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using bat to block websites?

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Guest Kim K

Is it possible for me to include in a logon.bat websites that I want to block

access to? If so can someone please send me a script on how I would do this

so I can include this in my logon? I want to block access for students to

use free email accounts in the classroom.




Guest Florian Frommherz [MVP]



Kim K schrieb:

> Is it possible for me to include in a logon.bat websites that I want to block

> access to? If so can someone please send me a script on how I would do this

> so I can include this in my logon? I want to block access for students to

> use free email accounts in the classroom.


Get yourself a proxy server. Squid is worth a look (free) - or

Microsoft's ISA Server, if you're into Active Directory integration. If

you *really* want to block access to certain websites and it is relevant

for your business workflows or whatever, you should not think about a

batch script that does this (if there even is such a thing). You should

think about a central solution like a proxy where all access to the

internet/other networks is handled instead of touching or messing around

with each client.


Just my 2 cents






Microsoft MVP - Windows Server - Group Policy.

eMail: prename [at] frickelsoft [dot] net.

blog: http://www.frickelsoft.net/blog.

Guest Michael Bednarek

On Mon, 16 Jul 2007 07:32:08 -0700, Kim K wrote in


>Is it possible for me to include in a logon.bat websites that I want to block

>access to? If so can someone please send me a script on how I would do this

>so I can include this in my logon? I want to block access for students to

>use free email accounts in the classroom.


I agree with Florian's comments. However, strictly answering your

question, this may get you started:

ECHO youtube.com >>%SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts


Note that the location of "hosts" is not fixed but specified in the

registry(1) - it could be somewhere else it's very easy for a

determined user to defeat this method.


1) HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\DataBasePath



Michael Bednarek http://mbednarek.com/ "POST NO BILLS"

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