Re: help with firewall for older Windows98



"Hank" <> wrote in message
| Have a 75 year old widow that mainly does a little email and church
| work using my old Windows98 computer. Does not have the money to
| upgrade or get a new computer. There was little need for a firewall in
| the past because of the little usage and she was on a dial-up
| connection. Now she has moved to the Senior citizen home and has a new
| DSL connection. Again with little usage risk would not be high except
| that she uses Yahoo for her email. It is the only one she seems
| comfortable with and have been unable to retrain her. Being online
| while she composes messages and the slow operation of Yahoo, even on a
| DSl, risks have gone up. I did a Google search for a "free" firewall
| that operates on Windows98. I was only able to find one that mentioned
| Windows98. I downloaded jpf2setup.exe for her but when I tried to
| install it got message "this version of windows is not supported".
| Anyone able to steer me to a free firewall that will operate with
| windows98?
| email response not expected but to respond remove .uk at end
| Hank

Xposted to the Windows 98 Newsgroup, perhaps someone there will have a suggestion.

Alan Edwards

I installed this a couple of days ago on Win98.

Last Freeware version Tiny Personal Firewall: Personal Firewall

Alan Edwards, MS MVP Windows - Internet Explorer

On Mon, 21 Jul 2008 20:11:40 +1000, in
microsoft.public.win98.gen_discussion, "TaurArian"
<> wrote:

>"Hank" <> wrote in message
>| Have a 75 year old widow that mainly does a little email and church
>| work using my old Windows98 computer. Does not have the money to
>| upgrade or get a new computer. There was little need for a firewall in
>| the past because of the little usage and she was on a dial-up
>| connection. Now she has moved to the Senior citizen home and has a new
>| DSL connection. Again with little usage risk would not be high except
>| that she uses Yahoo for her email. It is the only one she seems
>| comfortable with and have been unable to retrain her. Being online
>| while she composes messages and the slow operation of Yahoo, even on a
>| DSl, risks have gone up. I did a Google search for a "free" firewall
>| that operates on Windows98. I was only able to find one that mentioned
>| Windows98. I downloaded jpf2setup.exe for her but when I tried to
>| install it got message "this version of windows is not supported".
>| Anyone able to steer me to a free firewall that will operate with
>| windows98?
>| email response not expected but to respond remove .uk at end
>| TIA
>| Hank
>Xposted to the Windows 98 Newsgroup, perhaps someone there will have a suggestion.


"TaurArian" <> wrote in message
> "Hank" <> wrote in message
> | Have a 75 year old widow that mainly does a little email and church
> | work using my old Windows98 computer. Does not have the money to
> | upgrade or get a new computer. There was little need for a firewall in
> | the past because of the little usage and she was on a dial-up
> | connection. Now she has moved to the Senior citizen home and has a new
> | DSL connection. Again with little usage risk would not be high except
> | that she uses Yahoo for her email. It is the only one she seems
> | comfortable with and have been unable to retrain her. Being online
> | while she composes messages and the slow operation of Yahoo, even on a
> | DSl, risks have gone up. I did a Google search for a "free" firewall
> | that operates on Windows98. I was only able to find one that mentioned
> | Windows98. I downloaded jpf2setup.exe for her but when I tried to
> | install it got message "this version of windows is not supported".
> |
> | Anyone able to steer me to a free firewall that will operate with
> | windows98?
> | email response not expected but to respond remove .uk at end
> | TIA
> | Hank

If she is on DSL at a senior citizen home, chances are since they are setting up
multiple connections they are using a router. If that router, like most, is using
Network Address Translation (NAT), there is already a good amount of protection
without a software firewall, and it is very likely all she will need.

Check if the home is using a router and if it is a NAT router. If so, just
configure her with a good anti-virus (Avast is a good free one), SpywareBlaster, and
Comodo BOClean.

If somehow there is no router involved, then I concur with Alan Edwards and suggest
the old Kerio firewall. The problem with software firewalls is the extended
configuration needed during the learning period. Often the user does not know what
to reply to the prompts, and allows too many things, rendering the firewall useless.
Glen Ventura, MS MVP Windows, A+


"glee" <> wrote in message
> snip
> If somehow there is no router involved, then I concur with Alan Edwards and
> suggest the old Kerio firewall.

Duh! I meant, I concur with Alan and suggest the old *Tiny* firewall.... although
the old Kerio firewall will also work (v.2.1.5). I used Tiny on Win95 and briefly
on Win98 and found it the easiest to configure.
Glen Ventura, MS MVP Windows, A+


Alan and Glen have good advice. You could also go over to grc and use the
shields up test to see which ports are open on the computer. The ideal is
stealth rating followed by closed ports and then open ports which is bad and
will allow people to hack into your computer. The more information you
provide the better we can help you but be aware that I am sure hackers read
over information in the Microsoft Newsgroups as well so be careful with what
you tell us because others who may not have your best interests at heart
could be reading the text as well.

