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Microsoft Windows Bulletin Board

RE: Microsoft .NET Framework version 1.1

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Since Aug. 15, 2007, WIN XP SP2 has been trying to install the security

update for Microsoft.Net Framework Version 1.1, Service Pack1. Whenever my

computer is shut down, it supposedly installs update 1.1. Whenever it

downloads the above security update & installs it, it says the install

failed. I expect this procedure to continue forever until Microsoft provides

an undate that will correct the situation. On the other hand, deleting

Windows XP & installing a different operating system would also get rid of

the problem but personally I'm not ready for that drastic?!! measure yet.

Overall, it looks like with this kind of forum thing, Microsoft has

abandoned its customers by saying, "Help Yourselves! although you didn't

write the program, you should know how to fix it!!! So good luck everyone."


"Twistid" wrote:

> When running Microsoft Update the Microsoft .NET Framework version 1.1 update

> keeps repeatedly showing up. I've tried installing it the first time and then

> removing it (through Add/Remove Programs) and installing it again but it

> still repeatedly shows up. In case it matters my OS is Windows XP

> Professional Service Pack 2.


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NetUser wrote:

> Since Aug. 15, 2007, WIN XP SP2 has been trying to install the security

> update for Microsoft.Net Framework Version 1.1, Service Pack1. Whenever

> my

> computer is shut down, it supposedly installs update 1.1. Whenever it

> downloads the above security update & installs it, it says the install

> failed. I expect this procedure to continue forever until Microsoft

> provides an undate that will correct the situation. On the other hand,

> deleting Windows XP & installing a different operating system would also

> get rid of the problem but personally I'm not ready for that drastic?!!

> measure yet. Overall, it looks like with this kind of forum thing,

> Microsoft has abandoned its customers by saying, "Help Yourselves!

> although you didn't write the program, you should know how to fix it!!!

> So

> good luck everyone."


> "Twistid" wrote:


>> When running Microsoft Update the Microsoft .NET Framework version 1.1

>> update keeps repeatedly showing up. I've tried installing it the first

>> time and then removing it (through Add/Remove Programs) and installing it

>> again but it still repeatedly shows up. In case it matters my OS is

>> Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2.

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