Re: I Am A God



fb <aliasis@sheep-fukkin.babba> wrote in news:g8nfp8$9i2$

>>>>So you lack the intelligence to realize that that post wasn't from
>>>>AA.....or you just like to perpetuate the incredibly stupid posting

>> that
>>>>goes on here ?
>>>No need to do that. You have that down pretty good slick.

>> Hardly !!!!
>> Here's some facts, if you can differentiate a fact....from an
>> accusation, outright lies, and plain defamation.
>> Looks like Frank far surpasses everyone else.

> I guess counting correctly isn't one of your forte is it?
> alias 1304
> Frank 1072
> Hahahaha...LOL!


Frank 1072 +
fb 1050 +
FAB 108
total 2230

vs 1304 for Alias

What's next, claiming you aren't fb and FAB.

So, yes, you get the prize for the most worthless posts in m.p.w.v.g

>> XanaNews Statistic for
>> 8/22/2008 4:48:20 PM
>> From article 340788 (5/16/2008 12:12:35 AM) to article 383474
>> (8/22/2008 4:43:41 PM)
>> Number of threads ................... 4561
>> Number of articles .................. 29084
>> Average articles per thread ......... 6.38
>> Number of unanswered posts .......... 900
>> Number of posts from XanaNews users .. 27
>> Top Posters
>> Ranking Articles Name
>> ------- -------- ----------------------------
>> 1 1304 Alias
>> 2 1072 Frank
>> 3 1050 fb
>> 4 922 Ringmaster
>> 5 766 Bill Yanaire
>> 6 564 Colin Barnhorst
>> 7 530 Nonny
>> 8 413 Hobbes
>> 9 401 Mark L. Ferguson
>> 10 387 Paul Montgomery
>> 11 381 measekite
>> 12 338 Moshe Goldfarb.
>> ...
>> 27 174 DanS



DanS wrote:
> fb <aliasis@sheep-fukkin.babba> wrote in news:g8nfp8$9i2$
>>>>>So you lack the intelligence to realize that that post wasn't from
>>>>>AA.....or you just like to perpetuate the incredibly stupid posting
>>>>>goes on here ?
>>>>No need to do that. You have that down pretty good slick.
>>>Hardly !!!!
>>>Here's some facts, if you can differentiate a fact....from an
>>>accusation, outright lies, and plain defamation.
>>>Looks like Frank far surpasses everyone else.

>>I guess counting correctly isn't one of your forte is it?
>>alias 1304
>>Frank 1072

> Well....
> Frank 1072 +
> fb 1050 +
> FAB 108
> ------------
> total 2230
> vs 1304 for Alias
> What's next, claiming you aren't fb and FAB.
> So, yes, you get the prize for the most worthless posts in m.p.w.v.g

So, you're now correcting yourself dan-o?
More your worthless posting huh?

>>>XanaNews Statistic for
>>>8/22/2008 4:48:20 PM
>>>From article 340788 (5/16/2008 12:12:35 AM) to article 383474
>>>(8/22/2008 4:43:41 PM)
>>>Number of threads ................... 4561
>>>Number of articles .................. 29084
>>>Average articles per thread ......... 6.38
>>>Number of unanswered posts .......... 900
>>>Number of posts from XanaNews users .. 27
>>>Top Posters
>>>Ranking Articles Name
>>>------- -------- ----------------------------
>>> 1 1304 Alias
>>> 2 1072 Frank
>>> 3 1050 fb
>>> 4 922 Ringmaster
>>> 5 766 Bill Yanaire
>>> 6 564 Colin Barnhorst
>>> 7 530 Nonny
>>> 8 413 Hobbes
>>> 9 401 Mark L. Ferguson
>>> 10 387 Paul Montgomery
>>> 11 381 measekite
>>> 12 338 Moshe Goldfarb.
>>> ...
>>> 27 174 DanS




Dan-o, Frank's ass licker #2 wrote:


Well dan-o, it appears that if I were to suddenly stop, you'd have a
brown, broken nose.
Or has that already happened?

Oh and btw, you're now my #2 ass licker and that cock-sucking PIG, adam
not-so-bright is my #1 ass licker.
But [sic], keep trying, #1 is obtainable!...LOL!


Frank <> wrote in news:OnW#9zNBJHA.1012

> Dan-o, Frank's ass licker #2 wrote:
> ---------------------------------------
> Well dan-o, it appears that if I were to suddenly stop, you'd have a
> brown, broken nose.

I was going to predict you'd say that, but then you wouldn't. You are so

Besdies, you only have about 10 or 15 insults that you constantly after day, week after week, posts after post.

> Or has that already happened?
> Oh and btw, you're now my #2 ass licker and that cock-sucking PIG, adam
> not-so-bright is my #1 ass licker.
> But [sic], keep trying, #1 is obtainable!...LOL!

So you like to have your a** licked. You really do have a fascination
with a**es, as you claim to own so many of them. There there, the first
step in recovery is admitting that you do have a problem. Times have
changed you know, it's OK if you want to come out the closet now. It must
have been really hard for you living a lie for decades.

I know...the truth hurts, but don't worry, a few hundred visits to Adam
Albright's Psychiatrist, and maybe you will be able to re-adjust and
finally be able to happily live the rest of your life not having to
repress who you really are.


DanS wrote:
> Frank <> wrote in news:OnW#9zNBJHA.1012
> @TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl:
>>Dan-o, Frank's ass licker #2 wrote:
>>Well dan-o, it appears that if I were to suddenly stop, you'd have a
>>brown, broken nose.

> I was going to predict you'd say that, but then you wouldn't. You are so
> predictable.

Broken, brown nose huh? I was going to predict that. You're so predictable.
> Besdies, you only have about 10 or 15 insults that you constantly
> after day, week after week, posts after post.

Yeah, kicking the asses, day in and day out is boring.
>>Or has that already happened?
>>Oh and btw, you're now my #2 ass licker and that cock-sucking PIG, adam
>>not-so-bright is my #1 ass licker.
>>But [sic], keep trying, #1 is obtainable!...LOL!

> So you like to have your a** licked.

Figuratively speaking...if you know what I mean!...LOL!

You really do have a fascination
> with a**es, as you claim to own so many of them.

Unfortunately, that is true.

There there, the first
> step in recovery is admitting that you do have a problem.

Problem? Not my problem pal.

Times have
> changed you know, it's OK if you want to come out the closet now.

It must
> have been really hard for you living a lie for decades.

"Closet"? I'm not in any closet. Is that where you are? So you've been
in a closet for decades living a lie?
How terrible! Get some help. Getting your nose out my ass would be my
first suggestion. OTH, if you like have it there...well...whatever
floats your boat.
> I know...the truth hurts, but don't worry, a few hundred visits to Adam
> Albright's Psychiatrist, and maybe you will be able to re-adjust and
> finally be able to happily live the rest of your life not having to
> repress who you really are.

It that the therapy you've tried? Too bad it apparently didn't work.
Oh goes on!...LOL!

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