"TaurArian" wrote:

> "Hank" <> wrote in message
> | Have a 75 year old widow that mainly does a little email and church
> | work using my old Windows98 computer. Does not have the money to
> | upgrade or get a new computer. There was little need for a firewall in
> | the past because of the little usage and she was on a dial-up
> | connection. Now she has moved to the Senior citizen home and has a new
> | DSL connection. Again with little usage risk would not be high except
> | that she uses Yahoo for her email. It is the only one she seems
> | comfortable with and have been unable to retrain her. Being online
> | while she composes messages and the slow operation of Yahoo, even on a
> | DSl, risks have gone up. I did a Google search for a "free" firewall
> | that operates on Windows98. I was only able to find one that mentioned
> | Windows98. I downloaded jpf2setup.exe for her but when I tried to
> | install it got message "this version of windows is not supported".
> |
> | Anyone able to steer me to a free firewall that will operate with
> | windows98?
> | email response not expected but to respond remove .uk at end
> | TIA
> | Hank
> Xposted to the Windows 98 Newsgroup, perhaps someone there will have a suggestion.
> K


"TaurArian" <> wrote in

> "Hank" <> wrote in message
>| Have a 75 year old widow that mainly does a little email
>| and church work using my old Windows98 computer. Does not
>| have the money to upgrade or get a new computer. There was
>| little need for a firewall in the past because of the
>| little usage and she was on a dial-up connection. Now she
>| has moved to the Senior citizen home and has a new DSL
>| connection.

Agnitum Outpost version 1. Free, runs on 95B so will most
certainly run on 98.

A 75 yr old person will probably NOT be able to set it up, but
neither would s/he be able to set up the others. It's not hard,
there are preset rules, you just have to tell it what programs
you will be using with the internet. Of course, you can do a lot

I have probably tried all the FW's that run on 9x and this is
the best one. IMHO.

I don't know anything about DSL etc. so as someone said she may
not even need it at all. You should ask the "senior home"
network admin. what the deal is.

[from a recent conversation]
thanatoid: So why did you decide you needed broadband?
Neighbor: I wanted to read my e-mail faster.


Thanks for your post, thanatoid. Do you by chance have a web-link that is
safe to use to download the Outpost software firewall?

"thanatoid" wrote:

> "TaurArian" <> wrote in
> news:uh5bsox6IHA.4112@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl:
> >
> > "Hank" <> wrote in message
> >
> >| Have a 75 year old widow that mainly does a little email
> >| and church work using my old Windows98 computer. Does not
> >| have the money to upgrade or get a new computer. There was
> >| little need for a firewall in the past because of the
> >| little usage and she was on a dial-up connection. Now she
> >| has moved to the Senior citizen home and has a new DSL
> >| connection.

> Agnitum Outpost version 1. Free, runs on 95B so will most
> certainly run on 98.
> A 75 yr old person will probably NOT be able to set it up, but
> neither would s/he be able to set up the others. It's not hard,
> there are preset rules, you just have to tell it what programs
> you will be using with the internet. Of course, you can do a lot
> more.
> I have probably tried all the FW's that run on 9x and this is
> the best one. IMHO.
> I don't know anything about DSL etc. so as someone said she may
> not even need it at all. You should ask the "senior home"
> network admin. what the deal is.
> --
> [from a recent conversation]
> thanatoid: So why did you decide you needed broadband?
> Neighbor: I wanted to read my e-mail faster.


Try one of the older rules based firewalls, and yes you need one despite
some who may say you don't EVEN when using a NAT {Network Access
Translation}. The reason is its just as easy to send a
hack/crack/virus/Trojan/whatever through and have it attach its self to the
original IP address [highjack/piggybacked] or use its own established
connection, as it is without the NAT. A firewall monitors software and
whether its supposed to be running or accessing the Internet or your
network. If hardware devices were able to monitor software, they would be
*servers*, which no router or like device, or other non-server is... - How Network Address Translation


