" J's " test (as per post to mart)



testy testy testy..
(that should be enough to wake the chips up>)(hope they let me see me now !?)


Mike M

Well we're all waiting! Can you see your post? <vbg>
Mike Maltby

jeanette <jeany@lostincyber.com> wrote:

> testy testy testy..
> (that should be enough to wake the chips up>)(hope they let me see me
> now !?)
> J

Joan Archer

<g> Lets hope so <g>

Joan Archer

"Mike M" <No_Spam@Corned_Beef.Only> wrote in message
> Well we're all waiting! Can you see your post? <vbg>
> --
> Mike Maltby
> mike.maltby@gmail.com
> jeanette <jeany@lostincyber.com> wrote:
>> testy testy testy..
>> (that should be enough to wake the chips up>)(hope they let me see me
>> now !?) J


huge siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh again......

hi all, its another day, first opportunity that i've had to get back here,,,,, but, no bluddy
posts visible from me.
not a single post in last two threads, and not one in this one...... think i'll just go eat


"Joan Archer" <archer_joan@nospam.com> wrote in message news:OGOMYiu$IHA.528@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
> <g> Lets hope so <g>
> --
> Joan Archer
> http://www.freewebs.com/crossstitcher
> http://lachsoft.com/photogallery
> "Mike M" <No_Spam@Corned_Beef.Only> wrote in message
> news:OKruiTt$IHA.1080@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
> > Well we're all waiting! Can you see your post? <vbg>
> > --
> > Mike Maltby
> > mike.maltby@gmail.com
> >
> >
> > jeanette <jeany@lostincyber.com> wrote:
> >
> >> testy testy testy..
> >> (that should be enough to wake the chips up>)(hope they let me see me
> >> now !?) J



another update.......

i have just wizzed around a half dozen or so groups on the microsoft server, and its not just my
posts that are missing, but others too.
ie,, if i click on a msg in a random group, then follow the thread a little, i see that msgs have
been replied to via the posts content and the fact that the person(s) replying are not seen unless i
open a post and notice that it has been replied to by another.......
gawd, hope that made sense.
same thing happened in this group after i did the re-set,,, i found heaps of posters that had
replied to my post,,, grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!! (but, alas, still no good news for me)

maybe this is a microsoft server issue???


"Joan Archer" <archer_joan@nospam.com> wrote in message news:OGOMYiu$IHA.528@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
> <g> Lets hope so <g>
> --
> Joan Archer
> http://www.freewebs.com/crossstitcher
> http://lachsoft.com/photogallery
> "Mike M" <No_Spam@Corned_Beef.Only> wrote in message
> news:OKruiTt$IHA.1080@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
> > Well we're all waiting! Can you see your post? <vbg>
> > --
> > Mike Maltby
> > mike.maltby@gmail.com
> >
> >
> > jeanette <jeany@lostincyber.com> wrote:
> >
> >> testy testy testy..
> >> (that should be enough to wake the chips up>)(hope they let me see me
> >> now !?) J



> <g> Lets hope so <g>

> Joan Archer

btw, all,, why am i getting so many <g> and <bg> and <vbg> 's ,, is it cos' i'm a
winner? they say that winners are grinners.. chuckle.

anyhow,, tea-time, am starving.


Mike M


I'd blame Optus and the Australian parental control/censorship system.
Improbable maybe but as likely as any other possibility given you've tried
all the others and not found a solution.


Mike M

jeanette <jeany@lostincyber.com> wrote:

>> <g> Lets hope so <g>

>> Joan Archer

> btw, all,, why am i getting so many <g> and <bg> and <vbg> 's
> ,, is it cos' i'm a winner? they say that winners are
> grinners.. chuckle.
> anyhow,, tea-time, am starving.
> J


> I'd blame Optus and the Australian parental control/censorship system.

i hear you,, and as useless as optus is to the consumer, (but not to themselves$$$'s) i cant see
how that would invoke a censorship/control system over posts sent to a microsoft server.. ?
just doesnt make sense,, and even if that was the case, it would mean they would be censoring
'me' from reading you....... yes?

> Improbable maybe but as likely as any other possibility given you've tried
> all the others and not found a solution.

yeah, i know,,,,,, i even just wasted a frideee night trying to figure it too.... but, alas,
i'm just me, very limited. (but big on sigh's...... siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh)

do you know anyone here or in other groups who would maybe know some more? maybe someone who knows
how censorship works in relation to my prob?

thanks for stickin' with thread.. i just cant figure why i can see stuff in some groups,
yet not in others,, when all are on micro server.
(no chocolate pudding for me tonight.)


