.dll file,psapi.dll



"gwyn" <gwyn@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
| cant find it windows 98

This is generally supplied on a per application basis, found within the
folder of the application. Process status helper - Microsoft - which may be
many different versions ...



"gwyn" <gwyn@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
| cant find it windows 98

The one I've got is in a Compaq folder...

Desc: Process Status Helper
Loc: C:\compaq\CPQInet
Size: 18,192 bytes
Mod: Monday, May 10, 1999 11:25:28 AM
Ver: 4.00

It is not in my Win98SE .cab files. It appears to be part of "Compaq
Connection Helper". Anyhow, that is the Help Screen I get, when I click
"cch.chm", which also is in that folder.

Do you have that folder-- "C:\compaq\CPQInet"? Do you have a means to
reinstall the Compaq Connection Helper? (Of course, "Psapi.dll" may be
part of other applications as well.)

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,


Yes, as MEB mentioned, it is supplied by the application when installed, if needed.
Adobe Acrobat Reader 7 (which doesn't install on Win98, BTW), for example, adds a
version of the file to its folder.

A couple of years ago there was a rash of psapi.dll error messages being posted in
the 98 groups, caused by a CoolWebSearch variant apparently aimed at XP, that
expected to find the file.

Process Status API (PSAPI) library

If the OP is getting an error about the file being missing, either the program
looking for it needs to supply it but doesn't, or the program is not intended for
Glen Ventura, MS MVP Shell/User, A+

"PCR" <pcrrcp@netzero.net> wrote in message
> "gwyn" <gwyn@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
> news:753D3600-7C6D-4904-AFA7-F6ED5F7586A7@microsoft.com
> | cant find it windows 98
> The one I've got is in a Compaq folder...
> Psapi.dll
> Desc: Process Status Helper
> Loc: C:\compaq\CPQInet
> Size: 18,192 bytes
> Mod: Monday, May 10, 1999 11:25:28 AM
> Ver: 4.00
> It is not in my Win98SE .cab files. It appears to be part of "Compaq
> Connection Helper". Anyhow, that is the Help Screen I get, when I click
> "cch.chm", which also is in that folder.
> Do you have that folder-- "C:\compaq\CPQInet"? Do you have a means to
> reinstall the Compaq Connection Helper? (Of course, "Psapi.dll" may be
> part of other applications as well.)
> --
> Thanks or Good Luck,
> There may be humor in this post, and,
> Naturally, you will not sue,
> Should things get worse after this,
> pcrrcp@netzero.net


"glee" <glee29@spamindspring.com> wrote in message
| Yes, as MEB mentioned, it is supplied by the application when
| installed, if needed.

I see. MEB hit it on the button, then, (but his post actually wasn't
showing until after I posted mine). I thought it might be something like
that, because inside the Properties of Psapi.dll is mention that
Microsoft actually wrote it.

So... as you have seconded, gwyn may need to over-install the particular
app that is complaining about the missing .dll-- which for her may not
be the Compaq Connection Helper at all.

| Adobe Acrobat Reader 7 (which doesn't install
| on Win98, BTW), for example, adds a version of the file to its folder.

Uhuh. It didn't come with my earlier version of AAR.

| A couple of years ago there was a rash of psapi.dll error messages
| being posted in the 98 groups, caused by a CoolWebSearch variant
| apparently aimed at XP, that expected to find the file.
| Process Status API (PSAPI) library
| http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms684884.aspx
| If the OP is getting an error about the file being missing, either
| the program looking for it needs to supply it but doesn't, or the
| program is not intended for Win98.

I see. Some app may be presuming the file is already installed to a
system folder, but normally Win98 won't have it. Actually, as mine is in
a Compaq folder (CPQInet\), no stray app can really use mine, either!
OK, thanks.

| --
| Glen Ventura, MS MVP Shell/User, A+
| http://dts-l.org/
| http://dts-l.org/goodpost.htm
| "PCR" <pcrrcp@netzero.net> wrote in message
| news:OtJSo7R2HHA.4880@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
|> "gwyn" <gwyn@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
|> news:753D3600-7C6D-4904-AFA7-F6ED5F7586A7@microsoft.com
|> | cant find it windows 98
|> The one I've got is in a Compaq folder...
|> Psapi.dll
|> Desc: Process Status Helper
|> Loc: C:\compaq\CPQInet
|> Size: 18,192 bytes
|> Mod: Monday, May 10, 1999 11:25:28 AM
|> Ver: 4.00
|> It is not in my Win98SE .cab files. It appears to be part of "Compaq
|> Connection Helper". Anyhow, that is the Help Screen I get, when I
|> click "cch.chm", which also is in that folder.
|> Do you have that folder-- "C:\compaq\CPQInet"? Do you have a means to
|> reinstall the Compaq Connection Helper? (Of course, "Psapi.dll" may
|> be part of other applications as well.)
|> --
|> Thanks or Good Luck,
|> There may be humor in this post, and,
|> Naturally, you will not sue,
|> Should things get worse after this,
|> PCR
|> pcrrcp@netzero.net

Thanks or Good Luck,
There may be humor in this post, and,
Naturally, you will not sue,
Should things get worse after this,
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