Keyboard and mouse disabled in safe mode



I installed Registry Mechanic and ran the Compact Registry function but when
it restarts it hangs. The advice is to restart in safe mode and double ckick
are particular file in the application to trick it into thinking its run.

This has worked once but now that I've tried to run the compact regisrty
again I can't get to Safe mode as the keyboard is not active when I get to
the Windows Startup menu. If I trick it to default to safe mode by crashing
the Windoes load the keyboard is still not active at the Startup menu and the
mouse is inactive if I get to Safe Mode.

How can I get into Safe Mode and have an active keyboard and mouse ?

Brian A.

"petfit" <> wrote in message
>I installed Registry Mechanic and ran the Compact Registry function but when
> it restarts it hangs. The advice is to restart in safe mode and double ckick
> are particular file in the application to trick it into thinking its run.
> This has worked once but now that I've tried to run the compact regisrty
> again I can't get to Safe mode as the keyboard is not active when I get to
> the Windows Startup menu. If I trick it to default to safe mode by crashing
> the Windoes load the keyboard is still not active at the Startup menu and the
> mouse is inactive if I get to Safe Mode.
> How can I get into Safe Mode and have an active keyboard and mouse ?

Have you tried booting to DOS and attempt to restore the registry to an
earlier date than when the issue started?
In DOS at the prompt type the below command and press Enter:
scanreg /restore

Select a date prior to the problem and follow the prompts.
If your machine is restored to the functionality of before the issue, stop using
registry cleaners without having a full knowledge of what the consequences are
when using one.


Brian A. Sesko { MS MVP_Windows Desktop User Experience }
Conflicts start where information lacks.

Suggested posting do's/don'ts:
How to ask a question:

On Sun, 24 Aug 2008 16:58:00 -0700, petfit
<> wrote:

>I installed Registry Mechanic and ran the Compact Registry function but when
>it restarts it hangs. The advice is to restart in safe mode and double ckick
>are particular file in the application to trick it into thinking its run.
>This has worked once but now that I've tried to run the compact regisrty
>again I can't get to Safe mode as the keyboard is not active when I get to
>the Windows Startup menu. If I trick it to default to safe mode by crashing
>the Windoes load the keyboard is still not active at the Startup menu and the
>mouse is inactive if I get to Safe Mode.
>How can I get into Safe Mode and have an active keyboard and mouse ?

You didn't mention what type of keyboard/mouse.
Is it USB? I dont thing USB ports work from Dos mode, and I'm
thinking that safe mode is pretty much the same as dos mode in Win9.x.
also know for fact that my optical mouse does not work in dos, so I
have to plug in a ball mouse.

If you have USB keyb/mse just borrow an old standard keyb amd mse.

If not, I cant help.

Gary S. Terhune

1. Let that be a lesson to you. ALL Registry tools are dangerous as can be.
Without exception. Pure garbage and/or scams.

2. If you can't get into a Command Prompt Only from the Startup Menu, then
if you don't already have one, get the appropriate Startup floppy disk
(Emergency Boot Disk) from Run the EXE to
create the floppy, or create a CD ISO that burn to CD using your burning

3. Boot to the Startup disk, CDROM Support is not needed. Then run:
attrib -s -h -r msdos.sys
edit msdos.sys

Change this line, BootGUI=1 to BootGUI=0, then Alt-F-S to Save, then Alt-F-X
to Exit. Then run:

attrib +r +h +s msdos.sys

Remove the floppy and restart. It should go directly to a C:\> prompt.
First, protect what you few Registry backups you have by copying them to a
different location, because when you restore one, the oldest one remaining
disappears. So, at the C:\> prompt:

md regback
copy c:\windows\sysbckup\rb*.cab c:\regback
scanreg /restore

Choose the Registry to restore by date, not by filename. When you're done,
go back and re-edit MSDOS.SYS to the way it was before: BootGUI=1. Make sure
you reset the attributes, and do so exactly as written.

If for some reason your backups are very old, then don't bother. Just
reinstall Windows over the top of itself (overinstall), pray a lot, and if
that works, get your personal files saved off, then reformat and reinstall a
completely new copy. You won't want the mess that results from an

Gary S. Terhune
MS-MVP Shell/User

"petfit" <> wrote in message
>I installed Registry Mechanic and ran the Compact Registry function but
> it restarts it hangs. The advice is to restart in safe mode and double
> ckick
> are particular file in the application to trick it into thinking its run.
> This has worked once but now that I've tried to run the compact regisrty
> again I can't get to Safe mode as the keyboard is not active when I get to
> the Windows Startup menu. If I trick it to default to safe mode by
> crashing
> the Windoes load the keyboard is still not active at the Startup menu and
> the
> mouse is inactive if I get to Safe Mode.
> How can I get into Safe Mode and have an active keyboard and mouse ?

Ben Myers

"petfit" <> wrote in message
> I installed Registry Mechanic and ran the Compact Registry function but when
> it restarts it hangs. The advice is to restart in safe mode and double ckick
> are particular file in the application to trick it into thinking its run.
> This has worked once but now that I've tried to run the compact regisrty
> again I can't get to Safe mode as the keyboard is not active when I get to
> the Windows Startup menu. If I trick it to default to safe mode by crashing
> the Windoes load the keyboard is still not active at the Startup menu and the
> mouse is inactive if I get to Safe Mode.
> How can I get into Safe Mode and have an active keyboard and mouse ?

As mentioned by another poster, try starting the computer with a boot

Also, if the mouse and keyboard use PS/2 connectors, check to see if
they somehow got switched.

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