isn't suited for this
> > forum. Why is it OK for him to abuse the system?
> >
> >
> > I Have Officially Taken Over Aliases Job As The Unofficial Head Of The
> > Ubuntu Advertising Department Here In
> > Microsoft.Public.Windows.Vista.General, And The Unofficial Head Of The
> > President George Walker Bush GOP.com War Against Terrorism Advertising
> > Department As Well, Just FYI.
> >
> >
> > I Suggest That You Can Download Open Source Linux Ubuntu 7.04 Free Of
> > Charge, Just FYI.
> >
> > Kevin John Panzke (Former Windows User, I Now Use Open Source Linux
> > Ubuntu 7.04), Just FYI.
> >
> > I Simply Discovered How Great It Is To Run An Open Source Operating
> > System (Free Download) Such As Linux Ubuntu 7.04, Just FYI.
> >
> > 165 GOP Congress Member's Walk Off The Floor Of The U.S. House of Rep's.
> >
> > I Am Currently Running Windows Vista RTM On My Primary Computer (Due To
> > The Need For IE 7.0 Due To Website Compatibility Issues With Mozilla
> > Firefox With Some Of My Websites), And I Am Currently Running
> > Ubuntu 7.04 Desktop Edition On My Secondary Computer, Just FYI.
> >
> > P.S. I Am Taking A Break From Testing Windows Server 2008 Due To The
> > Fact That I Am Not Supposed To Install It On My Primary Computer, Also
> > Just FYI. I Am Also Currently Trying Out Windows One Care Live 2.0 Beta
> > On My Windows Vista RTM Computer As Well, Just FYI.
> >
> >
> > ANN: President Bush Will Soon Have Surgery, Vice President Dick Cheney Will
> > Take Over Control Temporarily!
> >
> > Kevin John Panzke (A Right Wing GOP.Com Member).
> >
> > P.S. Maybe Now We Can Clear The Way To Expand The War Into Iran and Syria,
> > Just FYI.
> >
> >
> > My Parents Don't Want Me To Install Windows Server 2008 Beta 3 Public Beta
> > On Their Computer, Considering The Fact That It Is A Beta Operating System,
> > And That They Don't Want To Have A Problem With Windows Vista Re-Activation,
> > When It Comes Time To Remove Windows Server 2008 (When It RTM's), And Return
> > To Windows Vista RTM, Just FYI.
> >
> > My Parent's Have One Of Those Motorola Comcast High Definition Boxes, And
> > Its A Piece Of ****, Just FYI.
> >
> > Check The Status Of The Following Tracking Number:
> >
> > 1Z20W7A00307593002
> >
> > This Package Was Supposed To Be Delivered To Me Earlier Today (In Algonquin,
> > IL), Just FYI.
> >
> >
> > I Watched The Taste of Chicago Grant Park Fireworks On Channel 50, Two
> > Nights Ago, Just FYI.
> >
> > Kevin John Panzke (A Former U.S.P.S. Federal Employee).
> >
> > P.S. Downtown Chicago Fireworks Occurs On July 3rd Instead Of July 4th, Just
> > FYI.
> >
> > If You Hate Windows Vista RTM, You'll Love Windows Server 2008 Beta 3 Public
> > Beta, I Am Currently Running The Latest IDS Build Of Windows Server 2008
> > (Not Available To The General Public), And It's Much Better Than Windows
> > Vista RTM, Just FYI.
> >
> >
> > Better Yet, Try Reading The Terms Of Microsoft's Anti-Trust Lawsuit
> > Settlement With The Department of Justice, And You Will Find That Former
> > U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft Let Microsoft Of The Hook Pretty
> > Light And Easy, Considering The Fact That Janet Reno Wanted The Separate
> > The Company Into Either 2 or 3 Separate Companies, Just FYI
> >
> > Tell Them To Vote No On Cloture For HR. 800 and S. 1639, Just FYI.
> >
> >
> > P.S. Now All We Need Is For President Bush To Veto The Democrat's Amnesty
> > Bill (Which The Majority Of The American People Oppose Due To The Political
> > Handout It Gives To Mexico), And Hopefully He Will Also Veto The Democrats
> > Energy Bill (Which Will Cause Our Favorite Vehicles Of Choice, The SUV's,
> > And The Pick Up Trucks, To Get A Gas Guzzler Tax), While It Will Do Nothing
> > To Increase Domestic Oil Production (What We Really Need To Do Is Open Up
> > ANWR And The Outer Continental Shelf, To Domestic Oil Drilling, And Ease
> > Restrictions On Oil Refineries, So That New Oil Refineries Can Be Built),
> > Just FYI.
> >
> > P.S. The Last Time That We Built A New Oil Refinery Was When President
> > Ronald Regan Was Still In Office, Since Then All We Have Done Is Closed
> > Refineries (Under Former President Bill Clinton's Watch), With Out Coming Up
> > For A Way To Have Existing Refineries Take Their Place, Just FYI.
> >
> > HBO.COM Will Not Load Up, Just FYI!
> >
> > Kevin John Panzke (MSDN Operating Systems Level Subscriber and Microsoft
> > Tech Net Direct Subscriber)
> >
> > P.S. Our Cable Company Blacked Out The Final 5 Second's Of The Soprano's, So
> > I Now Have No Way Of Knowing Whether They Get Whacked Or Not At The End Of
> > The Show, Just FYI.
> >
> > It Gets Worse: If The Illinois General Assembly Does Not Pass The Budget By
> > The End Of The Month (Any Bill Taken Up There After 05/31/XXXX, Will Require
> > a 3/5th Majority Vote From Both Houses), And Then Signed Into Law By The
> > Governor (The Governor and The General Assembly Are Currently Fighting Like
> > Cats And Dogs Over The Current State Budget Deficit), We Will Have Partial
> > Illinois Government Shutdown, Just FYI.
> >
> > Today President Bush Vetoed S. 5 (The Embryonic Stem Cell Research Bill)
> > That Would Have Reversed His Summer 2001 Executive Order Outlawing Federal
> > Funds For Embryonic Stem Cell Research For New Embryonic Stem Cell Lines
> > Created After His Executive Order Went In To Effect, A Major Victory For
> > Right Wing Pro Life Gop.Com Member's (Like Myself), Just FYI.
> >
> >
> >
> > Boycott Both Dell And Nvidia, Just FYI.
> >
> > Kevin John Panzke (MSDN Operating Systems Level Subscriber and Microsoft
> > Technet Plus Direct Subscriber)
> >
> > P.S. Call or Write To Your U.S. Senator's And Tell Them To Vote No On The
> > Kyl-Bush-Kennedy Amnesty Bill (KBK), Just FYI.
> >
> >
> >

> I Am Sure That I Could Come Up With A Whole Lot Of Your Useless Post's
> As Well, But I Won't Bother, All Your Different Aliases Speak For Them
> Selves, Just FYI.
> P.S. If I Am Not Mistaken, It Was You Who Originally Told Me That I
> Should Abandon Windows Server 2008 Public Beta, Re-Format My Computer
> And Install Open Source Linux Ubuntu 7.04, Well I Finally Took Your
> Advice After I Realized Just How Great A Free Open Source Operating
> System Is, Just FYI. They Even Let The General Public Download Their
> Daily (Nightly) Dog Food Builds, That Is Something That Only Microsoft
> Employee's Get To Do With Windows Vista SP1 Alpha or Beta, Just FYI.

