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When playing games, I sometimes can only go so far and then I have problems. Was told it could be a security issue. I already have the security software they suggested. In doing some trouble shooting since I have been having various other problems when

I play games I found I had 3 drivers not functioning. Troubleshooting suggesting that they be reinstalled. I don't know much about computers but I do know to reinstall you must first uninstall. So I did. Now I have no clue where to find them!!!! or how to

reinstall!!!! I wrote down the info when it is needed luckily.

WildTangent Games asked me to run a report and suggested I install a driver called a AMD catalyst Radeon H7D. I did but that's when I got code 52. I ran some fixes on my computer and now I don't even see it anymore.

Some of the other gaming issues I was having are, not being able to get into a game once downloaded, getting kicked out, cursor stops working part way through game, sound fades in and out, screen slows down. Occasionally when I close out I get an error

message but I don't have list of those any more. I have a HP computer only 2 yrs old SN #MXX1300GRG Prod#QN640AA#ABA Please help !!!!


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