Recent version of Flash needs SSE capable CPU ?


dave xnet

There's a lot of reports in the Adobe Flash player forums
of crashes. It's occurring on those using older CPU's and
a consensus seems to have been derived between the posters
that indeed, SSE instructions have been hard coded into the player
with no regard in the code as to whether they are supported or not.

One thing that is conspicuous is the complete lack of any comment on
the subject amongst the various posting by any Adobe rep.
while they, in general, do make appearances and have commented freely
on some of the other topics.

Did Adobe just sneak it in with out making any announcement or
updating the Flash minimum requirements ? The whole thing seems
a little odd to me.

(Of course, my 98se box runs sans SSE, that's how I become familiar
with this issue.)


Have you tried contacting Adobe about your concern(s) and if so what did they

dave xnet

On Sat, 2 Aug 2008 11:11:00 -0700, Dan <>

>Have you tried contacting Adobe about your concern(s) and if so what did they

I've posted and seen other posts in the Adobe Flash
forums, but no comments at all from Adobe.

I'm unable to find a system requirements or similar document
stating that an SSE-capable CPU is now necesssary for Flash.

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