"TaurArian" <> wrote in message
| "Hank" <> wrote in message
| | Have a 75 year old widow that mainly does a little email and church
| | work using my old Windows98 computer. Does not have the money to
| | upgrade or get a new computer. There was little need for a firewall in
| | the past because of the little usage and she was on a dial-up
| | connection. Now she has moved to the Senior citizen home and has a new
| | DSL connection. Again with little usage risk would not be high except
| | that she uses Yahoo for her email. It is the only one she seems
| | comfortable with and have been unable to retrain her. Being online
| | while she composes messages and the slow operation of Yahoo, even on a
| | DSl, risks have gone up. I did a Google search for a "free" firewall
| | that operates on Windows98. I was only able to find one that mentioned
| | Windows98. I downloaded jpf2setup.exe for her but when I tried to
| | install it got message "this version of windows is not supported".
| |
| | Anyone able to steer me to a free firewall that will operate with
| | windows98?
| | email response not expected but to respond remove .uk at end
| | TIA
| | Hank
| Xposted to the Windows 98 Newsgroup, perhaps someone there will have a
| K


In article <uh5bsox6IHA.4112@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl>, says...
> "Hank" <> wrote in message
> | Have a 75 year old widow that mainly does a little email and church
> | work using my old Windows98 computer. Does not have the money to
> | upgrade or get a new computer. There was little need for a firewall in
> | the past because of the little usage and she was on a dial-up
> | connection. Now she has moved to the Senior citizen home and has a new
> | DSL connection. Again with little usage risk would not be high except
> | that she uses Yahoo for her email. It is the only one she seems
> | comfortable with and have been unable to retrain her. Being online
> | while she composes messages and the slow operation of Yahoo, even on a
> | DSl, risks have gone up. I did a Google search for a "free" firewall
> | that operates on Windows98. I was only able to find one that mentioned
> | Windows98. I downloaded jpf2setup.exe for her but when I tried to
> | install it got message "this version of windows is not supported".
> |
> | Anyone able to steer me to a free firewall that will operate with
> | windows98?
> | email response not expected but to respond remove .uk at end
> | TIA
> | Hank
> Xposted to the Windows 98 Newsgroup, perhaps someone there will have a suggestion.
> K

I have been using Sygate personal firewalls on my Win98 single
machine for at least 5-Yrs. Started out just trying Sygate v 4.x
and after using all of the many updating versions I have ended up
using Sygate Pro v 5.5 build 2710. The Free Sygate v 5.5-2710
can be D/Led here:
I certainly recommend this Sygate. After a little set-up
experience, you can control all in/out connections to internet.

David Webb

Never tried to Google?

Look here:

Google is your friend.

"Dan" <> wrote in message
> Thanks for your post, thanatoid. Do you by chance have a web-link that is
> safe to use to download the Outpost software firewall?
> "thanatoid" wrote:
>> "TaurArian" <> wrote in
>> news:uh5bsox6IHA.4112@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl:
>> >
>> > "Hank" <> wrote in message
>> >
>> >| Have a 75 year old widow that mainly does a little email
>> >| and church work using my old Windows98 computer. Does not
>> >| have the money to upgrade or get a new computer. There was
>> >| little need for a firewall in the past because of the
>> >| little usage and she was on a dial-up connection. Now she
>> >| has moved to the Senior citizen home and has a new DSL
>> >| connection.

>> Agnitum Outpost version 1. Free, runs on 95B so will most
>> certainly run on 98.
>> A 75 yr old person will probably NOT be able to set it up, but
>> neither would s/he be able to set up the others. It's not hard,
>> there are preset rules, you just have to tell it what programs
>> you will be using with the internet. Of course, you can do a lot
>> more.
>> I have probably tried all the FW's that run on 9x and this is
>> the best one. IMHO.
>> I don't know anything about DSL etc. so as someone said she may
>> not even need it at all. You should ask the "senior home"
>> network admin. what the deal is.
>> --
>> [from a recent conversation]
>> thanatoid: So why did you decide you needed broadband?
>> Neighbor: I wanted to read my e-mail faster.


Yeah, I know Google. Thanks anyway. I will search to see if it is available
within and also use siteadvisor to make sure the sites are
safe according to user feedback for IE and FF. Have a nice day.

"David Webb" wrote:

