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Microsoft Update is refusing to run via Internet Explorer.


I seem to encounter two different errors, and there seems to be no pattern as to which error shows up where or when or why.


One is 0x800A138F: The website has encountered a problem and cannot display the page you are trying to view.


I can't remember exactly what the other one was or said, but it was similar.


Solutions I have tried thus far:

- restarted computer, internet, etc.

- added both Windows Update and Microsoft Update to the Trusted Sites (I did this years ago)

- reset both the Trusted Sites and the Internet zone settings

- ran Microsoft Fix-It from here: http://support.microsoft.com/mats/windows_update/en-us

- attempted to run the windowsupdate.diagcab tool from here: http://support.microsoft.com/gp/windows-update-issues?wa=wsignin1.0


As with numerous other users in this forum, I can not run that .diagcab file. Looking at the numerous posts about this file, no one has yet solved anything. It seems Microsoft has yet to recognize or acknowledge that they're providing a tool that is unuseable. I

hope I've provided enough information here to lead to a resolution. I also sent a report through the Fix-It tool when it did not change anything.



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