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No solution to Update error 57E?

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Guest AndyF



I have been dealing with Windows Update and getting error code 57E now

for weeks. I am running Vista Ultimate 32 and though I have viewed what

I think is every post on Vistaheads regarding this error, nothing seems

to work - the error simply persists. I have shut down popup blockers,

and even my virus software and yet nothing I do allows these 5 updates

(for Office components) to get installed without producing error code



What is even more frustrating is that I cannot find anywhere on the Web

that translates what this error really means. Seems silly to have error

codes with no reference anywhere to tell a user what a given code like

this means. At least that would lead someone in some direction - but

even on MSDN there is no find on any search for Error Code 57E.


I am ready to give up and would like to know if there is a way to

simply "reject" updates. Can I get these off my system? I am convinced

they will never run, so what's the point? How does one get them out of

Windows update so I can just shutdown without this tiresome message that

updates are waiting each time I shutdown.


As well, can anyone suggest a way to get through to Microsoft?

Allegedly I have support for Vista, packaged with my new Dell machine,

but Dell wont help me, and MS does not seem to have any way to break

through the 'clutter' and just ask someone what this is all about.


Any help would be greatly appreciated. Normally I am an MS and Vista

supporter, but this problem is the worst I have dealt with in years -

just no way to make it all go away - and no solution to be found!









Posted via http://www.vistaheads.com

Guest MowGreen [MVP]

You can attempt to update the version of Office that is installed here:




Since you did not post which version of Office, please go here and enter

' error code 57E ' in the ' Help and How-to ' line, and then click




If no worthwhile hits turn up, click the ' Tailor results to the

Microsoft Office products you have installed ' link and enter the

specific Office products installed to refine the search. Hopefully, you

will at least be provided a clue or a link to further assistance after

doing so.

You could also try posting to this Office newsgroup for 'expert'

assistance :


Office Updates [web-based]



Office Updates [NNTP]



MowGreen [MVP 2003-2008]


*-343-* FDNY

Never Forgotten





AndyF wrote:

> Greetings...


> I have been dealing with Windows Update and getting error code 57E now

> for weeks. I am running Vista Ultimate 32 and though I have viewed what

> I think is every post on Vistaheads regarding this error, nothing seems

> to work - the error simply persists. I have shut down popup blockers,

> and even my virus software and yet nothing I do allows these 5 updates

> (for Office components) to get installed without producing error code

> 57E.


> What is even more frustrating is that I cannot find anywhere on the Web

> that translates what this error really means. Seems silly to have error

> codes with no reference anywhere to tell a user what a given code like

> this means. At least that would lead someone in some direction - but

> even on MSDN there is no find on any search for Error Code 57E.


> I am ready to give up and would like to know if there is a way to

> simply "reject" updates. Can I get these off my system? I am convinced

> they will never run, so what's the point? How does one get them out of

> Windows update so I can just shutdown without this tiresome message that

> updates are waiting each time I shutdown.


> As well, can anyone suggest a way to get through to Microsoft?

> Allegedly I have support for Vista, packaged with my new Dell machine,

> but Dell wont help me, and MS does not seem to have any way to break

> through the 'clutter' and just ask someone what this is all about.


> Any help would be greatly appreciated. Normally I am an MS and Vista

> supporter, but this problem is the worst I have dealt with in years -

> just no way to make it all go away - and no solution to be found!


> Thanks!


> AndyF



Guest Robert Aldwinckle

"AndyF" <AndyF.35s40h@no-mx.forums.vistaheads.com> wrote in message


> What is even more frustrating is that I cannot find anywhere on the Web

> that translates what this error really means. Seems silly to have error

> codes with no reference anywhere to tell a user what a given code like

> this means. At least that would lead someone in some direction - but

> even on MSDN there is no find on any search for Error Code 57E.



<cmd_output OS="XPsp2">

F:\>set /a c = 0x57E


F:\>net helpmsg %c%


Cannot create a top-level child window.