> Never tried to Google?
> Look here:
> Google is your friend.
> "Dan" <> wrote in message
> > Thanks for your post, thanatoid. Do you by chance have a web-link that is
> > safe to use to download the Outpost software firewall?
> >
> > "thanatoid" wrote:
> >
> >> "TaurArian" <> wrote in
> >> news:uh5bsox6IHA.4112@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl:
> >>
> >> >
> >> > "Hank" <> wrote in message
> >> >
> >> >| Have a 75 year old widow that mainly does a little email
> >> >| and church work using my old Windows98 computer. Does not
> >> >| have the money to upgrade or get a new computer. There was
> >> >| little need for a firewall in the past because of the
> >> >| little usage and she was on a dial-up connection. Now she
> >> >| has moved to the Senior citizen home and has a new DSL
> >> >| connection.
> >>
> >> Agnitum Outpost version 1. Free, runs on 95B so will most
> >> certainly run on 98.
> >>
> >> A 75 yr old person will probably NOT be able to set it up, but
> >> neither would s/he be able to set up the others. It's not hard,
> >> there are preset rules, you just have to tell it what programs
> >> you will be using with the internet. Of course, you can do a lot
> >> more.
> >>
> >> I have probably tried all the FW's that run on 9x and this is
> >> the best one. IMHO.
> >>
> >> I don't know anything about DSL etc. so as someone said she may
> >> not even need it at all. You should ask the "senior home"
> >> network admin. what the deal is.
> >>
> >> --
> >> [from a recent conversation]
> >> thanatoid: So why did you decide you needed broadband?
> >> Neighbor: I wanted to read my e-mail faster.
> >>



"David Webb" <> wrote in

> Never tried to Google?
> Look here:
> re&btnG=Search
> Google is your friend.
> "Dan" <> wrote in message
>> Thanks for your post, thanatoid. Do you by chance have a
>> web-link that is safe to use to download the Outpost
>> software firewall?

Sorry I didn't reply, I have all posts from kf'd so I am not even sure how I saw
your original post. I may have clicked on a reference in a reply
since I knew a good answer to this one.

Anyway, the above search is sure to find it.


Don't worry about it being ver 1 or "old". There is no logical
reason to update firewalls, just like people who really know
what NOT to do on the internet don't /really/ even need AV
programs, but it's BIG business.

Good luck. If you have problems with setting it up (it's fairly
easy really and the help files are comprehensive and you can
Google for the terminology if something is not clear) you can
post again but try a different address if you want me to see it

[from a recent conversation]
thanatoid: So why did you decide you needed broadband?
Neighbor: I wanted to read my e-mail faster.

David Webb

Here's the link directly to the author's website (BTW, this was the first item
in the search link I previously provided):

Couldn't be any safer.

Google is your friend.

"Dan" <> wrote in message
> Yeah, I know Google. Thanks anyway. I will search to see if it is available
> within and also use siteadvisor to make sure the sites are
> safe according to user feedback for IE and FF. Have a nice day.
> "David Webb" wrote:
>> Never tried to Google?
>> Look here:
>> Google is your friend.
>> "Dan" <> wrote in message
>> > Thanks for your post, thanatoid. Do you by chance have a web-link that is
>> > safe to use to download the Outpost software firewall?
>> >
>> > "thanatoid" wrote:
>> >
>> >> "TaurArian" <> wrote in
>> >> news:uh5bsox6IHA.4112@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl:
>> >>
>> >> >
>> >> > "Hank" <> wrote in message
>> >> >
>> >> >| Have a 75 year old widow that mainly does a little email
>> >> >| and church work using my old Windows98 computer. Does not
>> >> >| have the money to upgrade or get a new computer. There was
>> >> >| little need for a firewall in the past because of the
>> >> >| little usage and she was on a dial-up connection. Now she
>> >> >| has moved to the Senior citizen home and has a new DSL
>> >> >| connection.
>> >>
>> >> Agnitum Outpost version 1. Free, runs on 95B so will most
>> >> certainly run on 98.
>> >>
>> >> A 75 yr old person will probably NOT be able to set it up, but
>> >> neither would s/he be able to set up the others. It's not hard,
>> >> there are preset rules, you just have to tell it what programs
>> >> you will be using with the internet. Of course, you can do a lot
>> >> more.
>> >>
>> >> I have probably tried all the FW's that run on 9x and this is
>> >> the best one. IMHO.
>> >>
>> >> I don't know anything about DSL etc. so as someone said she may
>> >> not even need it at all. You should ask the "senior home"
>> >> network admin. what the deal is.
>> >>
>> >> --
>> >> [from a recent conversation]
>> >> thanatoid: So why did you decide you needed broadband?
>> >> Neighbor: I wanted to read my e-mail faster.
>> >>



Thanks and I know Google is my friend but I am careful to the point of being
almost paranoid <has to do with my work with computer safety and security as
a volunteer>, David and that has kept the 98 Second Edition side of my
machine in great shape. <grin>

"David Webb" wrote:

