Ashutosh Bhawasinka
Whenever I need to access a remote system which requires some
authentication, I preferred to use this command
net use \\<remote-system>\IPC$ /user:<remotesystem-login> <password>
I have been using this for over 3 years ( I don't know how I learned
about this)
It works fine if I want access shared files/foldes. Also if I execute
above mentioned command even pstools form sysinternals.com works (I
don't have to provide the user name and passwords).
This doesn't work if I run a DCOM client applicaiton.
Say, the DCOM client is on client01 and the DCOM server is on server01
and server01 has user administrator with all the permission and password
as pass@word1. These systems are NOT part of a domain.
if I run this on the client01
net use \\server01\IPC$ /user:server01\Administrator pass@word1
I can then access anything on server01, C$ share, start or stop the
services, shutdown system, anything except DCOM. The DCOM client on
client01 fails to connect.
for the DCOM server on server01, I have assigned all permission to
'everyone' & 'users' even then I get access denied error.
Any ideas why DCOM is exception to this???
authentication, I preferred to use this command
net use \\<remote-system>\IPC$ /user:<remotesystem-login> <password>
I have been using this for over 3 years ( I don't know how I learned
about this)
It works fine if I want access shared files/foldes. Also if I execute
above mentioned command even pstools form sysinternals.com works (I
don't have to provide the user name and passwords).
This doesn't work if I run a DCOM client applicaiton.
Say, the DCOM client is on client01 and the DCOM server is on server01
and server01 has user administrator with all the permission and password
as pass@word1. These systems are NOT part of a domain.
if I run this on the client01
net use \\server01\IPC$ /user:server01\Administrator pass@word1
I can then access anything on server01, C$ share, start or stop the
services, shutdown system, anything except DCOM. The DCOM client on
client01 fails to connect.
for the DCOM server on server01, I have assigned all permission to
'everyone' & 'users' even then I get access denied error.
Any ideas why DCOM is exception to this???