You can probably do that on your OS too... <eg>





Robert Aldwinckle


Guest AndyF



Thanks very much for the reply and I am sorry I neglected to list that

I am running Office 2003. I used a couple of your links and searched on

'Error Code 57E' but nothing relating to 57E comes up - just stuff

related to 'Error' and 'Code'. But I will follow your further

suggestions and see if I can crack this nut because I spoke with a

co-worker today and would'nt you know it - he is having the same

problem! Has to be some good reason and some work-around out there.

Just wish I had some idea of what I am dealing with - ya know, some

direction to go in.


None the less, I will persevere and if I learn anything I will post it

on VistaHeads as it seems a number of people run into this.


Again, many thanks to you for the reply!







Posted via http://www.vistaheads.com

Guest PA Bear [MS MVP]

You certainly have a little company:



Might be worth a go:



~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)

MS MVP-IE, Mail, Security, Windows Desktop Experience - since 2002

AumHa VSOP & Admin http://aumha.net

DTS-L http://dts-l.net/



AndyF wrote:

> MowGreen,


> Thanks very much for the reply and I am sorry I neglected to list that

> I am running Office 2003. I used a couple of your links and searched on

> 'Error Code 57E' but nothing relating to 57E comes up - just stuff

> related to 'Error' and 'Code'. But I will follow your further

> suggestions and see if I can crack this nut because I spoke with a

> co-worker today and would'nt you know it - he is having the same

> problem! Has to be some good reason and some work-around out there.

> Just wish I had some idea of what I am dealing with - ya know, some

> direction to go in.


> None the less, I will persevere and if I learn anything I will post it

> on VistaHeads as it seems a number of people run into this.


> Again, many thanks to you for the reply!


> AndyF

Guest AndyF

PA Bear...


Thanks for the info - I appreciate your time and reply. I saw an

earlier post of yours in which you suggest downloading the 2003 SP3

update and then it says "insert your 2007 CD" and I presumed that was a

typo - that you meant insert your 2003 CD...


I tried that pathway and found that I already had the SP3 update

installed but figured maybe a repair and then another try at these 5

2003 Security updates might do the trick. Unfortunately, they didnt...

Got the same thing - this pain in the neck 57E error.


Still, your links are helpful and ya, I guess I am not alone - it kind

of gives me a bit of hope and well, a sort of determination that

eventually someone is going to have the answer to this - so I will stick

with it and see what other posts come along. Surely someone somewhere

knows what this is all about.


Thanks again for the assist - this 57E will be a memorable one, but I

have renewed confidence that eventually someone is going to have the








Posted via http://www.vistaheads.com

Guest pinekatz

AndyF713959 Wrote:

> Greetings...


> I have been dealing with Windows Update and getting error code 57E now

> for weeks. I am running Vista Ultimate 32 and though I have viewed what

> I think is every post on Vistaheads regarding this error, nothing seems

> to work - the error simply persists. I have shut down popup blockers,

> and even my virus software and yet nothing I do allows these 5 updates

> (for Office components) to get installed without producing error code

> 57E.


> What is even more frustrating is that I cannot find anywhere on the Web

> that translates what this error really means. Seems silly to have error

> codes with no reference anywhere to tell a user what a given code like

> this means. At least that would lead someone in some direction - but

> even on MSDN there is no find on any search for Error Code 57E.


> I am ready to give up and would like to know if there is a way to

> simply "reject" updates. Can I get these off my system? I am convinced

> they will never run, so what's the point? How does one get them out of

> Windows update so I can just shutdown without this tiresome message that

> updates are waiting each time I shutdown.


> As well, can anyone suggest a way to get through to Microsoft?

> Allegedly I have support for Vista, packaged with my new Dell machine,

> but Dell wont help me, and MS does not seem to have any way to break

> through the 'clutter' and just ask someone what this is all about.


> Any help would be greatly appreciated. Normally I am an MS and Vista

> supporter, but this problem is the worst I have dealt with in years -

> just no way to make it all go away - and no solution to be found!


> Thanks!


> AndyF

Hi Andy

I have just joined Vistaheads hoping someone would have the answer to

exactly the problem you have.