> Here's the link directly to the author's website (BTW, this was the first item
> in the search link I previously provided):
> Couldn't be any safer.
> Google is your friend.
> "Dan" <> wrote in message
> > Yeah, I know Google. Thanks anyway. I will search to see if it is available
> > within and also use siteadvisor to make sure the sites are
> > safe according to user feedback for IE and FF. Have a nice day.
> >
> > "David Webb" wrote:
> >
> >> Never tried to Google?
> >>
> >> Look here:
> >>
> >>
> >> Google is your friend.
> >>
> >> "Dan" <> wrote in message
> >>
> >> > Thanks for your post, thanatoid. Do you by chance have a web-link that is
> >> > safe to use to download the Outpost software firewall?
> >> >
> >> > "thanatoid" wrote:
> >> >
> >> >> "TaurArian" <> wrote in
> >> >> news:uh5bsox6IHA.4112@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl:
> >> >>
> >> >> >
> >> >> > "Hank" <> wrote in message
> >> >> >
> >> >> >| Have a 75 year old widow that mainly does a little email
> >> >> >| and church work using my old Windows98 computer. Does not
> >> >> >| have the money to upgrade or get a new computer. There was
> >> >> >| little need for a firewall in the past because of the
> >> >> >| little usage and she was on a dial-up connection. Now she
> >> >> >| has moved to the Senior citizen home and has a new DSL
> >> >> >| connection.
> >> >>
> >> >> Agnitum Outpost version 1. Free, runs on 95B so will most
> >> >> certainly run on 98.
> >> >>
> >> >> A 75 yr old person will probably NOT be able to set it up, but
> >> >> neither would s/he be able to set up the others. It's not hard,
> >> >> there are preset rules, you just have to tell it what programs
> >> >> you will be using with the internet. Of course, you can do a lot
> >> >> more.
> >> >>
> >> >> I have probably tried all the FW's that run on 9x and this is
> >> >> the best one. IMHO.
> >> >>
> >> >> I don't know anything about DSL etc. so as someone said she may
> >> >> not even need it at all. You should ask the "senior home"
> >> >> network admin. what the deal is.
> >> >>
> >> >> --
> >> >> [from a recent conversation]
> >> >> thanatoid: So why did you decide you needed broadband?
> >> >> Neighbor: I wanted to read my e-mail faster.
> >> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>



Thanks, Casey. I will take a look when I get a chance.

"Casey" wrote:

> In article <uh5bsox6IHA.4112@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl>,
> says...
> >
> > "Hank" <> wrote in message
> >
> > | Have a 75 year old widow that mainly does a little email and church
> > | work using my old Windows98 computer. Does not have the money to
> > | upgrade or get a new computer. There was little need for a firewall in
> > | the past because of the little usage and she was on a dial-up
> > | connection. Now she has moved to the Senior citizen home and has a new
> > | DSL connection. Again with little usage risk would not be high except
> > | that she uses Yahoo for her email. It is the only one she seems
> > | comfortable with and have been unable to retrain her. Being online
> > | while she composes messages and the slow operation of Yahoo, even on a
> > | DSl, risks have gone up. I did a Google search for a "free" firewall
> > | that operates on Windows98. I was only able to find one that mentioned
> > | Windows98. I downloaded jpf2setup.exe for her but when I tried to
> > | install it got message "this version of windows is not supported".
> > |
> > | Anyone able to steer me to a free firewall that will operate with
> > | windows98?
> > | email response not expected but to respond remove .uk at end
> > | TIA
> > | Hank
> >
> > Xposted to the Windows 98 Newsgroup, perhaps someone there will have a suggestion.
> > K
> >

> I have been using Sygate personal firewalls on my Win98 single
> machine for at least 5-Yrs. Started out just trying Sygate v 4.x
> and after using all of the many updating versions I have ended up
> using Sygate Pro v 5.5 build 2710. The Free Sygate v 5.5-2710
> can be D/Led here:
> I certainly recommend this Sygate. After a little set-up
> experience, you can control all in/out connections to internet.
> Casey

Roger Fink

Kerio Personal Firewall v. 4.2.2 is likely the best option for ease of use.
It's a freebie, compatible with Windows 98, and is highly regarded as well.
I use it on W2K Pro:

TaurArian wrote:
> "Hank" <> wrote in message
>> Have a 75 year old widow that mainly does a little email and church
>> work using my old Windows98 computer. Does not have the money to
>> upgrade or get a new computer. There was little need for a firewall
>> in
>> the past because of the little usage and she was on a dial-up
>> connection. Now she has moved to the Senior citizen home and has a
>> new
>> DSL connection. Again with little usage risk would not be high except
>> that she uses Yahoo for her email. It is the only one she seems
>> comfortable with and have been unable to retrain her. Being online
>> while she composes messages and the slow operation of Yahoo, even on
>> a
>> DSl, risks have gone up. I did a Google search for a "free" firewall
>> that operates on Windows98. I was only able to find one that
>> mentioned Windows98. I downloaded jpf2setup.exe for her but when I
>> tried to
>> install it got message "this version of windows is not supported".
>> Anyone able to steer me to a free firewall that will operate with
>> windows98?
>> email response not expected but to respond remove .uk at end
>> TIA
>> Hank

> Xposted to the Windows 98 Newsgroup, perhaps someone there will have
> a suggestion. K

David Webb

You're welcome....and thanks for the feedback!