> Cheers,
> Mike M
> jeanette <jeany@lostincyber.com> wrote:
> >> <g> Lets hope so <g>

> >
> >> Joan Archer

> >
> > btw, all,, why am i getting so many <g> and <bg> and <vbg> 's
> > ,, is it cos' i'm a winner? they say that winners are
> > grinners.. chuckle.
> >
> > anyhow,, tea-time, am starving.
> >
> > J




meant 'saturdeee night'. (of which is now 12.06am sundeee,,, and J is signing off)


Mike M


The problem is not with the Microsoft news server as no-one else is having
the problems you are having. As I have said on a number of occasions the
problem is local to your PC but could just possibly be due to the new all
singing and dancing great Australian obscenity filter/firewall or your ISP
Optus filtering out (your) posts which it might consider offensive to
those running Win Me. <vbg>.

The chain is broken not when sending posts but when receiving them. Your
posts are all plain to see on the Microsoft news server so it is somewhere
between the server and your screen that they are going missing. The most
likely reason being that you have inadvertently set OE to filter out or
block your posts, something you have checked and say isn't happening, or
alternatively, that they are being filtered further back in the download
chain and hence my, tongue in cheek, mention of Optus and the new
Australian parental controls.
Mike M

jeanette <jeany@lostincyber.com> wrote:

>> I'd blame Optus and the Australian parental control/censorship
>> system.

> i hear you,, and as useless as optus is to the consumer, (but not to
> themselves$$$'s) i cant see how that would invoke a
> censorship/control system over posts sent to a microsoft server..
> ?
> just doesnt make sense,, and even if that was the case, it
> would mean they would be censoring 'me' from reading you....... yes?
>> Improbable maybe but as likely as any other possibility given you've
>> tried all the others and not found a solution.

> yeah, i know,,,,,, i even just wasted a frideee night trying to
> figure it too.... but, alas, i'm just me, very limited.
> (but big on sigh's...... siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh)
> do you know anyone here or in other groups who would maybe know some
> more? maybe someone who knows how censorship works in relation to my
> prob?
> thanks for stickin' with thread.. i just cant figure why
> i can see stuff in some groups, yet not in others,, when all are
> on micro server. (no chocolate pudding for me tonight.)

Mike M

Joan Archer <archer_joan@nospam.com> wrote:

> Well it's still Saturday night here, it's only just gone 8.15 pm
> where I am <g>

But you're not living in the Australian Central Time Zone. This interweb
thingy makes the world so small! <vbg>

Joan Archer

<lol> I know I was just being funny <g>

I can't remember now as it's been that long but did we have Jeanette do the
unsubscribe then resubscribed thingy <g>

Joan Archer

"Mike M" <No_Spam@Corned_Beef.Only> wrote in message
> Joan Archer <archer_joan@nospam.com> wrote:
>> Well it's still Saturday night here, it's only just gone 8.15 pm
>> where I am <g>

> But you're not living in the Australian Central Time Zone. This interweb
> thingy makes the world so small! <vbg>
> --
> Mike

Mike M

Joan Archer <archer_joan@nospam.com> wrote:

> <lol> I know I was just being funny <g>
> I can't remember now as it's been that long but did we have Jeanette
> do the unsubscribe then resubscribed thingy <g>

I've suggested Jeanette try just about everything but may not have
explicitly mentioned unsubscribing and then subscribing again so she might
want to try doing that.

Another suggestion which I have not made previously would be for Jeanette
to create a new Identity in Outlook Express (File | Identities | Add New
Identity), temporarily switching to the new identity and try creating a
new MSNews account there. If that works then the problem is somewhere in
either the registry or folders.dbx file for her current identity.


By now J seems to have grown tired of her problem and lost interest, Mike.
She may need an 'incentive to finish the job'.


: "It's now or never".

"Mike M" <No_Spam@Corned_Beef.Only> wrote in message
> Joan Archer <archer_joan@nospam.com> wrote:
> > <lol> I know I was just being funny <g>
> >
> > I can't remember now as it's been that long but did we have Jeanette
> > do the unsubscribe then resubscribed thingy <g>

> I've suggested Jeanette try just about everything but may not have
> explicitly mentioned unsubscribing and then subscribing again so she might
> want to try doing that.
> Another suggestion which I have not made previously would be for Jeanette
> to create a new Identity in Outlook Express (File | Identities | Add New
> Identity), temporarily switching to the new identity and try creating a
> new MSNews account there. If that works then the problem is somewhere in
> either the registry or folders.dbx file for her current identity.
> --
> Mike

Joan Archer

What gives you that impression Harry, just because she hasn't posted for a
few hours doesn't mean that she has lost interest.
It is Sunday and chances are she has other things to do today and being on
the computer is not one of them.

Joan Archer

"webster72n" <webster72n@gmail.com> wrote in message
> By now J seems to have grown tired of her problem and lost interest, Mike.
> She may need an 'incentive to finish the job'.
> Harry.
> : "It's now or never".

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