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Guest saberman

> There isn't an uninstall/Remove option for KB951748 or you get a

> "Such-and-such may not work if..." prompt when you go to uninstall it?


Change or Remove Programs says:

Security Update for Windows XP (KB951748)

Click here for support information

This update cannot be removed.

> Which was installed first, WinXP SP3 or KB951748?


I am not sure as the entry for Windows XP Service Pack 3 does not show a

date but I think it was installed before SP3. (I was building a new

workstation and did a bulk install of all of the suggested security patches,

then install SP3 and then install some more newly suggested security patches.)

> [sounds to me like your VPN vendor needs to fix something on their/your end,

> or you need to replace ZA and the vendor.]


Unfortunately, the VPN vendor is not under my control. As to replacing ZA

it appears from the thread that a number of firewalls have the same issue.


"PA Bear [MS MVP]" wrote:

> And you problem is...?


> Which was installed first, WinXP SP3 or KB951748?


> There isn't an uninstall/Remove option for KB951748 or you get a

> "Such-and-such may not work if..." prompt when you go to uninstall it?


> Start a free Windows Update support incident request:

> https://support.microsoft.com/oas/default.aspx?gprid=6527


> [sounds to me like your VPN vendor needs to fix something on their/your end,

> or you need to replace ZA and the vendor.]

> --

> ~PA Bear



> saberman wrote:

> > XP Pro SP3

> > ZA 6.5.737

> >

> > KB951748 says it cannot be removed.

> >

> > I cannot upgrade to ZA 7 because my company's VPN can't query it to see if

> > it is working -- the VPN vendor only supports ZA 6.

> >

> > Is MS going to release a fix for the fix?

> <snip>



Guest PA Bear [MS MVP]

>> Which was installed first, WinXP SP3 or KB951748?


> I am not sure as the entry for Windows XP Service Pack 3 does not show a

> date but I think it was installed before SP3.


See Update History at http://windowsupdate.microsoft.com


If WinXP SP3 was installed after you'd installed KB951748, you'd have to

uninstall WinXP SP3 before being able to uninstall KB951748.


~PA Bear


saberman wrote:

>> There isn't an uninstall/Remove option for KB951748 or you get a

>> "Such-and-such may not work if..." prompt when you go to uninstall it?


> Change or Remove Programs says:

> Security Update for Windows XP (KB951748)

> Click here for support information

> This update cannot be removed.


>> Which was installed first, WinXP SP3 or KB951748?


> I am not sure as the entry for Windows XP Service Pack 3 does not show a

> date but I think it was installed before SP3. (I was building a new

> workstation and did a bulk install of all of the suggested security

> patches,

> then install SP3 and then install some more newly suggested security

> patches.)


>> [sounds to me like your VPN vendor needs to fix something on their/your

>> end, or you need to replace ZA and the vendor.]


> Unfortunately, the VPN vendor is not under my control. As to replacing ZA

> it appears from the thread that a number of firewalls have the same issue.


> "PA Bear [MS MVP]" wrote:


>> And you problem is...?


>> Which was installed first, WinXP SP3 or KB951748?


>> There isn't an uninstall/Remove option for KB951748 or you get a

>> "Such-and-such may not work if..." prompt when you go to uninstall it?


>> Start a free Windows Update support incident request:

>> https://support.microsoft.com/oas/default.aspx?gprid=6527


>> [sounds to me like your VPN vendor needs to fix something on their/your

>> end, or you need to replace ZA and the vendor.]

>> --

>> ~PA Bear



>> saberman wrote:

>>> XP Pro SP3

>>> ZA 6.5.737


>>> KB951748 says it cannot be removed.


>>> I cannot upgrade to ZA 7 because my company's VPN can't query it to see

>>> if

>>> it is working -- the VPN vendor only supports ZA 6.


>>> Is MS going to release a fix for the fix?

>> <snip>

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