You may be able to reduce your anxiety regarding the safety of websites by
utilizing a more proactive approach to the problem. For this I suggest the use
of IE-SPYAD for ZonedOut to populate the Restricted Zone of Internet Explorer
with over 23,000 known "nasties".

Keep in mind that this utility is only designed for Internet Explorer, version 4
through 7.

Here's where you can download the latest list and read about the utility's

In case you don't want to go there, I'm going to copy & paste some info from the

IE-SPYAD adds a long list of sites and domains associated with known
advertisers, marketers, and crapware pushers to the Restricted sites zone of
Internet Explorer. Once you merge this list of sites and domains into the
Registry, the web sites for these companies will not be able to use cookies,
ActiveX controls, Java applets, or scripting to compromise your privacy or your
PC while you surf the Net. Nor will they be able to use your browser to push
unwanted pop-ups, cookies, or auto-installing programs on your PC.

Please note that IE-SPYAD is not an ad blocker. It will not block standard
banner ads in Internet Explorer. What this Restricted sites list of known
advertisers and crapware pushers will do, however, is:
* STOP UNWANTED CRAPWARE from being installed behind your back via "drive-

* PREVENT THE HIJACKING OF YOUR HOME PAGE and other key Internet Explorer

* SHUT DOWN ACTIVEX, JAVA, AND SCRIPTING, all of which can be employed to
push obnoxious advertising on you and compromise your privacy and security

* BLOCK COOKIES, which can be used to monitor and track your travels around
the Internet

* COMBAT OBNOXIOUS SCRIPT-BASED POPUPS that clutter your screen and force
unwanted advertising on you.

[end of quotes]

If you're interested, read more about it on the website. BTW, the author also
provides a PGP key if you feel the need to verify the integrity and origin of
the download packages.

Good luck!

"Dan" <> wrote in message
> Thanks and I know Google is my friend but I am careful to the point of being
> almost paranoid <has to do with my work with computer safety and security as
> a volunteer>, David and that has kept the 98 Second Edition side of my
> machine in great shape. <grin>
> "David Webb" wrote:
>> Here's the link directly to the author's website (BTW, this was the first
>> item
>> in the search link I previously provided):
>> Couldn't be any safer.
>> Google is your friend.
>> "Dan" <> wrote in message
>> > Yeah, I know Google. Thanks anyway. I will search to see if it is
>> > available
>> > within and also use siteadvisor to make sure the sites are
>> > safe according to user feedback for IE and FF. Have a nice day.
>> >
>> > "David Webb" wrote:
>> >
>> >> Never tried to Google?
>> >>
>> >> Look here:
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> Google is your friend.
>> >>
>> >> "Dan" <> wrote in message
>> >>
>> >> > Thanks for your post, thanatoid. Do you by chance have a web-link that
>> >> > is
>> >> > safe to use to download the Outpost software firewall?
>> >> >
>> >> > "thanatoid" wrote:
>> >> >
>> >> >> "TaurArian" <> wrote in
>> >> >> news:uh5bsox6IHA.4112@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl:
>> >> >>
>> >> >> >
>> >> >> > "Hank" <> wrote in message
>> >> >> >
>> >> >> >| Have a 75 year old widow that mainly does a little email
>> >> >> >| and church work using my old Windows98 computer. Does not
>> >> >> >| have the money to upgrade or get a new computer. There was
>> >> >> >| little need for a firewall in the past because of the
>> >> >> >| little usage and she was on a dial-up connection. Now she
>> >> >> >| has moved to the Senior citizen home and has a new DSL
>> >> >> >| connection.
>> >> >>
>> >> >> Agnitum Outpost version 1. Free, runs on 95B so will most
>> >> >> certainly run on 98.
>> >> >>
>> >> >> A 75 yr old person will probably NOT be able to set it up, but
>> >> >> neither would s/he be able to set up the others. It's not hard,
>> >> >> there are preset rules, you just have to tell it what programs
>> >> >> you will be using with the internet. Of course, you can do a lot
>> >> >> more.
>> >> >>
>> >> >> I have probably tried all the FW's that run on 9x and this is
>> >> >> the best one. IMHO.
>> >> >>
>> >> >> I don't know anything about DSL etc. so as someone said she may
>> >> >> not even need it at all. You should ask the "senior home"
>> >> >> network admin. what the deal is.
>> >> >>
>> >> >> --
>> >> >> [from a recent conversation]
>> >> >> thanatoid: So why did you decide you needed broadband?
>> >> >> Neighbor: I wanted to read my e-mail faster.
>> >> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>



