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KB948109 Update Error Code 0x733F

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Guest Myaushka

You have to start all the instances to install successfully.




"dp" wrote:

> Unticking SQL Express made no difference at all.


> "Tornalca" wrote:



> >

> > When installing untick the SQL Express Instance(This is what makes it fail),

> > I don't use it so do not care if this is updated. Install all the other

> > updates to SQL intances.



did not work for me either. Besides, automatic update is supposed to be



"dp" wrote:

> Unticking SQL Express made no difference at all.


> "Tornalca" wrote:



> >

> > When installing untick the SQL Express Instance(This is what makes it fail),

> > I don't use it so do not care if this is updated. Install all the other

> > updates to SQL intances.





"Tornalca" wrote:

> Hi All


> I don't work for MS but this is how you fix the problem. Download the update

> directly from here :


> http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=4c9851cc-2c4c-4190-872c-84993a7623b7&DisplayLang=en


> When installing untick the SQL Express Instance(This is what makes it fail),

> I don't use it so do not care if this is updated. Install all the other

> updates to SQL intances.


> Carry on with your lives! :)


> "Mike Moore" wrote:


> > All updates installed normally except the one for Sql Server 05 above.

> > Failed info provided error code 0x733F. Can't find any help references to

> > that error code. Any suggestions?

Guest Detlev Dalitz

I've searched the internet to find some hints.

One hint was to deactivate the VIA protocol, but on the specific computer

the VIA protocol was not activated yet.

One hint points to an authentification problem and suggested to set the

proper rights for the update process to modify some registry


keys, but it was not said what keys.

There were no compressed master database or log files.

The event protocols proved that there were problems with the MSO

SmallBusiness SQL server MSSQL$MSSMLBIZ, which was


installed along with the SQL Express server MSSQL$SQLEXPRESS.


Some error descriptions (german):

Die Beschreibung der Ereigniskennung ( 17182 ) in ( MSSQL$MSSMLBIZ ) wurde

nicht gefunden. Der lokale Computer verfügt nicht


über die zum Anzeigen der Meldungen von einem Remotecomputer erforderlichen

Registrierungsinformationen oder


DLL-Meldungsdateien. Möglicherweise müssen Sie das Flag /AUXSOURCE= zum

Ermitteln der Beschreibung verwenden. Weitere


Informationen stehen in Hilfe und Support. Ereignisinformationen: 5 1 / 51.


Die Ereignisprotokolldatei ist beschädigt.


Produkt: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition -- Fehler 29503. Fehler

beim Starten des SQL Server-Dienstes. Weitere


Informationen finden Sie in den Themen 'Vorgehensweise: Anzeigen der SQL

Server 2005-Setupprotokolldateien' und 'Manuelles


Starten von SQL Server' in der SQL Server-Onlinedokumentation.

Fehler: (5) Zugriff verweigert.


Ereignisinformationen: FRunCM.


Produkt: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition - Update "GDR 3068 for

SQL Server Database Services 2005 ENU


(KB948109)" konnte nicht installiert werden. Fehlercode 1603. Weitere

Informationen sind in der Protokolldatei ... enthalten.


Die Beschreibung der Ereigniskennung ( 17053 ) in ( MSSQL$MSSMLBIZ ) wurde

nicht gefunden. Der lokale Computer verfügt nicht


über die zum Anzeigen der Meldungen von einem Remotecomputer erforderlichen

Registrierungsinformationen oder


DLL-Meldungsdateien. Möglicherweise müssen Sie das Flag /AUXSOURCE= zum

Ermitteln der Beschreibung verwenden. Weitere


Informationen stehen in Hilfe und Support. Ereignisinformationen:

UpdateUptimeRegKey 5(Zugriff verweigert).



At last of my one-day-research I've decided to complete uninstall the MSO

SmallBusiness SQL server MSSQL$MSSMLBIZ and leave


the SQL Express server.

Afterwards the MS Update process runs the July 2008 Patch without any errors.


Now it is left to me to install the MSO SmallBusiness SQL server

MSSQL$MSSMLBIZ again and see what will happen.



Guest Frank

I had the same experience. I have a computer running XP Professional Service

Pack 3.





"Mike Moore" wrote:

> All updates installed normally except the one for Sql Server 05 above.

> Failed info provided error code 0x733F. Can't find any help references to

> that error code. Any suggestions?

Guest Grumpy Developer

I had this problem too.


I had the services' startup type listed below set to "Disabled". Changed to

"Manual" and was able to successfully install the update.


SQL Server Active Directory Helper

SQL Server Browser

SQL Server VSS Writer


"Mike Moore" wrote:

> All updates installed normally except the one for Sql Server 05 above.

> Failed info provided error code 0x733F. Can't find any help references to

> that error code. Any suggestions?


does not work


"Tornalca" wrote:

> Hi All


> I don't work for MS but this is how you fix the problem. Download the update

> directly from here :


> http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=4c9851cc-2c4c-4190-872c-84993a7623b7&DisplayLang=en


> When installing untick the SQL Express Instance(This is what makes it fail),

> I don't use it so do not care if this is updated. Install all the other

> updates to SQL intances.


