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Why am I often getting a double gg and double hh from my keyboard since I updated from Vista to Win

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I had no double hh and double gg problem before updating with Windows 8.

Also when backspace to delete one the hh or gg the backspace does not work to delete, unless I jump over the first hh or gg and delete the one on the left side.


It happens on my Gmail and in Office 2010 and on blog sites.

As I write here now sometimes the h does not come onto screen. good ere and ood ere and there oood and here and good there and here good good good good here here here ood here here ood.


Tech's you can see there where the is not comin up as I write ere. There te did not come up. twice tere, no 3 times. The is sometimes missing also.


Please assist.


I am involved with marine researc and humanitarian assistance to do wit seafood depletion linked malnutrition and I need my PC.


Thanks in anticipation,


John C Fairfax

*** Email address is removed for privacy ***



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