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***Spam*** Microsoft Tips and Tricks for beginners

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Guest Peter Foldes




Please Reply to Newsgroup for the benefit of others

Requests for assistance by email can not and will not be acknowledged.

Guest James Matthews

Spoken Like a true Microsoft fan :-) I bet Redmond would love to hire you!

LOL But in all sincerity when you make Usenet so available to the public

then you are putting it in front of idiots and spammers also





"David H. Lipman" <DLipman~nospam~@Verizon.Net> wrote in message


> From: "Peter Foldes" <okf22@hotmail.com>


> |


> Google !


> Google is the *BIGGEST* problem with Usenet Today!


> --

> Dave

> http://www.claymania.com/removal-trojan-adware.html

> http://www.ik-cs.com/got-a-virus.htm




Guest David H. Lipman

From: "James Matthews" <jamesmatt18@gmail.com>


| Spoken Like a true Microsoft fan :-) I bet Redmond would love to hire you!

| LOL But in all sincerity when you make Usenet so available to the public

| then you are putting it in front of idiots and spammers also



But Google can cancel the accounts used for spam. They aren't.

Google can use the content filter that they purchased to deal with Grossi spam. They



Google sucks !






Guest James Matthews

Recently spammers have gotten savvy and defeated the image verification

protections on services like gmail,yahoo-mail and hotmail. Now they are

sending spam straight from these emails... I can assume that they are over

there head in dealing with this...


Now we all know that Google and Msoft aren't best friends... They don't care

about people spamming msofts news servers..






"David H. Lipman" <DLipman~nospam~@Verizon.Net> wrote in message


> From: "James Matthews" <jamesmatt18@gmail.com>


> | Spoken Like a true Microsoft fan :-) I bet Redmond would love to hire

> you!

> | LOL But in all sincerity when you make Usenet so available to the public

> | then you are putting it in front of idiots and spammers also

> |


> But Google can cancel the accounts used for spam. They aren't.

> Google can use the content filter that they purchased to deal with Grossi

> spam. They

> aren't.


> Google sucks !


> --

> Dave

> http://www.claymania.com/removal-trojan-adware.html

> http://www.ik-cs.com/got-a-virus.htm



Guest David H. Lipman

From: "James Matthews" <jamesmatt18@gmail.com>


| Recently spammers have gotten savvy and defeated the image verification

| protections on services like gmail,yahoo-mail and hotmail. Now they are

| sending spam straight from these emails... I can assume that they are over

| there head in dealing with this...


| Now we all know that Google and Msoft aren't best friends... They don't care

| about people spamming msofts news servers..



It goes far beyond the Microsoft.* hierarchy.






Guest Cyberiade.it Anonymous Remailer

"David H. Lipman" <DLipman~nospam~@Verizon.Net> wrote:

>From: "James Matthews" <jamesmatt18@gmail.com>


>| Recently spammers have gotten savvy and defeated the image verification

>| protections on services like gmail,yahoo-mail and hotmail. Now they are

>| sending spam straight from these emails... I can assume that they are over

>| there head in dealing with this...


>| Now we all know that Google and Msoft aren't best friends... They don't care

>| about people spamming msofts news servers..



>It goes far beyond the Microsoft.* hierarchy.



The plague of Googlespam is over the top. Ironic that many complaints

about it, show up from users posting through googlegroups.com!


What complicates matters is the Google Groups archive search, because

they are a one-act pony, and their interface has been FUBAR again,

since June. This becomes obvious using the advanced search page. The

archived messages appear to be there, but the search mechanism for finding

them is broken.


And Groups isn't the only problem Google has been having, because there

have been loads of complaints about their regular search engine. But I

use other search engines, so I don't care if their regular Google search

works or not. Their Groups search is FUBAR, so why not let their ordinary

web search break down to the point of uselessness, while they're at it.


They should make book in Vegas on how long Groups will be FUBAR this time

around. I'd give 3:1 odds till November, but that may be optimistic.