> Carry on with your lives! :)


> "Mike Moore" wrote:


> > All updates installed normally except the one for Sql Server 05 above.

> > Failed info provided error code 0x733F. Can't find any help references to

> > that error code. Any suggestions?

Guest Mike Wotton

"Mike Moore" wrote:

> All updates installed normally except the one for Sql Server 05 above.

> Failed info provided error code 0x733F. Can't find any help references to

> that error code. Any suggestions?

Guest Mike Wotton

Cannot find error code 0x733F anywhere. MS not being helpfull at all. Just

going around in circles.


"Mike Moore" wrote:

> All updates installed normally except the one for Sql Server 05 above.

> Failed info provided error code 0x733F. Can't find any help references to

> that error code. Any suggestions?

Guest Mike Wotton

I might be simple, but if MS find an error and give it an identification

name, why when you ask what it is, they do not recognise it.


"Mike Wotton" wrote:

> Cannot find error code 0x733F anywhere. MS not being helpfull at all. Just

> going around in circles.


> "Mike Moore" wrote:


> > All updates installed normally except the one for Sql Server 05 above.

> > Failed info provided error code 0x733F. Can't find any help references to

> > that error code. Any suggestions?

Guest PA Bear [MS MVP]

If you're not getting that error, why are you posting a reply to this

thread, Mike?


Have you opened a *free* support incident yet?


Start a free Windows Update support incident request:



Support for Windows Update:



For home users, no-charge support is available by calling 1-866-PCSAFETY in

the United States and in Canada or by contacting your local Microsoft

subsidiary. There is no-charge for support calls that are associated with

security updates. When you call, clearly state that your problem is related

to a Security Update and cite the update's KB number.


For more information about how to contact your local Microsoft subsidiary

for security update support issues, visit the International Support Web

site: http://support.microsoft.com/common/international.aspx


For enterprise customers, support for security updates is available through

your usual support contacts.


~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)

MS MVP-Windows (IE, OE, Security, Shell/User)

AumHa VSOP & Admin DTS-L.net



Mike Wotton wrote:

> Cannot find error code 0x733F anywhere. MS not being helpfull at all. Just

> going around in circles.


> "Mike Moore" wrote:

>> All updates installed normally except the one for Sql Server 05 above.

>> Failed info provided error code 0x733F. Can't find any help references

>> to

>> that error code. Any suggestions?

Guest Robert Aldwinckle

"Mike Wotton" <MikeWotton@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message


> Cannot find error code 0x733F anywhere. MS not being helpfull at all.

> Just going around in circles.



Convert to decimal and search. Then go to a more appropriate newsgroup

or forum.




(Live Search for

29503 MSFT site:microsoft.com







> "Mike Moore" wrote:


>> All updates installed normally except the one for Sql Server 05 above.

>> Failed info provided error code 0x733F. Can't find any help references to

>> that error code. Any suggestions?

  • 4 weeks later...
Guest seeker

I have a totally new wrinkle on this. Apparently there are a myriad of

things that can cause this. In my case, I do not run SQL-SERVER unless I

need it: it and its related services are set to manual. Well…… over time the

folder’s lack of use make it a candidate for auto-compression. So the

install couldn’t start the engine because it was compressed and needed

uncompressing. (Found in the Event log). To uncompress select all files in

the folder, go to the advanced button and uncheck the compress to save space

check box. Start the server and related services then run the update. Or let

the download run at next prompt to install.

Guest Yalin Meric

Thanks Tornalco! You saved me from a disturbance. Although it is not nice to

know this will leave a security hole in my local SQL server, it is not a big

deal i guess.


"Tornalca" wrote:

> Hi All


> I don't work for MS but this is how you fix the problem. Download the update

> directly from here :


> http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=4c9851cc-2c4c-4190-872c-84993a7623b7&DisplayLang=en


> When installing untick the SQL Express Instance(This is what makes it fail),

> I don't use it so do not care if this is updated. Install all the other

> updates to SQL intances.


> Carry on with your lives! :)

Guest Woolooloo

"Mike Moore" wrote:

> All updates installed normally except the one for Sql Server 05 above.

> Failed info provided error code 0x733F. Can't find any help references to

> that error code. Any suggestions?


Ok, so I've had the same problem and none of the solutions in here worked.

I went through the log files and made a couple changes that ended up working.


1. Add registry key

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Installer\Debug - a

REG_DWORD that I gave a value of 1.

2. Make sure the SQL Server VSS Writer service is started. For me, the

service was disabled. I put it in automatic mode and started it.


After making these two changes, I reran the update and it worked. Hopefully

this will help other people.

  • 4 weeks later...

Here is my log:


Prerequisites Check & Status

SQLSupport: Passed



Products Detected Language Level Patch Level

Platform Edition

SQL Server Database Services 2005 (SQLEXPRESS) ENU SP2

2005.090.3042.00 x86 EXPRESS

SQL Server Tools and Workstation Components 2005 ENU RTM

9.00.1406.00 x86 DEVELOPER



Products Disqualified & Reason

Product Reason

SQL Server Tools and Workstation Components 2005 The product instance SQL

Tools does not have prerequisite update 3042 installed. Update 3068 is

dependent on prerequisite update 3042. Exit setup and refer to the Knowledge

Base article to find the prerequisite patch. Install the prerequisite and

rerun the installation.