Kevin John Panzke

MS-Adict wrote:
> Hi
> Could you post me a couple of very very very good Linclux forums please ?
> I am sure that you will allow me to publish an anthology of your very very
> best contibutions in this Windows forum. You are, ain't you ?
> I am also convinced that your bosomfriends will understand why it takes us
> (= the rest of the world) so long to become interested in Linclux.
> "Kevin John Panzke" wrote:
>> Karyn Jayne Panze wrote:
>>> Here is a little summary of the kind of things that Kevin John Panzke posts.
>>> He wants others banned but he posts material that isn't suited for this
>>> forum. Why is it OK for him to abuse the system?
>>> I Have Officially Taken Over Aliases Job As The Unofficial Head Of The
>>> Ubuntu Advertising Department Here In
>>> Microsoft.Public.Windows.Vista.General, And The Unofficial Head Of The
>>> President George Walker Bush GOP.com War Against Terrorism Advertising
>>> Department As Well, Just FYI.
>>> I Suggest That You Can Download Open Source Linux Ubuntu 7.04 Free Of
>>> Charge, Just FYI.
>>> Kevin John Panzke (Former Windows User, I Now Use Open Source Linux
>>> Ubuntu 7.04), Just FYI.
>>> I Simply Discovered How Great It Is To Run An Open Source Operating
>>> System (Free Download) Such As Linux Ubuntu 7.04, Just FYI.
>>> 165 GOP Congress Member's Walk Off The Floor Of The U.S. House of Rep's.
>>> I Am Currently Running Windows Vista RTM On My Primary Computer (Due To
>>> The Need For IE 7.0 Due To Website Compatibility Issues With Mozilla
>>> Firefox With Some Of My Websites), And I Am Currently Running
>>> Ubuntu 7.04 Desktop Edition On My Secondary Computer, Just FYI.
>>> P.S. I Am Taking A Break From Testing Windows Server 2008 Due To The
>>> Fact That I Am Not Supposed To Install It On My Primary Computer, Also
>>> Just FYI. I Am Also Currently Trying Out Windows One Care Live 2.0 Beta
>>> On My Windows Vista RTM Computer As Well, Just FYI.
>>> ANN: President Bush Will Soon Have Surgery, Vice President Dick Cheney Will
>>> Take Over Control Temporarily!
>>> Kevin John Panzke (A Right Wing GOP.Com Member).
>>> P.S. Maybe Now We Can Clear The Way To Expand The War Into Iran and Syria,
>>> Just FYI.
>>> My Parents Don't Want Me To Install Windows Server 2008 Beta 3 Public Beta
>>> On Their Computer, Considering The Fact That It Is A Beta Operating System,
>>> And That They Don't Want To Have A Problem With Windows Vista Re-Activation,
>>> When It Comes Time To Remove Windows Server 2008 (When It RTM's), And Return
>>> To Windows Vista RTM, Just FYI.
>>> My Parent's Have One Of Those Motorola Comcast High Definition Boxes, And
>>> Its A Piece Of ****, Just FYI.
>>> Check The Status Of The Following Tracking Number:
>>> 1Z20W7A00307593002
>>> This Package Was Supposed To Be Delivered To Me Earlier Today (In Algonquin,
>>> IL), Just FYI.
>>> I Watched The Taste of Chicago Grant Park Fireworks On Channel 50, Two
>>> Nights Ago, Just FYI.
>>> Kevin John Panzke (A Former U.S.P.S. Federal Employee).
>>> P.S. Downtown Chicago Fireworks Occurs On July 3rd Instead Of July 4th, Just
>>> FYI.
>>> If You Hate Windows Vista RTM, You'll Love Windows Server 2008 Beta 3 Public
>>> Beta, I Am Currently Running The Latest IDS Build Of Windows Server 2008
>>> (Not Available To The General Public), And It's Much Better Than Windows
>>> Vista RTM, Just FYI.
>>> Better Yet, Try Reading The Terms Of Microsoft's Anti-Trust Lawsuit
>>> Settlement With The Department of Justice, And You Will Find That Former
>>> U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft Let Microsoft Of The Hook Pretty
>>> Light And Easy, Considering The Fact That Janet Reno Wanted The Separate
>>> The Company Into Either 2 or 3 Separate Companies, Just FYI
>>> Tell Them To Vote No On Cloture For HR. 800 and S. 1639, Just FYI.
>>> P.S. Now All We Need Is For President Bush To Veto The Democrat's Amnesty
>>> Bill (Which The Majority Of The American People Oppose Due To The Political
>>> Handout It Gives To Mexico), And Hopefully He Will Also Veto The Democrats
>>> Energy Bill (Which Will Cause Our Favorite Vehicles Of Choice, The SUV's,
>>> And The Pick Up Trucks, To Get A Gas Guzzler Tax), While It Will Do Nothing
>>> To Increase Domestic Oil Production (What We Really Need To Do Is Open Up
>>> ANWR And The Outer Continental Shelf, To Domestic Oil Drilling, And Ease
>>> Restrictions On Oil Refineries, So That New Oil Refineries Can Be Built),
>>> Just FYI.
>>> P.S. The Last Time That We Built A New Oil Refinery Was When President
>>> Ronald Regan Was Still In Office, Since Then All We Have Done Is Closed
>>> Refineries (Under Former President Bill Clinton's Watch), With Out Coming Up
>>> For A Way To Have Existing Refineries Take Their Place, Just FYI.
>>> HBO.COM Will Not Load Up, Just FYI!
>>> Kevin John Panzke (MSDN Operating Systems Level Subscriber and Microsoft
>>> Tech Net Direct Subscriber)
>>> P.S. Our Cable Company Blacked Out The Final 5 Second's Of The Soprano's, So
>>> I Now Have No Way Of Knowing Whether They Get Whacked Or Not At The End Of
>>> The Show, Just FYI.
>>> It Gets Worse: If The Illinois General Assembly Does Not Pass The Budget By
>>> The End Of The Month (Any Bill Taken Up There After 05/31/XXXX, Will Require
>>> a 3/5th Majority Vote From Both Houses), And Then Signed Into Law By The
>>> Governor (The Governor and The General Assembly Are Currently Fighting Like
>>> Cats And Dogs Over The Current State Budget Deficit), We Will Have Partial
>>> Illinois Government Shutdown, Just FYI.
>>> Today President Bush Vetoed S. 5 (The Embryonic Stem Cell Research Bill)
>>> That Would Have Reversed His Summer 2001 Executive Order Outlawing Federal
>>> Funds For Embryonic Stem Cell Research For New Embryonic Stem Cell Lines
>>> Created After His Executive Order Went In To Effect, A Major Victory For
>>> Right Wing Pro Life Gop.Com Member's (Like Myself), Just FYI.
>>> Boycott Both Dell And Nvidia, Just FYI.
>>> Kevin John Panzke (MSDN Operating Systems Level Subscriber and Microsoft
>>> Technet Plus Direct Subscriber)
>>> P.S. Call or Write To Your U.S. Senator's And Tell Them To Vote No On The
>>> Kyl-Bush-Kennedy Amnesty Bill (KBK), Just FYI.

>> I Am Sure That I Could Come Up With A Whole Lot Of Your Useless Post's
>> As Well, But I Won't Bother, All Your Different Aliases Speak For Them
>> Selves, Just FYI.
>> P.S. If I Am Not Mistaken, It Was You Who Originally Told Me That I
>> Should Abandon Windows Server 2008 Public Beta, Re-Format My Computer
>> And Install Open Source Linux Ubuntu 7.04, Well I Finally Took Your
>> Advice After I Realized Just How Great A Free Open Source Operating
>> System Is, Just FYI. They Even Let The General Public Download Their
>> Daily (Nightly) Dog Food Builds, That Is Something That Only Microsoft
>> Employee's Get To Do With Windows Vista SP1 Alpha or Beta, Just FYI.

Once You Try Out Open Source Linux Ubuntu 7.04, You'll Never Want To Go
Back To Windows Vista RTM, Just FYI. http://www.ubuntu.com/

Kevin John Panzke

gizbug wrote:
> Someone has too much free time on their hands. Probably some 300lb
> pimple faced 15 yr old. Glad life is treating you well.

Wrong, I Will Be Celebrating My 30th Birthday In Only 1 More Week And 2
More Days (I Was Born On August 15th, 1977) Exactly One Day Before Elvis
Died (He Died On August 16th, 1977), Just FYI.


I am not going to try !
You know why ?
Because I am scared to death to read even more of your posts in the forums
about it.