You have my sympathy and will be watching this thread with great







Posted via http://www.vistaheads.com

Guest AndyF



Ah, yet another victim of error code 57E... Sorry to hear that, but

lets all stick together and see what comes up in the coming weeks about

this. As I said in a post to Evadiva a few minutes ago, I am arguing

with Dell right now to support what they sold me so maybe I can break

through and find out what this is exactly. I may even break down and

pay for MS support at some point because well, this is just driving me

crazy. I am now up to 8 updates that won't install, with this error a



If anyone comes up with the magic answer, lets use the web to help our

growing 'support group'.


Hang in there - surely we have to resolve this at some point (or hurl

Vista out the Windows ((no pun intended...))


- AndyF





Posted via http://www.vistaheads.com

Guest pinekatz




::Reference Code 57e::


::I have manually loaded all my windows updates as follows:::


::In “Windows Update” Window::

::Click on “View Update History”::

::Double-click on one of your failed updates.::

::Click on link under “More Information:”::

::This will take you to the Microsoft Download Centre and to the page

with your required download.::

::Click on “Download”::

::Click on “Run”::

::Do you want to install? “Yes”::

::Accept Agreement? “Yes”::


::Now the crunch!!::


::During installation you should get error Code 1406 : CLSID\{Fo…..}::

::Click “Ignore”::

::Error 1406 again?::

::Click “Ignore” again::


::Update should now install completely.::


::I am now working on fixing Code 1406 which has Resolutions on




::I believe the real villain is not 57e but 1406.::








Posted via http://www.vistaheads.com

Guest AndyF



You are the BEST! Your solution is IT! Finally, the dreaded 57E is

gone and all updates are installed! I REALLY appreciate your post and

advice. It took a while to get them done, but all the updates went

through. I will share your post elsewhere and give you full credit -

you really did the job on this one!


A couple notes you might add to your post... It appears that its the

Windows Vista security that does not allow the registry to be updated -

that is, as each one finished I noted that Windows Update didnt think

they finished until I rebooted (after doing all of them) - but after

that, yup, Vista is happy and says they all got done.


My deepest thanks for this bugger that has troubled me for weeks -

finally it is done and over and I will save your post locally just in

case this mess comes up again.


You are a real hero! Many many many thanks!








Posted via http://www.vistaheads.com

  • 1 month later...
Guest stedy67

pinekatz729971 Wrote:

> ::Hi::

> ::AndyF::


> ::Reference Code 57e::


> ::I have manually loaded all my windows updates as follows:::


> ::In “Windows Update” Window::

> ::Click on “View Update History”::

> ::Double-click on one of your failed updates.::

> ::Click on link under “More Information:”::

> ::This will take you to the Microsoft Download Centre and to the page

> with your required download.::

> ::Click on “Download”::

> ::Click on “Run”::

> ::Do you want to install? “Yes”::

> ::Accept Agreement? “Yes”::


> ::Now the crunch!!::


> ::During installation you should get error Code 1406 : CLSID\{Fo…..}::

> ::Click “Ignore”::

> ::Error 1406 again?::

> ::Click “Ignore” again::


> ::Update should now install completely.::


> ::I am now working on fixing Code 1406 which has Resolutions on

> ::'::http://www.http://support.microsoft.com/kb/838687::'

> (http://www.http/support.microsoft.com/kb/838687)


> ::I believe the real villain is not 57e but 1406.::


> ::Cheers::

> ::pinekatz::

Well done pinekatz, Thanks ,I looked everywhere before I spoted your

post seems silly microsoft don't have anything about this listed. with

regard to 1406 error it is a registry problem I experienced before on a

installation and am still waiting for a solution. If you have found a

way to resolve this I would realy apreciate any information you have , I

tried manualy changing the HKEYs but this just caused a system crash & I

had to use system restore , after that and trying every other solution I

could find (without sucsess) I thought it would be better to wait than

risk completly messing up the pc. Anyway thanks a million





Posted via http://www.vistaheads.com

Guest MowGreen [MVP]

stedy67 wrote:



> Well done pinekatz, Thanks ,I looked everywhere before I spoted your

> post seems silly microsoft don't have anything about this listed. with

> regard to 1406 error it is a registry problem I experienced before on a

> installation and am still waiting for a solution. If you have found a

> way to resolve this I would realy apreciate any information you have , I

> tried manualy changing the HKEYs but this just caused a system crash & I

> had to use system restore , after that and trying every other solution I

> could find (without sucsess) I thought it would be better to wait than

> risk completly messing up the pc. Anyway thanks a million




If you need assistance in finding and editing Perms on a reg subkey,

then post which update is causing the issue and which Version of Windows

is installed, please.


