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And, that's funny. I have had this copy for quite some time now and IT IS genuine. It has updated in the past. Just the last few days it is acting up.


So, I sought Microsoft's tech support help. After spending a whole day with the guy, who had access to my computer (I gave him access), he looked into every which way and came up with nothing. Now, I do not have a W7 - 64bit update. I do not even know

if updates are important. I guess it is.

Microsoft Tech support, even verified the serial # of my copy of W7 and satisfied itself of its genuineness.

The tech guy suggested that I reformat and reinstall. No sireee, that's not a good solution. The tech guy just wanted to take a easy way out. That was not one of the options I would go for.


I would like to ask the forum if any of you know a fix for this problem.


1. Are updates necessary?

2. Why a genuine - paid for copy of w7 - will refuse to update? Virus maybe? I have AV software running in the background. Plus MS silverlight,


I would appreciate any help I can get.


Thanks in advance.



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