ANNOUNCEMENT:Sen Craig Did Nothing 'Inappropriate' in airport bathroom


Bill Yanaire

"Bill Yanaire" <> wrote in message
> ANNOUNCEMENT: Senator Craig Did Nothing 'Inappropriate' in airport
> bathroom
> Pretty cool. I can copy and paste stories just like our other resident
> right wing wacko, Kevin Putzke. Just FYI

So we have two right wing wacko's. Kevin Putzke and Ringmaster AKA Adam

Bill Yanaire

Re: ANNOUNCEMENT:Sen Craig Did Nothing 'Inappropriate' in airport bathroom

"Kevin Slutsky" <> wrote in message
> Bill Yanaire wrote:
>> ANNOUNCEMENT: Senator Craig Did Nothing 'Inappropriate' in airport
>> bathroom
>> Pretty cool. I can copy and paste stories just like our other resident
>> right wing wacko, Carey Frisch. Just FYI

So you changed Kevin Putzke to Carey Frisch? Not very nice.

> Careful Bill, you'll turn me on posting kinky stories. Here's one of my
> favs:

Whatever floats your boat.

> The officer wrote he was on a plainclothes detail in the restroom because
> of citizen complaints and arrests for sexual activity there.
> Karsnia wrote that when the person occupying the stall beside him left,
> Craig entered it and blocked the door with his rolling suitcase.
> "My experience has shown that individuals engaging in lewd conduct use
> their bags to block the view from the front of their stall," the officer
> said in his report.
> The senator then tapped his right foot, "a signal used by persons wishing
> to engage in lewd conduct," Karsnia wrote, and Craig ran his left hand
> several times underneath the partition dividing the stalls.
> "The presence of others did not seem to deter Craig as he moved his right
> foot so that it touched the side of my left foot, which was within my
> stall area," the officer's report said.
> When the police interviewed him later, the senator said that "he has a
> wide stance when going to the bathroom" and that was why his foot may have
> touched the officer's, the report said.
> Craig also told police that he had reached down to the floor to pick up a
> piece of paper, the officer wrote.
> "It should be noted that there was not a piece of paper on the bathroom
> floor, nor did Craig pick up a piece of paper," Karsnia wrote.
> "During the interview, Craig either disagreed with me or 'didn't recall'
> the events as they happened."
> After Craig ran his hand underneath the partition wall three times,
> Karsnia held his police identification down by the floor so the senator
> could see it, the report said.
> "With my left hand near the floor, I pointed towards the exit. Craig
> responded, 'No!'
> "I again pointed towards the exit. Craig exited the stall with his roller
> bags without flushing the toilet," Karsnia wrote.
> The senator initially resisted the officer's request to go to the police
> operations center, he said, but finally did. There, he was read his
> Miranda rights, interviewed, photographed, fingerprinted and released, the
> report said.
> In a statement released Monday evening, Craig denied inappropriate conduct
> and said he regrets his guilty plea, which he entered without having an
> attorney present.
> "At the time of this incident, I complained to the police that they were
> misconstruing my actions. I was not involved in any inappropriate
> conduct," he said. "I should have had the advice of counsel in resolving
> this matter. In hindsight, I should not have pled guilty. I was trying to
> handle this matter myself quickly and expeditiously."
> Craig paid a $500 fine when he entered his guilty plea in Hennepin County
> Municipal Court in Bloomington, Minnesota, according to state criminal
> records.
> In his petition to enter a guilty plea, Craig acknowledged that he
> "engaged in (physical) conduct which I knew or should have known tended to
> arouse alarm or resentment."
> He also was required to stipulate in the statement that he would "make no
> claim that I am innocent of the charge to which I am entering a plea of
> guilty," the document said.
> On Tuesday, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington filed a
> complaint with the Senate Ethics Committee, asking that the senator's
> conduct be investigated. The group, which largely targets Republicans,
> asked the committee to probe whether Craig "violated the Senate Rules of
> Conduct by engaging in disorderly conduct," a statement said.
> "If pleading guilty to charges stemming from an attempt to solicit an
> undercover officer in a public restroom is not conduct that reflects
> poorly upon the Senate, what is?" asked Melanie Sloan, the group's
> executive director, in a statement. Sloan is a former U.S. attorney in the
> Clinton administration's Justice Department.
> Craig resigned Monday night as a Senate liaison for former Massachusetts
> Gov. Mitt Romney's presidential campaign. Romney's son Josh canceled a
> trip to Idaho on Tuesday.
> Craig, Idaho's senior senator, is married with three grown children and
> nine grandchildren. A former rancher, he was first elected to the Senate
> in 1990 after serving a decade in the House of Representatives. His seat
> is up for re-election in 2008.
> Last fall, Craig's office publicly denied assertions by Internet blogger
> Mike Rogers that the senator is gay. Craig's office dismissed speculation
> about the senator's sexuality as "completely ridiculous."
> In 1982, Craig denied rumors he was under investigation as part of a
> federal probe into allegations that lawmakers on Capitol Hill had sexual
> relationships with congressional pages, saying the "false allegations"
> made him "mad as hell."
> ** Posted from **

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