"David Webb" <> wrote in

> You're welcome....and thanks for the feedback!
> You may be able to reduce your anxiety regarding the safety
> of websites by utilizing a more proactive approach to the
> problem. For this I suggest the use of IE-SPYAD for
> ZonedOut to populate the Restricted Zone of Internet
> Explorer with over 23,000 known "nasties".
> Keep in mind that this utility is only designed for
> Internet Explorer, version 4 through 7.
> Here's where you can download the latest list and read
> about the utility's features:
> In case you don't want to go there, I'm going to copy &
> paste some info from the website.
> IE-SPYAD adds a long list of sites and domains associated
> with known advertisers, marketers, and crapware pushers to
> the Restricted sites zone of Internet Explorer. Once you
> merge this list of sites and domains into the Registry, the
> web sites for these companies will not be able to use
> cookies, ActiveX controls, Java applets, or scripting to
> compromise your privacy or your PC while you surf the Net.
> Nor will they be able to use your browser to push unwanted
> pop-ups, cookies, or auto-installing programs on your PC.
> Please note that IE-SPYAD is not an ad blocker. It will not
> block standard banner ads in Internet Explorer. What this
> Restricted sites list of known advertisers and crapware
> pushers will do, however, is: * STOP UNWANTED CRAPWARE from
> being installed behind your back via "drive-
> by-downloads"
> Internet Explorer
> settings
> be employed to
> push obnoxious advertising on you and compromise your
> privacy and security
> * BLOCK COOKIES, which can be used to monitor and track
> your travels around
> the Internet
> screen and force
> unwanted advertising on you.
> [end of quotes]
> If you're interested, read more about it on the website.
> BTW, the author also provides a PGP key if you feel the
> need to verify the integrity and origin of the download
> packages.
> Good luck!

Yes, I think a 75-year old woman /might/ need some luck
understanding your advice - maybe even the person helping her.

But /we/ are VERY impressed.

BTW, security apps which ONLY run on IE have to one of the
funniest things around.

[from a recent conversation]
thanatoid: So why did you decide you needed broadband?
Neighbor: I wanted to read my e-mail faster.

David Webb

Comments inline...

"thanatoid" <waiting@the.exit.invalid> wrote in message
> "David Webb" <> wrote in
> news:#xGYsv37IHA.3736@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl:
>> You're welcome....and thanks for the feedback!
>> You may be able to reduce your anxiety regarding the safety
>> of websites by utilizing a more proactive approach to the
>> problem. For this I suggest the use of IE-SPYAD for
>> ZonedOut to populate the Restricted Zone of Internet
>> Explorer with over 23,000 known "nasties".
>> Keep in mind that this utility is only designed for
>> Internet Explorer, version 4 through 7.
>> Here's where you can download the latest list and read
>> about the utility's features:
>> In case you don't want to go there, I'm going to copy &
>> paste some info from the website.
>> IE-SPYAD adds a long list of sites and domains associated
>> with known advertisers, marketers, and crapware pushers to
>> the Restricted sites zone of Internet Explorer. Once you
>> merge this list of sites and domains into the Registry, the
>> web sites for these companies will not be able to use
>> cookies, ActiveX controls, Java applets, or scripting to
>> compromise your privacy or your PC while you surf the Net.
>> Nor will they be able to use your browser to push unwanted
>> pop-ups, cookies, or auto-installing programs on your PC.
>> Please note that IE-SPYAD is not an ad blocker. It will not
>> block standard banner ads in Internet Explorer. What this
>> Restricted sites list of known advertisers and crapware
>> pushers will do, however, is: * STOP UNWANTED CRAPWARE from
>> being installed behind your back via "drive-
>> by-downloads"
>> Internet Explorer
>> settings
>> be employed to
>> push obnoxious advertising on you and compromise your
>> privacy and security
>> * BLOCK COOKIES, which can be used to monitor and track
>> your travels around
>> the Internet
>> screen and force
>> unwanted advertising on you.
>> [end of quotes]
>> If you're interested, read more about it on the website.
>> BTW, the author also provides a PGP key if you feel the
>> need to verify the integrity and origin of the download
>> packages.
>> Good luck!

> Yes, I think a 75-year old woman /might/ need some luck
> understanding your advice - maybe even the person helping her.