"Kevin John Panzke" wrote:

> MS-Adict wrote:
> > Hi
> > Could you post me a couple of very very very good Linclux forums please ?
> >
> > I am sure that you will allow me to publish an anthology of your very very
> > best contibutions in this Windows forum. You are, ain't you ?
> > I am also convinced that your bosomfriends will understand why it takes us
> > (= the rest of the world) so long to become interested in Linclux.
> >
> >
> >
> > "Kevin John Panzke" wrote:
> >
> >> Karyn Jayne Panze wrote:
> >>> Here is a little summary of the kind of things that Kevin John Panzke posts.
> >>> He wants others banned but he posts material that isn't suited for this
> >>> forum. Why is it OK for him to abuse the system?
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> I Have Officially Taken Over Aliases Job As The Unofficial Head Of The
> >>> Ubuntu Advertising Department Here In
> >>> Microsoft.Public.Windows.Vista.General, And The Unofficial Head Of The
> >>> President George Walker Bush GOP.com War Against Terrorism Advertising
> >>> Department As Well, Just FYI.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> I Suggest That You Can Download Open Source Linux Ubuntu 7.04 Free Of
> >>> Charge, Just FYI.
> >>>
> >>> Kevin John Panzke (Former Windows User, I Now Use Open Source Linux
> >>> Ubuntu 7.04), Just FYI.
> >>>
> >>> I Simply Discovered How Great It Is To Run An Open Source Operating
> >>> System (Free Download) Such As Linux Ubuntu 7.04, Just FYI.
> >>>
> >>> 165 GOP Congress Member's Walk Off The Floor Of The U.S. House of Rep's.
> >>>
> >>> I Am Currently Running Windows Vista RTM On My Primary Computer (Due To
> >>> The Need For IE 7.0 Due To Website Compatibility Issues With Mozilla
> >>> Firefox With Some Of My Websites), And I Am Currently Running
> >>> Ubuntu 7.04 Desktop Edition On My Secondary Computer, Just FYI.
> >>>
> >>> P.S. I Am Taking A Break From Testing Windows Server 2008 Due To The
> >>> Fact That I Am Not Supposed To Install It On My Primary Computer, Also
> >>> Just FYI. I Am Also Currently Trying Out Windows One Care Live 2.0 Beta
> >>> On My Windows Vista RTM Computer As Well, Just FYI.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> ANN: President Bush Will Soon Have Surgery, Vice President Dick Cheney Will
> >>> Take Over Control Temporarily!
> >>>
> >>> Kevin John Panzke (A Right Wing GOP.Com Member).
> >>>
> >>> P.S. Maybe Now We Can Clear The Way To Expand The War Into Iran and Syria,
> >>> Just FYI.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> My Parents Don't Want Me To Install Windows Server 2008 Beta 3 Public Beta
> >>> On Their Computer, Considering The Fact That It Is A Beta Operating System,
> >>> And That They Don't Want To Have A Problem With Windows Vista Re-Activation,
> >>> When It Comes Time To Remove Windows Server 2008 (When It RTM's), And Return
> >>> To Windows Vista RTM, Just FYI.
> >>>
> >>> My Parent's Have One Of Those Motorola Comcast High Definition Boxes, And
> >>> Its A Piece Of ****, Just FYI.
> >>>
> >>> Check The Status Of The Following Tracking Number:
> >>>
> >>> 1Z20W7A00307593002
> >>>
> >>> This Package Was Supposed To Be Delivered To Me Earlier Today (In Algonquin,
> >>> IL), Just FYI.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> I Watched The Taste of Chicago Grant Park Fireworks On Channel 50, Two
> >>> Nights Ago, Just FYI.
> >>>
> >>> Kevin John Panzke (A Former U.S.P.S. Federal Employee).
> >>>
> >>> P.S. Downtown Chicago Fireworks Occurs On July 3rd Instead Of July 4th, Just
> >>> FYI.
> >>>
> >>> If You Hate Windows Vista RTM, You'll Love Windows Server 2008 Beta 3 Public
> >>> Beta, I Am Currently Running The Latest IDS Build Of Windows Server 2008
> >>> (Not Available To The General Public), And It's Much Better Than Windows
> >>> Vista RTM, Just FYI.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Better Yet, Try Reading The Terms Of Microsoft's Anti-Trust Lawsuit
> >>> Settlement With The Department of Justice, And You Will Find That Former
> >>> U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft Let Microsoft Of The Hook Pretty
> >>> Light And Easy, Considering The Fact That Janet Reno Wanted The Separate
> >>> The Company Into Either 2 or 3 Separate Companies, Just FYI
> >>>
> >>> Tell Them To Vote No On Cloture For HR. 800 and S. 1639, Just FYI.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> P.S. Now All We Need Is For President Bush To Veto The Democrat's Amnesty
> >>> Bill (Which The Majority Of The American People Oppose Due To The Political
> >>> Handout It Gives To Mexico), And Hopefully He Will Also Veto The Democrats
> >>> Energy Bill (Which Will Cause Our Favorite Vehicles Of Choice, The SUV's,
> >>> And The Pick Up Trucks, To Get A Gas Guzzler Tax), While It Will Do Nothing
> >>> To Increase Domestic Oil Production (What We Really Need To Do Is Open Up
> >>> ANWR And The Outer Continental Shelf, To Domestic Oil Drilling, And Ease
> >>> Restrictions On Oil Refineries, So That New Oil Refineries Can Be Built),
> >>> Just FYI.
> >>>
> >>> P.S. The Last Time That We Built A New Oil Refinery Was When President
> >>> Ronald Regan Was Still In Office, Since Then All We Have Done Is Closed
> >>> Refineries (Under Former President Bill Clinton's Watch), With Out Coming Up
> >>> For A Way To Have Existing Refineries Take Their Place, Just FYI.
> >>>
> >>> HBO.COM Will Not Load Up, Just FYI!
> >>>
> >>> Kevin John Panzke (MSDN Operating Systems Level Subscriber and Microsoft
> >>> Tech Net Direct Subscriber)
> >>>
> >>> P.S. Our Cable Company Blacked Out The Final 5 Second's Of The Soprano's, So
> >>> I Now Have No Way Of Knowing Whether They Get Whacked Or Not At The End Of
> >>> The Show, Just FYI.
> >>>
> >>> It Gets Worse: If The Illinois General Assembly Does Not Pass The Budget By
> >>> The End Of The Month (Any Bill Taken Up There After 05/31/XXXX, Will Require
> >>> a 3/5th Majority Vote From Both Houses), And Then Signed Into Law By The
> >>> Governor (The Governor and The General Assembly Are Currently Fighting Like
> >>> Cats And Dogs Over The Current State Budget Deficit), We Will Have Partial
> >>> Illinois Government Shutdown, Just FYI.
> >>>
> >>> Today President Bush Vetoed S. 5 (The Embryonic Stem Cell Research Bill)
> >>> That Would Have Reversed His Summer 2001 Executive Order Outlawing Federal
> >>> Funds For Embryonic Stem Cell Research For New Embryonic Stem Cell Lines
> >>> Created After His Executive Order Went In To Effect, A Major Victory For
> >>> Right Wing Pro Life Gop.Com Member's (Like Myself), Just FYI.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Boycott Both Dell And Nvidia, Just FYI.
> >>>
> >>> Kevin John Panzke (MSDN Operating Systems Level Subscriber and Microsoft
> >>> Technet Plus Direct Subscriber)
> >>>
> >>> P.S. Call or Write To Your U.S. Senator's And Tell Them To Vote No On The
> >>> Kyl-Bush-Kennedy Amnesty Bill (KBK), Just FYI.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >> I Am Sure That I Could Come Up With A Whole Lot Of Your Useless Post's
> >> As Well, But I Won't Bother, All Your Different Aliases Speak For Them
> >> Selves, Just FYI.
> >>
> >> P.S. If I Am Not Mistaken, It Was You Who Originally Told Me That I
> >> Should Abandon Windows Server 2008 Public Beta, Re-Format My Computer
> >> And Install Open Source Linux Ubuntu 7.04, Well I Finally Took Your
> >> Advice After I Realized Just How Great A Free Open Source Operating
> >> System Is, Just FYI. They Even Let The General Public Download Their
> >> Daily (Nightly) Dog Food Builds, That Is Something That Only Microsoft
> >> Employee's Get To Do With Windows Vista SP1 Alpha or Beta, Just FYI.
> >>