Processes Locking Files

Process Name Feature Type User Name




Product Installation Status

Product : SQL Server Database Services 2005 (SQLEXPRESS)

Product Version (Previous): 3042

Product Version (Final) :

Status : Failure

Log File : C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Setup


SQL Express Features :

Error Number : 29503

Error Description : MSP Error: 29503 The SQL Server service failed

to start. For more information, see the SQL Server Books Online topics, "How

to: View SQL Server 2005 Setup Log Files" and "Starting SQL Server Manually."


Product : SQL Server Tools and Workstation Components 2005

Product Version (Previous): 1406

Product Version (Final) :

Status : NA

Log File :

Error Description : The product instance SQL Tools does not have

prerequisite update 3042 installed. Update 3068 is dependent on prerequisite

update 3042. Exit setup and refer to the Knowledge Base article to find the

prerequisite patch. Install the prerequisite and rerun the installation.




"dp" wrote:

> ia64 is itanium processor, you most likely don't have that.

> x64 is a 64 bit processor

> x86 is what most people have, a 32 bit processor.


> "Tad" wrote:


> > I am experiencing the same problem. When I go to the solution listed below,

> > I find 3 versions of the download:

> > SQLServer2005-KB948109-IA64-ENU.exe

> > SQLServer2005-KB948109-x64-ENU.exe

> > SQLServer2005-KB948109-x86-ENU.exe

> >

> > How do I determine which one applies to my computer?

> >

> > Also, while it may become self-evident once I see the download, I too want

> > to know how to "untick the SQL Express Instance".

> >

> > Tad

> >

> > "Tornalca" wrote:

> >

> > > Hi All

> > >

> > > I don't work for MS but this is how you fix the problem. Download the update

> > > directly from here :

> > >

> > > http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=4c9851cc-2c4c-4190-872c-84993a7623b7&DisplayLang=en

> > >

> > > When installing untick the SQL Express Instance (This is what makes it fail),

> > > I don't use it so do not care if this is updated. Install all the other

> > > updates to SQL intances.

> > >

> > > Carry on with your lives! :)

> > >

> > > "Mike Moore" wrote:

> > >

> > > > All updates installed normally except the one for Sql Server 05 above.

> > > > Failed info provided error code 0x733F. Can't find any help references to

> > > > that error code. Any suggestions?

  • 3 weeks later...

Mike - Your posting is dated 07.08.08, has there been any resolution since

the time of your posting. I'm getting the same error, been hunting for a

solution everywhere. Why is MS taking so long to fix (Rhetorical question)

I Took the liberty of copying the entire message perhaps there's a clue...


Problem signature:

Problem Event Name: APPCRASH

Application Name: hotfix.exe

Application Version: 1.4.1548.0

Application Timestamp: 48820815

Fault Module Name: StackHash_e52f

Fault Module Version:

Fault Module Timestamp: 00000000

Exception Code: c0000005

Exception Offset: 002d002d

OS Version: 6.0.6001.

Locale ID: 1033

Additional Information 1: e52f

Additional Information 2: e98dfca8bcf81bc1740adb135579ad53

Additional Information 3: 860f

Additional Information 4: 6eabdd9e0dc94904be3b39a1c0583635


Read our privacy statement:




"Mike Moore" wrote:

> All updates installed normally except the one for Sql Server 05 above.

> Failed info provided error code 0x733F. Can't find any help references to

> that error code. Any suggestions?

Guest MOC Ewez

KB948109 Update Error Code 0x733F - MOC Ewez


After trying all Buckets ideas


* Tried to get it to work using automatic updates - always failed.

* Reboot PC - still failed.

* Reinstalled automatic update software and try again - still failed.

* Checked SQL server databases not compressed.

* Checked SQL server instances running (tried all combinations of running

and stopped).

* Downloaded the X86 patch and installed manually - still failed.

* Tried disabling parts of the patch (e.g. switch of SQL Express) - still


* Finally gave up and disabled the update!



I also tried:

- Make sure Windows installer is okay.

MSIExec /Unreg

MSIExec /RegServer


- These had help me before with WU problems

(Only the top one was necessary then)

regsvr32 wups2.dll

regsvr32 wuapi.dll

regsvr32 wuaueng.dll

regsvr32 wuaueng1.dll

regsvr32 wucltui.dll

regsvr32 wups.dll

regsvr32 wups2.dll

regsvr32 wuweb.dll


- Update Windows installer from 3.1 to 4.5



- Turned off Windows Firewall (Didn't even know that it started after uninstalling McAfee firewall)


None of these helped me.


What did help though was indeed changing the Service Logon to local System Account


This has been mentioned before and I thought I had tried it before. (Actually checked it many times)

Turns out the Service name is:

SQL Server (Express)

And not MSSQLServer (\....)


A blindman's error yes, but you guys know how it is staring at a problem for so many hours....

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