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Password generator?

Guest info@wurstkonverter.de

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Guest info@wurstkonverter.de

Can anyone tell me a PW-generator, which creates PWs not crackable with

brute force?

Guest S. Pidgorny

None exist.



Svyatoslav Pidgorny, MS MVP - Security, MCSE

-= F1 is the key =-


* http://sl.mvps.org * http://msmvps.com/blogs/sp *


<info@wurstkonverter.de> wrote in message


> Can anyone tell me a PW-generator, which creates PWs not crackable with

> brute force?


Guest Florian Frommherz [MVP]



info@wurstkonverter.de schrieb:

> Can anyone tell me a PW-generator, which creates PWs not crackable with

> brute force?


Like Slav answered before, there isn't. Try teaching your users (or

yourself) using "passphrases" - sentences that are actual passwords -

using all kinds of characters like ,.#! and things of that nature. The

longer those sentences/passwords are, the harder to crack (=more

time/resources) they are.






Microsoft MVP - Windows Server - Group Policy.

eMail: prename [at] frickelsoft [dot] net.

blog: http://www.frickelsoft.net/blog.

Guest Richard Urban

Brute force can crack any password, given the time and resources.







Richard Urban

Microsoft MVP Windows Shell/User

(For email, remove the obvious from my address)




<info@wurstkonverter.de> wrote in message


> Can anyone tell me a PW-generator, which creates PWs not crackable with

> brute force?


Guest S. Pidgorny

There's just one other thing: computer cannot determine "crackability" of a

password better than a human.


So if you believe that your password or passphrase is strong (while being

aware of existing brute force techniques) - it probably is. My smart card is

better anyway :)



Svyatoslav Pidgorny, MS MVP - Security, MCSE

-= F1 is the key =-


* http://sl.mvps.org * http://msmvps.com/blogs/sp *


"Florian Frommherz [MVP]" <florian@PLEASELEAVETHISOUT.frickelsoft.net> wrote

in message news:u608aRJxHHA.736@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...

> Howdie!


> info@wurstkonverter.de schrieb:

>> Can anyone tell me a PW-generator, which creates PWs not crackable with

>> brute force?


> Like Slav answered before, there isn't. Try teaching your users (or

> yourself) using "passphrases" - sentences that are actual passwords -

> using all kinds of characters like ,.#! and things of that nature. The

> longer those sentences/passwords are, the harder to crack (=more

> time/resources) they are.


> cheers,


> Florian

> --

> Microsoft MVP - Windows Server - Group Policy.

> eMail: prename [at] frickelsoft [dot] net.

> blog: http://www.frickelsoft.net/blog.

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