Don't be so quick to rule-out senior citizens...I'm also over 70.

> But /we/ are VERY impressed.

Glad to hear that you realize the benefits of this approach.

> BTW, security apps which ONLY run on IE have to one of the
> funniest things around.

Nothing funny about it. The authors took advantage of IE's unique security zone
feature. They would probably offer similar utilities for other browsers had they
had the same security feature, e.g. security zones.

For security settings of other browsers, click on the author's home page (link
below) and scroll down to the listings in the Browser Configuration group.

> --
> [from a recent conversation]
> thanatoid: So why did you decide you needed broadband?
> Neighbor: I wanted to read my e-mail faster.


Blocking Malware and Advertisements Safely

98 FE + 98 SE + ME updates + patches + (hot)fixes

You will find applications, plug-ins, methods, etc. for all of the major

I use a LARGE HOSTS file, HOSTS file protection, SpyWare Guard, SpyWare
Blaster, and a few others [including the protection afforded via the
Anti-Virus scanning] depending upon the browser. Of course SpyWare Blaster
uses the ZONES aspect as do a few others, but the idea is always LAYERED
PROTECTION. Reliance on limited protection [via one type of protection] is
just that, limited... and leaves you with a false sense of protection which
can be more easily defeated.


"David Webb" <> wrote in message
| Comments inline...
| "thanatoid" <waiting@the.exit.invalid> wrote in message
| news:Xns9AE811709D7F6thanexit@
| > "David Webb" <> wrote in
| > news:#xGYsv37IHA.3736@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl:
| >
| >> You're welcome....and thanks for the feedback!
| >>
| >> You may be able to reduce your anxiety regarding the safety
| >> of websites by utilizing a more proactive approach to the
| >> problem. For this I suggest the use of IE-SPYAD for
| >> ZonedOut to populate the Restricted Zone of Internet
| >> Explorer with over 23,000 known "nasties".
| >>
| >> Keep in mind that this utility is only designed for
| >> Internet Explorer, version 4 through 7.
| >>
| >> Here's where you can download the latest list and read
| >> about the utility's features:
| >>
| >>
| >> In case you don't want to go there, I'm going to copy &
| >> paste some info from the website.
| >>
| >> IE-SPYAD adds a long list of sites and domains associated
| >> with known advertisers, marketers, and crapware pushers to
| >> the Restricted sites zone of Internet Explorer. Once you
| >> merge this list of sites and domains into the Registry, the
| >> web sites for these companies will not be able to use
| >> cookies, ActiveX controls, Java applets, or scripting to
| >> compromise your privacy or your PC while you surf the Net.
| >> Nor will they be able to use your browser to push unwanted
| >> pop-ups, cookies, or auto-installing programs on your PC.
| >>
| >> Please note that IE-SPYAD is not an ad blocker. It will not
| >> block standard banner ads in Internet Explorer. What this
| >> Restricted sites list of known advertisers and crapware
| >> pushers will do, however, is: * STOP UNWANTED CRAPWARE from
| >> being installed behind your back via "drive-
| >> by-downloads"
| >>
| >> Internet Explorer
| >> settings
| >>
| >> * SHUT DOWN ACTIVEX, JAVA, AND SCRIPTING, all of which can
| >> be employed to
| >> push obnoxious advertising on you and compromise your
| >> privacy and security
| >>
| >> * BLOCK COOKIES, which can be used to monitor and track
| >> your travels around
| >> the Internet
| >>
| >> screen and force
| >> unwanted advertising on you.
| >>
| >> [end of quotes]
| >>
| >> If you're interested, read more about it on the website.
| >> BTW, the author also provides a PGP key if you feel the
| >> need to verify the integrity and origin of the download
| >> packages.
| >>
| >> Good luck!
| >
| > Yes, I think a 75-year old woman /might/ need some luck
| > understanding your advice - maybe even the person helping her.
| >
| Don't be so quick to rule-out senior citizens...I'm also over 70.
| > But /we/ are VERY impressed.
| >
| Glad to hear that you realize the benefits of this approach.
| > BTW, security apps which ONLY run on IE have to one of the
| > funniest things around.
| >
| Nothing funny about it. The authors took advantage of IE's unique security
| feature. They would probably offer similar utilities for other browsers
had they
| had the same security feature, e.g. security zones.
| For security settings of other browsers, click on the author's home page
| below) and scroll down to the listings in the Browser Configuration group.
| >
| > --
| > [from a recent conversation]
| > thanatoid: So why did you decide you needed broadband?
| > Neighbor: I wanted to read my e-mail faster.
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