Clipboard Help


V Harris

When using CTRL + C, I can copy selected text to the clipboard. But then I
need to select other text then, rather than REPLACE text in the clipboard, I
need to ADD that selected text to the clipboard. Is there a way to do this
in Windows - like is there a power user feature or something? If not, what
is a good utility that I can use like clipboard that will allow me to add
highlighted text. I do need something that will allow me to use a hotkey
combination (like CTRL + C) to copy and paste the text as there are thousands
of bits of information to extract from a document, so switching back and
forth between windows to copy then paste will be unnecessarily
time-consuming. Thanks! VH.


=?Utf-8?B?ViBIYXJyaXM=?= <>
wrote in

> When using CTRL + C, I can copy selected text to the
> clipboard. But then I need to select other text then,
> rather than REPLACE text in the clipboard, I need to ADD
> that selected text to the clipboard. Is there a way to do
> this in Windows - like is there a power user feature or
> something? If not, what is a good utility that I can use
> like clipboard that will allow me to add highlighted text.
> I do need something that will allow me to use a hotkey
> combination (like CTRL + C) to copy and paste the text as
> there are thousands of bits of information to extract from
> a document, so switching back and forth between windows to
> copy then paste will be unnecessarily time-consuming.
> Thanks! VH.

There are dozens or hundreds of clipboard "expanders", managers,
whatever you want to call them. Google for "clipboard manager".

"This is not nuclear. This is just a test."
- illyria


On Wed, 8 Aug 2007 21:20:00 -0700, V Harris
<> wrote:

>,When using CTRL + C, I can copy selected text to the clipboard. But then I
>,need to select other text then, rather than REPLACE text in the clipboard, I
>,need to ADD that selected text to the clipboard. Is there a way to do this
>,in Windows - like is there a power user feature or something? If not, what
>,is a good utility that I can use like clipboard that will allow me to add
>,highlighted text. I do need something that will allow me to use a hotkey
>,combination (like CTRL + C) to copy and paste the text as there are thousands
>,of bits of information to extract from a document, so switching back and
>,forth between windows to copy then paste will be unnecessarily
>,time-consuming. Thanks! VH.

I have been using Clipmate since 1993. It will do what you want to do.
You would use either the "power paste" or "glue" feature depending on
how you wanted to paste the collected clips.
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