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Laptop windows 7 frozen at pleAse do not power off ...installing update 5 of 6

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I have a gateway nv57h44u laptop with windows 7. A month or so ago I switched to Firefox because things were slowing and freezing sometimes. This helped immensely. Don't know what info matters, but I didn't remove program for explorer in control panel.

Tonight I turned it to shut off and it started adding some updates. I left it on and went to do something. Eventually I noticed scene was dark and closed cover. Later I turned it on and it said do not disconnect as on update 5 of 6 updates. It kept that

on there for over 30 min. With a little circle moving around in circle and no other activity. I finally closed and left off a while and same happened. The next time after waiting another 30 min at least, I disconnected Internet modem so it would reset and

also the router. I keep laptop pluged in with wirelines joining all these pieces for security instead of using it wireless. It still did the same thing when I turned it on. I feel sure it is not connected to the Internet. The message to not disconnect etc.

comes on immediately and I have no chance to open in safe mode or anything. I tried cult alt delete and several other buttons that I don't know what they do and nothing. The only thing I saw that might have been different was the .. At the end of the statement

moved around a little in a pattern. Help! I am now on my I pad and if this is going to be typical then you and I have a problem! You being Microsoft. This laptop has been used less than I usually use computers and doesn,t have a lot of extra programs etc.

It evidently wasn 't through with updates when I initially closed it. I noticed after 5-10 min. It turns black screen and I had forgotten that if I'd noticed before. Pardon capital letters a couple of places they don't belong. Apple adds them trying to correct



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