Web Video Slowdowns



Apparently, there have been reports of web video slowdowns. I recently
experienced this on my Nintendo Wii Game System last night and noticed how a
video was playing and then stopping. My dad, Ivan in New Mexico also has
Comcast cable. This was via a wireless connection so I did not think much
about it. I noticed it again today on my computer here with both Mozilla
Firefox as well as Internet Explorer 6 and then contacted Comcast
Cable. I talked with the technician and he had me update flash which helped
but it was still slow. However, the slowdown was on the Tree Man video in
Yahoo.com and I have read about reports about slowdowns on CNN as well.
Perhaps this has to do with the amount of bandwidth that is being used to
host the Olympics. I did not notice any slowdowns on the msnbc.msn.com
videos on that site so I must conclude the slowdowns are originating with the
providers not providing enough bandwidth to accommodate all the new Web Users
who are watching the Olympics on the Web. The problem seems only to affect
videos at least for now on some sites. Just an FYI and it was indeed nice to
know that it was not on my side for a change.
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