Administrators AWS Posted April 22, 2013 Administrators Posted April 22, 2013 Ok, so I have tried literally 100 times to install Windows Service Pack 1 (KB976932). I have Windows 7 Home Premium. ( if the photo looks choopy click it to enlarge) As you can see I DO NOT have anything telling me what type of service pack I have installed onto my computer. I do not know why there isn't anything showing there. I did talk to tech support and they told me that my computert is customed (I wasn't aware of this. I bought it when I was 16). It's driver's and such are manufactured by Toshiba and Intel. So I decided not to take the risk of upgrading my drivers.Simpky cause I do not know what I am doing, and I do not want to take the risk of getting an error code and ending up with more problem than what i started off with. But I really don't think I would have to upgrade them. Especially since I do all of my Windows updates. Anywho, I have read countless of forums and such about W7 SP1 and I've tried all possible solutions. NO luck. Yes all the rest of my udates have been installed. Only one that will not install is W7 SP1. I continue to recieve error code 8024200d. I later found out that this error message means that I am missing some files that go along with the service pack. I do not know which ones they are, nor do I know how to find out where to download them and find which ones I do need. However, I check the windows update system constantly to see if any other patches are needed to be installed. None shows except for that darn W7 SP1 (KB976932). I've tried the all the troubleshooters offered by Windows but none have helped. Only one that I have not tried was the System Update Readiness Tool. That's only because it will not download for some reason. I would really love some extreme help with this. I've been trying solution after solution for the past 2 months. NOTHING has worked. I can't update my internet explorer without the SP1 or play The Sims 3 without it. Please help me. View this thread
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