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Error 800b0001 over and over - tried fix-its and hotfix with no results

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When I check for windows updates on my Windows 7 x64 it gives me a message that says &quotTo check for updates, you must first install an update for Windows Update. Your automatic updating settings will not change.&quot Then I hit Install Now and it gives me &quotWindows

could not search for new updates. An error occured while checking for new updates for your computer. Error Code 800B0001 Windows Update encountered an unknown error.&quot I tried using the Microsoft Fix-it in the windows update help AS WELL as the separate one

from the microsoft website, however, neither one has worked. They say that there were errors and that the program fixed them, but then it still doesn't work and I get the same messages. I tried installing the Hotfix for windows update, however it says successfully

installed, however once again I get the same messages.


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