DSL update and another issue


SSJ04 Mewtwo

To refresh those who helped me fix my protocol problem...,
When we tried installing the DSL modem, there were no protocols to bind the
adaptor to. Through several attempts Mike told me that I had a bunch of
missing .inf files. Now, all .inf files from those .cab files that also
were copied from the ME disk are on this machine and the Windstream guy is
coming to try again tomorrow sometime between 1-5 pm.

I'm now having a start-up issue that's driving me insane. The boot process
gets all the way up just before the desktop, then a BSOD appears saying that
the computer needs to be re-started. So, I do and the start-up menu comes
and I'm able to boot to safe mode. I let it scandisk and then reboot and by
some miracle it boots into regular mode.

I've uninstalled Spybot because I've heard that it could cause this problem
but that didn't work, I reduced the size of SR because that can cause this,
but that didn't work, and I've uninstalled some unofficial patches from
MDx's site and that didn't work. A modem driver file that I've disabled
from start in msconfig hasn't gone away. Is it possible that I've got a
driver issue?


> ... then a BSOD appears saying that
> the computer needs to be re-started.

Is that all it says - no error code?

> .. A modem driver file that I've disabled
> from start in msconfig hasn't gone away.
> Is it possible that I've got a
> driver issue?

Quite possible. (But not necessarily the modem)

You could try Starting in Safe Mode (F8 key) and select option 4 -
Step-by-step Confirmation - from the menu.
Answer Yes (y) to each request, being sure to create a startup log (2nd
Note whether the 'disabled' modem driver is included - and for the time
being, answer 'yes'. Try again later and answer 'no' - Any difference?

Take a look at the BOOTLOG.TXT file - located in the root folder (C:\) using
Notepad. Any clues there? (look towards the end of the file)


"SSJ04 Mewtwo" <ssj04mewtwo@yahoo.com> wrote in message
> To refresh those who helped me fix my protocol problem...,
> When we tried installing the DSL modem, there were no protocols to bind
> the
> adaptor to. Through several attempts Mike told me that I had a bunch of
> missing .inf files. Now, all .inf files from those .cab files that also
> were copied from the ME disk are on this machine and the Windstream guy is
> coming to try again tomorrow sometime between 1-5 pm.
> I'm now having a start-up issue that's driving me insane. The boot
> process
> gets all the way up just before the desktop, then a BSOD appears saying
> that
> the computer needs to be re-started. So, I do and the start-up menu comes
> and I'm able to boot to safe mode. I let it scandisk and then reboot and
> by
> some miracle it boots into regular mode.
> I've uninstalled Spybot because I've heard that it could cause this
> problem
> but that didn't work, I reduced the size of SR because that can cause
> this,
> but that didn't work, and I've uninstalled some unofficial patches from
> MDx's site and that didn't work. A modem driver file that I've disabled
> from start in msconfig hasn't gone away. Is it possible that I've got a
> driver issue?

SSJ04 Mewtwo

Mart <mart(NoSpam)@nospam.nospam> wrote:

Is that all it says - no error code?

Correct. I removed the modem driver and let Windows find it again, but this
morning it did it again. I'll do what you suggested and report back later.

So says the cat

SSJ04 Mewtwo

Just did it Mart, but it didn't create that bootlog file you said it would.

I checked msconfig again and found two disabled entries of load power
profile. I enabled the one nearest the bottom and had to go into the
registry to get rid of the other. After getting rid of the invalid reg
entry it booted fine. That's the other thing about this problem, it'll do
it up to three to four times, but on some restarts it will boot normally.
It seems to be at its worse when the machine is first turned on in the


Hmm... Firstly, it's very odd that it doesn't give an detailed error
report/code (other than tell you to restart your computer) at your BSOD. I
just wonder if it really is a BSOD or more likely the 'completion
report/command' following a (bad?) driver installation utility.

Secondly, you say that it didn't create the bootlog.txt file.