Our crystal balls are in the shop for Spring cleaning <w>


MowGreen [MVP 2003-2008]


*-343-* FDNY

Never Forgotten


Guest stedy67

Reply to MowGreen ,Thanks and sorry for the lack of info & I am sorry to

hear your "Balls needed a good clean" I have vista home premium , I must

first apologize for getting my error codes mixed up it wasn't 1406

although it does sound familiar for some strange reason. It was in fact

the following "Error 1904.Module

C:\Windows|system32\Macromed\Flash\Flash9d.ocx failed to register.

HRESULT -2147220473. contact your support" The error occurred during a

installation of the 4oD web player and I tried everything including

manually changing the registry keys & after contacting support at 4oD

and trying everything they suggested , I was informed that this was a

problem Microsoft and themselves were aware of ,and that they would

contact me when they had resolved it. I should imagine this is not one

of there priority's as I have not heard back from them for a couple of

months. I think it may be a problem with my laptop as I read somewhere

there may be a problem with one of the registry's its a Advent 9215

(which is a great little machine for the money). The 4oD player was

installing when run as administrator after overriding the error code

using the 'ignore' button .However when I selected 'streaming' I was

only getting audio & no video , this was not the case when 'downloading'

no problems were present . I originally thought it was something to do

with the flash player and have reinstalled that several times it seems

fine, (ie it plays back stuff from you tube etc), It does have a little

red cross next to it in the programs and features section & no matter

what I do this won't go. All other updates are going on fine yesterday

I was experiencing some difficulty's with Microsoft office 2003 updates

but after following pinekatz advise on just one the others loaded on

reboot ,The program runs fine on my main PC and my xp notepad ,To be

honest its not something I use that often just to catch up on 'skins' so

it doesn't really bother me but I do like things to work, and when they

don't I like to know why, so If you have any ideas I would really be

very grateful . Thanks for your post and I look forward to hearing back

from you or anyone who can help me resolve this issue.





Posted via http://www.vistaheads.com

Guest MowGreen [MVP]

LOL ... the .dll's registration failure may have something to do with

Vista's security and the manner in which the web player installs itself

or, the way it's certificate is signed.

Go here: http://www.adobe.com/go/tn_15507

That page will tell the Version of Flash that is installed.


I'm fairly certain that the Version installed is not the latest one as

the Flash.ocx should show as Flash9f.ocx.

Use the ' Windows Vista installation failure ' steps on this page and

see if that installs the latest Version of Flash:



MowGreen [MVP 2003-2008]


*-343-* FDNY

Never Forgotten





stedy67 wrote:

> Reply to MowGreen ,Thanks and sorry for the lack of info & I am sorry to

> hear your "Balls needed a good clean" I have vista home premium , I must

> first apologize for getting my error codes mixed up it wasn't 1406

> although it does sound familiar for some strange reason. It was in fact

> the following "Error 1904.Module

> C:\Windows|system32\Macromed\Flash\Flash9d.ocx failed to register.

> HRESULT -2147220473. contact your support" The error occurred during a

> installation of the 4oD web player and I tried everything including

> manually changing the registry keys & after contacting support at 4oD

> and trying everything they suggested , I was informed that this was a

> problem Microsoft and themselves were aware of ,and that they would

> contact me when they had resolved it. I should imagine this is not one

> of there priority's as I have not heard back from them for a couple of

> months. I think it may be a problem with my laptop as I read somewhere

> there may be a problem with one of the registry's its a Advent 9215

> (which is a great little machine for the money). The 4oD player was

> installing when run as administrator after overriding the error code

> using the 'ignore' button .However when I selected 'streaming' I was

> only getting audio & no video , this was not the case when 'downloading'