> Once You Try Out Open Source Linux Ubuntu 7.04, You'll Never Want To Go
> Back To Windows Vista RTM, Just FYI. http://www.ubuntu.com/

Kevin John Panzke

MS-Adict wrote:
> I am not going to try !
> You know why ?
> Because I am scared to death to read even more of your posts in the forums
> about it.
> "Kevin John Panzke" wrote:
>> MS-Adict wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> Could you post me a couple of very very very good Linclux forums please ?
>>> I am sure that you will allow me to publish an anthology of your very very
>>> best contibutions in this Windows forum. You are, ain't you ?
>>> I am also convinced that your bosomfriends will understand why it takes us
>>> (= the rest of the world) so long to become interested in Linclux.
>>> "Kevin John Panzke" wrote:
>>>> Karyn Jayne Panze wrote:
>>>>> Here is a little summary of the kind of things that Kevin John Panzke posts.
>>>>> He wants others banned but he posts material that isn't suited for this
>>>>> forum. Why is it OK for him to abuse the system?
>>>>> I Have Officially Taken Over Aliases Job As The Unofficial Head Of The
>>>>> Ubuntu Advertising Department Here In
>>>>> Microsoft.Public.Windows.Vista.General, And The Unofficial Head Of The
>>>>> President George Walker Bush GOP.com War Against Terrorism Advertising
>>>>> Department As Well, Just FYI.
>>>>> I Suggest That You Can Download Open Source Linux Ubuntu 7.04 Free Of
>>>>> Charge, Just FYI.
>>>>> Kevin John Panzke (Former Windows User, I Now Use Open Source Linux
>>>>> Ubuntu 7.04), Just FYI.
>>>>> I Simply Discovered How Great It Is To Run An Open Source Operating
>>>>> System (Free Download) Such As Linux Ubuntu 7.04, Just FYI.
>>>>> 165 GOP Congress Member's Walk Off The Floor Of The U.S. House of Rep's.
>>>>> I Am Currently Running Windows Vista RTM On My Primary Computer (Due To
>>>>> The Need For IE 7.0 Due To Website Compatibility Issues With Mozilla
>>>>> Firefox With Some Of My Websites), And I Am Currently Running
>>>>> Ubuntu 7.04 Desktop Edition On My Secondary Computer, Just FYI.
>>>>> P.S. I Am Taking A Break From Testing Windows Server 2008 Due To The
>>>>> Fact That I Am Not Supposed To Install It On My Primary Computer, Also
>>>>> Just FYI. I Am Also Currently Trying Out Windows One Care Live 2.0 Beta
>>>>> On My Windows Vista RTM Computer As Well, Just FYI.
>>>>> ANN: President Bush Will Soon Have Surgery, Vice President Dick Cheney Will
>>>>> Take Over Control Temporarily!
>>>>> Kevin John Panzke (A Right Wing GOP.Com Member).
>>>>> P.S. Maybe Now We Can Clear The Way To Expand The War Into Iran and Syria,
>>>>> Just FYI.
>>>>> My Parents Don't Want Me To Install Windows Server 2008 Beta 3 Public Beta
>>>>> On Their Computer, Considering The Fact That It Is A Beta Operating System,
>>>>> And That They Don't Want To Have A Problem With Windows Vista Re-Activation,
>>>>> When It Comes Time To Remove Windows Server 2008 (When It RTM's), And Return
>>>>> To Windows Vista RTM, Just FYI.
>>>>> My Parent's Have One Of Those Motorola Comcast High Definition Boxes, And
>>>>> Its A Piece Of ****, Just FYI.
>>>>> Check The Status Of The Following Tracking Number:
>>>>> 1Z20W7A00307593002
>>>>> This Package Was Supposed To Be Delivered To Me Earlier Today (In Algonquin,
>>>>> IL), Just FYI.
>>>>> I Watched The Taste of Chicago Grant Park Fireworks On Channel 50, Two
>>>>> Nights Ago, Just FYI.
>>>>> Kevin John Panzke (A Former U.S.P.S. Federal Employee).
>>>>> P.S. Downtown Chicago Fireworks Occurs On July 3rd Instead Of July 4th, Just
>>>>> FYI.
>>>>> If You Hate Windows Vista RTM, You'll Love Windows Server 2008 Beta 3 Public
>>>>> Beta, I Am Currently Running The Latest IDS Build Of Windows Server 2008
>>>>> (Not Available To The General Public), And It's Much Better Than Windows
>>>>> Vista RTM, Just FYI.
>>>>> Better Yet, Try Reading The Terms Of Microsoft's Anti-Trust Lawsuit
>>>>> Settlement With The Department of Justice, And You Will Find That Former
>>>>> U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft Let Microsoft Of The Hook Pretty
>>>>> Light And Easy, Considering The Fact That Janet Reno Wanted The Separate
>>>>> The Company Into Either 2 or 3 Separate Companies, Just FYI
>>>>> Tell Them To Vote No On Cloture For HR. 800 and S. 1639, Just FYI.
>>>>> P.S. Now All We Need Is For President Bush To Veto The Democrat's Amnesty
>>>>> Bill (Which The Majority Of The American People Oppose Due To The Political
>>>>> Handout It Gives To Mexico), And Hopefully He Will Also Veto The Democrats
>>>>> Energy Bill (Which Will Cause Our Favorite Vehicles Of Choice, The SUV's,
>>>>> And The Pick Up Trucks, To Get A Gas Guzzler Tax), While It Will Do Nothing
>>>>> To Increase Domestic Oil Production (What We Really Need To Do Is Open Up
>>>>> ANWR And The Outer Continental Shelf, To Domestic Oil Drilling, And Ease
>>>>> Restrictions On Oil Refineries, So That New Oil Refineries Can Be Built),
>>>>> Just FYI.
>>>>> P.S. The Last Time That We Built A New Oil Refinery Was When President
>>>>> Ronald Regan Was Still In Office, Since Then All We Have Done Is Closed
>>>>> Refineries (Under Former President Bill Clinton's Watch), With Out Coming Up
>>>>> For A Way To Have Existing Refineries Take Their Place, Just FYI.
>>>>> HBO.COM Will Not Load Up, Just FYI!
>>>>> Kevin John Panzke (MSDN Operating Systems Level Subscriber and Microsoft
>>>>> Tech Net Direct Subscriber)
>>>>> P.S. Our Cable Company Blacked Out The Final 5 Second's Of The Soprano's, So
>>>>> I Now Have No Way Of Knowing Whether They Get Whacked Or Not At The End Of
>>>>> The Show, Just FYI.
>>>>> It Gets Worse: If The Illinois General Assembly Does Not Pass The Budget By
>>>>> The End Of The Month (Any Bill Taken Up There After 05/31/XXXX, Will Require
>>>>> a 3/5th Majority Vote From Both Houses), And Then Signed Into Law By The
>>>>> Governor (The Governor and The General Assembly Are Currently Fighting Like
>>>>> Cats And Dogs Over The Current State Budget Deficit), We Will Have Partial
>>>>> Illinois Government Shutdown, Just FYI.
>>>>> Today President Bush Vetoed S. 5 (The Embryonic Stem Cell Research Bill)
>>>>> That Would Have Reversed His Summer 2001 Executive Order Outlawing Federal
>>>>> Funds For Embryonic Stem Cell Research For New Embryonic Stem Cell Lines
>>>>> Created After His Executive Order Went In To Effect, A Major Victory For
>>>>> Right Wing Pro Life Gop.Com Member's (Like Myself), Just FYI.
>>>>> Boycott Both Dell And Nvidia, Just FYI.
>>>>> Kevin John Panzke (MSDN Operating Systems Level Subscriber and Microsoft
>>>>> Technet Plus Direct Subscriber)
>>>>> P.S. Call or Write To Your U.S. Senator's And Tell Them To Vote No On The
>>>>> Kyl-Bush-Kennedy Amnesty Bill (KBK), Just FYI.
>>>> I Am Sure That I Could Come Up With A Whole Lot Of Your Useless Post's
>>>> As Well, But I Won't Bother, All Your Different Aliases Speak For Them
>>>> Selves, Just FYI.
>>>> P.S. If I Am Not Mistaken, It Was You Who Originally Told Me That I
>>>> Should Abandon Windows Server 2008 Public Beta, Re-Format My Computer
>>>> And Install Open Source Linux Ubuntu 7.04, Well I Finally Took Your
>>>> Advice After I Realized Just How Great A Free Open Source Operating
>>>> System Is, Just FYI. They Even Let The General Public Download Their
>>>> Daily (Nightly) Dog Food Builds, That Is Something That Only Microsoft
>>>> Employee's Get To Do With Windows Vista SP1 Alpha or Beta, Just FYI.