Assuming you tried the step-by-step confirmation AND you opted to create the
startup log, I am at a loss as to where it can be (or why it's not there!)
It *should* be in the C:\ folder (along with autoexec.bat and config.sys,
etc.). I don't have an answer to that issue. NB - There may also be a copy
of bootlog.prv (the previous copy of bootlog.txt) in the C:\ folder but
you'll have to rename it with a .txt suffix to read it in Notepad.

Under the circumstances, check Device Manager in SAFE MODE and look for
duplicate (modem?) drivers and/or yellow exclamation/question marks. If any,
'Remove' any/all items shown and reboot and re-install (fresh copies) of any
drivers requested.

Sounds like you *may* just have a bad/corrupted driver installation.

BTW - I don't think you need to mess with the two power profile entries.
IIIRC they are there by design.


"SSJ04 Mewtwo" <ssj04mewtwo@yahoo.com> wrote in message
> Just did it Mart, but it didn't create that bootlog file you said it
> would.
> I checked msconfig again and found two disabled entries of load power
> profile. I enabled the one nearest the bottom and had to go into the
> registry to get rid of the other. After getting rid of the invalid reg
> entry it booted fine. That's the other thing about this problem, it'll do
> it up to three to four times, but on some restarts it will boot normally.
> It seems to be at its worse when the machine is first turned on in the
> mornings.


Re: DSL update and another issue - an after-thought

> ... on some restarts it will boot normally.
> It seems to be at its worse when the machine
> is first turned on in the mornings.

Hmm ... FWIW - Something else I've witnessed but never managed to
technically *prove*.

Cold (first boot of the day) starts on *some* 'older' HDD's appear to be
sluggish - like the bearings are cold. Second and subsequent bootings have
'warmed-up' the bearings and the drive runs at the correct speed. My
personal method of 'proof' has been substitution of the HDD.


SSJ04 Mewtwo

Mart <mart(NoSpam)@nospam.nospam> wrote:
Under the circumstances, check Device Manager in SAFE MODE and look for
duplicate (modem?) drivers and/or yellow exclamation/question marks. If any,
'Remove' any/all items shown and reboot and re-install (fresh copies) of any
drivers requested.

Would that also include removing the modem from WDM Modem Enumerator as well
as "Modem" in device manager?


Ah! .. From here, it sounds like you've got (at least) a couple of drivers
'installed' for the same modem. So yes, 'Remove' any/all modem drivers in
Dev Man in Safe Mode.

Off out - won't be able to continue till late tonight.


"SSJ04 Mewtwo" <ssj04mewtwo@yahoo.com> wrote in message
> Mart <mart(NoSpam)@nospam.nospam> wrote:
> Under the circumstances, check Device Manager in SAFE MODE and look for
> duplicate (modem?) drivers and/or yellow exclamation/question marks. If
> any,
> 'Remove' any/all items shown and reboot and re-install (fresh copies) of
> any
> drivers requested.
> Would that also include removing the modem from WDM Modem Enumerator as
> well
> as "Modem" in device manager?

Dr Archibald Crumpenshtumpa

Re: DSL update and another issue - an after-thought

Mart wrote:
>> ... on some restarts it will boot normally.
>> It seems to be at its worse when the machine
>> is first turned on in the mornings.

> Hmm ... FWIW - Something else I've witnessed but never managed to
> technically *prove*.
> Cold (first boot of the day) starts on *some* 'older' HDD's appear to
> be sluggish - like the bearings are cold. Second and subsequent
> bootings have 'warmed-up' the bearings and the drive runs at the
> correct speed. My personal method of 'proof' has been substitution of
> the HDD.

Had that with a chipset fan for quite a while - made a dreadful racket 1st
boot of a chilly morn. In those days I'd regularly remove the fan, invert
it, peel back the label that covered the center and give a quick blast of
WD40 at the bearing race. However I would think once an HDD is doing that it
would be a good idea to replace it asap.



Some ISPs have stopped trying to install DSL on old OSs. Their current
software is incompatible. You might need an old router and software.

