Re: Frank's ass licker, adam not-so-bright, is shit stain on thisnewsgroup



Frank wrote:
> Alias wrote:
>> Frank wrote:
>>> Alias wrote:
>>>> Frank wrote:
>>>>> Alias wrote:
>>>>>> Frank wrote:
>>>>>>> Alias wrote:
>>>>>>>> Frank wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Alias wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Frank wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Alias wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Frank wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alias wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Frank wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alias wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fb wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alias wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fb wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alias wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fb wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alias wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fb wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alias wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fb wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alias wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fb wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alias wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fb wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alias wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Frank wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alias wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Frank wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Frank's ass licker wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, 16 Aug 2008 18:57:48 -0700,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Spanky deMonkey, ESQ"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> For those keeping score, TruthSquad
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> who is really Adam Albright is a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mental case who escaped from the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> institution and is dangerous to society.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So says Spanky who's another psycho
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> like Frank and posts under at
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> least 50 different names.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Damn you idiots NEVER learn. I OWN
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> each one of you idiots and make you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dance at will. After all it's my
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> circus, I'm the Ringmaster and you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> buffoons are putty in my hands.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ---------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hey adam not-so-bright, pull bubba's
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dick out of your ass and stick it in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> your mouth where it belongs.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> At least that might shut up your insane
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> big pompous mouth for a while!...LOL!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Once again Frank treats us to his class
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and education with another brilliant post.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alias
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hehehe...what's wrong mr liar, are you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> jealous of adam not-so-bright's
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> relationship with bubba?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hey loser, have him invite you over!...LOL!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> And yet again ...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ...more of your lies!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Figures!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Loser!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The poor troll just can't help himself and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> he does it yet again.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Projecting again?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Nope.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sure you are.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Figures!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You and "figures" is an oxymoron.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I just love bating you and watching you take
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the hook!...LOL!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Keep dancing, I'm having fun! Are you?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Calling yourself the winner, Frank, makes you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the loser.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alias
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> That logic is right up there with your
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> blacksmith/OS delusion!...LOL!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I can see you as a boxer, pulling yourself up off
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the floor the day afterwards and calling yourself
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the winner. You're so lame, Frank.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alias
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sorry pal, but I learned very early in life not to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ever fight battles I've not already won.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You figure it out!...LOL!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> No wonder you haven't come to Spain to "make me pay".
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hehehe...well, I've sold my properly in the south of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> France and my car has been delivered to my home in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Normandy and if you re-read my post (if you're
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> capable) I said I'd proly be in Europe this Fall. It
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is still summer, you idiot.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You're stupid and scared.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> That was last Fall. Losing it?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>'ve already lost it!...LOL! Re-read my
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> original post *chum", it's this Fall!...LOL!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The *last* think I am scared of is you.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "...think"?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You are scared of me...hahahaha!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> No, Frank, in a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> debate, the debater doesn't get to declare him or
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> herself a winner.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You actually think I'm "debating" with you? Hahahaha...!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Figures.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Silly of me, you can't debate and I actually implied
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you could.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> No, you implied I was, not that I could.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> That GED isn't what you thought it was, huh?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It will
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> never happen again.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is common sense, something you obviously lack.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So what is your real name (no alias), phone # & addy?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> None of your business.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Coward!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Well...or are you still afraid of me?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Fear has nothing to do with the fact that it's stupid
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to post your name, address and phone on Usenet. Would
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you do it, hot shot?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I use my real name. You're a coward!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sure and you post your last name, address and phone. You
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> won't do that, now will you, brave man?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hehehe...I just love backing you into a corner every day!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You must like dancing for me and having me kick your ass
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> all the time.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Coward!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'll take your lying insults as a "no" so STFU. You won't
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> even tell us your last name, will you, hot shot? And how
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> do we know your name is Frank? For all we know, your name
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is Harry Pusey.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> My first name is Frank, middle initial "A", last name
>>>>>>>>>>>>> starts with "B" and I posted my Corporate name months ago.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> If you knew what you were doing you could find me in a pair
>>>>>>>>>>>>> of seconds.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> But, you're not that bright.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> In fact you're downright stupid!...LOL!
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks for playing!!!
>>>>>>>>>>>> I didn't think you would post your full name, address and
>>>>>>>>>>>> phone number and, of course, I was right.
>>>>>>>>>>> You're too stupid to find it right?
>>>>>>>>>>> Figures!
>>>>>>>>>> I don't believe you...
>>>>>>>>> So you don't know how to use google huh?
>>>>>>>>> Figures.
>>>>>>>>> and don't see the need to go on a wild goose chase.
>>>>>>>>> Something you're good at!
>>>>>>>>>> You claim I'm a coward because I won't post my name, address
>>>>>>>>>> and phone number yet you won't either.
>>>>>>>>> "Either"?
>>>>>>>>> Liar!
>>>>>>>>> That makes you a hypocrite, something you
>>>>>>>>>> seem to excel at.
>>>>>>>>> Keep dancing, you just might make it to YouTube!...LOL!
>>>>>>>> You're the one doing the back pedal two step and tripping all
>>>>>>>> over your two left feet, not me, chum.
>>>>>>> Dream on mr liar!
>>>>>>> You dance for me. You come when I call. When I say jump, you ask
>>>>>>> "how high".
>>>>>>> IOW's, you are one of my little Pavlovian dogs, dog!...LOL!
>>>>>> There you go again, treating everyone to your twisted imagination.
>>>>>> No one dances for you, Frank, no one.
>>>>>> Alias
>>>>> hehehe...then why are you responding to me, mr liar, mr troll!...LOL!
>>>>> Loser!
>>>> No one dances for you, Frank, no one. In fact if you died today, no
>>>> one would care.
>>>> Alias
>>> Damn! You can't stop responding to me nor dancing for me!...LOL!
>>> What a loser you are!

>> You responded first, bait eater.

> Fukkin Liar! You responded to me. I first posted in this thread on the
> 8/16, you sheep-fukker, responded to my post on 8/17!
> You are a known and admitted liar, thief, spamming linux troll and a
> bigoted atheist asshole loser.
> Loser!

LOL! You sure scarfed up this bait like a mindless dog.

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