Administrators AWS Posted March 7, 2013 Administrators Posted March 7, 2013 I am running win7 home premium. This update installs repeatedly - it says successfully, after a reboot - but then it comes up again for install.I tried the .net framework profile repair suggested here"but that did not help. It seemed a little better - after rebooting, it no longer showed the "apply updates and shutdown" option in the start menu - but it still wanted to re-apply. I tried this procedure twice, rebooting each time. One quirk: it says "Click Restart Now to restart your computer." - mine did not give me this option, so I did the restart myself - actually, once I did a restart, and once I did the "apply updates and shutdown.I called into microsoft support - case # 1199149199 - and the tech tried to convince me this was normal - that this update installs repeatedly.I would try resolution 1 - Fix MSI software update registration corruption issues - but this page says it does not apply to win7: help would be appreciated.ThanksDan View this thread
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