Google Groups may be down forever.


I found this link useful for keeping tabs on the situation:




I hope Google Groups do make another come back, but it could be years

before they decide to put it back on line. Like a lot of people are saying

about Google, they can do anything they want, and there is nothing that

anyone outside of Google can do about it. They have become like Microsoft,

an international monopoly without competition.


I've been reading in other groups that googlegroups.com is getting the

UDP treatment in a lot of news reader filters, due to all the spam, and

because complaints to groups-abuse@google.com are totally useless. I have

not done that yet with my news filters, but I am tempted to, particularly

if they don't fix the Groups interface, and soon.


Do no evil. More like do as I say, not as I do. That should be their

corporate motto. And that goes for Google and Microsoft.

Guest David H. Lipman

From: "Cyberiade.it Anonymous Remailer" <anonymous@remailer.cyberiade.it>



| "David H. Lipman" <DLipman~nospam~@Verizon.Net> wrote:

>> From: "James Matthews" <jamesmatt18@gmail.com>


>|> Recently spammers have gotten savvy and defeated the image verification

>|> protections on services like gmail,yahoo-mail and hotmail. Now they are

>|> sending spam straight from these emails... I can assume that they are over

>|> there head in dealing with this...


>|> Now we all know that Google and Msoft aren't best friends... They don't care

>|> about people spamming msofts news servers..


>> It goes far beyond the Microsoft.* hierarchy.


| The plague of Googlespam is over the top. Ironic that many complaints

| about it, show up from users posting through googlegroups.com!


| What complicates matters is the Google Groups archive search, because

| they are a one-act pony, and their interface has been FUBAR again,

| since June. This becomes obvious using the advanced search page. The

| archived messages appear to be there, but the search mechanism for finding

| them is broken.


| And Groups isn't the only problem Google has been having, because there

| have been loads of complaints about their regular search engine. But I

| use other search engines, so I don't care if their regular Google search

| works or not. Their Groups search is FUBAR, so why not let their ordinary

| web search break down to the point of uselessness, while they're at it.


| They should make book in Vegas on how long Groups will be FUBAR this time

| around. I'd give 3:1 odds till November, but that may be optimistic.

| Google Groups may be down forever.


| I found this link useful for keeping tabs on the situation:





| I hope Google Groups do make another come back, but it could be years

| before they decide to put it back on line. Like a lot of people are saying

| about Google, they can do anything they want, and there is nothing that

| anyone outside of Google can do about it. They have become like Microsoft,

| an international monopoly without competition.


| I've been reading in other groups that googlegroups.com is getting the

| UDP treatment in a lot of news reader filters, due to all the spam, and

| because complaints to groups-abuse@google.com are totally useless. I have

| not done that yet with my news filters, but I am tempted to, particularly

| if they don't fix the Groups interface, and soon.


| Do no evil. More like do as I say, not as I do. That should be their

| corporate motto. And that goes for Google and Microsoft.



Thanx for the added info. I look into it further.


To add to this is BlogSpot. Blogger.Com used to kill any BlogSpot site that was found to

spam Usenet. It took a couple of weeks but the sites were killed. I even got an email from

Blogger thanking me and I was using support@blogger.com. Later, that email address was no

longer functional during a situation where compramised nodes in Canada were being used to

spam BlogSopts throughout Usenet. I then used abuse@blogger.com and a few days later that

address too became a dead email address.


Blogger is a division of Google. It seems to me that now Google is not only ignoring

complaints of spam but is tacitly allowing it. Maybe for Google adsense revenue.


Example: the almost daily Usenet spam for

hxxp:// windowsxpsp2pro .blogspot.com


Whatever the case, Google has become totally irresponsible and needs to be reigned in --








Guest The Gobbling Goblin

On 26 Jul 2007 16:49:19 +0200, Cyberiade.it Anonymous Remailer

<anonymous@remailer.cyberiade.it> wrote:

>Google Groups may be down forever.


fingers crossed.






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