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How to get past grayed out "changed settings" for automatic updating in Windows 7?

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I have Win 7 Home Premium which has had updates set to automatic and that has worked fine ...... until a few weeks ago. Now it's set on the "notify me and let me decide" option for all updates and the Change Settings bar is grayed out (not functional)

such that "notify me" is the only way updating will work. There is a banner heading the page which says some setting options have been fixed or removed by the system administrator. I'm the only user of the machine and have the account that identifies me

as the system administrator, under which I log in all the time, but .... still no access to Change Settings bar. I still take care of the updates, but would like to get back to it being automatic. How can I get rid of (or bypass) this system administrator

blockade and activate change settings again? Thanks!


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