>> Once You Try Out Open Source Linux Ubuntu 7.04, You'll Never Want To Go
>> Back To Windows Vista RTM, Just FYI. http://www.ubuntu.com/

What Are You Talking About, I Have Not Posted Any Messages In The Linux
Forums, About Having Any Problems With Linux Ubuntu 7.04, I Did However
File 1 Bug Report About It Containing An Out Dated Version Of Mozilla
Thunder Bird In Add/Remove Programs (Something That I Consider A
Security Hazard), But That Can Be Fixed By Downloading The Current
Version's Tarbell From http://www.mozilla.com Rather Than Installing It
From Add/Remove Programs, Just FYI.

Synapse Syndrome

"Kevin John Panzke" <kevpan815@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> gizbug wrote:
>> Someone has too much free time on their hands. Probably some 300lb
>> pimple faced 15 yr old. Glad life is treating you well.
>> I Was Born On August 15th, 1977

Bloody Hell. We share the same birthday. Oh my God.



Get real,,,, you know he has issues and your continued harassment
of him here actually adds more garbage to filter through than he
does. Why not use a little human compassion and reasonably
decide to mostly ignore his off topic posts. As I said, you are
actually making the situation worse not better. It has to be hard
for him, it should be a "no brainer" for you.

"Karyn Jayne Panze" <karyn@jayne.com> wrote in message
> Here is a little summary of the kind of things that Kevin John Panzke
> posts. He wants others banned but he posts material that isn't suited for
> this forum. Why is it OK for him to abuse the system?
> I Have Officially Taken Over Aliases Job As The Unofficial Head Of The
> Ubuntu Advertising Department Here In
> Microsoft.Public.Windows.Vista.General, And The Unofficial Head Of The
> President George Walker Bush GOP.com War Against Terrorism Advertising
> Department As Well, Just FYI.
> I Suggest That You Can Download Open Source Linux Ubuntu 7.04 Free Of
> Charge, Just FYI.
> Kevin John Panzke (Former Windows User, I Now Use Open Source Linux
> Ubuntu 7.04), Just FYI.
> I Simply Discovered How Great It Is To Run An Open Source Operating
> System (Free Download) Such As Linux Ubuntu 7.04, Just FYI.
> 165 GOP Congress Member's Walk Off The Floor Of The U.S. House of Rep's.
> I Am Currently Running Windows Vista RTM On My Primary Computer (Due To
> The Need For IE 7.0 Due To Website Compatibility Issues With Mozilla
> Firefox With Some Of My Websites), And I Am Currently Running
> Ubuntu 7.04 Desktop Edition On My Secondary Computer, Just FYI.
> P.S. I Am Taking A Break From Testing Windows Server 2008 Due To The
> Fact That I Am Not Supposed To Install It On My Primary Computer, Also
> Just FYI. I Am Also Currently Trying Out Windows One Care Live 2.0 Beta
> On My Windows Vista RTM Computer As Well, Just FYI.
> ANN: President Bush Will Soon Have Surgery, Vice President Dick Cheney
> Will
> Take Over Control Temporarily!
> Kevin John Panzke (A Right Wing GOP.Com Member).
> P.S. Maybe Now We Can Clear The Way To Expand The War Into Iran and
> Syria,
> Just FYI.
> My Parents Don't Want Me To Install Windows Server 2008 Beta 3 Public Beta
> On Their Computer, Considering The Fact That It Is A Beta Operating
> System,
> And That They Don't Want To Have A Problem With Windows Vista
> Re-Activation,
> When It Comes Time To Remove Windows Server 2008 (When It RTM's), And
> Return
> To Windows Vista RTM, Just FYI.
> My Parent's Have One Of Those Motorola Comcast High Definition Boxes, And
> Its A Piece Of ****, Just FYI.
> Check The Status Of The Following Tracking Number:
> 1Z20W7A00307593002
> This Package Was Supposed To Be Delivered To Me Earlier Today (In
> Algonquin,
> IL), Just FYI.
> I Watched The Taste of Chicago Grant Park Fireworks On Channel 50, Two
> Nights Ago, Just FYI.
> Kevin John Panzke (A Former U.S.P.S. Federal Employee).
> P.S. Downtown Chicago Fireworks Occurs On July 3rd Instead Of July 4th,
> Just
> FYI.
> If You Hate Windows Vista RTM, You'll Love Windows Server 2008 Beta 3
> Public
> Beta, I Am Currently Running The Latest IDS Build Of Windows Server 2008
> (Not Available To The General Public), And It's Much Better Than Windows
> Vista RTM, Just FYI.
> Better Yet, Try Reading The Terms Of Microsoft's Anti-Trust Lawsuit
> Settlement With The Department of Justice, And You Will Find That Former
> U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft Let Microsoft Of The Hook Pretty
> Light And Easy, Considering The Fact That Janet Reno Wanted The Separate
> The Company Into Either 2 or 3 Separate Companies, Just FYI
> Tell Them To Vote No On Cloture For HR. 800 and S. 1639, Just FYI.
> P.S. Now All We Need Is For President Bush To Veto The Democrat's Amnesty
> Bill (Which The Majority Of The American People Oppose Due To The
> Political
> Handout It Gives To Mexico), And Hopefully He Will Also Veto The Democrats
> Energy Bill (Which Will Cause Our Favorite Vehicles Of Choice, The SUV's,
> And The Pick Up Trucks, To Get A Gas Guzzler Tax), While It Will Do
> Nothing
> To Increase Domestic Oil Production (What We Really Need To Do Is Open Up
> ANWR And The Outer Continental Shelf, To Domestic Oil Drilling, And Ease
> Restrictions On Oil Refineries, So That New Oil Refineries Can Be Built),
> Just FYI.
> P.S. The Last Time That We Built A New Oil Refinery Was When President
> Ronald Regan Was Still In Office, Since Then All We Have Done Is Closed
> Refineries (Under Former President Bill Clinton's Watch), With Out Coming
> Up
> For A Way To Have Existing Refineries Take Their Place, Just FYI.
> HBO.COM Will Not Load Up, Just FYI!
> Kevin John Panzke (MSDN Operating Systems Level Subscriber and Microsoft
> Tech Net Direct Subscriber)
> P.S. Our Cable Company Blacked Out The Final 5 Second's Of The Soprano's,
> So
> I Now Have No Way Of Knowing Whether They Get Whacked Or Not At The End Of
> The Show, Just FYI.
> It Gets Worse: If The Illinois General Assembly Does Not Pass The Budget
> By
> The End Of The Month (Any Bill Taken Up There After 05/31/XXXX, Will
> Require
> a 3/5th Majority Vote From Both Houses), And Then Signed Into Law By The
> Governor (The Governor and The General Assembly Are Currently Fighting
> Like
> Cats And Dogs Over The Current State Budget Deficit), We Will Have Partial
> Illinois Government Shutdown, Just FYI.
> Today President Bush Vetoed S. 5 (The Embryonic Stem Cell Research Bill)
> That Would Have Reversed His Summer 2001 Executive Order Outlawing Federal
> Funds For Embryonic Stem Cell Research For New Embryonic Stem Cell Lines
> Created After His Executive Order Went In To Effect, A Major Victory For
> Right Wing Pro Life Gop.Com Member's (Like Myself), Just FYI.
> Boycott Both Dell And Nvidia, Just FYI.
> Kevin John Panzke (MSDN Operating Systems Level Subscriber and Microsoft
> Technet Plus Direct Subscriber)
> P.S. Call or Write To Your U.S. Senator's And Tell Them To Vote No On The
> Kyl-Bush-Kennedy Amnesty Bill (KBK), Just FYI.

