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Help with file permissions and ICACLS.EXE problem

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I'm getting desperate for help here. Yes, I am an MCSE but this is Vista and

Vista security does not act like any security before it.


Here's the problem: I have scanned the CD covers for my entire CD

collection and saved them as 480x480 pixel images named Folder.jpg in the

corresponding album folder. Windows Media Player 11 insists on resizing

those images to 200x200 pixels. There is nothing in Windows Media Player

that will stop this. Setting the read-only attribute also does not stop WMP

from destroying the album art.


My goal is to stop this behavior by setting the NTFS permissions. I've been

doing it for years with WMP 9 and WMP 10 in XP and Server 2003 but I can't

find a way that works with WMP 11 and Vista.


The end result should be that I can read the file but not write or delete

any file matching Folder*.jpg - technically Folder.jpg but the * is required

to make icacls.exe work on subfolders. No program running in my security

context or the SYSTEM security context should be able to write or delete the

file. Windows Media Player and I should be able to change the MP3 files or

other image files in the media library. The only thing blocked should be the

Folder.jpg files.


I use ICACLS.EXE to deny delete or write permissions:


icacls Folder*.jpg /deny Dale:(D) /T

icacls Folder*.jpg /deny Dale:W /T


As soon as I do one of the above (either one - I don't have to do both) I

cannot delete or write the file but I also cannot read the files. I check

the effective permissions in the security properties and every box is checked

for me except Full Control and Delete in the case of the first example above

and Full Control and all of the write associated permissions in the case of

the second example above. All indications are that I should be able to

access the files for reading.


If I reset the ACLs using:


icacl Folder*.jpg /reset /T


and then use the Security property tab in Windows Explorer to set the

permissions including deny write and deny delete, all works perfectly as

expected. The only problem with this solution is that I would have to

manually, one file at a time, set the permissions for thousands of files.


Does anyone have any help on how to do this with icacls or some other tool

by which I can set permissions en masse?







Dale Preston




Problem solved.


I gave up on ICACLS.EXE and went back to CACLS.EXE. I created an account to

give full control to so that I don't lose access to the files completely and

then I use CACLS to replace the current ACL and give my account and the

newly-created account access as follows::


CACLS Folder*.jpg /T /P Dale:R

CACLS Folder*.jpg /T /E /G AlbumArtAccount:F


Now I, and Windows Media Player when I am logged in, cannot delete or change

the album art but AlbumArtAccount, which never logs in normally, could log in

and delete or change the album art if necessary.


So I rip my files using iTunes to a different folder on the same drive, scan

and add my album art, set the permissions as described above, and then move

the files to the folders monitored by WMP. As long as I always remember to

follow all the steps, I'm fine.


I still keep my album art backed up separately just in case. Afterall, this

is WMP and as soon as the WMP product team finds a way to close this

loophole, they will.




Dale Preston





"Dale" wrote:

> I'm getting desperate for help here. Yes, I am an MCSE but this is Vista and

> Vista security does not act like any security before it.


> Here's the problem: I have scanned the CD covers for my entire CD

> collection and saved them as 480x480 pixel images named Folder.jpg in the

> corresponding album folder. Windows Media Player 11 insists on resizing

> those images to 200x200 pixels. There is nothing in Windows Media Player

> that will stop this. Setting the read-only attribute also does not stop WMP

> from destroying the album art.


> My goal is to stop this behavior by setting the NTFS permissions. I've been

> doing it for years with WMP 9 and WMP 10 in XP and Server 2003 but I can't

> find a way that works with WMP 11 and Vista.


> The end result should be that I can read the file but not write or delete

> any file matching Folder*.jpg - technically Folder.jpg but the * is required

> to make icacls.exe work on subfolders. No program running in my security

> context or the SYSTEM security context should be able to write or delete the

> file. Windows Media Player and I should be able to change the MP3 files or

> other image files in the media library. The only thing blocked should be the

> Folder.jpg files.


> I use ICACLS.EXE to deny delete or write permissions:


> icacls Folder*.jpg /deny Dale:(D) /T

> icacls Folder*.jpg /deny Dale:W /T


> As soon as I do one of the above (either one - I don't have to do both) I

> cannot delete or write the file but I also cannot read the files. I check

> the effective permissions in the security properties and every box is checked

> for me except Full Control and Delete in the case of the first example above

> and Full Control and all of the write associated permissions in the case of

> the second example above. All indications are that I should be able to

> access the files for reading.


> If I reset the ACLs using:


> icacl Folder*.jpg /reset /T


> and then use the Security property tab in Windows Explorer to set the

> permissions including deny write and deny delete, all works perfectly as

> expected. The only problem with this solution is that I would have to

> manually, one file at a time, set the permissions for thousands of files.


> Does anyone have any help on how to do this with icacls or some other tool

> by which I can set permissions en masse?


> Thanks,


> Dale


> --

> Dale Preston



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