Re: [News] [SOT] Google Challenger Takes a Stand Against g/MS/Y! Spying


Moshe Goldfarb.

On Mon, 28 Jul 2008 19:08:38 +0000, Roy Schestowitz wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> New search engine takes aim at Google
> ,----[ Quote ]
>| There's a big new search engine launching Monday: Cuil. Developed and run by
>| the husband-and-wife team of Stanford professor Tom Costello and former
>| Google search architect Anna Patterson, it's pitched as bigger, faster, and
>| better than Google's flagship search engine in pretty much every way. See
>| video interview with Tom Costello, below.

>| The Internet is getting bigger and more disorganized every day. Cuil¡¦s goal
>| is to solve the two great problems of search: how to index the whole Internet
>| ¡Xnot just part of it¡Xand how to analyze and sort out its pages so you get
>| relevant results.

Hey maybe you can sell them your *Urine Search Engine" Roy Schestowitz?

You never know Roy Schestowitz, they just might be ignorant enough to go
for it!

Moshe Goldfarb
Collector of soaps from around the globe.
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