"SSJ04 Mewtwo" wrote:

> To refresh those who helped me fix my protocol problem...,
> When we tried installing the DSL modem, there were no protocols to bind the
> adaptor to. Through several attempts Mike told me that I had a bunch of
> missing .inf files. Now, all .inf files from those .cab files that also
> were copied from the ME disk are on this machine and the Windstream guy is
> coming to try again tomorrow sometime between 1-5 pm.
> I'm now having a start-up issue that's driving me insane. The boot process
> gets all the way up just before the desktop, then a BSOD appears saying that
> the computer needs to be re-started. So, I do and the start-up menu comes
> and I'm able to boot to safe mode. I let it scandisk and then reboot and by
> some miracle it boots into regular mode.
> I've uninstalled Spybot because I've heard that it could cause this problem
> but that didn't work, I reduced the size of SR because that can cause this,
> but that didn't work, and I've uninstalled some unofficial patches from
> MDx's site and that didn't work. A modem driver file that I've disabled
> from start in msconfig hasn't gone away. Is it possible that I've got a
> driver issue?

SSJ04 Mewtwo

Mart <mart(NoSpam)@nospam.nospam>

Ah! .. From here, it sounds like you've got (at least) a couple of drivers
'installed' for the same modem. So yes, 'Remove' any/all modem drivers in
Dev Man in Safe Mode.

Off out - won't be able to continue till late tonight.

Thanks Mart. Unfortunate, as someone else pointed out, DSL now needs a
newer OS, and I've just upgraded this machine to XP Home.

To Mart, Mike, and Loom, I thank you for all the help and slaps to the head
you've given me.

And yes, I'm enjoying my 12 mbps connection.

Mike M

DSL doesn't need a "newer" OS however if one is using a USB ADSL modem
then yes, newer modems are unlikely to come with Win Me compatible
drivers. However I would very strongly advise anyone using or considering
using a usb ADSL modem to head for the nearest waste bin and consign their
usb modem to history and then buy themselves a combined adsl modem/router.
These are not expensive and require no drivers on any connected PC or MAC,
allow more than one PC or MAC to access the internet without the needs for
any other machine other than the router to be on, and, best of all, will
come with a NAT and perhaps also SPI (stateful packet inspection) firewall
with even the more basic NAT (network address translation) providing
vastly greater protection against unwanted intrusions than any software
firewall a user might have installed.
Mike Maltby

SSJ04 Mewtwo <ssj04mewtwo@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Mart <mart(NoSpam)@nospam.nospam>
> Ah! .. From here, it sounds like you've got (at least) a couple of
> drivers 'installed' for the same modem. So yes, 'Remove' any/all
> modem drivers in Dev Man in Safe Mode.
> Off out - won't be able to continue till late tonight.
> Thanks Mart. Unfortunate, as someone else pointed out, DSL now needs
> a newer OS, and I've just upgraded this machine to XP Home.
> To Mart, Mike, and Loom, I thank you for all the help and slaps to
> the head you've given me.
> And yes, I'm enjoying my 12 mbps connection.


I'll second that and can vouch for the fact they work well.
I have a Wireless 4 Port ADSL router that I've had working since getting
broadband late 2004, it had a Windows XP and WinME machine connected to it
via wireless and the other XP was wired to the router, that was me <g>
I am now using a Vista Home Premium machine and just connected the cable
from the router to the back of it and it works and my old XP now connects
via wireless to the router plus the old WinME machine is still going strong
and in use <g>