> no problems were present . I originally thought it was something to do

> with the flash player and have reinstalled that several times it seems

> fine, (ie it plays back stuff from you tube etc), It does have a little

> red cross next to it in the programs and features section & no matter

> what I do this won't go. All other updates are going on fine yesterday

> I was experiencing some difficulty's with Microsoft office 2003 updates

> but after following pinekatz advise on just one the others loaded on

> reboot ,The program runs fine on my main PC and my xp notepad ,To be

> honest its not something I use that often just to catch up on 'skins' so

> it doesn't really bother me but I do like things to work, and when they

> don't I like to know why, so If you have any ideas I would really be

> very grateful . Thanks for your post and I look forward to hearing back

> from you or anyone who can help me resolve this issue.



Guest stedy67

Thanks Mow, Unfortunatly things are never that simple my version of

flash is the latest version , Yesterday I notice that Adobe

are bringing out a new version of Flash player '10' in 'dodgy old beta

!' Maybe I will give that a go, All the best and thanks a lot for your

advise, hopefully I will get to the bottom of this soon & when I do I

will let you know how it was resolved . Oh yeah yesterday I heard back

from 4oD support ,they assured me themselves & microsoft were on the

case & hoped to have some news soon, I wonder If they picked up on the






Posted via http://www.vistaheads.com

Guest stedy67

Hello Mow,Update for you . I have installed Adobe flash 10 beta now with

no problems (yet),I can't see If it has resolved the 4oD issue as they

are updating their site currently & it can not be accessed, This brings

me back to the good old (& completly unrelated) problem of error1406 , I

knew I had experienced it and could not work out where, Later today I

was doing some IT coarse work & it reared its ugly head again whilst

trying to view a document I had previously saved (& renamed) It came up

whilst instaling a converter for microsoft office 2003 and is as

follows..."Error 1406 Set up cannot write the value to the registry key

\CSID\{13DE4-A42-8D21-4C8E-BF9C-8F69CB068FA) verify that you have

sufficient permissions to enter the registry ...contact microsoft

office support). So I ignored it, kept ignoring it & it finaly installed

but when I tried to open the document there was very little in it ,so I

just deleted it & re-saved the original document with the correct name &

everything was fine, So just to let you know that Error 1406 does seem

to crop up from time to time. Thanks for being there & bye.





Posted via http://www.vistaheads.com

Guest MowGreen [MVP]

It appears there's a Permissions issue. This is XP, correct ?


Error 1406 Set up cannot write the value to the registry key



Have you done a Find in the registry to see what the Perms are ?



MowGreen [MVP 2003-2008]


*-343-* FDNY

Never Forgotten




stedy67 wrote:

> Hello Mow,Update for you . I have installed Adobe flash 10 beta now with

> no problems (yet),I can't see If it has resolved the 4oD issue as they

> are updating their site currently & it can not be accessed, This brings

> me back to the good old (& completly unrelated) problem of error1406 , I

> knew I had experienced it and could not work out where, Later today I

> was doing some IT coarse work & it reared its ugly head again whilst

> trying to view a document I had previously saved (& renamed) It came up

> whilst instaling a converter for microsoft office 2003 and is as

> follows..."Error 1406 Set up cannot write the value to the registry key

> \CSID\{13DE4-A42-8D21-4C8E-BF9C-8F69CB068FA) verify that you have

> sufficient permissions to enter the registry ...contact microsoft

> office support). So I ignored it, kept ignoring it & it finaly installed

> but when I tried to open the document there was very little in it ,so I

> just deleted it & re-saved the original document with the correct name &

> everything was fine, So just to let you know that Error 1406 does seem

> to crop up from time to time. Thanks for being there & bye.



Guest stedy67

Hi Mow,Thanks for getting back to me . No its Vista Home Premium 32bit,

I'm no sure how to go about that yet as I'm just learning my way around

. Do you have any advise buddy?





Posted via http://www.vistaheads.com

Guest MowGreen [MVP]

Input regedit in the Start Search field and then click the Search button

*Right* click regedit and choose 'Run as administrator'

[ Don't have Vista installed, but the above *should* allow you to

edit the Permissions in the registry ]

Once the registry editor is open, click Edit, and then Find

In the Find what: field, enter


Click the Find Next button


When the first instance of 13DE4-A42-8D21-4C8E-BF9C-8F69CB068FA is

located, *right* click it's subkey and choose Permissions.