Kevin John Panzke

Kevin John Panzke wrote:
> MS-Adict wrote:
>> I am not going to try !
>> You know why ?
>> Because I am scared to death to read even more of your posts in the
>> forums about it.
>> "Kevin John Panzke" wrote:
>>> MS-Adict wrote:
>>>> Hi Could you post me a couple of very very very good Linclux forums
>>>> please ?
>>>> I am sure that you will allow me to publish an anthology of your
>>>> very very best contibutions in this Windows forum. You are, ain't you ?
>>>> I am also convinced that your bosomfriends will understand why it
>>>> takes us (= the rest of the world) so long to become interested in
>>>> Linclux.
>>>> "Kevin John Panzke" wrote:
>>>>> Karyn Jayne Panze wrote:
>>>>>> Here is a little summary of the kind of things that Kevin John
>>>>>> Panzke posts. He wants others banned but he posts material that
>>>>>> isn't suited for this forum. Why is it OK for him to abuse the
>>>>>> system?
>>>>>> I Have Officially Taken Over Aliases Job As The Unofficial Head Of
>>>>>> The
>>>>>> Ubuntu Advertising Department Here In
>>>>>> Microsoft.Public.Windows.Vista.General, And The Unofficial Head Of
>>>>>> The
>>>>>> President George Walker Bush GOP.com War Against Terrorism
>>>>>> Advertising
>>>>>> Department As Well, Just FYI.
>>>>>> I Suggest That You Can Download Open Source Linux Ubuntu 7.04 Free Of
>>>>>> Charge, Just FYI.
>>>>>> Kevin John Panzke (Former Windows User, I Now Use Open Source Linux
>>>>>> Ubuntu 7.04), Just FYI.
>>>>>> I Simply Discovered How Great It Is To Run An Open Source Operating
>>>>>> System (Free Download) Such As Linux Ubuntu 7.04, Just FYI.
>>>>>> 165 GOP Congress Member's Walk Off The Floor Of The U.S. House of
>>>>>> Rep's.
>>>>>> I Am Currently Running Windows Vista RTM On My Primary Computer
>>>>>> (Due To
>>>>>> The Need For IE 7.0 Due To Website Compatibility Issues With Mozilla
>>>>>> Firefox With Some Of My Websites), And I Am Currently Running
>>>>>> Ubuntu 7.04 Desktop Edition On My Secondary Computer, Just FYI.
>>>>>> P.S. I Am Taking A Break From Testing Windows Server 2008 Due To The
>>>>>> Fact That I Am Not Supposed To Install It On My Primary Computer,
>>>>>> Also
>>>>>> Just FYI. I Am Also Currently Trying Out Windows One Care Live 2.0
>>>>>> Beta
>>>>>> On My Windows Vista RTM Computer As Well, Just FYI.
>>>>>> ANN: President Bush Will Soon Have Surgery, Vice President Dick
>>>>>> Cheney Will
>>>>>> Take Over Control Temporarily!
>>>>>> Kevin John Panzke (A Right Wing GOP.Com Member).
>>>>>> P.S. Maybe Now We Can Clear The Way To Expand The War Into Iran
>>>>>> and Syria,
>>>>>> Just FYI.
>>>>>> My Parents Don't Want Me To Install Windows Server 2008 Beta 3
>>>>>> Public Beta
>>>>>> On Their Computer, Considering The Fact That It Is A Beta
>>>>>> Operating System,
>>>>>> And That They Don't Want To Have A Problem With Windows Vista
>>>>>> Re-Activation,
>>>>>> When It Comes Time To Remove Windows Server 2008 (When It RTM's),
>>>>>> And Return
>>>>>> To Windows Vista RTM, Just FYI.
>>>>>> My Parent's Have One Of Those Motorola Comcast High Definition
>>>>>> Boxes, And
>>>>>> Its A Piece Of ****, Just FYI.
>>>>>> Check The Status Of The Following Tracking Number:
>>>>>> 1Z20W7A00307593002
>>>>>> This Package Was Supposed To Be Delivered To Me Earlier Today (In
>>>>>> Algonquin,
>>>>>> IL), Just FYI.
>>>>>> I Watched The Taste of Chicago Grant Park Fireworks On Channel 50,
>>>>>> Two
>>>>>> Nights Ago, Just FYI.
>>>>>> Kevin John Panzke (A Former U.S.P.S. Federal Employee).
>>>>>> P.S. Downtown Chicago Fireworks Occurs On July 3rd Instead Of July
>>>>>> 4th, Just
>>>>>> FYI.
>>>>>> If You Hate Windows Vista RTM, You'll Love Windows Server 2008
>>>>>> Beta 3 Public
>>>>>> Beta, I Am Currently Running The Latest IDS Build Of Windows
>>>>>> Server 2008
>>>>>> (Not Available To The General Public), And It's Much Better Than
>>>>>> Windows
>>>>>> Vista RTM, Just FYI.
>>>>>> Better Yet, Try Reading The Terms Of Microsoft's Anti-Trust Lawsuit
>>>>>> Settlement With The Department of Justice, And You Will Find That
>>>>>> Former
>>>>>> U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft Let Microsoft Of The Hook Pretty
>>>>>> Light And Easy, Considering The Fact That Janet Reno Wanted The
>>>>>> Separate
>>>>>> The Company Into Either 2 or 3 Separate Companies, Just FYI
>>>>>> Tell Them To Vote No On Cloture For HR. 800 and S. 1639, Just FYI.
>>>>>> P.S. Now All We Need Is For President Bush To Veto The Democrat's
>>>>>> Amnesty
>>>>>> Bill (Which The Majority Of The American People Oppose Due To The
>>>>>> Political
>>>>>> Handout It Gives To Mexico), And Hopefully He Will Also Veto The
>>>>>> Democrats
>>>>>> Energy Bill (Which Will Cause Our Favorite Vehicles Of Choice, The
>>>>>> SUV's,
>>>>>> And The Pick Up Trucks, To Get A Gas Guzzler Tax), While It Will
>>>>>> Do Nothing
>>>>>> To Increase Domestic Oil Production (What We Really Need To Do Is
>>>>>> Open Up
>>>>>> ANWR And The Outer Continental Shelf, To Domestic Oil Drilling,
>>>>>> And Ease
>>>>>> Restrictions On Oil Refineries, So That New Oil Refineries Can Be
>>>>>> Built),
>>>>>> Just FYI.
>>>>>> P.S. The Last Time That We Built A New Oil Refinery Was When
>>>>>> President
>>>>>> Ronald Regan Was Still In Office, Since Then All We Have Done Is
>>>>>> Closed
>>>>>> Refineries (Under Former President Bill Clinton's Watch), With Out
>>>>>> Coming Up
>>>>>> For A Way To Have Existing Refineries Take Their Place, Just FYI.
>>>>>> HBO.COM Will Not Load Up, Just FYI!
>>>>>> Kevin John Panzke (MSDN Operating Systems Level Subscriber and
>>>>>> Microsoft
>>>>>> Tech Net Direct Subscriber)
>>>>>> P.S. Our Cable Company Blacked Out The Final 5 Second's Of The
>>>>>> Soprano's, So
>>>>>> I Now Have No Way Of Knowing Whether They Get Whacked Or Not At
>>>>>> The End Of
>>>>>> The Show, Just FYI.
>>>>>> It Gets Worse: If The Illinois General Assembly Does Not Pass The
>>>>>> Budget By
>>>>>> The End Of The Month (Any Bill Taken Up There After 05/31/XXXX,
>>>>>> Will Require
>>>>>> a 3/5th Majority Vote From Both Houses), And Then Signed Into Law
>>>>>> By The
>>>>>> Governor (The Governor and The General Assembly Are Currently
>>>>>> Fighting Like
>>>>>> Cats And Dogs Over The Current State Budget Deficit), We Will Have
>>>>>> Partial
>>>>>> Illinois Government Shutdown, Just FYI.
>>>>>> Today President Bush Vetoed S. 5 (The Embryonic Stem Cell Research
>>>>>> Bill)
>>>>>> That Would Have Reversed His Summer 2001 Executive Order Outlawing
>>>>>> Federal
>>>>>> Funds For Embryonic Stem Cell Research For New Embryonic Stem Cell
>>>>>> Lines
>>>>>> Created After His Executive Order Went In To Effect, A Major
>>>>>> Victory For
>>>>>> Right Wing Pro Life Gop.Com Member's (Like Myself), Just FYI.
>>>>>> Boycott Both Dell And Nvidia, Just FYI.
>>>>>> Kevin John Panzke (MSDN Operating Systems Level Subscriber and
>>>>>> Microsoft
>>>>>> Technet Plus Direct Subscriber)
>>>>>> P.S. Call or Write To Your U.S. Senator's And Tell Them To Vote
>>>>>> No On The
>>>>>> Kyl-Bush-Kennedy Amnesty Bill (KBK), Just FYI.
>>>>> I Am Sure That I Could Come Up With A Whole Lot Of Your Useless
>>>>> Post's As Well, But I Won't Bother, All Your Different Aliases
>>>>> Speak For Them Selves, Just FYI.
>>>>> P.S. If I Am Not Mistaken, It Was You Who Originally Told Me That I
>>>>> Should Abandon Windows Server 2008 Public Beta, Re-Format My
>>>>> Computer And Install Open Source Linux Ubuntu 7.04, Well I Finally
>>>>> Took Your Advice After I Realized Just How Great A Free Open Source
>>>>> Operating System Is, Just FYI. They Even Let The General Public
>>>>> Download Their Daily (Nightly) Dog Food Builds, That Is Something
>>>>> That Only Microsoft Employee's Get To Do With Windows Vista SP1
>>>>> Alpha or Beta, Just FYI.
>>> Once You Try Out Open Source Linux Ubuntu 7.04, You'll Never Want To
>>> Go Back To Windows Vista RTM, Just FYI. http://www.ubuntu.com/