Joan Archer

"Mike M" <No_Spam@Corned_Beef.Only> wrote in message
> DSL doesn't need a "newer" OS however if one is using a USB ADSL modem
> then yes, newer modems are unlikely to come with Win Me compatible
> drivers. However I would very strongly advise anyone using or considering
> using a usb ADSL modem to head for the nearest waste bin and consign their
> usb modem to history and then buy themselves a combined adsl modem/router.
> These are not expensive and require no drivers on any connected PC or MAC,
> allow more than one PC or MAC to access the internet without the needs for
> any other machine other than the router to be on, and, best of all, will
> come with a NAT and perhaps also SPI (stateful packet inspection) firewall
> with even the more basic NAT (network address translation) providing
> vastly greater protection against unwanted intrusions than any software
> firewall a user might have installed.
> --
> Mike Maltby
> mike.maltby@gmail.com
> SSJ04 Mewtwo <ssj04mewtwo@yahoo.com> wrote:
>> Mart <mart(NoSpam)@nospam.nospam>
>> Ah! .. From here, it sounds like you've got (at least) a couple of
>> drivers 'installed' for the same modem. So yes, 'Remove' any/all
>> modem drivers in Dev Man in Safe Mode.
>> Off out - won't be able to continue till late tonight.
>> Thanks Mart. Unfortunate, as someone else pointed out, DSL now needs
>> a newer OS, and I've just upgraded this machine to XP Home.
>> To Mart, Mike, and Loom, I thank you for all the help and slaps to
>> the head you've given me.
>> And yes, I'm enjoying my 12 mbps connection.


Dr Archibald Crumpenshtumpa

Is the fact you're now on NT6 why you're posting as 'msnews', Joan?

I'd like to add that many people think a wireless router *only* works as a
wireless router, or that even if you can plug into via cable also, the
wireless is always on, and that wireless is very insecure. So I want to make
the point that you can get a wireless router and use it solely as a wired
router with the wireless disabled and that anyway while wireless *used to
be* really insecure, now the favoured encryption is much stronger.


msnews.microsoft.com wrote:
> I'll second that and can vouch for the fact they work well.
> I have a Wireless 4 Port ADSL router that I've had working since
> getting broadband late 2004, it had a Windows XP and WinME machine
> connected to it via wireless and the other XP was wired to the
> router, that was me <g>
> I am now using a Vista Home Premium machine and just connected the
> cable from the router to the back of it and it works and my old XP
> now connects via wireless to the router plus the old WinME machine is
> still going strong and in use <g>
> "Mike M" <No_Spam@Corned_Beef.Only> wrote in message
> news:#QRqrFY8IHA.4140@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
>> DSL doesn't need a "newer" OS however if one is using a USB ADSL
>> modem then yes, newer modems are unlikely to come with Win Me
>> compatible drivers. However I would very strongly advise anyone
>> using or considering using a usb ADSL modem to head for the nearest
>> waste bin and consign their usb modem to history and then buy
>> themselves a combined adsl modem/router. These are not expensive and
>> require no drivers on any connected PC or MAC, allow more than one
>> PC or MAC to access the internet without the needs for any other
>> machine other than the router to be on, and, best of all, will come
>> with a NAT and perhaps also SPI (stateful packet inspection)
>> firewall with even the more basic NAT (network address translation)
>> providing vastly greater protection against unwanted intrusions than
>> any software firewall a user might have installed. --
>> Mike Maltby
>> mike.maltby@gmail.com
>> SSJ04 Mewtwo <ssj04mewtwo@yahoo.com> wrote:
>>> Mart <mart(NoSpam)@nospam.nospam>
>>> Ah! .. From here, it sounds like you've got (at least) a couple of
>>> drivers 'installed' for the same modem. So yes, 'Remove' any/all
>>> modem drivers in Dev Man in Safe Mode.
>>> Off out - won't be able to continue till late tonight.
>>> Thanks Mart. Unfortunate, as someone else pointed out, DSL now
>>> needs a newer OS, and I've just upgraded this machine to XP Home.
>>> To Mart, Mike, and Loom, I thank you for all the help and slaps to
>>> the head you've given me.
>>> And yes, I'm enjoying my 12 mbps connection.

Mike M

Dr Archibald Crumpenshtumpa <dracrumpen@rrrripfarten.net> wrote:

> Is the fact you're now on NT6 why you're posting as 'msnews', Joan?
> I'd like to add that many people think a wireless router *only* works
> as a wireless router, or that even if you can plug into via cable
> also, the wireless is always on, and that wireless is very insecure.
> So I want to make the point that you can get a wireless router and
> use it solely as a wired router with the wireless disabled and that
> anyway while wireless *used to be* really insecure, now the favoured
> encryption is much stronger.

