Re: [News] BT Approaching Free Software Community


Moshe Goldfarb.

On Thu, 24 Jul 2008 20:58:46 +0000, Roy Schestowitz wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> BT joins enterprise open-source community
> ,----[ Quote ]
>| The communications and IT giant has already been a member of the Linux
>| Foundation since 2005. According to a Wednesday statement, BT joined
>| FossBazaar because it wants to help "accelerate the adoption of free and


Are they the same company as the one Mark Kent works for?

That's very odd considering this is what they say:

"At BT Global, our crown jewels are the services we supply to our
customers. With jNetX we own the intellectual property for our services,
allowing us to evolve the services as and when required."

Mark Kent
Head of Technology Strategy

Moshe Goldfarb
Collector of soaps from around the globe.
Please visit The Hall of Linux Idiots:

Phil Da Lick!

Moshe Goldfarb. wrote:
> On Thu, 24 Jul 2008 20:58:46 +0000, Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> BT joins enterprise open-source community
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>> | The communications and IT giant has already been a member of the Linux
>> | Foundation since 2005. According to a Wednesday statement, BT joined
>> | FossBazaar because it wants to help "accelerate the adoption of free and

> Really?
> Are they the same company as the one Mark Kent works for?
> That's very odd considering this is what they say:
> "At BT Global, our crown jewels are the services we supply to our
> customers. With jNetX we own the intellectual property for our services,
> allowing us to evolve the services as and when required."
> Mark Kent
> Head of Technology Strategy

The two key words in this drivel: "works for". Stop pronouncing it "is
enslaved by". Your obsession with this irrelevance proves nothing.


"Phil Da Lick!" wrote:
> Moshe Goldfarb. wrote:

.... snip ...
>> Are they the same company as the one Mark Kent works for?
>> That's very odd considering this is what they say:
>> "At BT Global, our crown jewels are the services we supply to our
>> customers. With jNetX we own the intellectual property for our
>> services, allowing us to evolve the services as and when required."

> The two key words in this drivel: "works for". Stop pronouncing it "is
> enslaved by". Your obsession with this irrelevance proves nothing.

Goldfarb is a known troll. He attempts to create trouble. Best
to ignore him. If you do answer please ensure that you replace
the heavy cross-posting with a follow-up to a single newsgroup.

[mail]: Chuck F (cbfalconer at maineline dot net)
[page]: <>
Try the download section.


BT have been trialing Linux for a long time. It is one of the reasons why
their 'work manager' software is written in Java - to keep it cross-

Most of their back end systems are running on Unix & Linux - CSS for
example. It was a groundbreaking database system and is still smart and
fast to this day, running on a *nix system. Even their website is hosted
on Linux servers.

With thousands of desktops in use, the money they could save switching to
Linux as they upgrade is phenomenal. Being penny pinchers it would not
surprise me to see them do it, either. No matter how many nice dinners
Microsoft take the CEO out for, no matter how mad a volume deal the offer.

Windross is now the OS that has the *cost of ownership* badge. The cost
of keeping it secure, the bandwidth in downloading all those patches, the
loss of productivity with restarting every time a new hole is found, the
lack of standards compliance. In fact, the general 'shittiness' of the
whole thing. It's not just the OS that is rotten either, a look at some
of the applications is just as bad. Even today M$ 'Word' still crashes
with people in business losing work. Exchange refuses to work like any
other proper SMTP server as far as recipient verification is concerned
'You'll need to buy Active Directory for that'.

Real enterprise systems that are mission critical stay clear of Windross
and use *nix flavours. As reliability becomes the big choice for home
PC's, sensible users are starting to migrate leaving Windows where it
should be - as a insecure joke of a legacy operating system from the past.

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