> What Are You Talking About, I Have Not Posted Any Messages In The Linux
> Forums, About Having Any Problems With Linux Ubuntu 7.04, I Did However
> File 1 Bug Report About It Containing An Out Dated Version Of Mozilla
> Thunder Bird In Add/Remove Programs (Something That I Consider A
> Security Hazard), But That Can Be Fixed By Downloading The Current
> Version's Tarbell From http://www.mozilla.com Rather Than Installing It
> From Add/Remove Programs, Just FYI.

P.S. If You Had Tried Out Beta 1 Or Some Of The Early Beta 2 Builds Of
Windows Vista (Take Windows Vista Build 5308 For Example Which I Had
Major Problems With, Which Previously Destroyed The Computer That I Am
Currently Using Right Now, I Had To Borrow A Whole Lot Of Different
Hardware From My Other Broken Computer, My Dell XPS 600, In Order To Get
This Computer Working Again) You Would Probably Be Very Scared Of
Windows Vista RTM, Just FYI.

Kevin John Panzke

Kevin John Panzke wrote:
> Kevin John Panzke wrote:
>> MS-Adict wrote:
>>> I am not going to try !
>>> You know why ?
>>> Because I am scared to death to read even more of your posts in the
>>> forums about it.
>>> "Kevin John Panzke" wrote:
>>>> MS-Adict wrote:
>>>>> Hi Could you post me a couple of very very very good Linclux forums
>>>>> please ?
>>>>> I am sure that you will allow me to publish an anthology of your
>>>>> very very best contibutions in this Windows forum. You are, ain't
>>>>> you ?
>>>>> I am also convinced that your bosomfriends will understand why it
>>>>> takes us (= the rest of the world) so long to become interested in
>>>>> Linclux.
>>>>> "Kevin John Panzke" wrote:
>>>>>> Karyn Jayne Panze wrote:
>>>>>>> Here is a little summary of the kind of things that Kevin John
>>>>>>> Panzke posts. He wants others banned but he posts material that
>>>>>>> isn't suited for this forum. Why is it OK for him to abuse the
>>>>>>> system?
>>>>>>> I Have Officially Taken Over Aliases Job As The Unofficial Head
>>>>>>> Of The
>>>>>>> Ubuntu Advertising Department Here In
>>>>>>> Microsoft.Public.Windows.Vista.General, And The Unofficial Head
>>>>>>> Of The
>>>>>>> President George Walker Bush GOP.com War Against Terrorism
>>>>>>> Advertising
>>>>>>> Department As Well, Just FYI.
>>>>>>> I Suggest That You Can Download Open Source Linux Ubuntu 7.04
>>>>>>> Free Of
>>>>>>> Charge, Just FYI.
>>>>>>> Kevin John Panzke (Former Windows User, I Now Use Open Source Linux
>>>>>>> Ubuntu 7.04), Just FYI.
>>>>>>> I Simply Discovered How Great It Is To Run An Open Source Operating
>>>>>>> System (Free Download) Such As Linux Ubuntu 7.04, Just FYI.
>>>>>>> 165 GOP Congress Member's Walk Off The Floor Of The U.S. House of
>>>>>>> Rep's.
>>>>>>> I Am Currently Running Windows Vista RTM On My Primary Computer
>>>>>>> (Due To
>>>>>>> The Need For IE 7.0 Due To Website Compatibility Issues With Mozilla
>>>>>>> Firefox With Some Of My Websites), And I Am Currently
>>>>>>> Running
>>>>>>> Ubuntu 7.04 Desktop Edition On My Secondary Computer, Just FYI.
>>>>>>> P.S. I Am Taking A Break From Testing Windows Server 2008 Due To The
>>>>>>> Fact That I Am Not Supposed To Install It On My Primary Computer,
>>>>>>> Also
>>>>>>> Just FYI. I Am Also Currently Trying Out Windows One Care Live
>>>>>>> 2.0 Beta
>>>>>>> On My Windows Vista RTM Computer As Well, Just FYI.
>>>>>>> ANN: President Bush Will Soon Have Surgery, Vice President Dick
>>>>>>> Cheney Will
>>>>>>> Take Over Control Temporarily!
>>>>>>> Kevin John Panzke (A Right Wing GOP.Com Member).
>>>>>>> P.S. Maybe Now We Can Clear The Way To Expand The War Into Iran
>>>>>>> and Syria,
>>>>>>> Just FYI.
>>>>>>> My Parents Don't Want Me To Install Windows Server 2008 Beta 3
>>>>>>> Public Beta
>>>>>>> On Their Computer, Considering The Fact That It Is A Beta
>>>>>>> Operating System,
>>>>>>> And That They Don't Want To Have A Problem With Windows Vista
>>>>>>> Re-Activation,
>>>>>>> When It Comes Time To Remove Windows Server 2008 (When It RTM's),
>>>>>>> And Return
>>>>>>> To Windows Vista RTM, Just FYI.
>>>>>>> My Parent's Have One Of Those Motorola Comcast High Definition
>>>>>>> Boxes, And
>>>>>>> Its A Piece Of ****, Just FYI.
>>>>>>> Check The Status Of The Following Tracking Number:
>>>>>>> 1Z20W7A00307593002
>>>>>>> This Package Was Supposed To Be Delivered To Me Earlier Today (In
>>>>>>> Algonquin,
>>>>>>> IL), Just FYI.
>>>>>>> I Watched The Taste of Chicago Grant Park Fireworks On Channel
>>>>>>> 50, Two
>>>>>>> Nights Ago, Just FYI.
>>>>>>> Kevin John Panzke (A Former U.S.P.S. Federal Employee).
>>>>>>> P.S. Downtown Chicago Fireworks Occurs On July 3rd Instead Of
>>>>>>> July 4th, Just
>>>>>>> FYI.
>>>>>>> If You Hate Windows Vista RTM, You'll Love Windows Server 2008
>>>>>>> Beta 3 Public
>>>>>>> Beta, I Am Currently Running The Latest IDS Build Of Windows
>>>>>>> Server 2008
>>>>>>> (Not Available To The General Public), And It's Much Better Than
>>>>>>> Windows
>>>>>>> Vista RTM, Just FYI.
>>>>>>> Better Yet, Try Reading The Terms Of Microsoft's Anti-Trust Lawsuit
>>>>>>> Settlement With The Department of Justice, And You Will Find That
>>>>>>> Former
>>>>>>> U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft Let Microsoft Of The Hook Pretty
>>>>>>> Light And Easy, Considering The Fact That Janet Reno Wanted The
>>>>>>> Separate
>>>>>>> The Company Into Either 2 or 3 Separate Companies, Just FYI
>>>>>>> Tell Them To Vote No On Cloture For HR. 800 and S. 1639, Just FYI.
>>>>>>> P.S. Now All We Need Is For President Bush To Veto The
>>>>>>> Democrat's Amnesty
>>>>>>> Bill (Which The Majority Of The American People Oppose Due To The
>>>>>>> Political
>>>>>>> Handout It Gives To Mexico), And Hopefully He Will Also Veto The