As you say wi-fi with either WPA or WPA2 is far from insecure. Even with
the known insecurity of WEP it is better than nothing. I am using WPA2
with a long pass phrase and have no fears of others being able to access
my system anytime soon without my permission.
Mike M

Dr Archibald Crumpenshtumpa

Mike M wrote:
> Dr Archibald Crumpenshtumpa <dracrumpen@rrrripfarten.net> wrote:
>> Is the fact you're now on NT6 why you're posting as 'msnews', Joan?
>> I'd like to add that many people think a wireless router *only* works
>> as a wireless router, or that even if you can plug into via cable
>> also, the wireless is always on, and that wireless is very insecure.
>> So I want to make the point that you can get a wireless router and
>> use it solely as a wired router with the wireless disabled and that
>> anyway while wireless *used to be* really insecure, now the favoured
>> encryption is much stronger.

> As you say wi-fi with either WPA or WPA2 is far from insecure. Even
> with the known insecurity of WEP it is better than nothing. I am
> using WPA2 with a long pass phrase and have no fears of others being
> able to access my system anytime soon without my permission.

Yes, I've kind of gotten into long pass phrases/words. It's a good job I've
got Password Safe now, or when I wanted to change the router config I'd have
to reset it back to default. Maybe next time I'll remember it, but it'll
probably FIFO something else! Anyway I'm confident nobody could crack my
access codes unless they'd started before the Universe began. I'm probably a
bit of an anorak about it!

Just as I was about to sign this 'me in 95' I realized I once threw '95 away
and possibly swore to you I'd never install it again! Well, this *is* in
VPC. Though *I'm* not convinced that justifies it! I think I must be a bit
OC. But that *is* the definition of an anorak anyhow, isn't it?

Me in 95

Mike M

> Me in 95

Wow, I never realised you could install virtual machines on Win 95 <vbg>.
I tend to run Me in XP when required <g>

I ought to use something like Password Safe, so many of my passwords are
the same. My WPA2 key being an exception and whilst the pass phrase is
pretty simple it has a twist at the end.

Dr Archibald Crumpenshtumpa <dracrumpen@rrrripfarten.net> wrote:

> Yes, I've kind of gotten into long pass phrases/words. It's a good
> job I've got Password Safe now, or when I wanted to change the router
> config I'd have to reset it back to default. Maybe next time I'll
> remember it, but it'll probably FIFO something else! Anyway I'm
> confident nobody could crack my access codes unless they'd started
> before the Universe began. I'm probably a bit of an anorak about it!
> Just as I was about to sign this 'me in 95' I realized I once threw
> '95 away and possibly swore to you I'd never install it again! Well,
> this *is* in VPC. Though *I'm* not convinced that justifies it! I
> think I must be a bit OC. But that *is* the definition of an anorak
> anyhow, isn't it?
> Me in 95


Jeepers! A lot can happen in just 36 hours..

Thanks to Mike & Shane (aka Alter Ego) for jumping in and well done to
Mewtwo for moving into the 21 centuary and joining the XP brigade. I hope
all is now well. But don't abandon the WinMe Groups, come back and visit


Dr Suse

Mike M wrote:
>> Me in 95

> Wow, I never realised you could install virtual machines on Win 95
> <vbg>. I tend to run Me in XP when required <g>

Ha ha! You got me there!

> I ought to use something like Password Safe, so many of my passwords are
> the same. My WPA2 key being an exception and whilst the pass phrase is
> pretty simple it has a twist at the end.

I won't ask what it is <g>.


Professor Heiroglyph

Mart wrote:
> Jeepers! A lot can happen in just 36 hours..


> Thanks to Mike & Shane (aka Alter Ego) for jumping in and well done to

Alfonse Terego can be born and grow to adulthood!


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