Make a note of all instances of 13DE4-A42-8D21-4C8E-BF9C-8F69CB068FA and

it's Perms.

* Post back with them, please *


After rereading the thread and seeing the problems you had editing the

registry previously, I'm very hesitant to blindly recommend reg edits

for you. Just provide the Perms and we'll proceed from there. <w>


MowGreen [MVP 2003-2008]


*-343-* FDNY

Never Forgotten





stedy67 wrote:

> Hi Mow,Thanks for getting back to me . No its Vista Home Premium 32bit,

> I'm no sure how to go about that yet as I'm just learning my way around

> Do you have any advise buddy?



Guest stedy67

Thanks for getting back to me, I followed the steps , & nothing came up

when I did the search .Unfortunatly I had previously let Mcafee Clean

the registry, & as I said I had deleted the file , I imagine that would

be why I couldn't find it. Thanks anyway Mow at least I know how to

find something in the registry now , If it crops up again I will let you

know. what the permisions are , You have been really helpfull and your

advise has been truly apreciated, hopefully we will talk again soon. Bye

& allthe best, Steve





Posted via http://www.vistaheads.com

Guest MowGreen [MVP]

stedy67 wrote:

> Thanks for getting back to me, I followed the steps , & nothing came up

> when I did the search .Unfortunatly I had previously let Mcafee Clean

> the registry, & as I said I had deleted the file , I imagine that would

> be why I couldn't find it. Thanks anyway Mow at least I know how to

> find something in the registry now , If it crops up again I will let you

> know. what the permisions are , You have been really helpfull and your

> advise has been truly apreciated, hopefully we will talk again soon. Bye

> & allthe best, Steve




You're mowst welcome.


MowGreen [MVP 2003-2008]


*-343-* FDNY

Never Forgotten


Guest frenchyinpaddyland

Hello pinekatz, read last night your post from 3/13/2008 about that famous

error code 57E and I tried your solution ..it worked like a dream...thank god

I took the time ..consuming to read everypost..but it paid off

thanks and every one should do the same ..try to read every post

...somewhere there is a solution from somebody even if it does not appear in

one's post

thanks again and good work


"pinekatz" wrote:


> ::Hi::

> ::AndyF::


> ::Reference Code 57e::


> ::I have manually loaded all my windows updates as follows:::


> ::In “Windows Update†Window::

> ::Click on “View Update Historyâ€::

> ::Double-click on one of your failed updates.::

> ::Click on link under “More Information:â€::

> ::This will take you to the Microsoft Download Centre and to the page

> with your required download.::

> ::Click on “Downloadâ€::

> ::Click on “Runâ€::

> ::Do you want to install? “Yesâ€::

> ::Accept Agreement? “Yesâ€::


> ::Now the crunch!!::


> ::During installation you should get error Code 1406 : CLSID\{Fo…..}::

> ::Click “Ignoreâ€::

> ::Error 1406 again?::

> ::Click “Ignore†again::


> ::Update should now install completely.::


> ::I am now working on fixing Code 1406 which has Resolutions on

> ::'::http://www.http://support.microsoft.com/kb/838687::'

> (http://www.http/support.microsoft.com/kb/838687)


> ::I believe the real villain is not 57e but 1406.::


> ::Cheers::

> ::pinekatz::



> --

> pinekatz

> Posted via http://www.vistaheads.com



  • 4 weeks later...
Guest chris49

Hy, could it be, that the 'error 57e':mad: is in hexadecimal?:confused:

Go and look for 'error 1406':) in the web and then u'll find different


greetings from switzerland





Posted via http://www.vistaheads.com

Guest David Boettger

FYI, hex 57E is equivalent to decimal 1406.


"pinekatz" wrote:


> ::I believe the real villain is not 57e but 1406.::


> ::Cheers::

> ::pinekatz::



> --

> pinekatz

> Posted via http://www.vistaheads.com



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