>>>>>>> Democrats
>>>>>>> Energy Bill (Which Will Cause Our Favorite Vehicles Of Choice,
>>>>>>> The SUV's,
>>>>>>> And The Pick Up Trucks, To Get A Gas Guzzler Tax), While It Will
>>>>>>> Do Nothing
>>>>>>> To Increase Domestic Oil Production (What We Really Need To Do Is
>>>>>>> Open Up
>>>>>>> ANWR And The Outer Continental Shelf, To Domestic Oil Drilling,
>>>>>>> And Ease
>>>>>>> Restrictions On Oil Refineries, So That New Oil Refineries Can Be
>>>>>>> Built),
>>>>>>> Just FYI.
>>>>>>> P.S. The Last Time That We Built A New Oil Refinery Was When
>>>>>>> President
>>>>>>> Ronald Regan Was Still In Office, Since Then All We Have Done Is
>>>>>>> Closed
>>>>>>> Refineries (Under Former President Bill Clinton's Watch), With
>>>>>>> Out Coming Up
>>>>>>> For A Way To Have Existing Refineries Take Their Place, Just FYI.
>>>>>>> HBO.COM Will Not Load Up, Just FYI!
>>>>>>> Kevin John Panzke (MSDN Operating Systems Level Subscriber and
>>>>>>> Microsoft
>>>>>>> Tech Net Direct Subscriber)
>>>>>>> P.S. Our Cable Company Blacked Out The Final 5 Second's Of The
>>>>>>> Soprano's, So
>>>>>>> I Now Have No Way Of Knowing Whether They Get Whacked Or Not At
>>>>>>> The End Of
>>>>>>> The Show, Just FYI.
>>>>>>> It Gets Worse: If The Illinois General Assembly Does Not Pass
>>>>>>> The Budget By
>>>>>>> The End Of The Month (Any Bill Taken Up There After 05/31/XXXX,
>>>>>>> Will Require
>>>>>>> a 3/5th Majority Vote From Both Houses), And Then Signed Into Law
>>>>>>> By The
>>>>>>> Governor (The Governor and The General Assembly Are Currently
>>>>>>> Fighting Like
>>>>>>> Cats And Dogs Over The Current State Budget Deficit), We Will
>>>>>>> Have Partial
>>>>>>> Illinois Government Shutdown, Just FYI.
>>>>>>> Today President Bush Vetoed S. 5 (The Embryonic Stem Cell
>>>>>>> Research Bill)
>>>>>>> That Would Have Reversed His Summer 2001 Executive Order
>>>>>>> Outlawing Federal
>>>>>>> Funds For Embryonic Stem Cell Research For New Embryonic Stem
>>>>>>> Cell Lines
>>>>>>> Created After His Executive Order Went In To Effect, A Major
>>>>>>> Victory For
>>>>>>> Right Wing Pro Life Gop.Com Member's (Like Myself), Just FYI.
>>>>>>> Boycott Both Dell And Nvidia, Just FYI.
>>>>>>> Kevin John Panzke (MSDN Operating Systems Level Subscriber and
>>>>>>> Microsoft
>>>>>>> Technet Plus Direct Subscriber)
>>>>>>> P.S. Call or Write To Your U.S. Senator's And Tell Them To Vote
>>>>>>> No On The
>>>>>>> Kyl-Bush-Kennedy Amnesty Bill (KBK), Just FYI.
>>>>>> I Am Sure That I Could Come Up With A Whole Lot Of Your Useless
>>>>>> Post's As Well, But I Won't Bother, All Your Different Aliases
>>>>>> Speak For Them Selves, Just FYI.
>>>>>> P.S. If I Am Not Mistaken, It Was You Who Originally Told Me That
>>>>>> I Should Abandon Windows Server 2008 Public Beta, Re-Format My
>>>>>> Computer And Install Open Source Linux Ubuntu 7.04, Well I Finally
>>>>>> Took Your Advice After I Realized Just How Great A Free Open
>>>>>> Source Operating System Is, Just FYI. They Even Let The General
>>>>>> Public Download Their Daily (Nightly) Dog Food Builds, That Is
>>>>>> Something That Only Microsoft Employee's Get To Do With Windows
>>>>>> Vista SP1 Alpha or Beta, Just FYI.
>>>> Once You Try Out Open Source Linux Ubuntu 7.04, You'll Never Want To
>>>> Go Back To Windows Vista RTM, Just FYI. http://www.ubuntu.com/

>> What Are You Talking About, I Have Not Posted Any Messages In The
>> Linux Forums, About Having Any Problems With Linux Ubuntu 7.04, I Did
>> However File 1 Bug Report About It Containing An Out Dated Version Of
>> Mozilla Thunder Bird In Add/Remove Programs (Something That I Consider
>> A Security Hazard), But That Can Be Fixed By Downloading The Current
>> Version's Tarbell From http://www.mozilla.com Rather Than Installing
>> It From Add/Remove Programs, Just FYI.

> P.S. If You Had Tried Out Beta 1 Or Some Of The Early Beta 2 Builds Of
> Windows Vista (Take Windows Vista Build 5308 For Example Which I Had
> Major Problems With, Which Previously Destroyed The Computer That I Am
> Currently Using Right Now, I Had To Borrow A Whole Lot Of Different
> Hardware From My Other Broken Computer, My Dell XPS 600, In Order To Get
> This Computer Working Again) You Would Probably Be Very Scared Of
> Windows Vista RTM, Just FYI.

Further P.S. Ask Either Michael Or Frank About Some Of My Windows Vista
Build 5270 and Windows Vista Build 5308 Issues, Just FYI.


I used most of the Vista Beta builds, some worked better than others, but I
could make almost all function in a reasonably useable way.
That doesn't mean that I liked any of them or the RTM version.
But MS didn't seem to care what testers thought about the Fisher-Price/AOL
interface, all they wanted to know was 'does it work'.

I maintain 200+ XP Pro systems and nearly 40 Linux systems.
I have Vista Ultimate on one machine that I use regularly.
Other than wanting to hold my hand every day, it works reasonably well.
Trying to say one OS is better than the other is like comparing Red Delicous
Apples with Granny Smith Apples.
Each has it's lovers, haters and those that just don't care either way.
Telling someone in the Red camp that Green is best, or vice-versa, will get
an emotional response, but won't change any minds.
So why keep wasting your keystrokes?
A Professional Amateur...If anyone knew it all, none of would be here!
Change Alpha to Numeric to reply

"Kevin John Panzke" <kevpan815@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> Further P.S. Ask Either Michael Or Frank About Some Of My Windows Vista
> Build 5270 and Windows Vista Build 5308 Issues, Just FYI.
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