RE: A good subject line matters more (was: Re: does size matter)



Your missing the point Mr. 98 Guy !!!

Go back to twidilling with your fingers!

He (or she - I will just say He) was simply saying that he wants to create a
backup drive for Windows XP and format it as NTFS! Does that exceed your
knowledge? I have no knowledge AT ALL about hard drives, but I am sure that
we should ALL know the difference between FAT, FAT16, FAT32 and NTFS!

Anon, your best option is to dual boot like you said. However, I suggest you
buy either an external HD, a black CD, or a tape and backup your private
information to it. After that, you can install Windows 98SE and make sure
that you always have your documents just in case all hell breaks loose when
installing Windows 98SE.

"98 Guy" wrote:

> Anon thought he was cute when he wrote:
> Subject: does size matter
> But instead it was just lame.
> > I have heard that 98se only recognises a certain size of HD drive
> > is this correct and what is the max size HD I can use.

> Then you should have made the subject of your post more like "what is
> max hard drive size for win-98 ?"
> To answer your question:
> If the hard drive is connected to a raid controller or a raid
> interface (but not necessarily used as part of a raid set) and if the
> controller appears in your windows device manager as a SCSI
> controller, then Windows 98 can handle drives of larger than 137 gb -
> and probably up to and including 500 gb (or 1 terrabyte). In this
> scenario, Windows 98 ->will not<- be using it's native protected-mode
> driver (ESDI_506.PDR) to access the drive.
> If Windows-98 is (or will be) using it's native protected-mode driver
> (ESDI_506.PDR) then you will be limited to 137 gb or smaller. This
> happens when you connect any IDE drive to a standard IDE controller
> port (non-raid) or if you connect an IDE or SATA drive to a raid
> controller but have the drive configured as a re-mapped IDE drive.
> There are third-party modified versions of ESDI_506.PDR which have
> fixed the 137 gb problem (to some extent) and therefore enable Win-98
> to be compatible with pretty much any drive currently in existance
> (which is 1 terrabyte if I'm not mistaken).

98 Guy, I suggest you pick up 'Windows 98 for Dummies'.



I accidently posted this message as a new topic when it should have being a
reply. Please ignore!

Subject: "RE: A good subject line matters more (was RE: does size matter)"
Posted By: "John"
At time: 8/7/2007

Gary S. Terhune

Re: Oops!

Looks like a reply to me, just one that is replying to an old thread.

Gary S. Terhune
MS-MVP Shell/User

"John" <> wrote in message
>I accidently posted this message as a new topic when it should have being a
> reply. Please ignore!
> Subject: "RE: A good subject line matters more (was RE: does size matter)"
> Posted By: "John"
> At time: 8/7/2007

98 Guy

John wrote:

> Your missing the point Mr. 98 Guy !!!
> Go back to twidilling with your fingers!

What kind of a maroon replies to a 3-month old thread?

> He (or she - I will just say He) was simply saying that he
> wants to create a backup drive for Windows XP and format
> it as NTFS! Does that exceed your knowledge?

What drugs are you on?

He (or she) was asking what the largest size drive that win-98 is
compatible with.

> I have no knowledge AT ALL about hard drives,

And you apparently can't read either.

> 98 Guy, I suggest you pick up 'Windows 98 for Dummies'.

I suggest you get a klue.


Pardon 98 Guy?

> I suggest you get a klue.

And apparently you can't spell either.
The light at the end of the tunnel, is the sign of success.

98 Guy

Re: Pardon 98 Guy?

John wrote:

> > I suggest you get a klue.

> And apparently you can't spell either.

Do you make it a habbit to take 2 or 3 months to respond to a post?
Or are you that far behind in your usenet reading?

And obviously you don't recognize the sarcastic version of the word in
question - which makes it rather lame to point out it's spelling.


You little fraud.
Now I know that you are just posing as 98 Guy.
The light at the end of the tunnel, is the sign of success.

Curt Christianson

Re: Pardon 98 Guy?

Alternatively, the light at the end of the tunnel is often an on-coming


Windows Support Center
Practically Nerded,...

"John" <> wrote in
|> I suggest you get a klue.
| And apparently you can't spell either.
| --
| The light at the end of the tunnel, is the sign of success.


Re: Pardon 98 Guy?

Curt Christianson wrote:
| Alternatively, the light at the end of the tunnel is often an
| on-coming train!

Ah, ha, ha! I never thought of that one!

| --
| HTH,
| Curt
| Windows Support Center
| Practically Nerded,...
| "John" <> wrote in
| message
||> I suggest you get a klue.
|| And apparently you can't spell either.
|| --
|| The light at the end of the tunnel, is the sign of success.

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,


Did I make a habbit?
Did YOU make a habbit when I posted "System acting very strange"???
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